Welcome to the SBN Software Wiki Page
This page is designed to serve as a hub for SBN collaborators to find what they need.
For New Collaborators
If you’re looking for a tutorial on one of the many aspects of SBN physics, collaboration, or computing, chances are, you’ll find it here:
- SBN Young Guide
- To be broken down into further categories, such as physics and computing
Collaboration Organization Documents
Software Documentation
- doxygen: Auto-generated from the source code, updated nightly
- LArSoft Wiki
Analysis Infrastructure
New to the SBN Github? Go to the Github migration to do list**
How to Add New Features, Fix Bugs, Or Otherwise Develop
List of Repositories
Offline Repositories
- sbncode: Common SBN code and configs.
- icaruscode: ICARUS-specific code and configs.
- sbndcode: SBND-specific code and configs.
- sbana: Joint SBN non-art (i.e. CAF-based) analysis
- sbnanaobj: Joint SBN non-art data formats (i.e. StandardRecord)
- sbndaq-artdaq-core/offline: offline version of the SBN DAQ code data definitions.
sbndata:external data needed for SBN.
- sbnbuild: Common SBN build scripts and utilities.
Online Repositories
- sbndaq: SBN DAQ parent code base, including scripts for run control
- sbndaq-artdaq: SBN DAQ code base (e.g. the generators)
sbndaq-artdaq-core: SBN DAQ code data definitions (e.g. the overlays)
- sbndqm: Common data quality monitoring code for SBN
sbndaq-minargon: Web-based detector monitoring for SBN
- sbndaq-xporter: Code for online SBN data management
Contribute to this wiki
The content of this wiki is tracked by the GIT repository SBNSoftware/SBNSoftware.github.io. It can be edited directly online or by pushing changes to the repository with GIT. Take a look at an example.
If you have an old redmine wiki page that you want to port, there are instructions on importing from redmine.
If you are making changes, you can download and test them locally. Instructions here
Support or Contact
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