Release Management Instructions

Table of contents

  1. Release management (pre)requisites
  2. SBN Release instructions for an SBN software stack build, release and distribution.
    1. Prepare and test
    2. Jenkins
    3. Tag
    4. Distribution
  3. Especial packages
  4. Production release
  5. Troubleshooting

Release management (pre)requisites.

Multiple permissions are needed to perform all of the actions involved in release management, these include:

  • Access to cvmfssbn account on
  • Access to sbn account on GPVMs
  • Account on the Jenkins build server and a CILogon certificate loaded in your browser (Will need Fermilab VPN running if off-site)
  • Access to

SBN Release instructions for an SBN software stack build, release and distribution.

Different release instructions for:

  • sbncode and partners (standard packages)
  • Especially managed packages: * sbndaq_artdaq_core * sbnana * sbndata
  • Production release peculiarities

Prepare release and test locally.

  1. log in to one of the build nodes, move to a working area and clone the sbnbuild repo (where release management tools live.
  2. Move into sbnbuild and do source SBN/ <version> <quals> where the version in the larsoft version, and the quals are a choice of quals for testing (e.g. c7:debug).
  3. Do mrb g <repo> for the repositories that need to be updated. (Check release notes or use ups active | grep lardataobj to see if lardataobj has changed, and if you will need to change sbnobj or not).
  4. For each repo, do cd srcs/<repo> and then git flow init. Use main as the ‘production’ branch, but use defaults for all the rest of the prompts.
  5. In each repo, do git flow release start vXX_YY_ZZ where vXX_YY_ZZ is the new version number for this package. This will create a release/vXX_YY_ZZ in this repo based on develop.
  6. Merge in any pull requests that were not already on develop. (E.g. git merge origin/feature/username_MyImportantPR.) Resolve any conflicts as needed.
  7. Edit CMakeLists.txt to have the new version number (at project(sbncode VERSION ) and update versions of any dependencies in ups/product_deps (middle of file) as needed. Check LArSoft release notes and search for dependencies changes.
  8. Commit all changes, and push up to the origin: git commit -a -m 'my message'; git push origin release/vXX_YY_ZZ
  9. Do this for all needed repos.
  10. Test locally: cd $MRB_BUILDDIR; mrbsetenv; mrb i -j64; mrbslp. Resolve any conflicts, and be sure to commit and push updates.

Run build on Jenkins.

  1. log in to (need to be on VNC and need to have a certificate added), and go to the “sbn” tab.
  2. Click on “sbn-release-build” (or just go here:
  3. Click on “Build with Parameters” on the left, and modify the parameters as needed:
    • “SBN_VERSION” should be the version number of sbncode you are building.
    • “SBN”, “SBNOBJ”, “SBNANAOBJ”, and “SBNDAQ_ARTDAQ_CORE” are the tags/branches/commits within those repositories that you want to build. If using the above this would be the appropriate release/vXX_YY_ZZ branch for that repository.
    • “SQUAL” is the matching s-qualifier for larsoft: see the Larsoft release notes (it doesn’t change so often).
  4. Click the “Build” button, and make sure all build configs are successful. If one or more is unsuccessful, investigate by looking at the console output via Jenkins webpage. Make updates in the code as necessary (in your local area), and commit/push them back up to the repo.

Finalize the tag.

  1. In your testing area, in each repo do git flow release finish. Make sure to include a message for the tag.
  2. Do git push origin main develop --tags to push up the changes to main, develop, and the new tag.

Distribute software.


  1. Create an empty directory (better in data/ ) for each new release version for storing the traballs and manifests.
  2. Fetch results of Jenkins from both e20 and c7 builds using

     perl copyFromJenkins -q e20 -q c7 sbn-release-build

from ScisoftScripts folder. This will fetch the build artefacts (tarballs and manifests, one per flavour).

  1. Upload all files to scisoft

     perl copyToSciSoft *

(The script decides where to copy files based on name and type, the naming conventions from Jenkins should not be changed as they are understood by the script)


  1. Login to CVMFS: ssh
  2. Start a server transaction: cvmfs_server transaction
  3. Install the new software into cvmfs: ~/sbnbuild/CVMFS/ sbn-XX.YY.ZZ where XX.YY.ZZ is the sbncode version number (note dots instead of underscores!)
  4. Publish the changes with a message and a tag: cvmfs_server publish -m "Published sbn XX.YY.ZZ" -a XX.YY.ZZ

Notify and distribute Release notes:

Send/post release notes (currently email/slack with changes) and let SBND and ICARUS release distributors know.

