Beam - Guide

Beam - Guide

What to pay attention while on shift:

1) BNB Status Display Banner and (SlowControls button) are green but.…

[Determine if the beam is on/off?]{#collapse-1934064f-show .collapsible .collapsed}[Determine if the beam is on/off?]


To determine if the beam is on or off, look on page nicknamed "channel 13":
Below is an example of what the page should look like if beam is off, complete with a comment of acknowledgement from the Main Control Room (MCR).

  • If there is no MCR acknowledgement or phone call after [20 minutes]{style=”color:red;”} of beam downtime, contact Run Coordinator Expert_call_list{.wiki-page .new}. Let them know that beam is off and there's no communicated acknowledgement from MCR.
    !( :::

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2. Check timestamp on BNB Status Display

[If timestamp stale over 10 minutes...]{#collapse-4c4b4db5-show .collapsible .collapsed}[If timestamp stale over 10 minutes...]


If it is not current, contact Run Coordinator Expert_call_list{.wiki-page .new}. Let them know the status of the beam and that the BNB Status Display page is not updating. :::

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3. If beam is ON and BNB Status Display and/or SlowMon BeamData are yellow/red for [more than 10 minutes]{style=”color:red;”}, follow directions below for each alarm...

[BNB Status Display banner GREEN and no plots red but SlowMon BeamData variable is pink]{#collapse-0aee0284-show .collapsible .collapsed}[BNB Status Display banner GREEN and no plots red but SlowMon BeamData variable is pink]


Make sure that the BNB Status Display page is current.

  • If it is current and looks fine: contact SlowMonitoring expert on shift.
  • If it is not current, contact Run Coordinator Expert_call_list{.wiki-page .new}. Let them know that beam is on but IF Beam Database is not updating. :::

[BNB Status Display banner and/or SlowMon *BNB_Age* is yellow/red/pink (NOTE: BNB_Age is the time_diff of 1D-A9 and tells us how close in time are BMB spill and the NuMI spill )]{#collapse-1855d203-show .collapsible .collapsed}[BNB Status Display banner and/or SlowMon *BNB_Age* is yellow/red/pink (NOTE: BNB_Age is the time_diff of 1D-A9 and tells us how close in time are BMB spill and the NuMI spill )]


Contact Run Coordinator Expert_call_list{.wiki-page .new}. Let them know that beam is on but IF Beam Database is not updating. :::

[Any BNB Status Display beam position at target plots and/or SlowMon BNB_HP* or BNB_VP* are yellow/red (most of the time over 1hr or longer)][Any BNB Status Display beam position at target plots and/or SlowMon BNB_HP* or BNB_VP* are yellow/red (most of the time over 1hr or longer)]


Contact Run Coordinator Expert_call_list{.wiki-page .new}. Let them know that beam position is out of bounds. :::

[BNB Status Display horn current plots and/or SlowMon BNB_THCURR are yellow/red][BNB Status Display horn current plots and/or SlowMon BNB_THCURR are yellow/red]


If the error doesn't clear after 15-20min contact Run Coordinator Expert_call_list{.wiki-page .new}. Let them know that the horn current is out of normal range. :::

[SlowMon BNB_BTH2T2 or BNB_BTJT2 or BNB_HWTOUT are yellow/red][SlowMon BNB_BTH2T2 or BNB_BTJT2 or BNB_HWTOUT are yellow/red]


Contact Run Coordinator Expert_call_list{.wiki-page .new}. Let them know which of these temperatures are out of range. ::: :::

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