2 # File: run4642like_detsim_icarus.fcl
3 # Purpose: Simulation of digitization with parameters mirroring data run 4642.
4 # Author: Gianluca Petrillo (petrillo@slac.stanford.edu)
5 # Date: February 5, 2021
7 # This job configuration is designed to replicate the conditions of an actual
9 # Many of the runs have features documented in the spreadsheet at
10 # https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VabkSa9ogYl8pkoGGjin9DLpe3lCVOsfQtgKX4QrutM
12 # Note that the timestamp of the event is not replicating the one of the run,
13 # since it has already been assigned at generation step.
19 # Beam: BNB, 3 Hz, 2.8 10^12 POT/spill
20 # Detectors: East PMT only, and trigger
21 # Trigger: minimum bias
22 # PMT window: single, -50 us -- +50 us around the trigger signal
34 services: @local::icarus_common_services #
from services_common_icarus.fcl
41 @table::icarus_simpmt_noise #
from opdetsim_pmt_icarus.fcl
44 # enabled readout window
46 TriggerOffsetPMT:
"-50 us"
47 ReadoutEnablePeriod:
"100 us" # no point
in making it longer...
53 PreTrigFraction: 0.5 # 50% (50
microseconds) before trigger
58 BeamGateTriggerNReps: 1 # just
one PMT window acquired at
beam gate
59 ThresholdADC: 600.0 # ADC; but it should not matter
70 rootoutput: @local::icarus_rootoutput
BEGIN_PROLOG triggeremu_data_config_icarus settings PMTADCthresholds sequence::icarus_stage0_multiTPC_TPC physics sequence::icarus_stage0_EastHits_TPC physics sequence::icarus_stage0_WestHits_TPC physics producers purityana0 caloskimCalorimetryCryoE physics caloskimCalorimetryCryoW physics sequence::physics pathW services
temporary see SBN DocDB from CERN test stand measurement ReadoutWindowSize
process_name drop raw::OpDetWaveforms_DataApr2016RecoStage1_saturation_ * physics
microsecond microseconds
Alias for common language habits.
then echo Cowardly refusing to create a new FHiCL file with the same name as the original one('${SourceName}')." >&2 exit 1 fi echo "'$
if &&[-z"$BASH_VERSION"] then echo Attempting to switch to bash bash shellSwitch exit fi &&["$1"= 'shellSwitch'] shift declare a IncludeDirectives for Dir in
BEGIN_PROLOG sequence::SlidingWindowTriggerPatternsWindowPair END_PROLOG trigslidewindowOR6m output outputs
BEGIN_PROLOG sequence::SlidingWindowTriggerPatternsOppositeWindows END_PROLOG process_name