sbncode_v09_88_00_02 Release Notes
Download instructions for sbncode
04 April 2024
- SBN2024A production release
New features
A new production release of sbncode SBN2024A (v09_88_00_02) has been cut and distributed
sbncode (v09_88_00_02):
- larsoft v09_88_00
- larcv2 v2_2_6
- sbnanaobj v09_23_00_01
- root v6_28_12 (p3915)
- srproxy v00.44 (py3915)
- sbndaq_artdaq_core v1_09_00of1
- artdaq_core v3_10_02 (s131)
- sbnobj v09_19_00_01
- lardataobj v09_18_02
- systematicstools v01_04_04
- nusystematics v01_04_06
- sbndata v01_07
- cetmodules v3_24_01
- SBNSoftware/sbncode Fix c14 build error by removing unused variable #444
- SBNSoftware/sbndata Adding dEdX uncertainty template #5
- SBNSoftware/sbncode Update supera commit #445
- SBNSoftware/sbncode updates to CNNID #440
- SBNSoftware/sbnobj Update CMakeLists.txt files and product versions #108
- SBNSoftware/sbndaq-artdaq-core Trigger Metrics Cleanup #104
- SBNSoftware/sbnobj Trigger Metrics Cleanup #109
- SBNSoftware/sbncode Develop supera #452
Extra info
This is the first release build with art 3.14.04 (s131) and meant to be the base for the SBN2024A production.