Setup SPEC+DIO in WR network

Setup SPEC+DIO in WR network

Examples using SPEC/DIO on icarus-daq02

Log into

ssh -X icarus-daq02
cd ~badgett/sbnddaq-readout/projects/wr/wr-starting-kit/spec-sw/tools/

(you MUST be ROOT to use the following WR commands)

run ./wr-dio-cmd wr0 stamp (this should show the PPS on CH 0)
[root\@icarus-daq02 tools]# ./wr-dio-cmd wr0 stamp
ch 0, 1609784430.000000000
ch 0, 1609784431.000000000
ch 0, 1609784432.000000000
ch 0, 1609784433.000000000

If you don't see the PPS , you can check that the WR node (in this case the SPEC/DIO in icarus-daq02) is synchronized to the WR network running ./spec-vuart . IF the WR network is up and running, this command will show the WR network parameters in a continuous loop as shown in the following screenshots.
To exit , press Ctrl-a anytime during the loop.

Example of two reading loops is shown here (more on this in Appendix)

IF the WR network has some issues (switch NOT initialized, SPEC/DIO in a funny state) it may show something different, as like this:

*If this happens we have to *

A) reboot the WR switch
B) reinitialize the SPEC/DIO card
C) reinitialize the SPEXI/DIO card

A) How to reboot the WR switch at FD

The production WR switch in use at FD has IP address:

We can log into the WR switch via ssh or via a Web management tool available via Firefox

Direct SSH login (this is the FASTEST way)

*-bash-4.2$ ssh -X -l root
root@'s password:
sh: /usr/bin/xauth: not found
wrs- reboot
Connection to closed.

At this point the WR switch will reboot. If you are on-site, go look at the module: the STATUS light will turn orange and then ALL status lights under each port will light up in sequence, starting from 1 to 18. The reboot is done.

You can also "ping" the unit to see if its alive.

*-bash-4.2$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.268 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.247 ms

*Using the Web management tool via Firefox * (useful for checking/change the WR switch settings, but also for reboot)

Log onto and launch Firefox:
ssh -X

in a new tab type:
this will bring you into the WR switch Web management screen which looks like this:

This shows you also what porta are connected and synch'ed to the switch (the blue ones).

From here:
click on "login" (NO password)
select WR-PPSI setup

click on "Change" and then "Save this configuration".

At this point the Switch will reboot as described before , the page will show a spinning wheel until done, then the page will reload.
NOTE: we use this page mostly to change the switch mode from GrandMaster (a switch connected to the GPS) , or Boundary clock (another switch in a network that already has a GM) , or Free-Running Master (network with NO GPS at all)

After the switch is rebooted, you may still need to re-synchronize the cards (sometimes it is not necessary, sometimes it is)

B) How to reset/re-synchronize SPEC/DIO cards

still logged into
_cd ~badgett/sbnddaq-readout/projects/wr/wr-starting-kit/spec-sw/tools/

remove kernel modules
rmmod spec
rmmod wr_nic
rmmod fmc

reload kernel modules and gateware file
modprobe spec
modprobe wr_nic gateware=fmc/wr_nic_dio.bin

Type dmesg to check the kernel messages. You should see the following:

*12467654.149114] spec 0000:65:00.0: remove
[12467654.164025] spec 0000:65:00.0: early irq 190, ignoring
[12467678.604034] spec 0000:65:00.0: probe for device 0065:0000
[12467678.604663] spec 0000:65:00.0: got file "fmc/spec-init.bin", 1484404 (0x16a674) bytes
[12467678.795708] spec 0000:65:00.0: FPGA programming successful
[12467679.146429] spec 0000:65:00.0: mezzanine 0
[12467679.146431] Manufacturer: CERN
[12467679.146433] Product name: FmcDio5cha
[12467685.485849] spec 0000:65:00.0: Gateware file fmc/wr_nic_dio.bin
[12467685.485854] spec 0000:65:00.0: reprogramming with fmc/wr_nic_dio.bin
[12467685.677418] spec 0000:65:00.0: FPGA programming successful
[12467685.677934] spec 0000:65:00.0: Gateware fmc/wr_nic_dio.bin successfully loaded
[12467685.888605] wr_nic wr_nic.0: White Rabbit NIC driver
[12492318.324115] Process accounting resumed

If you don't, you may have to try again and sometimes reboot the server as well.

C)How to reinitialize the SPEXI card in the trigger laptop

Currently , relaunching any LabVIEW .vi reloads the latest firmware into the SPEXI board

Note: the latest firmware is available in the connie_spexi_icarus.bin file residing into the /ni-rt/startup directory on the RT controller disk
To reach this directory, log into the trigger laptop, open a Desktop window: in the Quick Access files list, there should be a "data".
Click there and navigate to /ni-rt/startup directory [add picture here] :::

Files (5)

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vuart_1.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(87.1 KB)]{.size} vuart_1.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Donatella Torretta, 01/11/2021 02:44 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} vuart_2.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(88.4 KB)]{.size} vuart_2.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Donatella Torretta, 01/11/2021 02:44 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} vuart_wr_off.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(28.2 KB)]{.size} vuart_wr_off.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Donatella Torretta, 03/10/2021 01:00 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} WR_switch_Web_management_tool.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(139 KB)]{.size} WR_switch_Web_management_tool.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Donatella Torretta, 03/10/2021 04:11 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} WR_Switch_Web_management_tool_PPSI_page.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(108 KB)]{.size} WR_Switch_Web_management_tool_PPSI_page.png{.icon-only .icon-download} [Donatella Torretta, 03/10/2021 04:24 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– – —————————————————- —————————————————————————– :::

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