sbncode and sbnana v09_27_00 Release Notes
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- Weekly release
New features
A weekly release of sbncode and sbnana (v09_27_00) has been tagged and released.
This includes:
Update to LArSoft v09_27_00
PRs: Update Calorimetry in CAFMaker #147, Update metadata services.#126, Updates to Track Skimming.#149
Using sbnobj v09_11_15
PRs: Updates to Track Skimming.#22
Using sbnanaobj v09_16_11
PRs: Add in a list of CaloPoint’s to SRTrackCalo #22
Using sbnanaobj v09_16_11
PRs: Profile function for Systs #36, Make sure to load all available profile histograms #37, Bump srproxy version to v00.25 #38