ICARUS Shadow shift

ICARUS Shadow shift

On this wiki page are reported the general guidelines for shadow shifters in ICARUS.

  • Each ICARUS shifter must be certified by taking a shadow shift
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  • The shadow shift has to be taken at least [three days]{.ul} before the beginning of one's shift
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  • All shifters who haven't been on shift for over 4 months (?NB this can be extended to 6 with a more stable detector?) or are at their first shadow shifts are required to take a shadow shift
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  • The shadow shifter has to participate to a full 8 hour shift block, filling the checklist and acting as the "sitting" shifter. The "sitting" shifter remains responsible for alerting experts, help the shadow shifter with troubleshooting activities, and make sure the shifts continue smoothly.
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  • Shadow sifters are required to learn how to start and stop a beam run ( ?I think this should be a necessary requirement until we'll have the run control starting also the trigger? )
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  • Shadow shifter and sitting shifter may communicate using the ROC West ZOOM
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  • Shadow shifts do not contribute to the shift points balance ( to be defined )

Shadow shifts may be self-booked from the ECL calendar sloth. The sitting shifter should check if he/she is supposed to be replaced by a shadow shifter and inform the Run coordinator in case the shadow shifter person is not responding. At the end of the shift, the sitting shifter must put update the ?date of last shift? column in the Shadow shift spreadsheet . If the name of the shadow shifter is missing from the table (for example in case the shadow shifter is a new collaborator ) it may be added.

The Run coordinator should make sure all the shifters are certified for their shift duties. He/she also collects requests for shadow shift swaps and other "exemptions". :::

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