sbncode_v09_79_00 Release Notes
Download instructions for sbncode
15 November 2023
- Weekly release
New features
A new weekly release of sbncode (v09_79_00) has been cut and distributed
sbncode (v09_79_00):
- larsoft v09_79_00
- systematicstools v01_03_03
- nusystematics v01_03_12
- larcv2 v2_1_3
- sbndaq_artdaq_core v1_08_00of1
- sbnobj v09_17_09
- lardataobj v09_16_03
- sbnanaobj v09_21_05
Extra info
This release changes the compilers versions to clang14 and gcc12.1, now using c14 and e26 qualifiers (e26 default) from now on.