Shift assignments and swaps
See the Shift Assignment Algorithm presentation for other details and images.
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Role Name E-mail Slack Shift assignment Diana Patricia Mendez dmendezme at Diana Mendez —————— ———————– ———————- ————–
For last minute arrangements, partial swaps or shadow shifts, please contact the commissioning or run coordinator(s) - as listed in the bulletin board.
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Shift assignment
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Shift swaps
No shifter is assigned a shift block which they didn't chose during the shift assignment questionnaire. Therefore, all the shifters are expected to fulfil their responsibility to take their assigned shift. Remember that the experiment depends on shifters showing up to for their shifts.
However, if there was an issue resulting on a person unable to take their allocated shift, that person should act as soon as possible to find someone to cover them:
- The first action should be trying to find a substitute among their same institution peers.
- If 1 is not possible, the shifter should reach out to the collaboration at large and ask for someone to swap shifts with.
- If after trying 1 and 2 the shifter hasn't found a replacement or hasn't agreed on a shift swap, the shifter should email the commissioning or run coordinators (see the shift bulletin board for the contact info) to inform about the situation.
If an emergency occurs within less than 72 hours (3 days) prior to the shift, the person should skip the first 2 options and immediately take action 3.
For a quick guide about shift swaps, please take a look at slide 14 of the Shift Assignment Algorithm presentation.
- This page will be updated later on to describe the shift sign up procedure and the shift swaps :::
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