Especially managed packages:

submodules (e.g. SUPERA)

After merging the sbncode PR, submodule tracking neeeds to be updated:

git submodule update --remote
git add -u
git commit -m "Updated commit hashtag for Supera"


Different branches exist and are maintained for the DAQ. Currently, the SBN RM team only manages the offline branch of sbndaq_artdaq_core updating it as needed for the offline software (when sbncode/larsoft or specific PRs for offline require it to be updated) It requires local tests (is not GitHub-triggered CI, although other packages CIs checks it out, so feature branches could be tested from other packages GH comments) tagging (following v1_08_00of4 numbering scheme) and merging into the offline branch. Note the develop branch is kept for online DAQ as well as the sbndaq_artdaq package, managed by the DAQ in a different way, FYI:

integrating them into the next sbndaq release. Meanwhile, if you need them for running the daq, you can set up a new daq dev area and merge your PRs. Please note that we do not merge PRs directly into the develop branch; instead, PRs are merged into release/v1_xx_xx branches. They are then run through integration tests on both Icarus and SBND clusters, followed by standalone builds in the Jenkins environment, and deployed into the /software/products directory. Only after that is the release branch merged into develop. (by Gennadiy)


sbnana repository does not have CI enabled. For release proposes, developers are kindly requested/reminded to test-build themselves their PRs and note the details (flavour used) in the PR. The Release Manager then builds a local release with a complementary flavour. The procedure is similar to sbncode above just noting some differences i.e. source SBN/ <version> <quals>


sbndata is a package designed to contain external data needed for SBN. It is also versioned with tags and released as ups product available from /cvmfs/ (so distribution is similar to others). Nevertheless, it is not built (has no architecture) nor mrb handled.

As a data product, checks are on the developer (analyser) and update (merging) is handled via GitHub pull request. Once ready, merge the update and create a new tag in GitHub.

ups product declare and distribution

In a data directory, clone (or checkout) the updated sbndata, declare the product and distribute it

cd /exp/sbnd/data/users/mnebot/sbndata/sbndata

git clone

mkdir v01_04

cd sbndata

mv * ../v01_04/

ups declare -0 -z /exp/sbnd/data/users/mnebot/sbndata -r sbndata/v01_04 -m sbndata.table sbndata v01_04

tar -cjf sbndata-01.04-noarch.tar.bz2 -C /exp/sbnd/data/users/mnebot/sbndata sbndata/v01_04 sbndata/v01_04.version

tar -tf sbndata-01.04-noarch.tar.bz2

Distribute to scisoft

perl ../sbnbuild/Jenkins/copyToSciSoft sbndata-01.04-noarch.tar.bz2

Distribute to cvmfs

cvmfs_server transaction

source sbnbuild/CVMFS/ sbndata-01.04

cvmfs_server publish -m "Published sbndata 01.04" -a sbndata.01.04

Production release

Production release branches are meant to be maintained so, don’t close the release branch when it’s created. Use:

git flow release finish -k <branch name>

For keeping up a production branch, when a patch is needed:

1). Checkout release branch from git, use git fetch and git switch to get in non-detached head:

git fetch origin release/SBN2021C
git switch release/SBN2021C

2). Merge any updates. Note: PRs can be directed to merge into this branch instead of develop. 3). Bump version numbers and push updated branch for use on Jenkins as normal. 4). Create a new tag (from within the release branch) and push it:

git tag -a v09_37_01_01 -m "Version v09_37_01_01, patch release for SBN2021C"
git push --tags

5). Distribute it as usual.

Troubleshooting, useful git procedures (TO BE UPDATED)

Trouble shooting cvmfs/scisoft publications

  • delete manually
  • re-install

NOTE that the cvmfs publish tag is not the same as the release tag. cvmfs will complain about a tag already used.

cvmfs_server publish -m "Publication message" -a 09.41.00
Tag name '09.41.00' is already in use.

just increment an extra number each time you need to update

cvmfs_server publish -m "Published sbn" -a

Create a tag from a tag

  • If the branch is at the same stage just create a release in GitHub with the tag name from the branch.

  • From past versions :

    git fetch --all --tags

    git checkout tags/SBN2021C -b release/v09_12_08

    git log --oneline --graph

    git tag -a v09_12_08 -m "Version v09_12_08, production release SBN2021C"

    git push --tags

Cherry-picking commits for patch/fix

mrb g sbnanaobj@v09_17_06_01 

git checkout -b feature/miquelnebot_prodCAFfix

git cherry-pick dedb4687017d111bb938f09ec5fbec7bdd7a3516

git push origin feature/miquelnebot_prodCAFfix 

Working with forks

when merging locally

git remote add gitusername

git pull gitusername

git merge gitusername/PR_branch_name