Beam Runs (Work in progress)

Beam Runs (Work in progress)

  • Table of contents
  • [Beam Runs (Work in progress)]
    • [General information]
    • [How to start/stop a run with trigger]
      • [Start/stop the trigger]
      • [Start/stop the run control]
    • [How to monitor the run progress]
      • [Grafana]
      • [Online Monitor]
      • [Live Event display (WORK IN PROGRESS)]
    • [What do I do if ...]
      • [ run does not start]
      • [..I see a lot of incomplete events]
      • [..MCR calls reporting issues with the beam]
      • [..There is no beam]
      • [..There are some unexpected problems or I am unsure about anything]
    • [Expert section]
      • [Locate the LabVIEW codes for the trigger]
      • [Configurations and triggers]

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General information

Running with BNB or NuMi beams is the new standard running mode for the shifter until the shutdowns around the end of June 2021. Beam runs are regularly done during the night, between 18:00 CST and 8:00 CST of the following day. Commissioning and run coordination are responsible to decide what type of beam run to start for the night and at what time depending on the planned activities. Please verify the run and detector status on the shifter's bulletin at the beginning of your shift. Shifter are requested to monitor the beam runs, report anomalies, and restart a new run when necessary. The following guide is intended to provide both shifters and experts with all the information necessary regarding beam runs. Note that also calibration run including all detector may require the same approach.

The usual procedure consists of:

1) Start the trigger
2) Start the run using the artdaqRun control GUI
3) Once the run has started fill the Run_start ecl entry
4) .. run is now going, monitor it as explained before and filling the DAQ (commissioning) checklist until issues arises or you're asked to stop.
5) Stop the run using the artdaqRun control GUI
6) Stop the trigger
7) While the run is stopping fill the Run_stop ecl entry

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How to start/stop a run with trigger

Starting or stopping a run requires in general two steps: starting/stopping the trigger Labview code on the trigger laptop and starting/stopping the DAQ run control GUI. Please note that failing to one of the steps may results in not starting the run correctly or not having trouble while restarting.

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Start/stop the trigger

To start a beam run requires starting the specific trigger LabView project associated with the configuration code. Shifters are not expected to change this, but only to operate on the project left open for them. The DAQ-VNC is remotely connected to a Windows laptop, the trigger laptop, through Remmina, located on Desktop 2 (# 1 in the picture) If the remote connecton to the trigger laptop is not on the desktop already, one can open it by clicking on Applications on the top left, finding Internet and then Remmina. The item listed as "trigger laptop" is how one connects to the Windows machine with the trigger program. Simply double click this to launch the Windows connection! Please inform \@icarus_shift_help if this operation doesn't work. before starting a new connection instance, you should verify if the trigger laptop tab is already open in the top panel.

The trigger laptop connection view looks in general like in the picture below.


To start the trigger LabVIEW code press on the White arrow (# 2 in the picture) located at the top left of the trigger interface. This will start executing the code. The arrow will turn black and the background of the interface will turn solid green. Please note that the trigger counter (# 3 in the picture) may not start immediately, but it usually waits for the DAQ to be ready. Please inform \@icarus_shift_help, if something unusual occurs during this process or if you are insecure about the operation to perform.

To stop the trigger ( after the run is already in "stopping" mode ) just press on the big STOP button (# 4 in the picture). The counter will stop and the background of the interface will get again the "notebook" motive. Please allow some time delay for the command to the executed due to the possible lag of the remote connection. Please inform \@icarus_shift_help, if something unusual occurs during this process or if you are insecure about the operation to perform.

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Start/stop the run control


To control the start/stop of run the shifter may use the artdaqRun control GUI located on Desktop 1 of the DAQ-VNC server (# 1).

1) You should always see the runControl GUI ready with a configuration loaded, as in the picture. If this is not the case please inform \@icarus_shift-help on Slack or contact the commissioner/deupty commissioner and/or the run coordinator. Then, just press RUN (# 2). The run should make its way through the Boot, Configuration, and Starting Run Phases, all the way to the RUNNING state within approximately a few minutes.
2) Once the run is going and you check that Grafana is updating and not reporting problems, fill out a Run_Start ECL post, with all the relevant information: partition (# 4), run number (# 5), Start time in CST (# 6). For the configuration and components info, you can just re-use the same information given for the previous run.

If asked or if the conditions to stop a run appears please just:
1) Press Stop on the Run Control GUI followed by Terminate (# 3) if the State Diagram goes to READY and not STOPPED.
2) Find and fill the Run_stop ECL checklist for the logbook.

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How to monitor the run progress

Beam run should be checked regularly, once per hour and fill the appropriate DAQ (commissioning) checklist. It is important to observe Grafana, the Online Monitor, and the Live Event Display

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The Grafana page is open on Desktop 4 of the DAQ-VNC server. You may also have the page open on your personal web browser. In any case, it should look like in the picture below.


Fragment rates:In normal conditions, the West and East fragments TPC and the PMT fragments should follow the repetition Rate of the BNB Beam. The EventBuilders rate should be similar in magnitude but less constant. The dispatcher rate is roughly a factor 15 lower than the EventBuilders rate. It may also be temporary 0. Please alert on Slack a @sbn-daq-expert if something anomalous is noticed with the rates. Note also that, depending on the type of test ongoing it may be that only east or west side TPC fragments are present.

Disk usage: Disk usage for any the EVB machines should never surpass 95%. Please alert immediately Wes Ketchum or Jacob Zettlemoyer if this occurs and stop the run.

