All those weird combinations of letters that everyone keeps saying…
Please add any other acronym you know / come across!
- SBN Short Baseline Neutrino (multi-detector physics program)
- SBND Short Baseline Near Detector
- ICARUS Imaging Cosmics And Rare Underground Signals
- FNAL Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Fermilab
- BNB Booster Neutrino Beam (the Fermilab neutrino beam on which SBN operates)
- NuMI Neutrinos at the Main Injector (a higher energy Fermilab beam which will also provide some off-axis data)
- TPC Time Projection Chamber
- PDS Photon Detection System
- CRT Cosmic Ray Taggers
- CI Continuous Integration (the system for testing code as we develop it)
- CAF Common Analysis Framework (a type of analysis file and the structure in which we analyse them)
- AV Active Volume (the entire volume of liquid argon which we can image with the TPC)
- FV Fiducial Volume (a cut down area of the active volume which we determine to properly contain events)
- PR Pull Request (a request to merge code into the develop branch)
- POMS Production Operations Management System (the system used to automise large amounts of the workload in producing large samples of events)
- MC Monte Carlo (simulated events)
- SAM Sequential Access via Metadata (the database system utilised by Fermilab to access and query files via their metadata)
- DAQ Data Acquisition
- LAr Liquid Argon
- PMT Process Management Tool (tricky, isn’t it? this term is used in artdaq, and it’s not a joke)