PAGE IN DEVELOPMENT This is a work in progress...

  • Table of contents
  • [GPS Status Monitoring]
    • [Overall Status]
    • [Device Name and Device Name Status]

GPS Status Monitoring

This page details the status monitoring page for the GPS timing system, what it looks like, and errors.

In the current version of the page, everything is black and white and a shifter will need some explanation of what is to be looked out for. A version is under development to hopefully make this easier to read. Stay tuned to this page for details.

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Overall Status

This box near the bottom of the table in the proposed edited version of the GPS status page is intended to make it easier for a shifter to recognize when there is a warning or error state. Nominally the status box will read GOOD (in green) if everything is fine, WARNING (in orange) if something is reading a warning status, or BAD (with a red background and white text) if there is a status is in an error condition.

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Device Name and Device Name Status

The assumed device name for the ICARUS GPS is currently "ICARUS_GPS_GPS_0" and nominally shows up as part of the first bit of each readout field. In the proposed edited version of the GPS status page, this part of the field is stripped away and only printed if the given entry is NOT this assumed device name. This makes it easier to see just the readout field itself, and helps diagnose when there actually IS some problem here. If one of the fields has the wrong name, the "Device Name Status" box at the moment should also be BAD in red rather than GOOD in green. :::

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