Events released to art from EventBuilder: it is the number of triggers saved in the data files. It should slowly, but steadily increase with time. Please alert a DAQ expert if this is not happening.

Events released to art from Dispatcher: it is the number of triggers consumed by the Online Monitor. It should slowly, but steadily increase with time and be lower than the Events released to art from EventBuilder. Please alert an Expert if this number is not increasing. This may be a cause for the online monitor not working.

The other quantities to be monitored are described in the DAQ (commissioning) checklist

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Online Monitor

The Online Monitor is open in a browser tab on Desktop 4 of the DAQ-VNC server (next to grafana). You may also have it opened on your web browser at this "address": (VPN required). All the quantities on the main page should be ON.

If the TPC or PMT online operation are OFF: you can restart the Online Monitor. In order to do so, you can go to the Desktop 1 of the DAQ VNC, localize the Online Monitor terminal, and close it. Then you can make double-click on the Desktop icon with a magnifier glass reporting StartOMwithPMT ( See picture ). Please allow some time for the process to start. If after few attempts of restarting the OM, it is still not updating please verify if the number of events sent to the dispatcher is increasing and contact an expert. Please, don't stop a run to restart the OM unless this is requested by an expert.


If the archiver status is OLD: Allow some time to catch up if a new run just started or the OM has been restarted. If this does not change the situation, please notify Justin Muller on slack.

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Live Event display (WORK IN PROGRESS)


The live Event Display (EVD) is located on Desktop 3 of the DAQ-VNC server (# 1). The shifter should look at it to make sure it is updating and as a quick control of the data quality. The event display is updating when the event number and the run number ( # 2 ) are increasing correctly. The File update ( # 3 ) option should also be set ( While the Update event one can be also False. ). Please note that if the OM is not working, also the EVD will not work.

The EVD should resume automatically any time a new run is started. Allow some time for the process to catch up and the new events to be read. If necessary you can also restart the EVD using the Event display icon ( # 4 ) located on the desktop. Please, close the current EVD terminal ( # 5 ) before starting a new one.


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What do I do if ...

::: Edit this section{.icon-only .icon-edit} ::: run does not start

Please make sure the trigger is correctly initialized. In general when the window background is solid gray when the trigger is running. Notice also if the right configuration is used and the trigger component is included. If still unsuccessful, ask an expert for help.

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..I see a lot of incomplete events

Please make a screenshot of grafana, make an ECl entry and stop the run. Please, notify an expert. You may attempt to restart a new run. Wait for expert guidance in case of repeated attempts at starting a run shows incomplete events.

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..MCR calls reporting issues with the beam

Please post to the ECL what has been said. Inform on Slack the commissioner coordinator, the deputy commissioner coordinator and/or the run coordinator (if the role is defined). Please don't stop the run unless you're asked to do so.

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..There is no beam

Please wait some time ( up to 20 minutes ) to see if the beam comes back. If not make an ECL entry and inform on slack @icarus-beam_experts. Don't stop the run, unless you're asked to do so.

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..There are some unexpected problems or I am unsure about anything

You can contact over slack \@icaurs-shift-help, \@sbn-daq-experts, \@icarus-beam-experts, or directly the commissioner/deputy commissioner and/or the run coordinator (if the role is defined)

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Expert section

This section aims to give experts some more details on how to start these kinds of runs

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Locate the LabVIEW codes for the trigger

The location of all the triggers used by shifters is inside the folder Project_for_shifter on the Desktop of the trigger laptop. Here select the project Trigger_for_shifter_project.lvproj and open it. Now go to the RT controller named RT PXI Target with SPEXI DIO and do a right-click with your mouse. Select "connect" from the drop-out menu. See the little light on the icon turning bright red, showing the completed connection. Now if you expand the list of element associated to the RT PXI controller you can find the various .vi files with the LabView projects for the shifters.


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Configurations and triggers

Each configuration has a Labview code associated that provides the correct trigger. The table below gives a non-exhaustive list of possible configurations and the corresponding use.

Configuration name Components Trigger Labview code name Project name MinBias_BNB_SPAW All PMTs, all CRTs, all TPCs in Trigger_for_shifters/Trigger_for_shifter_project.lvproj ZeroBias All PMTs, all CRTs, all TPCs Trigger_for_shifters/Trigger_for_shifter_project.lvproj ———————— —————————— ——————————- ———————————————————

For more information please ask Andrea Scarpelli or Donatella Torretta :::

Files (8)

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restart_om.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(400 KB)]{.size} restart_om.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Andrea Scarpelli, 03/27/2021 07:41 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} restart_om.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(400 KB)]{.size} restart_om.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Andrea Scarpelli, 03/27/2021 07:42 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} beam_grafana.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(220 KB)]{.size} beam_grafana.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Andrea Scarpelli, 03/27/2021 07:45 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} trigger_laptop.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(303 KB)]{.size} trigger_laptop.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Andrea Scarpelli, 03/28/2021 07:55 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} run_startup.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(174 KB)]{.size} run_startup.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Andrea Scarpelli, 03/28/2021 08:28 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} run_start.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(286 KB)]{.size} run_start.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Andrea Scarpelli, 03/28/2021 08:36 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} Live_EVD.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(525 KB)]{.size} Live_EVD.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Andrea Scarpelli, 03/29/2021 04:08 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} rtcontroller.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(89.9 KB)]{.size} rtcontroller.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Andrea Scarpelli, 03/29/2021 04:45 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- – ————————————————– —————————————————————————– :::

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