sbncode_SBN2022B Release Notes
Download instructions for sbncode
11 November 2022
- Autumn production release
New features
A new production release SBN2022B of sbncode (v09_63_00) has been cut and distributed
sbncode (v09_63_00 in ups / SBN2022B in GitHub):
- larsoft v09_63_00
- sbnobj v09_15_00
- lardataobj v09_13_01
- sbnanaobj v09_20_00
- cetmodules v3_20_00
- SBNSoftware/sbncode Update to cetmodules #304
- SBNSoftware/sbnobj Update to cetmodules #70
- SBNSoftware/sbnanaobj Update to cetmodules #82
- DeepLearnPhysics/Supera Migrate to cetmodules and use CMake targets. #11
- sbncode/Supera’: checked out ‘b164e1a446297ca3329cef853a858d089a21483e
- SBNSoftware/sbncode Accommodate breaking changes in geometry #309
- SBNSoftware/sbncode Add RawDigits to be covered by fSilenceMissingDataProducts parameter in TrackSkimmer.#315
- SBNSoftware/sbncode Fix Calo Point Time and add it PFP T0 #308
- SBNSoftware/sbnanaobj Add in t0 variable to PFP #84
Extra info
This is a production release using v09_63_00 tag in ups and SBN2022B in GitHub.
In this release a migration to use cetmodules has been introduced. More info:
Note also the braking change introduce in LArSoft: