1drift_services_sbnd.fcl | |
 1drift_services_sbnd_legacy.fcl | |
 3drift_services_sbnd.fcl | |
 3drift_services_sbnd_legacy.fcl | |
 larbatch/python/__init__.py | |
 sbncode/sbncode/Calibration/notebook/lib/__init__.py | |
 ActiveVolumeVertexSampler.cxx | Algorithm that samples vertex locations uniformly within the active volume of a detector. It is fully experiment-agnostic and multi-TPC aware |
 ActiveVolumeVertexSampler.h | Algorithm that samples vertex locations uniformly within the active volume of a detector. It is fully experiment-agnostic and multi-TPC aware |
 ADCFilter_module.cc | |
 larwirecell/larwirecell/LArInterface/AdcTypes.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/DetectorSim/Services/AdcTypes.h | |
 AggregateVertexAna_module.cc | |
 AlgoCFD.cxx | |
 AlgoCFD.h | Class definition file of AlgoCFD |
 AlgoFixedWindow.cxx | |
 AlgoFixedWindow.h | Class definition file of AlgoFixedWindow |
 AlgoSiPM.cxx | |
 AlgoSiPM.h | |
 AlgoSlidingWindow.cxx | |
 AlgoSlidingWindow.h | Class definition file of AlgoSlidingWindow |
 AlgoThreshold.cxx | |
 AlgoThreshold.h | Class definition file of AlgoThreshold |
 AllPhysicsLists.cc | |
 AllPhysicsLists.h | |
 AmbiguousDeltaRayTool.cc | Implementation of the ambiguous delta ray tool class |
 AmbiguousDeltaRayTool.h | Header file for the ambiguous delta ray tool class |
 ANA.fcl | |
 ana_mods_icarus.fcl | |
 analysis_icarus.fcl | |
 analysis_sbnd.fcl | |
 analysis_tools_icarus.fcl | |
 analysis_tools_sbnd.fcl | |
 AnalysisBaseDrawer.cxx | Class to aid in the rendering of AnalysisBase objects |
 AnalysisBaseDrawer.h | Class to aid in the rendering of AnalysisBase objects |
 AnalysisDrawingOptions.cc | |
 AnalysisDrawingOptions.h | |
 AnalysisDrawingOptions_service.cc | |
 AnalysisExample.fcl | |
 AnalysisExample_module.cc | A basic "skeleton" to read in art::Event records from a file, access their information, and do something with them |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/Analysis/AnalysisTree_module.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/AnalysisTree/AnalysisTree_module.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/Analysis/analysistreemodule.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/AnalysisTree/analysistreemodule.fcl | |
 analyze_BernCRT.fcl | |
 analyze_MC.cxx | |
 analyze_MC.h | |
 analyze_PandoraReco.cxx | |
 analyze_PandoraReco.h | |
 anaPMT_icarus.fcl | |
 AnaProducer_module.cc | |
 anaraw_purity_icarus_DQM.fcl | |
 anaraw_purity_icarus_DQM_multipletpc.fcl | |
 anatree_prodoverlay_corsika_genie.fcl | |
 anatree_prodoverlay_corsika_genie_3drift_windows.fcl | |
 anatree_sbnd.fcl | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/ApaCrossCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/ApaCrossCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/ApaCrossCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/ApaCrossCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 APAGeometryAlg.cxx | |
 APAGeometryAlg.h | |
 APAHitFinder_module.cc | |
 api.h | |
 ApplyBeamGate.h | Helper to manage a beam gate |
 artdaqfragmentproducer.fcl | |
 ArtdaqFragmentProducer_module.cc | |
 ArtDataProductSelectors.cxx | Helpers to pass to art::Event::getMany() and similar (implement.) |
 ArtDataProductSelectors.h | Helpers to pass to art::Event::getMany() and similar |
 ArtHandleTrackerManager.h | Tracks handles for cache deletion |
 ArtServiceHelper.cxx | |
 ArtServiceHelper.h | |
 AssnAnalyzer_module.cc | |
 AssnProducer1_module.cc | |
 AssnProducer2_module.cc | |
 AssnsChainClusterMaker_module.cc | Test producer creating a few dummy clusters associated with hits |
 AssnsChainHitMaker_module.cc | Test producer creating a few dummy hits |
 AssnsChainPFParticleMaker_module.cc | Test producer creating a few dummy PFParticles associated with clusters |
 AssnsChainShowerMaker_module.cc | Test producer creating a few dummy showers associated with PFParticle |
 AssnsChainTest_module.cc | Module running through a predefined set of associations |
 assnschainutils_test.fcl | |
 AssnsNodeAsTuple.h | Specializations of STL tuple utilities for art::AssnsNode |
 AssnsTraits.h | Traits for art associations |
 AssnsTraits_test.cc | Unit tests on art association trait utilities |
 associated_groups_test.cc | Unit test for util::associated_groups() |
 associated_groups_with_left_test.cc | Unit test for util::associated_groups_with_left() |
 AssociatedData.h | Auxiliary data from one-to-many sequential association |
 AssociatedDataProxyMaker.h | Infrastructure to add associated data to a collection proxy |
 AssociationsTruth_tool.cc | |
 lardata/lardata/Utilities/AssociationUtil.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/CAFMaker/AssociationUtil.h | |
 AsymExpPulseFunction.h | Pulse from one photoelectron as sum of two exponential functions |
 AsymExpPulseFunctionTool_tool.cc | Toolization of icarus::opdet::AsymExpPulseFunction<nanosecond> |
 AsymGaussPulseFunction.h | Pulse from one photoelectron as two half Gaussian functions |
 AsymGaussPulseFunctionTool_tool.cc | Toolization of icarus::opdet::AsymGaussPulseFunction<nanosecond> |
 AsymmetryFeatureBaseTool.cc | Implementation of the asymmetry feature tool class |
 AsymmetryFeatureBaseTool.h | Header file for the global asymmetry feature tool class |
 atomic_number_standard.fcl | |
 AtomicNumber.h | Provider returning atomic number of the active material in the TPC |
 AtomicNumber_test.cc | Tests the AtomicNumber service provider |
 AtomicNumberService.h | Returns the atomic number of the active material in the TPC |
 AtomicNumberService_service.cc | Returns the atomic number of the active material in the TPC |
 AtomicNumberTest_module.cc | A simple test for AtomicNumberService example service |
 AtomicPassCounter.h | Class to keep count of a pass/fail result (thread-safe) |
 AuxDetChannelMapAlg.cxx | |
 AuxDetChannelMapAlg.h | |
 AuxDetDigit.cxx | |
 AuxDetDigit.h | |
 AuxDetExptGeoHelperInterface.h | Interface to a service that handles any experiment-specific knowledge that is needed by the AuxDetGeometry service |
 AuxDetGeo.cxx | Encapsulate the geometry of an auxilary detector |
 AuxDetGeo.h | Encapsulate the geometry of an auxiliary detector |
 AuxDetGeometry.cc | |
 AuxDetGeometry.h | Art framework interface to geometry description for auxiliary detectors |
 AuxDetGeometry_service.cc | |
 AuxDetGeometryCore.cxx | Access the description of auxiliary detector geometry - implementation file |
 AuxDetGeometryCore.h | Access the description of auxiliary detector geometry |
 AuxDetGeoObjectSorter.h | |
 AuxDetHit.h | |
 AuxDetReadout.cxx | A Geant4 sensitive detector that accumulates information |
 AuxDetReadout.h | A Geant4 sensitive detector that accumulates information |
 AuxDetReadoutGeometry.cxx | Define the "parallel" geometry that's seen by the LAr Voxels |
 AuxDetReadoutGeometry.h | Define the "parallel" geometry that's seen by the AuxDet |
 AuxDetSD.cc | |
 AuxDetSD.h | |
 AuxDetSensitiveGeo.cxx | Encapsulate the geometry of the sensitive portion of an auxilary detector |
 AuxDetSensitiveGeo.h | Encapsulate the geometry of the sensitive portion of an auxiliary detector |
 AuxDetSimChannel.cxx | |
 AuxDetSimChannel.h | Object containing MC truth information necessary for making RawDigits and doing back tracking |
 AuxDetSimChannelPrinter.cc | |
 AuxDetSorting.cxx | Functions for sorting ICARUS CRT modules (auxiliary detectors) |
 AuxDetSorting.h | Functions for sorting ICARUS CRT modules (auxiliary detectors) |
 BackTracker.cc | |
 BackTracker.h | |
 BackTrackerLoader_module.cc | |
 BackTrackerMatchingData.h | |
 BackTrackerService.cc | |
 backtrackerservice.fcl | |
 BackTrackerService.h | |
 BackTrackerService_service.cc | |
 BackTrackerTruth_tool.cc | |
 badchannels_sbnd.fcl | |
 BaseAlgorithm.cxx | |
 BaseAlgorithm.h | Class def header for a class BaseAlgorithm |
 BaseFlashFilter.cxx | |
 BaseFlashFilter.h | Class def header for a class BaseFlashFilter |
 BaseFlashHypothesis.cxx | |
 BaseFlashHypothesis.h | |
 BaseFlashMatch.cxx | |
 BaseFlashMatch.h | Class def header for a class BaseFlashMatch |
 BaselineMostProbAve_tool.cc | |
 BaselineStandard_tool.cc | |
 BaseProhibitAlgo.cxx | |
 BaseProhibitAlgo.h | Class def header for a class BaseProhibitAlgo |
 BaseTPCFilter.cxx | |
 BaseTPCFilter.h | Class def header for a class BaseTPCFilter |
 BasicHitAnalysis_tool.cc | |
 BasicRawDigitAnalysis_tool.cc | |
 BasicTrackAnalysis_tool.cc | |
 BasicWireAnalysis_tool.cc | |
 batchstatus.py | |
 BdtBeamParticleIdTool.cc | Implementation of the beam particle id tool class |
 BdtBeamParticleIdTool.h | Header file for the beam particle id tool class |
 BeachLine.cxx | Producer module to create 3D clusters from input hits |
 BeachLine.h | Represents the beachline implemented as a self balancing binary search tree |
 BeamBits.h | Definitions of the trigger bits for SBN |
 BeamFlashTrackMatchTagger_module.cc | |
 BeamFlashTrackMatchTaggerAlg.cxx | |
 BeamFlashTrackMatchTaggerAlg.h | |
 BeamGateInfo.h | |
 BeamGateInfoFromTracks_module.cc | Writes a collection of sim::BeamGateInfo from track times |
 BeamGateMaker.h | Class to create an object representing a beam gate |
 BeamGateStruct.h | An object representing a time gate, with a start and and end |
 BeamInfo.cxx | |
 BeamInfo.h | |
 BeamParticleIdTool.cc | Implementation of the beam particle id tool class |
 BeamParticleIdTool.h | Header file for the beam particle id tool class |
 beamspilltimings.fcl | |
 BeamTypes.h | |
 BernCRTAna_module.cc | |
 BinaryDumpUtils.h | Functions to dump the content of binary data chunks to console |
 Binner.h | Helper object to describing a binned axis |
 Binning.cxx | |
 Binning.h | |
 Binnings.cxx | |
 Binnings.h | |
 BinningSpecs.cxx | Simple utility for human-friendly binning |
 BinningSpecs.h | Simple utility for human-friendly binning |
 BinningSpecs_test.cc | Unit test for icarus::ns::util::BinningSpecs class and utilities |
 BitMask.h | Class holding flags |
 BlipMaker_module.cc | |
 BlurredClustering_module.cc | |
 BlurredClusteringAlg.cxx | |
 BlurredClusteringAlg.h | |
 bnbanaicarus21apr21.fcl | |
 BNBRetriever_module.cc | |
 BNBSpillInfo.cc | |
 bnbspillinfo.fcl | |
 BNBSpillInfo.h | |
 bogoplop.fcl | |
 bogoplopsim.fcl | |
 bogosim.fcl | |
 BooNEInterface.cxx | |
 BooNEInterface.h | Interface to read flux files in BooNE tuple format |
 boost_unit_test_base.h | Base class for tests using Boost unit test library |
 BoostedAtomicNumber_test.cc | Tests the AtomicNumber service provider (with Boost unit test) |
 BoosterFluxSysts.cxx | |
 BoosterFluxSysts.h | |
 BoundedClusterMopUpAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the bounded cluster mop up algorithm class |
 BoundedClusterMopUpAlgorithm.h | Header file for the bounded cluster mop up algorithm class |
 BoxBoundedGeo.cxx | Provides a additional hit information of a line through the box |
 BoxBoundedGeo.h | Provides a base class aware of world box coordinates |
 BranchAssociatedPfosTool.cc | Implementation of the branch associated pfos tool class |
 BranchAssociatedPfosTool.h | Header file for the branch associated pfos tool class |
 branches.py | |
 BranchGrowingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the branch growing algorithm base class |
 BranchGrowingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the branch growing algorithm base class |
 BranchPolicy.h | |
 BranchSplittingAlgorithm.cc | |
 BranchSplittingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the branch splitting algorithm class |
 build-dunepdsprce.sh | |
 build-garsoft.sh | |
 build-lar-products.sh | |
 build-larbase-py2.sh | |
 build-larbase.sh | |
 build-larsoft-dbg-prof.sh | |
 build-larsoft-py3.sh | |
 build-larsoft-rc.sh | |
 build-larsoft-with-spack.sh | |
 build-larsoft.sh | |
 build-larsoftobj.sh | |
 CAFAna/build_dicts.sh | |
 SBNAna/build_dicts.sh | |
 build_larcv.sh | |
 build_larcv_stand_alone.sh | |
 build_larlite.sh | |
 build_swtrigger.sh | |
 build_uboonedaq_datatypes.sh | |
 build_uboonedata.sh | |
 buildArgoNeuT.sh | |
 buildDUNE.sh | |
 buildDUNEutil.sh | |
 buildLArIAT.sh | |
 buildLBNE.sh | |
 buildLBNEutil.sh | |
 buildProtoDUNEana.sh | |
 buildSBN.sh | |
 buildSBNANA.sh | |
 buildSBND.sh | |
 buildSBNDQM.sh | |
 buildUboone.sh | |
 buildUboone2.sh | |
 BulkAllocator.h | Memory allocator for large amount of (small) objects |
 BulkAllocator_test.cc | Tests the bulk allocator |
 CAEN_V1730_setup_icarus.fcl | |
 cafana.py | |
 CAFMaker.fcl | |
 cafmaker_common_defs.fcl | |
 cafmaker_defs.fcl | |
 CAFMaker_module.cc | |
 cafmakerjob_icarus.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_icarus_data.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_icarus_evtw.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_icarus_noana.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_icarus_nocaf.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_icarus_sce.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_icarus_sce_genie.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_icarus_sce_genie_and_fluxwgt.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_sbnd.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_sbnd_3drift_sce.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_sbnd_3drift_sce_runfmatch.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_sbnd_3drift_sce_runfmatch_geniewgt.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_sbnd_fmatch.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_sbnd_genie_and_fluxwgt.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_sbnd_geniewgt.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_sbnd_sce.fcl | |
 cafmakerjob_sbnd_sce_genie_and_fluxwgt.fcl | |
 CAFMakerParams.h | |
 Calcs.cxx | |
 Calcs.h | |
 CalcsNuFit.cxx | |
 CalcsNuFit.h | |
 CalcsNuFit_cdr.cxx | |
 CalcsNuFit_cdr.h | |
 caldata.fcl | |
 caldata_argoneut.fcl | |
 caldata_bo.fcl | |
 caldata_sbnd.fcl | |
 CalibrationDBIFwd.h | |
 CalibrationExtraInfo.cxx | |
 CalibrationExtraInfo.h | |
 calibrationservices_icarus.fcl | |
 calo.fcl | |
 calo_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 CaloChecker_module.cc | |
 CaloPrinter.cc | |
 Calorimetry.cxx | |
 calorimetry.fcl | |
 Calorimetry.h | |
 calorimetry_icarus.fcl | |
 Calorimetry_module.cc | |
 calorimetry_sbnd.fcl | |
 calorimetry_test_producer.fcl | |
 CalorimetryAlg.cxx | |
 CalorimetryAlg.h | |
 CalorimetryAnalysis_module.cc | |
 calorimetryICARUS.fcl | |
 CalorPad.cxx | Drawing pad showing calorimetric particle ID information |
 CalorPad.h | Drawing pad showing calorimetric particle ID information |
 CalorView.cxx | Calorimetric view display window |
 CalorView.h | A view showing calorimetric particle ID information |
 calotest_icarus.fcl | |
 CalWire_module.cc | |
 CalWireAna_module.cc | |
 CalWireSBND_module.cc | |
 CalWireT962_module.cc | |
 CandHitDerivative_tool.cc | |
 CandHitICARUS_tool.cc | |
 CandHitMorphological_tool.cc | |
 CandHitStandard_tool.cc | |
 CandidateVertexCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the candidate vertex creation algorithm class |
 CandidateVertexCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the candidate vertex creation algorithm class |
 CanvasUtils.h | Helper functions based on art/canvas |
 CathodeCrossingUtils.cxx | Algorithms dealing with a trajectory and the cathode (implementation) |
 CathodeCrossingUtils.h | Algorithms dealing with a trajectory and the cathode |
 CBAlgoAngleAlign.cxx | |
 CBAlgoAngleAlign.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoAngleAlign |
 CBAlgoAngleCompat.cxx | |
 CBAlgoAngleCompat.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoAngleCompat |
 CBAlgoAngleIncompat.cxx | |
 CBAlgoAngleIncompat.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoAngleIncompat |
 CBAlgoAngleSeparate.cxx | |
 CBAlgoAngleSeparate.h | |
 CBAlgoArray.cxx | |
 CBAlgoArray.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoArray |
 CBAlgoCenterOfMass.cxx | |
 CBAlgoCenterOfMass.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoCenterOfMass |
 CBAlgoCenterOfMassSmall.cxx | |
 CBAlgoCenterOfMassSmall.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoCenterOfMassSmall |
 CBAlgoFake.cxx | |
 CBAlgoFake.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoFake |
 CBAlgoMergeAll.cxx | |
 CBAlgoMergeAll.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoAngleSeparate |
 CBAlgoMergeTinyWithBig.cxx | |
 CBAlgoMergeTinyWithBig.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoMergeTinyWithBig |
 CBAlgoOutOfConeSeparate.cxx | |
 CBAlgoOutOfConeSeparate.h | |
 CBAlgoPolyContain.cxx | |
 CBAlgoPolyContain.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoPolyContain |
 CBAlgoPolyHitOverlap.cxx | |
 CBAlgoPolyHitOverlap.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoPolyHitOverlap |
 CBAlgoPolyOverlap.cxx | |
 CBAlgoPolyOverlap.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoPolyOverlap |
 CBAlgoPolyShortestDist.cxx | |
 CBAlgoPolyShortestDist.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoPolyShortestDist |
 CBAlgoProhibitAllTracks.cxx | |
 CBAlgoProhibitAllTracks.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoProhibitAllTracks |
 CBAlgoProhibitBigClusters.cxx | |
 CBAlgoProhibitBigClusters.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoProhibitBigClusters |
 CBAlgoStartNearEnd.cxx | |
 CBAlgoStartNearEnd.h | Class def header for a class CBAlgoStartNearEnd |
 CBAlgoStartTrack.cxx | |
 CBAlgoStartTrack.h | This merge algo is looking for short tracks from the start of a shower that are overlapping a blob that is a cluster belonging to the same shower |
 CBoolAlgoBase.h | Class def header for algorithm classes for CMergeManager |
 CCHitFinderAlg.cxx | |
 CCHitFinderAlg.h | |
 CCTrackMaker_module.cc | |
 CellTree.fcl | |
 celltree_dune10kt_workspace.fcl | |
 celltree_dune35t.fcl | |
 celltree_icarus.fcl | |
 CellTree_module.cc | |
 celltree_protodune.fcl | |
 celltree_uboone.fcl | |
 CFAlgoQRatio.cxx | |
 CFAlgoQRatio.h | Class def header for a class CFAlgoQRatio |
 CFAlgoShowerCompat.cxx | |
 CFAlgoShowerCompat.h | This algo only matches clusters if they are not track-like. This is implemented in an algo because it allows the comparison of cluster parameters across planes, rather than individually. It is intended to be added as the last matching algo, with the "kLastAlgo" mode |
 CFAlgoTimeOverlap.cxx | |
 CFAlgoTimeOverlap.h | Class def header for a class CFAlgoTimeOverlap |
 CFAlgoZOverlap.cxx | |
 CFAlgoZOverlap.h | Class def header for a class CFAlgoZOverlap |
 CFloatAlgoBase.h | Class def header for a class CFloatAlgoBase |
 detsim/legacy/others/change_include_to_legacy.sh | |
 g4/legacy/others/change_include_to_legacy.sh | |
 ChangeMonitor.h | Classes to detect the change of object values |
 ChangeMonitor_test.cc | Unit test for utilities from ChangeMonitor.h |
 ChangeTrackers.h | Classes detecting configuration changes |
 ChannelData.h | |
 ChannelDataGroup.h | |
 channelDBConverter.py | |
 ChannelFilter.cxx | |
 ChannelFilter.h | |
 ChannelGroups.cxx | |
 ChannelGroups.h | |
 ChannelMapAlg.cxx | Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping |
 ChannelMapAlg.h | Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping |
 channelmapping_icarus.fcl | |
 ChannelMapPostGres_tool.cc | This tool converts from daq to LArSoft format with noise filtering |
 ChannelMapSBNDAlg.cxx | |
 ChannelMapSBNDAlg.h | Channel mapping for SBND |
 ChannelMapSetupTool.h | Interface for a tool to configure a geometry channel mapper |
 ChannelMapSQLite_tool.cc | This tool converts from daq to LArSoft format with noise filtering |
 ChannelMapStandardAlg.cxx | Interface to algorithm class for the standar, simplest detector channel mapping |
 ChannelMapStandardAlg.h | Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping |
 ChannelMapStandardTestAlg.cxx | Tests the standard channel mapping algorithm |
 ChannelMapStandardTestAlg.h | Tests the standard channel mapping algorithm |
 ChannelNoiseDB.cxx | |
 ChannelNoiseDB.h | |
 ChannelNoiseService.h | |
 ChannelROI.cxx | Definition of basic channel signal object |
 ChannelROI.h | Declaration of basic channel signal object for ICARUS |
 ChannelROICreator.cxx | Helper functions to create a wire - implementation file |
 ChannelROICreator.h | Helper functions to create a wire |
 ChannelSelectorDB.cxx | |
 ChannelSelectorDB.h | |
 channelstatus.fcl | |
 ChannelStatus.h | Class def header for a class ChannelStatus |
 channelstatus_argoneut.fcl | |
 channelstatus_bo.fcl | |
 channelstatus_sbnd.fcl | |
 ChannelStatusProvider.h | Interface for experiment-specific channel quality info provider |
 ChannelStatusService.h | Interface for experiment-specific service for channel quality info |
 ChannelToWireMap.cxx | Channel-to-wire mapping data structure (implementation file) |
 ChannelToWireMap.h | Channel-to-wire mapping data structure |
 ChargeAnalytical.cxx | |
 ChargeAnalytical.h | Class def header for a class ChargeAnalytical |
 ChargedSpacePointCreator.cpp | Helpers to create space points with associated charge |
 ChargedSpacePointCreator.h | Helpers to create space points with associated charge |
 ChargedSpacePointProxyInputMaker_module.cc | Test producer creating a few dummy space points and charges |
 ChargedSpacePointProxyTest_module.cc | Tests proxy::ChargedSpacePoints proxy |
 ChargedSpacePoints.h | Offers proxy::ChargedSpacePoints and proxy::SpacePointWithCharge class for recob::SpacePoint with recob:Charge access |
 ChData.h | Class def header for a class ChData |
 cheat_tracks.fcl | |
 cheater.fcl | |
 cheaterreco.fcl | |
 CheatingBeamParticleIdTool.cc | Implementation of the cheating beam particle id tool class |
 CheatingBeamParticleIdTool.h | Header file for the cheating beam particle id tool class |
 CheatingBeamParticleSliceSelectionTool.cc | Implementation of the beam slice selection tool class |
 CheatingBeamParticleSliceSelectionTool.h | Header file for the test beam slice selection tool class |
 CheatingClusterCharacterisationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cheating cluster characterisation algorithm class |
 CheatingClusterCharacterisationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cheating cluster characterisation algorithm class |
 CheatingClusterCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cheating cluster creation algorithm class |
 CheatingClusterCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cheating cluster creation algorithm class |
 CheatingCosmicRayIdentificationAlg.cc | Implementation of the cheater for the cosmic ray identification algorithm class |
 CheatingCosmicRayIdentificationAlg.h | Header file for the cosmic ray identification cheater class |
 CheatingCosmicRayRemovalAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cheating cosmic ray removal algorithm class |
 CheatingCosmicRayRemovalAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cheating cosmic ray removal algorithm class |
 CheatingCosmicRayShowerMatchingAlg.cc | |
 CheatingCosmicRayShowerMatchingAlg.h | Header file for the cosmic ray shower matching cheater class |
 CheatingCosmicRayTaggingTool.cc | Implementation of the cheating cosmic-ray tagging tool class |
 CheatingCosmicRayTaggingTool.h | Header file for the cheating cosmic-ray tagging tool class |
 CheatingEventSlicingTool.cc | Implementation of the cheating event slicing tool class |
 CheatingEventSlicingTool.h | Header file for the cheating event slicing tool class |
 CheatingNeutrinoCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cheating neutrino creation algorithm class |
 CheatingNeutrinoCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cheating neutrino creation algorithm class |
 CheatingNeutrinoDaughterVerticesAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cheating neutrino daughter vertices algorithm class |
 CheatingNeutrinoDaughterVerticesAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cheating neutrino daughter vertices algorithm class |
 CheatingNeutrinoIdTool.cc | Implementation of the cheating neutrino id tool class |
 CheatingNeutrinoIdTool.h | Header file for the cheating neutrino id tool class |
 CheatingNeutrinoSliceSelectionTool.cc | Implementation of the neutrino id tool class |
 CheatingNeutrinoSliceSelectionTool.h | Header file for the neutrino slice selection tool class |
 CheatingPfoCharacterisationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cheating pfo characterisation algorithm class |
 CheatingPfoCharacterisationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cheating pfo characterisation algorithm class |
 CheatingPfoCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cheating cluster creation algorithm class |
 CheatingPfoCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cheating cluster creation algorithm class |
 CheatingSliceIdBaseTool.cc | Implementation of the cheating slice id base tool class |
 CheatingSliceIdBaseTool.h | Header file for the cheating slice id base tool class |
 CheatingSliceSelectionTool.cc | Implementation of the cheating slice selection tool class |
 CheatingSliceSelectionTool.h | Header file for the cheating slice selection tool class |
 CheatingVertexCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cheating vertex creation algorithm class |
 CheatingVertexCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cheating vertex creation algorithm class |
 CheatingVertexSelectionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cheating vertex selection algorithm class |
 CheatingVertexSelectionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cheating vertex selection algorithm class |
 CheatTrack.h | Pseudo-track data product for TotallyCheatTracks example |
 check_dictionaries.sh | |
 CheckAuxDetHit_module.cc | |
 checkbacktracking.fcl | |
 CheckBackTracking_module.cc | |
 CheckDataProductSize_module.cc | Checks the size of a collection |
 CheckMCParticle_module.cc | |
 CheckPhotonLibraryJobs.py | |
 CheckSimEnergyDeposit_module.cc | |
 Chi2ParticleID_module.cc | |
 Chi2PIDAlg.cxx | |
 Chi2PIDAlg.h | |
 Chi2Sensitivity.cxx | |
 Chi2Sensitivity.h | |
 ChiSquareAccumulator.h | Computes a simple χ sum from data and a expectation function |
 ChiSquareAccumulator_test.cc | Tests the classes in ChiSquareAccumulator.h |
 chunk.cc | |
 chunk.h | |
 ci_prodcorsika_proton_intime_icarus_bnb.fcl | |
 ci_simulation_genie_bnb_icarus.fcl | |
 ci_simulation_genie_nue_icarus.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/Analysis/trigger/Objects/classes.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/Decode/DataProducts/classes.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/IcarusObj/classes.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/Data/classes.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/classes.h | |
 larcoreobj/larcoreobj/SimpleTypesAndConstants/classes.h | Driver for classes to be known by ROOT dictionary infrastructure |
 larcoreobj/larcoreobj/SummaryData/classes.h | |
 larcoreobj/larcoreobj/SummaryData/SampledDicts/classes.h | |
 lardata/test/Utilities/testForEachAssociatedGroup/classes.h | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/AnalysisBase/classes.h | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/MCBase/classes.h | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/OpticalDetectorData/classes.h | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/RawData/classes.h | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/RecoBase/AssnsDicts/classes.h | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/RecoBase/classes.h | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/RecoBase/TrackingDicts/classes.h | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/Simulation/classes.h | |
 larexamples/larexamples/Algorithms/TotallyCheatTracks/CheatTrackData/classes.h | Dictionary selection for TotallyCheatTracks example data products |
 larsim/larsim/EventWeight/Base/classes.h | |
 sbnanaobj/sbnanaobj/Morgue/classes.h | |
 sbnanaobj/sbnanaobj/StandardRecord/classes.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/CAFMaker/classes.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/FluxReader/classes.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/Products/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/Common/Analysis/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/Common/Calibration/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/Common/CRT/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/Common/EventGen/MeVPrtl/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/Common/PMT/Data/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/Common/POTAccounting/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/Common/Reco/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/Common/SBNEventWeight/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/Common/Trigger/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/ICARUS/CRT/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/ICARUS/PMT/Data/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/ICARUS/PMT/Trigger/Data/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/SBND/Commissioning/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/SBND/CRT/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/SBND/ToF/classes.h | |
 sbnobj/sbnobj/SBND/Trigger/classes.h | |
 ClearLongitudinalTrackHitsTool.cc | Implementation of the clear longitudinal track hit creation tool |
 ClearLongitudinalTrackHitsTool.h | Header file for the clear longitudinal track hit creation tool |
 ClearLongitudinalTracksTool.cc | Implementation of the clear tracks tool class |
 ClearLongitudinalTracksTool.h | Header file for the clear tracks tool class |
 ClearRemnantsTool.cc | |
 ClearRemnantsTool.h | Header file for the clear remnants tool class |
 ClearShowersTool.cc | Implementation of the clear showers tool class |
 ClearShowersTool.h | Header file for the clear showers tool class |
 ClearTrackFragmentsTool.cc | Implementation of the clear track fragments tool class |
 ClearTrackFragmentsTool.h | Header file for the clear track fragments tool class |
 ClearTracksTool.cc | Implementation of the clear tracks tool class |
 ClearTracksTool.h | Header file for the clear tracks tool class |
 ClearTransverseTrackHitsTool.cc | Implementation of the transverse track hit creation tool |
 ClearTransverseTrackHitsTool.h | Header file for the clear transverse track hit creation tool |
 ClockConstants.h | |
 clockstest_bo.fcl | |
 clockstest_csu40l.fcl | |
 clockstest_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 clockstest_sbnd.fcl | |
 clockstest_standard.fcl | |
 Cluster.cxx | Declaration of cluster object |
 Cluster.h | Declaration of cluster object |
 Cluster3D.cxx | |
 Cluster3D.h | |
 Cluster3D_module.cc | Producer module to create 3D clusters from input recob::Hit objects |
 cluster3dalgorithms.fcl | |
 cluster3dalgorithms_icarus.fcl | |
 Cluster3DICARUS_module.cc | Producer module to create 3D clusters from input recob::Hit objects |
 cluster3dpathfindingtools.fcl | |
 cluster_bo.fcl | |
 cluster_dune.fcl | |
 cluster_icarus.fcl | |
 cluster_jp250L.fcl | |
 cluster_microboone.fcl | |
 cluster_sbnd.fcl | |
 Cluster_test.cc | Simple test on a recob::Cluster object |
 clusteralgorithms.fcl | |
 ClusterAna_module.cc | |
 ClusterAssociation.h | Header file for the lar cluster association class |
 ClusterAssociationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cluster association algorithm class |
 ClusterAssociationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cluster association algorithm class |
 ClusterCharacterisationBaseAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cluster characterisation base algorithm class |
 ClusterCharacterisationBaseAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cluster characterisation base algorithm class |
 ClusterCheater_module.cc | |
 ClusterCrawler_module.cc | |
 ClusterCrawlerAlg.cxx | |
 ClusterCrawlerAlg.h | |
 ClusterCreator.cxx | Helper functions to create a cluster - implementation file |
 ClusterCreator.h | Helper functions to create a cluster |
 ClusterExtensionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cluster extension algorithm class |
 ClusterExtensionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cluster extension algorithm class |
 ClusterGrowingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cluster growing algorithm class |
 ClusterGrowingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cluster growing algorithm class |
 ClusteringParentAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the clustering parent algorithm class |
 ClusteringParentAlgorithm.h | Header file for the clustering parent algorithm class |
 ClusteringValidation_module.cc | |
 ClusterMatchAlg.cxx | |
 clustermatchalg.fcl | |
 ClusterMatchAlg.h | |
 ClusterMatchTQ.cxx | |
 ClusterMatchTQ.h | |
 ClusterMergeAlg.h | |
 ClusterMergeAlg_tool.cc | |
 ClusterMergeHelper.cxx | |
 ClusterMergeHelper.h | |
 ClusterMergingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cluster merging algorithm class |
 ClusterMergingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cluster merging algorithm class |
 clustermodules.fcl | |
 ClusterMopUpBaseAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cluster mop up algorithm base class |
 ClusterMopUpBaseAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cluster mop up algorithm base class |
 ClusterParams.h | |
 ClusterParamsAlg.cxx | |
 ClusterParamsAlg.h | |
 ClusterParamsAlgBase.h | Interface for a algorithm class computing cluster parameters |
 ClusterParamsBuilder_tool.cc | |
 ClusterParamsImportWrapper.h | Wrapper for ClusterParamsAlgBase objects to accept arbitrary input |
 ClusterPathFinder_tool.cc | Art Tool for comparing clusters and merging those that are consistent |
 ClusterPCA_module.cc | |
 ClusterSplittingAlgorithm.cc | |
 ClusterSplittingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cluster splitting algorithm class |
 ClusterTrackAna_module.cc | |
 CMAlgoBase.h | Class def header for a class CMAlgoBase |
 CMatchBookKeeper.cxx | |
 CMatchBookKeeper.h | Class def header for a class CMatchBookKeeper |
 CMatchManager.cxx | |
 CMatchManager.h | Class def header for a class CMatchManager |
 CMergeBookKeeper.cxx | |
 CMergeBookKeeper.h | Class def header for a class CMergeBookKeeper |
 CMergeHelper.cxx | |
 CMergeHelper.h | Class def header for a class CMergeHelper |
 CMergeManager.cxx | |
 CMergeManager.h | Class def header for a class CMergeManager |
 CMManagerBase.cxx | |
 CMManagerBase.h | Class def header for a class CMManagerBase |
 CMTException.h | Class def header for exception classes in CMTException |
 CoherentNoiseFactor_service.cc | |
 CoherentNoiseFactorProvider.cxx | |
 CoherentNoiseFactorProvider.h | |
 CollectionProxy.h | Utilities for the collection proxy object |
 CollectionProxyElement.h | Utilities for a single element of a collection proxy |
 CollectionProxyMaker.h | Infrastructure for the creation of a collection proxy |
 CollectionSplitting_module.cc | Module for lar pandora collection splitting |
 CollectionView.h | Provides the features of a collections, from begin and end iterators |
 CollectionView_test.cc | Unit test for CollectionView class |
 ColorDrawingOptions.cc | |
 ColorDrawingOptions.h | The color scales used by the event display |
 ColorDrawingOptions_service.cc | |
 CombineIntoLibrary.sh | |
 common.h | |
 CommonAmps.cxx | |
 CommonAmps.h | Class def header for a class CommonAmps |
 compile.cc | |
 compile.h | |
 icaruscode/test/ci/compileGalleryAnalysis.sh | |
 sbndcode/test/ci/compileGalleryAnalysis.sh | |
 ComputePi_module.cc | Computes pi |
 concat_cafs.cc | |
 condor_hadd_sam.sh | |
 condor_lar.sh | |
 condor_lar_pubs.sh | |
 condor_start_project.sh | |
 condor_stop_project.sh | |
 ConeClusterMopUpAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cone cluster mop up algorithm class |
 ConeClusterMopUpAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cone cluster mop up algorithm class |
 config_genericCRT.fcl | |
 config_ToF_Ana_Prod_Filt.fcl | |
 ConfigManager.cxx | |
 ConfigManager.h | Class def header for a class flashmatch::ConfigManager |
 ConfigurablePhysicsList.hh | |
 ConnectedRemnantsTool.cc | |
 ConnectedRemnantsTool.h | Header file for the connected remnants tool class |
 ConsolidatedPFParticleAnalysisTemplate_module.cc | A template analysis module for using the Pandora consolidated output |
 Constants.cpp | |
 Constants.h | |
 constants.py | |
 constexpr_math.h | Mathematical functions that C++ standard doesn't require constexpr |
 constexpr_math_test.cc | |
 ContainerMeta.h | C++ metaprogramming utilities for dealing with containers |
 ContainerMeta_test.cc | Unit test for some of the utilities in ContainerMeta.h |
 convert_Noise_ROOTtoJSON.py | |
 convertcalibPostGresToSQLite.py | |
 ConvexHull.cxx | Producer module to create 3D clusters from input hits |
 ConvexHull.h | Implements a ConvexHull for use in clustering |
 ConvexHullPathFinder_tool.cc | Art Tool for comparing clusters and merging those that are consistent |
 CookedFrameSink.cxx | |
 CookedFrameSink.h | |
 CookedFrameSource.cxx | |
 CookedFrameSource.h | |
 coordinate.fcl | |
 copy_xrootd.sh | |
 copyPostGresToSQLite.py | |
 copyUboone.sh | |
 CornerFinderAlg.cxx | |
 CornerFinderAlg.h | Algorithm to find feature 2D points |
 correctionservices_icarus.fcl | |
 CorrelatedNoise_tool.cc | |
 corsika_icarus.fcl | |
 corsika_sbnd.fcl | |
 CORSIKAGen.fcl | |
 CORSIKAGen_module.cc | Generator for cosmic-ray secondaries based on pre-generated CORSIKA shower databases |
 cosmic_common_sbnd.fcl | |
 CosmicArrivalTimes.cc | |
 CosmicClusterTagger_module.cc | |
 CosmicHisto.cc | |
 CosmicHisto.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/CosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/CosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/CosmicIdAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/CosmicIdAlg.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/cosmicidalg_sbnd.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/cosmicidalg_sbnd.fcl | |
 CosmicIdAna_module.cc | |
 cosmicidana_sbnd.fcl | |
 cosmicidanamodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/cosmicidmodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/cosmicidmodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 CosmicIdTree_module.cc | |
 cosmicidtree_sbnd.fcl | |
 cosmicidtreeconfig_sbnd.fcl | |
 CosmicIdUtils.cc | |
 CosmicIdUtils.h | |
 CosmicPCAxisTagger_module.cc | |
 CosmicPFParticleTagger_module.cc | |
 CosmicRayBaseMatchingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cosmic ray splitting algorithm class |
 CosmicRayBaseMatchingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cosmic ray base matching algorithm class |
 CosmicRayExtensionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cosmic-ray extension algorithm class |
 CosmicRayExtensionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cosmic-ray extension algorithm class |
 CosmicRayRemovalTool.cc | |
 CosmicRayRemovalTool.h | Header file for the cosmic ray removal tool class |
 CosmicRayShowerMatchingAlgorithm.cc | |
 CosmicRayShowerMatchingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cosmic ray shower matching algorithm class |
 CosmicRaySplittingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cosmic ray splitting algorithm class |
 CosmicRaySplittingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cosmic ray splitting algorithm class |
 CosmicRayTaggingMonitoringTool.cc | Implementation of the cosmic-ray tagging monitoring tool class |
 CosmicRayTaggingMonitoringTool.h | Header file for the cosmic-ray tagging monitoring tool class |
 CosmicRayTaggingTool.cc | Implementation of the cosmic-ray tagging tool class |
 CosmicRayTaggingTool.h | Header file for the cosmic-ray tagging tool class |
 CosmicRayTrackMatchingAlgorithm.cc | |
 CosmicRayTrackMatchingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cosmic ray track matching algorithm class |
 CosmicRayTrackRecoveryAlgorithm.cc | |
 CosmicRayTrackRecoveryAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cosmic ray longitudinal track recovery algorithm class |
 CosmicRayVertexBuildingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cosmic-ray vertex building algorithm class |
 CosmicRayVertexBuildingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cosmic-ray vertex building algorithm class |
 CosmicRemovalAna_module.cc | |
 cosmicremovalmodules.fcl | |
 cosmics_g4_icarus.fcl | |
 cosmics_g4_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 cosmics_g4_icarus_sce.fcl | |
 cosmics_g4_icarus_sce_lite.fcl | |
 cosmics_g4_icarus_volCryostat.fcl | |
 cosmics_g4_icarus_volCryostat_lite.fcl | |
 cosmics_g4_icarus_volDetEnc.fcl | |
 cosmics_g4_icarus_volDetEnc_lite.fcl | |
 CosmicsGen_module.cc | Generator for cosmic-rays |
 CosmicTag.cxx | |
 CosmicTag.h | |
 cosmictagger.fcl | |
 CosmicTracker_module.cc | |
 CosmicTrackerAlg.cxx | |
 CosmicTrackerAlg.h | |
 CosmicTrackTagger_module.cc | |
 counter.h | Test of util::counter and support utilities |
 counter_test.cc | Test of util::counter() and support utilities |
 CountersMap.h | Map of counters, stored compactly |
 CountersMap_test.cc | Tests the counter map |
 CountingExperiment.cxx | |
 CountingExperiment.h | |
 Covariance.cxx | |
 Covariance.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/CpaCrossCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/CpaCrossCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/CpaCrossCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/CpaCrossCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 CPAlgoArray.cxx | |
 CPAlgoArray.h | Class def header for a class CPAlgoArray |
 CPAlgoIgnoreTracks.cxx | |
 CPAlgoIgnoreTracks.h | Class def header for a class CPAlgoIgnoreTracks |
 CPAlgoNHits.cxx | |
 CPAlgoNHits.h | Class def header for a class CPAlgoNHits |
 CPAlgoPolyArea.cxx | |
 CPAlgoPolyArea.h | Class def header for a class CPAlgoPolyArea |
 CPAlgoQSum.cxx | |
 CPAlgoQSum.h | Class def header for a class CPAlgoQSum |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/helpers/python/cppUtils.py | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/python/cppUtils.py | |
 CPriorityAlgoBase.h | Class def header for a class CPriorityAlgoBase |
 CreateHybridLibrary_module.cc | |
 CreateTestShowerCalibrationFromPID.cxx | Creates a test calibration file for ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID |
 CreateTestShowerCalibrationFromPID.h | Creates a test calibration file for ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID |
 CreateTestShowerCalibrationFromPID_test.cc | Creates a test calibration file for ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID |
 createtree_timed_tracks_icarus.fcl | |
 createtree_timed_tracks_icarus_quiet.fcl | |
 CRHitRemoval_module.cc | |
 CRHitRemovalByPCA_module.cc | |
 CrossedTrackSplittingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the crossed track splitting algorithm class |
 CrossedTrackSplittingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the crossed track splitting algorithm class |
 CrossGapsAssociationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cross gaps association algorithm class |
 CrossGapsAssociationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cross gaps association algorithm class |
 CrossGapsExtensionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cross gaps extension algorithm class |
 CrossGapsExtensionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cross gaps extension algorithm class |
 crt_ana.fcl | |
 crt_ana_cal_north_inner.fcl | |
 crt_ana_cal_north_outer.fcl | |
 crt_ana_cal_west_inner.fcl | |
 crt_ana_cal_west_outer.fcl | |
 crt_cal_ana.fcl | |
 crt_decoderdefs_icarus.fcl | |
 crt_detsim_only.fcl | |
 crt_detsim_only_lite.fcl | |
 crt_detsimalg_test.cxx | |
 crt_event_prod.fcl | |
 crt_noise_mon.fcl | |
 crtana_sbnd.fcl | |
 crtanamodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 CRTArtdaqFragmentProducer.fcl | |
 CRTArtdaqFragmentProducer_module.cc | |
 CRTAutoVeto.fcl | |
 CRTAutoVeto_module.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTBackTracker.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTBackTracker.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTBackTracker.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTBackTracker.h | |
 crtbacktracker_icarus.fcl | |
 crtbacktracker_sbnd.fcl | |
 CrtCal.cc | |
 CrtCal.h | |
 CrtCalAnalysis_module.cc | |
 CRTCalibrationAnalysis.fcl | |
 CRTCalibrationAnalysis_module.cc | Access CRT data and reco products and compare to MCTruth info |
 CrtCalTree.cxx | |
 CrtCalTree.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTChannelMapAlg.cxx | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTChannelMapAlg.cxx | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTChannelMapAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTChannelMapAlg.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTCommonUtils.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTCommonUtils.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTCommonUtils.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTCommonUtils.h | |
 CRTData.cc | |
 CRTData.cxx | |
 ICARUS/CRT/CRTData.hh | |
 SBND/CRT/CRTData.hh | |
 CRTDataAnalysis.fcl | |
 CRTDataAnalysis_module.cc | Access CRT data and reco products and compare to MCTruth info |
 CRTDetSim.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTDetSim_module.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTDetSim_module.cc | |
 CRTDetSimAlg.cc | |
 CRTDetSimAlg.cxx | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTDetSimAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTSimulation/CRTDetSimAlg.h | |
 CRTDetSimAna_module.cc | |
 crtdetsimana_sbnd.fcl | |
 CRTDetSimParams.h | |
 CRTEventDisplay.cc | |
 CRTEventDisplay.h | |
 crteventdisplay_sbnd.fcl | |
 CRTEventProducer_module.cc | |
 CRTFullRecoAna_module.cc | |
 crtfullrecoana_sbnd.fcl | |
 sbncode/sbncode/GeometryTools/CRTGeoAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/Geometry/GeometryWrappers/CRTGeoAlg.cc | |
 sbncode/sbncode/GeometryTools/CRTGeoAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/Geometry/GeometryWrappers/CRTGeoAlg.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTGeometryHelper.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTGeometryHelper.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTGeometryHelper_service.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTGeometryHelper_service.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTGeoObjectSorter.cxx | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTGeoObjectSorter.cxx | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTGeoObjectSorter.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTGeoObjectSorter.h | |
 CRTHisto.cc | |
 CRTHisto.h | |
 CRTHit.cc | |
 CRTHit.hh | |
 CRTHit_Legacy.hh | |
 CRTHitConverter_module.cc | |
 crthitconverter_producer.fcl | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/CrtHitCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/CrtHitCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/CrtHitCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/CrtHitCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 CRTHitCosmicIdAna_module.cc | |
 crthitproducer_icarus.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTHitRecoAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTHitRecoAlg.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTHitRecoAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTHitRecoAlg.h | |
 CRTHitRecoAna_module.cc | |
 crthitrecoana_sbnd.fcl | |
 crthits_icarus.fcl | |
 CRTHitTiming.cc | |
 CRTMatch.h | |
 crtmatch_producer.fcl | |
 CRTMergePreProcessTrees.cxx | |
 CRTmetric.cc | |
 CRTmetric.hh | |
 CrtNoiseMonTool_module.cc | |
 CrtOpHitMatchAnalysis.fcl | |
 CrtOpHitMatchAnalysis_module.cc | |
 crtpmtmatchingana.fcl | |
 CRTPMTMatchingAna_module.cc | |
 CRTPreProcessTree.cc | |
 CRTPreProcessTree.h | |
 CRTRawTree.cc | |
 CRTRawTree.h | |
 crtsim_sbnd.fcl | |
 CRTSimAnalysis.fcl | |
 CRTSimAnalysis_module.cc | Access CRT data and reco products and compare to MCTruth info |
 crtsimhitproducer.fcl | |
 crtsimhitproducer_icarus.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTSimHitProducer_module.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTSimHitProducer_module.cc | |
 crtsimhitproducer_sbnd.fcl | |
 crtsimhitreco_sbnd.fcl | |
 CRTSimHitViewer.cc | |
 crtsimmodules_icarus.fcl | |
 crtsimmodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 crtsimreco_sbnd.fcl | |
 CRTSlimmer_module.cc | |
 crtslimmer_sbnd.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTT0MatchAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTT0MatchAlg.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTT0MatchAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTT0MatchAlg.h | |
 crtt0matching_icarus.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTT0Matching_module.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTTools/CRTT0Matching_module.cc | |
 crtt0matching_sbnd.fcl | |
 crtt0matchingalg_icarus.fcl | |
 crtt0matchingalg_sbnd.fcl | |
 crtt0matchingana_icarus.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTT0MatchingAna_module.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTAna/CRTT0MatchingAna_module.cc | |
 crtt0matchingana_sbnd.fcl | |
 crtt0producer_icarus.fcl | |
 CRTTiming.cc | |
 CRTTiming.h | |
 crttpcmatchingana.fcl | |
 CRTTPCMatchingAna_module.cc | |
 CRTTrack.cc | |
 CRTTrack.hh | |
 CRTTrack_Legacy.hh | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/CrtTrackCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/CrtTrackCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/CrtTrackCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/CrtTrackCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 CRTTrackCosmicIdAna_module.cc | |
 CRTTrackMatchAlg.cc | |
 CRTTrackMatchAlg.h | |
 CRTTrackMatching_module.cc | |
 crttrackmatching_sbnd.fcl | |
 crttrackmatchingalg_sbnd.fcl | |
 CRTTrackMatchingAna_module.cc | |
 crttrackmatchingana_sbnd.fcl | |
 crttrackproducer_icarus.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTTrackProducer_module.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTTrackProducer_module.cc | |
 crttrackproducer_sbnd.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTTrackRecoAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTTrackRecoAlg.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTTrackRecoAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/CRTTrackRecoAlg.h | |
 CRTTrackRecoAna_module.cc | |
 crttrackrecoana_sbnd.fcl | |
 crttracks_icarus.fcl | |
 CRTTrigFilter_module.cc | |
 crttruehitproducer.fcl | |
 crttruehitproducer_icarus.fcl | |
 CRTTrueHitProducer_module.cc | |
 CRTTrueHitRecoAlg.cc | |
 CRTTrueHitRecoAlg.h | |
 CRTTruthMatchAnalysis.fcl | |
 CRTTruthMatchAnalysis_module.cc | |
 CRTTzero.cc | |
 CRTTzero.hh | |
 CRTTzero_Legacy.hh | |
 crttzeroproducer_icarus.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTTzeroProducer_module.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTTzeroProducer_module.cc | |
 crttzeroproducer_sbnd.fcl | |
 CRUException.h | Class def header for exception classes in ClusterRecoUtil package |
 CRUMBS_helper.h | |
 CRUMBS_module.cc | |
 crumbs_sbnd.fcl | |
 CRUMBSResult.cc | |
 CRUMBSResult.h | |
 cry.fcl | |
 cry_sbnd.fcl | |
 CryostatGeo.cxx | |
 CryostatGeo.h | Encapsulate the construction of a single cyostat |
 CTreeGeometry_module.cc | |
 CustomAlgoFactory.cxx | |
 CustomAlgoFactory.h | Class def header for a class CustomAlgoFactory |
 CustomParticleCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the 3D particle creation algorithm class |
 CustomParticleCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the 3D particle creation algorithm class |
 CustomPhysicsBuiltIns.hh | |
 CustomPhysicsFactory.hh | |
 CustomPhysicsLArSoft.h | |
 CustomPhysicsTable.cxx | |
 CustomPhysicsTable.hh | |
 CustomPulseFunction.h | Pulse from one photoelectron fully defined by the configuration |
 CustomPulseFunctionTool_tool.cc | Toolization of icarus::opdet::AsymGaussPulseFunction<nanosecond> |
 Cut.cxx | |
 Cut.h | |
 cut_metrics.py | |
 CutClusterCharacterisationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cut based cluster characterisation algorithm class |
 CutClusterCharacterisationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cut based cluster characterisation algorithm class |
 CutOptimizer.cxx | |
 CutOptimizer.h | |
 CutPfoCharacterisationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cut based pfo characterisation algorithm class |
 CutPfoCharacterisationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cut based pfo characterisation algorithm class |
 Cuts.cc | |
 Cuts.cxx | |
 SBNAna/Cuts/Cuts.h | |
 ysis/ana/SBNOscReco/PostProcess/Cuts.h | |
 DaqDecoderICARUSPMT_module.cc | Produces raw::OpDetWaveform from V1730 artDAQ data fragments |
 DaqDecoderICARUSPMTnotThatOld_module.cc | |
 DaqDecoderICARUSPMTold_module.cc | |
 DaqDecoderICARUSTPC_module.cc | |
 DaqDecoderICARUSTPCwROI_module.cc | |
 DaqDecoderICARUSTrigger_module.cc | |
 DAQHeader.cxx | |
 DAQHeader.h | |
 Data.h | |
 database_sbnd.fcl | |
 database_standard.fcl | |
 DatabaseRetrievalAlg.cxx | |
 DatabaseRetrievalAlg.h | Class def header for a class DatabaseRetrievalAlg |
 DatabaseUtil.cc | |
 databaseutil.fcl | |
 DatabaseUtil.h | |
 databaseutil_bo.fcl | |
 databaseutil_sbnd.fcl | |
 DatabaseUtil_service.cc | |
 DataIOmanip.h | Provides I/O manipulators for streaming data |
 DataLoader3.py | |
 DataProductPointerMap.h | Utilities to map data pointer elements to their art::Ptr |
 dataprovider.fcl | |
 DataProviderAlg.cxx | |
 DataProviderAlg.h | |
 DataSelect_module.cc | |
 datasize.h | Dimensioned variables representing data size |
 datasize_test.cc | Unit test for lardataalg/Utilities/quantities/datasize.h header |
 DataStructs.cxx | |
 DataStructs.h | |
 Dazzle_module.cc | |
 DBCluster3D_module.cc | |
 DBCluster3D_uboone.fcl | |
 DBcluster_module.cc | |
 DBclusterAna_module.cc | |
 DBDataset.cxx | |
 DBDataset.h | |
 DBFolder.cxx | |
 DBFolder.h | |
 DBScan3DAlg.cxx | |
 DBScan3DAlg.h | |
 DBScanAlg.cxx | |
 DBScanAlg.h | |
 DBScanAlg_tool.cc | |
 DCEL.h | |
 DealWithGaus.sh | |
 DebugHelpers.cxx | |
 DebugStruct.cxx | |
 DebugStruct.h | |
 DebugUtils.cxx | |
 DebugUtils.h | Functions to help debugging by instrumenting code |
 DebugUtils_test.cc | Unit test for some of the utilities in DebugUtils.h |
 decode_signalprocess_icarus.fcl | |
 decodePMT_icarus.fcl | |
 decodePMT_icarus_incomplete.fcl | |
 decodePMT_icarus_standalone.fcl | |
 decodePMTdefs_icarus.fcl | |
 decoder.fcl | |
 decodercrtjob.fcl | |
 decoderdefs_icarus.fcl | |
 DecoderICARUSCRT_module.cc | |
 decoderTools_icarus.fcl | |
 decoderToolsMC_icarus.fcl | |
 decodeTrigger_icarus.fcl | |
 Decomposer.h | Classes to project and compose a vector on a plane |
 Decomposer_test.cxx | Unit test for Decomposer class |
 Decon1DROI_module.cc | |
 deconTools_icarus.fcl | |
 dedx.py | |
 DefaultOpDetResponse_service.cc | |
 DeltaRayExtensionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the delta ray extension algorithm class |
 DeltaRayExtensionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the delta ray extension algorithm class |
 DeltaRayGrowingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the delta ray growing algorithm class |
 DeltaRayGrowingAlgorithm.h | |
 DeltaRayIdentificationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the delta ray identification algorithm class |
 DeltaRayIdentificationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the delta ray identification algorithm class |
 DeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the delta ray shower matching algorithm class |
 DeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the delta ray matching algorithm class |
 DeltaRayMatchingContainers.cc | Implementation of the delta ray matching containers class |
 DeltaRayMatchingContainers.h | Header file for the delta ray matching containers class |
 DeltaRayMergeTool.cc | Implementation of the delta ray merge tool class |
 DeltaRayMergeTool.h | Header file for the delta ray merge tool class |
 DeltaRayParentAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the delta ray parent algorithm class |
 DeltaRayParentAlgorithm.h | Header file for the delta ray parent class |
 DeltaRayRemovalTool.cc | Implementation of the delta ray removal tool class |
 DeltaRayRemovalTool.h | Header file for the delta ray removal tool class |
 DeltaRayShowerHitsTool.cc | Implementation of the delta ray shower hits tool |
 DeltaRayShowerHitsTool.h | Header file for the delta ray shower hits tool |
 DeltaRaySplittingAlgorithm.cc | |
 DeltaRaySplittingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the delta ray splitting algorithm class |
 demo.fcl | |
 demo.h | |
 demo.py | |
 Dereference.h | |
 Dereference_test.cc | Test for Dereference.h utilities |
 DereferenceIterator.h | Offer iterators automatically dereferencing their values |
 DereferenceIterator_test.cc | Unit test for DereferenceIterator class |
 Derived.cc | |
 Derived.h | |
 detectoractivityrate_plots.fcl | |
 DetectorActivityRatePlots.cpp | Draws some plots of detector activity with time. For simulation |
 detectorclocks.fcl | |
 DetectorClocks.h | Pure virtual base interface for detector clocks |
 detectorclocks_bo.fcl | |
 detectorclocks_csu40L.fcl | |
 detectorclocks_icarus.fcl | |
 detectorclocks_icarus_run5252.fcl | |
 detectorclocks_icarus_run5837pre09_22_03_01.fcl | |
 detectorclocks_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 detectorclocks_sbnd.fcl | |
 DetectorClocksData.h | |
 DetectorClocksException.h | Class def header for exception classes in DetectorClocks data provider |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/Utilities/DetectorClocksHelpers.h | Simple functions to streamline the creation of DetectorClocksData |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/Utilities/DetectorClocksHelpers.h | Simple functions to streamline the creation of DetectorClocksData |
 DetectorClocksService.h | |
 DetectorClocksServiceStandard.cc | |
 DetectorClocksServiceStandard.h | |
 DetectorClocksServiceStandard_service.cc | |
 DetectorClocksStandard.cxx | |
 DetectorClocksStandard.h | |
 DetectorClocksStandard_test.cc | Simple instantiation-only test for DetectorClocksStandard |
 DetectorClocksStandardDataFor.h | Helper to get clocks data from detinfo::DetectorClocksStandard |
 DetectorClocksStandardTestHelpers.h | Helper functions for support of DetectorClocksService in LArSoft tests |
 DetectorClocksStandardTriggerLoader.h | Functions to load trigger time in detinfo::DetectorClocksStandard |
 detectorproperties.fcl | |
 DetectorProperties.h | |
 detectorproperties_bo.fcl | |
 detectorproperties_icarus.fcl | |
 detectorproperties_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 detectorproperties_sbnd.fcl | |
 DetectorPropertiesData.cc | |
 DetectorPropertiesData.h | |
 DetectorPropertiesService.h | |
 DetectorPropertiesServiceStandard.cc | |
 DetectorPropertiesServiceStandard.h | |
 DetectorPropertiesServiceStandard_service.cc | |
 detectorpropertiesservicetest_bo.fcl | |
 detectorpropertiesservicetest_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 detectorpropertiesservicetest_standard.fcl | |
 DetectorPropertiesStandard.cxx | Separation of service from Detector info class |
 DetectorPropertiesStandard.h | |
 DetectorPropertiesStandard_test.cc | Simple instantiation-only test for DetectorPropertiesStandard |
 DetectorPropertiesStandardTestHelpers.h | Helpers for support of DetectorPropertiesService in LArSoft tests |
 DetectorTimings.h | Interface to detinfo::DetectorClocks |
 DetectorTimingsStandard_test.cc | Test of detinfo::DetectorTimings with DetectorClocksStandard |
 DetectorTimingTypes.h | Data types for detinfo::DetectorTimings |
 DetectorTimingTypes_test.cc | Test of detinfo::DetectorTimings with DetectorClocksStandard |
 DetInfo.h | |
 DetPedestal.h | Class def header for a class DetPedestal |
 DetPedestalProvider.h | |
 DetPedestalRetrievalAlg.cxx | |
 DetPedestalRetrievalAlg.h | Class def header for a class DetPedestalRetrievalAlg |
 DetPedestalService.h | |
 detsim_3drift_windows.fcl | |
 detsim_3drift_windows_lite.fcl | |
 detsim_3drift_windows_sce.fcl | |
 detsim_3drift_windows_sce_lite.fcl | |
 detsim_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 detsim_calorimetry_workshop2020_sbnd.fcl | |
 detsim_comm_sbnd.fcl | |
 detsim_comm_sce_sbnd.fcl | |
 icaruscode/fcl/utilities/detsim_drops.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/JobConfigurations/base/detsim_drops.fcl | |
 detsim_noisefromhist.fcl | |
 detsim_noisefromhist_lite.fcl | |
 detsim_nonoise.fcl | |
 detsim_nonoise_lite.fcl | |
 detsim_purity_measurednoise.fcl | |
 detsim_purity_oldnoise.fcl | |
 detsim_QLcorr_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 detsim_QLcorr_calorimetry_workshop2020_sbnd.fcl | |
 detsim_sce.fcl | |
 detsim_sce_lite.fcl | |
 detsim_thermalnoiseinfreq.fcl | |
 detsim_thermalnoiseinfreq_lite.fcl | |
 detsim_thermalnoiseintime.fcl | |
 detsim_thermalnoiseintime_lite.fcl | |
 detsim_uboonedatadrivennoise.fcl | |
 detsim_uboonedatadrivennoise_lite.fcl | |
 detsimmodules.fcl | |
 detsimmodules_bo.fcl | |
 detsimmodules_ICARUS.fcl | |
 detsimmodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 detsimmodules_wirecell_ICARUS.fcl | |
 test/DetectorInfo/dettest_bo.fcl | |
 lg/test/DetectorInfo/dettest_bo.fcl | |
 dettest_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 dettest_sbnd.fcl | |
 diff_spectra.cc | |
 digi_arapuca_sbnd.fcl | |
 digi_pmt_sbnd.fcl | |
 DigiArapucaSBNDAlg.cc | |
 DigiArapucaSBNDAlg.hh | |
 DigiPMTSBNDAlg.cc | |
 DigiPMTSBNDAlg.hh | |
 DirectHitParticleAssns_tool.cc | |
 DirOfGamma.cxx | |
 DirOfGamma.h | |
 dirtanaicarus21apr21.fcl | |
 disable_boost_fpc_tolerance.hpp | |
 DisambigAlg.cxx | |
 DisambigAlg.h | |
 disambigalgorithms.fcl | |
 DisambigCheater_module.cc | |
 DiscretePhotoelectronPulse.cxx | Sampling of a photoelectron pulse (implementation file) |
 DiscretePhotoelectronPulse.h | Sampling of a photoelectron pulse |
 discriminatePMT_icarus.fcl | |
 discriminatePMT_icarus_data.fcl | |
 DiscriminatePMTwaveforms_module.cc | Module producing discriminated waveforms |
 DiscriminatePMTwaveformsByChannel_module.cc | Module producing discriminated waveforms |
 Display3DPad.cxx | Drawing pad showing a 3D rendering of the detector |
 Display3DPad.h | Drawing pad showing a 3D rendering of the detector |
 Display3DView.cxx | The "main" event display view that most people will want to use |
 Display3DView.h | A view showing a 3D rendering of the detector |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/galleryAnalysis/C++/displayHitOverlays.py | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/galleryAnalysis/displayHitOverlays.py | |
 dissH_corsikap_M100_th1e-4.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M150_th1e-4.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M200_th1e-4.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M220.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M240.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M260.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M300.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M300_th3e-5.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M330.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M330_th2e-5.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M340.fcl | |
 dissH_corsikap_M50_th1e-4.fcl | |
 dissH_M100_kdar.fcl | |
 dissH_M150_kdar.fcl | |
 dissH_M200_kdar.fcl | |
 dissH_M220.fcl | |
 dissH_M240.fcl | |
 dissH_M260.fcl | |
 dissH_M300.fcl | |
 dissH_M340.fcl | |
 dissH_M50_kdar.fcl | |
 dissonant_higgs.fcl | |
 dissonant_higgs_corsika_p_gen.fcl | |
 dissonant_higgs_gen.fcl | |
 dissonant_higgs_tree_icarus.fcl | |
 Disturbance_module.cc | A module throwing a standard library exception |
 DK2NuInterface.cxx | |
 DK2NuInterface.h | |
 DlClusterCharacterisationAlgorithm.cc | |
 DlClusterCharacterisationAlgorithm.h | |
 DlHitTrackShowerIdAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the deep learning track shower id algorithm |
 DlHitTrackShowerIdAlgorithm.h | Header file for the deep learning track shower id algorithm |
 DlHitValidationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the deep learning track shower validation algorithm |
 DlHitValidationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the deep learning track shower id validation algorithm |
 DLMasterAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the master algorithm class |
 DLMasterAlgorithm.h | Header file for the master algorithm class |
 DlPfoCharacterisationAlgorithm.cc | |
 DlPfoCharacterisationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cut based pfo characterisation algorithm class |
 DlTrackShowerStreamSelectionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the deep learning track shower cluster streaming algorithm |
 DlTrackShowerStreamSelectionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the deep learning track shower cluster streaming algorithm |
 DlVertexingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the deep learning vertexing algorithm |
 DlVertexingAlgorithm.h | |
 doGit.sh | |
 DPRawHitFinder_module.cc | |
 DrawGausHits_tool.cc | |
 DrawingPad.cxx | Base class for all event display drawing pads |
 DrawingPad.h | Base class for all event display drawing pads |
 DrawLArVoxel3D_tool.cc | |
 DrawRawHist_tool.cc | |
 DrawSimEnergyDeposit3D_tool.cc | |
 DrawSimPhoton3D_tool.cc | |
 DrawSkewHits_tool.cc | |
 DrawWireData_tool.cc | |
 DrawWireHist_tool.cc | |
 DriftElectronstoPlane_module.cc | |
 DriftEstimatorBase.hh | |
 DriftEstimatorPMTRatio_tool.cc | |
 DriftPartitions.cxx | Classes describing partition of cryostat volume |
 DriftPartitions.h | Data structures and algorithms to partition a cryostat volume |
 driftvolumes_test.cxx | Test for neighbourhood discovery in simple geometries |
 drop_raw_products.fcl | |
 dropbox.py | |
 DummyAnalyzer_module.cc | An art analyzer which does nothing |
 DummyFilter_module.cc | An art filter which does nothing |
 DummyProducer_module.cc | An art producer which does nothing |
 dump_artdaqfragments_pmt_icarus.fcl | |
 dump_chargedspacepoints.fcl | |
 dump_clusters.fcl | |
 dump_hits.fcl | |
 dump_icarus_channelmap.fcl | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/Geometry/dump_icarus_geometry.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/Geometry/dump_icarus_geometry.fcl | |
 dump_lartpcdetector_channelmap.fcl | |
 dump_lartpcdetector_geometry.fcl | |
 dump_mcparticles.fcl | |
 dump_mcparticlesandreco.fcl | |
 dump_mcreco.fcl | |
 dump_mctruth.fcl | |
 dump_opdetbacktrackerrecords.fcl | |
 dump_opdetwaveforms.fcl | |
 dump_opdetwaveforms_icarus.fcl | |
 dump_opdetwaveforms_icarus_data.fcl | |
 dump_pfparticles.fcl | |
 dump_pids.fcl | |
 dump_pmtconfig_icarus.fcl | |
 dump_rawdigits.fcl | |
 dump_sbnd_channelmap.fcl | |
 dump_sbnd_geometry.fcl | |
 dump_seeds.fcl | |
 dump_simchannels.fcl | |
 dump_simenergydeposits.fcl | |
 dump_simphotons.fcl | |
 dump_simphotonslite.fcl | |
 dump_tracks.fcl | |
 dump_triggerconfig_icarus.fcl | |
 dump_triggergatedata_icarus.fcl | |
 dump_triggers_icarus.fcl | |
 dump_wires.fcl | |
 DumpArtDAQfragments_module.cc | Dumps on console the content of artdaq::Fragment data products |
 DumpAssociations.h | Dumps on a stream the content of associations |
 DumpChannelMap_module.cc | Prints on screen the current channel-wire map |
 DumpChargedSpacePoints_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of space points and associated charge |
 DumpCheatTracks_module.cc | Dumps a lar::example::CheatTrack collection and associations |
 DumpClusters_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of the clusters |
 DumperBase.h | Helper base class for implementing data product dump algorithms |
 DumpGeometry_module.cc | Prints on screen the current geometry |
 DumpGTruth_module.cc | Module dumping GTruth information from GENIE on screen |
 DumpHits_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of the hits |
 DumpMCParticles_module.cc | Module dumping MCarticle information on screen |
 DumpMCShowers_module.cc | Module dumping MCShower information on screen |
 DumpMCTracks_module.cc | Module dumping MCTrack information on screen |
 DumpMCTruth_module.cc | Module dumping MCTruth information on screen |
 DumpOpDetBacktrackerRecords_module.cc | Module dumping OpDetBacktrackerRecords information on screen |
 DumpOpDetWaveforms_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of the raw optical detector waveforms |
 DumpParticleIDs_module.cc | Dump ParticleID objects |
 DumpPCAxes_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of Principal Component Axis objects |
 DumpPFParticles_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of ParticleFlow particles |
 DumpPMTconfiguration_module.cc | Dumps on console the content of sbn::PMTconfiguration data product |
 DumpRawDigits_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of the raw digits |
 DumpSeeds_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of seeds |
 DumpSimChannels_module.cc | Module dumping SimChannels information on screen |
 DumpSimEnergyDeposits_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of the sim::SimEnergyDeposit objects |
 DumpSimPhotons_module.cc | Module dumping SimPhotons information on screen |
 DumpSimPhotonsLite_module.cc | Module dumping SimPhotonsLite information on screen |
 DumpSpacePoints_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of space points |
 DumpTracks_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of the tracks |
 DumpTrigger_module.cc | Dumps on console the content of trigger data products |
 DumpTriggerConfiguration_module.cc | Dumps to console the content of icarus::TriggerConfiguration data product |
 DumpTriggerGateData_module.cc | Dumps on console the content of a icarus::trigger::OpticalTriggerGate::GateData_t data product |
 DumpUtils.h | Utilities to dump objects into a stream |
 DumpUtils_test.cc | Unit test for utilities in DumpUtils.h |
 DumpVertices_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of vertices |
 DumpWires_module.cc | Dumps on screen the content of the wires |
 DUNEFarDetVDThreeView.h | Detector interface for DUNE's vertical drift, 3 view far detector |
 duplicate_finder_run_subrun.sh | |
 DuplicateEventTracker.h | Service keeping track of art event IDs |
 DuplicateEventTracker_service.cc | |
 DynamicSelector.cc | |
 DynamicSelector.h | |
 DynamicTriggerGateBuilder.cxx | Dynamic gate builder |
 DynamicTriggerGateBuilder.h | Dynamic gate builder |
 DynamicTriggerGateBuilderTool_tool.cc | Toolization of icarus::trigger::DynamicTriggerGateBuilder |
 DynamicTriggerGateBuilderTool_tool.h | Toolization of icarus::trigger::DynamicTriggerGateBuilder |
 Edge.cxx | Definition of Principal Components Axis object for LArSoft |
 Edge.h | An object to define a "edge" which is used to connect space points in a triangulation algorithm |
 Edge3DDrawer_tool.cc | |
 Edge_test.cc | Simple test on a recob::Edge object |
 eff_ratio.py | |
 ElecClock.cxx | |
 ElecClock.h | Class def header for a class ElecClock |
 electromagnetism.h | Dimensioned variables representing electromagnetic quantities |
 electron_proton_bnblike_anode_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 electron_proton_bnblike_cathode_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 electron_proton_bnblike_center_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 electronics.h | Dimensioned variables related to electronics |
 ElectronicsCalib.h | Class def header for a class ElectronicsCalib |
 ElectronicsCalibProvider.h | |
 ElectronicsCalibService.h | Interface for experiment-specific service for pmt gain info |
 ElectronicsResponse_tool.cc | |
 ElectronicsResponseBesselApprox_tool.cc | |
 ElectronLifetimeContainer.h | |
 ElectronLifetimeProvider.h | |
 ElectronLifetimeService.h | |
 empty_events.fcl | |
 emptydir.py | |
 emptyevent_icarus.fcl | |
 emptyevent_sbnd.fcl | |
 EmptyKaonGen_tool.cc | |
 emshower3d.fcl | |
 EMShower3D_module.cc | |
 EMShower_module.cc | |
 EMShowerAlg.cxx | |
 EMShowerAlg.h | |
 enable_spacecharge_icarus.fcl | |
 enable_spacecharge_services_sbnd.fcl | |
 EndAssociatedPfosTool.cc | Implementation of the end associated pfos tool class |
 EndAssociatedPfosTool.h | Header file for the end associated pfos tool class |
 EndPoint2D.cxx | |
 EndPoint2D.h | |
 EndPointAlg.cxx | |
 EndPointAlg.h | Algorithm to find 2D endpoints |
 EndPointModule_module.cc | |
 energy.h | Dimensioned variables representing energy |
 energy_test.cc | Unit test for lardataalg/Utilities/quantities/energy.h header |
 EnergyDepositionAsymmetryFeatureTool.cc | Implementation of the energy deposition asymmetry feature tool class |
 EnergyDepositionAsymmetryFeatureTool.h | Header file for the energy deposition asymmetry feature tool class |
 EnergyKickFeatureTool.cc | Implementation of the energy kick feature tool class |
 EnergyKickFeatureTool.h | Header file for the energy kick feature tool class |
 EnergyKickVertexSelectionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the energy kick vertex selection algorithm class |
 EnergyKickVertexSelectionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the energy kick vertex selection algorithm class |
 EnergySysts.cxx | |
 EnergySysts.h | |
 EnsembleRatio.cxx | |
 EnsembleRatio.h | |
 EnsembleSpectrum.cxx | |
 EnsembleSpectrum.h | |
 EnsureOnlyOneSchedule.h | Type whose constructor throws if more than one art schedule is configured |
 enumerate.h | Definition of util::enumerate() |
 enumerate_test.cc | Test of util::enumerate and support utilities |
 EpilogFwd.h | |
 EvalVtx.fcl | |
 EvalVtx_module.cc | |
 evd.fcl | |
 evd_icarus.fcl | |
 evd_icarusraw.fcl | |
 EVD_module.cc | |
 evd_multitpc_icarus.fcl | |
 evd_sbnd.fcl | |
 evd_sbnd_3drift.fcl | |
 evd_uboone_analysis.fcl | |
 evd_uboone_efficiency.fcl | |
 evd_uboone_purity.fcl | |
 EvdLayoutOptions.cc | |
 EvdLayoutOptions.h | |
 EvdLayoutOptions_service.cc | |
 evdservices.fcl | |
 evdservices_base.fcl | |
 evdservices_icarus.fcl | |
 evdservices_sbnd.fcl | |
 evdservices_zen.fcl | |
 Event.cxx | Producer module to create 3D clusters from input hits |
 Event.h | Represents the Event implemented as a self balancing binary search tree |
 Event.hh | |
 EventButcher_module.cc | |
 EventCheater_module.cc | |
 eventdisplay.h | Place to keep constants for event display |
 eventdump.fcl | |
 EventFilter_module.cc | |
 eventfindermodules.fcl | |
 eventfindermodules_dune.fcl | |
 eventfindermodules_microboone.fcl | |
 eventfindermodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 EventIDTree.cxx | Class storing event information in a ROOT tree (implementation) |
 EventIDTree.h | Class hosting selected information about the event |
 EventInfo_t.cxx | Class hosting selected information about the event (implementation) |
 EventInfo_t.h | Class hosting selected information about the event |
 EventInfoTree.cxx | Class writing event information into a ROOT tree (implementation) |
 EventInfoTree.h | Class writing event information into a ROOT tree |
 EventInfoUtils.cxx | Class hosting selected information about the event (implementation) |
 EventInfoUtils.h | Functions dealing with icarus::trigger::details::EventInfo_t |
 EventReadingAlgorithm.cc | |
 EventReadingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the event reading algorithm class |
 EventRegistry.cxx | Class keeping track of art event IDs (implementation file) |
 EventRegistry.h | Class keeping track of art event IDs |
 AnaBasics/eventsel.h | |
 XSecSelection/eventsel.h | |
 EventSelect_module.cc | |
 EventSlicingTool.cc | Implementation of the event slicing tool class |
 EventSlicingTool.h | Header file for the event slicing tool class |
 EventTimeFilter_module.cc | |
 EventUtilities.cxx | |
 EventUtilities.h | Provides some basic functions operating in IEvent class objects |
 EventValidationBaseAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the event validation algorithm |
 EventValidationBaseAlgorithm.h | Header file for the event validation algorithm |
 eventweight_flux_sbn.fcl | |
 eventweight_genie3_sbn_A.fcl | |
 eventweight_genie_sbn.fcl | |
 EventWeight_module.cc | |
 EventWeightMap.cc | |
 EventWeightMap.h | |
 EventWeightParameterSet.cxx | |
 EventWeightParameterSet.h | |
 EventWritingAlgorithm.cc | |
 EventWritingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the event writing algorithm class |
 Algorithms/bin/example.cc | |
 Base/bin/example.cc | |
 Algorithms/mac/example.py | |
 Base/mac/example.py | |
 Algorithms/mac/example_anaunit.py | |
 Base/mac/example_anaunit.py | |
 Algorithms/mac/example_ertool.py | |
 Base/mac/example_ertool.py | |
 SBNOsc/macro/example_macro.cc | |
 TrackReducer/example_macro.cc | |
 ExampleConfig.fcl | |
 ExampleSelection.cxx | |
 ExampleSelection.h | |
 ExampleTools.cxx | |
 ExampleTools.h | |
 Exceptions.h | Collection of exceptions for Geometry system |
 expand_fcl.sh | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/helpers/C++/expandInputFiles.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/helpers/expandInputFiles.h | |
 Experiment.hh | |
 experiment3ddrawers.fcl | |
 experiment_settings.sh | |
 experiment_utilities.py | |
 ExpInfo.h | |
 exploder_badalloc.fcl | |
 exploder_disturbed_artexception.fcl | |
 exploder_disturbed_outofrange.fcl | |
 Exploder_module.cc | A module throwing exceptions |
 exploder_outofrange.fcl | |
 ExptGeoHelperInterface.h | Interface to a service that handles any experiment-specific knowledge that is needed by the Geometry service |
 EXTCountInfo.cc | |
 extcountinfo.fcl | |
 EXTCountInfo.h | |
 external_event_building.fcl | |
 ExternalTrigger.cxx | |
 ExternalTrigger.h | |
 extractCAFMetadata.cc | |
 ExtractEnergyDepositionSummary_module.cc | Module producing a summary deposited energy data product |
 extractMaxGeometryElements.h | Algorithm discovering the number of elements in the geometry |
 larbatch/python/extractor_dict.py | |
 sbndutil/python/extractor_dict.py | |
 ExtraTriggerInfo.cxx | Data product holding additional trigger information |
 ExtraTriggerInfo.h | Data product holding additional trigger information |
 EXTRetriever_module.cc | |
 FakeFlash_module.cc | |
 FakeParticle_tool.cc | This tool creates a fake particle and overlays on input data |
 FakePhotoS_module.cc | |
 fast_simulation_reconstruction_test.sh | |
 FastAndPoorGauss.h | Fast approximate Gaussian random translator |
 FastAndPoorGauss_test.cc | Unit test for util::FastAndPoorGauss |
 FastMatrixMath_test.cc | Tests the classes in SimpleFits.h |
 FastMatrixMathHelper.h | Classes with hard-coded (hence "fast") matrix math |
 FastOpticalPhysics.cxx | |
 FastOpticalPhysics.h | |
 fcl_checks.sh | |
 fclmodule.cxx | |
 FeatureTracker_module.cc | |
 FeatureVertexFinder_module.cc | |
 FeatureVertexFinderAna_module.cc | |
 FEBData.cxx | |
 FEBData.hh | |
 FEBTruthInfo.cxx | |
 FEBTruthInfo.hh | |
 FFTHitFinder_module.cc | |
 ffttest.sh | |
 FFTTest_module.cc | |
 FHiCLutils.h | Simple helper functions to deal with FHiCL |
 fiducial_volume.cxx | |
 fiducial_volume.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/FiducialVolumeCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/FiducialVolumeCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/FiducialVolumeCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/FiducialVolumeCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 FieldResponse_tool.cc | |
 FIFOChannel.h | |
 FIFOHistogramAna_module.cc | |
 file_to_url.sh | |
 FileCatalogMetadataICARUS.h | |
 FileCatalogMetadataICARUS_service.cc | |
 FileCatalogMetadataSBN.h | |
 FileCatalogMetadataSBN_service.cc | |
 FileListSource.cxx | |
 FileListSource.h | |
 FileMeta.hh | |
 filemuons.fcl | |
 FileMuons_module.cc | Generator for muons from a file |
 FileReducer.cxx | |
 FileReducer.h | |
 FillExposure.cxx | |
 FillExposure.h | |
 FillFlashMatch.cxx | |
 FillFlashMatch.h | |
 FillReco.cxx | |
 FillReco.h | |
 FillTrigger.cxx | |
 FillTrigger.h | |
 FillTrue.cxx | |
 FillTrue.h | |
 filter_genie_active_icarus.fcl | |
 filter_genie_active_interaction.fcl | |
 filter_numu_pizero_calorimetry_workshop_2020.fcl | |
 filter_particle_active.fcl | |
 Filter_tool.cc | |
 FilterArray.cxx | |
 FilterArray.h | Class def header for a class FilterArray |
 FilterCryostatNus_module.cc | EDFilter to require projected generator trajectories in volumes within a particular time window |
 FilterGenInTime_module.cc | EDFilter to require projected generator trajectories in volumes within a particular time window |
 FilterNeutrinoActive.fcl | |
 FilterNeutrinoInteraction.fcl | |
 FilterNeutrinosActiveVolume_module.cc | Discards events with no neutrino interaction in the specified volume |
 FilterNoDirtNeutrinos_module.cc | Simple EDFilter to require neutrino interaction in TPC |
 FilterNoiseICARUS_module.cc | |
 FilterNoMCParticles_module.cc | Simple EDFilter filter events with no MCParticles |
 FilterNumberTPCHits_module.cc | |
 FilterOnArtPathOutcome_module.cc | An art filter picking its response from a previous one |
 FilterOpFlash_module.cc | |
 FilterParticleActive.fcl | |
 FilterParticlesActiveVolume_module.cc | |
 FilterPrimaryPDG_module.cc | Simple EDFilter to require a particular pdg is present as a primary |
 filterRangeFor.h | Utilities to manipulate range for loops |
 filterRangeFor_test.cc | Test for util::filterRangeFor() |
 filters.fcl | |
 filters_argoneut.fcl | |
 filters_sbnd.fcl | |
 filtersgenintime_sbnd.fcl | |
 FilterSimPhotonLiteTime_module.cc | |
 FilterSimPhotonTime_module.cc | |
 filterssimphotonlitetime_sbnd.fcl | |
 filterssimphotontime_sbnd.fcl | |
 FilterStoppingMuon_module.cc | Simple EDFilter to require muon to stop in the TPC |
 FinalStateParticleFilter_module.cc | |
 find_duplicate_events.fcl | |
 find_fhicl.sh | |
 find_global_symbol.sh | |
 FindAllP.h | More association queries |
 FindManyInChainP.h | Utility to navigate chains of associations |
 Fit.cxx | |
 Fit.h | |
 FitAxis.cxx | |
 FitAxis.h | |
 FitVars.cxx | |
 FitVars.h | |
 FitVarsSterile.cxx | |
 FitVarsSterile.h | |
 FitVarsSterileApprox.cxx | |
 FitVarsSterileApprox.h | |
 fix-cmake-genie.pl | |
 fix-cmake-ifdh.pl | |
 fix-cmake-larsoft.pl | |
 fix-cmake-nutools.pl | |
 fix-header-locs-ifdh.pl | |
 fix_cmake.pl | |
 fix_cmake_art206.pl | |
 fix_cmake_art209.pl | |
 fix_cmake_art211.pl | |
 fix_cmake_artdatahelper.pl | |
 fix_cmake_cal.pl | |
 fix_cmake_dnn.pl | |
 fix_cmake_genie3.pl | |
 fix_cmake_lardataalg.pl | |
 fix_cmake_larg4.pl | |
 fix_cmake_larsoftobj.pl | |
 fix_cmake_new_dnn.pl | |
 fix_cmake_v07_10_00.pl | |
 fix_fcl.pl | |
 fix_headers.pl | |
 fix_headers_art206.pl | |
 fix_headers_art209.pl | |
 fix_headers_art211.pl | |
 fix_headers_artdatahelper.pl | |
 fix_headers_cal.pl | |
 fix_headers_dnn.pl | |
 fix_headers_genie3.pl | |
 fix_headers_lardataalg.pl | |
 fix_headers_larg4.pl | |
 fix_headers_larsoftobj.pl | |
 fix_headers_new_dnn.pl | |
 fix_headers_v07_10_00.pl | |
 fix_log_debug_art211.pl | |
 FixBeamGateInfo_module.cc | Rewrites a collection of sim::BeamGateInfo |
 FixedBins.h | Class with extensible fix-sized binning |
 FixedBins_test.cc | Unit test for FixedBins class |
 FixedTriggerGateBuilder.cxx | Fixed-length gate builder |
 FixedTriggerGateBuilder.h | Fixed-length gate builder |
 FixedTriggerGateBuilderTool_tool.cc | Toolization of icarus::trigger::FixedTriggerGateBuilder |
 FixedTriggerGateBuilderTool_tool.h | Toolization of icarus::trigger::FixedTriggerGateBuilder |
 FlagSet.h | Class holding flags |
 FlagSet_test.cc | Test for the util::flags::FlagSet class |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/FlashAlgoBase.cxx | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/FlashAlgoBase.cxx | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/FlashAlgoBase.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/FlashAlgoBase.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/FlashAlgoFactory.cxx | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/FlashAlgoFactory.cxx | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/FlashAlgoFactory.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/FlashAlgoFactory.h | |
 FlashFilterFactory.cxx | |
 FlashFilterFactory.h | Class def header for a class FlashFilterFactory |
 flashfinder_deco_sbnd.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/FlashFinderFMWKInterface.cxx | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/FlashFinderFMWKInterface.cxx | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/FlashFinderFMWKInterface.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/FlashFinderFMWKInterface.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/FlashFinderManager.cxx | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/FlashFinderManager.cxx | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/FlashFinderManager.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/FlashFinderManager.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/FlashFinderTypes.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/FlashFinderTypes.h | |
 FlashGeoBarycenter_tool.cc | |
 FlashGeoBase.hh | |
 FlashHypothesis.cxx | |
 FlashHypothesis.h | Class def header for a class FlashHypothesis |
 FlashHypothesisAna_module.cc | |
 FlashHypothesisAnaAlg.cxx | |
 FlashHypothesisAnaAlg.h | |
 FlashHypothesisCalculator.cxx | |
 FlashHypothesisCalculator.h | |
 FlashHypothesisComparison.cxx | |
 FlashHypothesisComparison.h | |
 FlashHypothesisCreator.cxx | |
 FlashHypothesisCreator.h | |
 FlashHypothesisFactory.cxx | |
 FlashHypothesisFactory.h | Class def header for a class FlashHypothesisFactory |
 FlashMatch.cxx | |
 flashmatch.fcl | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/AnalysisBase/FlashMatch.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/Data/FlashMatch.h | |
 flashmatch_sbnd.fcl | |
 flashmatch_simple_icarus.fcl | |
 flashmatchalg.fcl | |
 FlashMatchFactory.cxx | |
 FlashMatchFactory.h | Class def header for a class FlashMatchFactory |
 FlashMatchManager.cxx | |
 FlashMatchManager.h | Class def header for a class FlashMatchManager |
 FlashPredict.hh | |
 FlashPredict_module.cc | |
 FlashProhibitFactory.cxx | |
 FlashProhibitFactory.h | Class def header for a class FlashProhibitFactory |
 FlashResAna.fcl | |
 FlashResAna_module.cc | |
 FlashT0Base.hh | |
 FlashT0FirstHit_tool.cc | |
 FlashT0SelectedChannels_tool.cc | |
 FlashTriggerPrimitive.cc | |
 FlashTriggerPrimitive.hh | |
 FlashUtilities.cxx | |
 FlashUtilities.h | |
 FlatInteraction.h | |
 Flatten.cc | |
 Flatten.h | |
 flatten_all_icarus.sh | |
 flatten_caf.cc | |
 Flux.cxx | |
 Flux.h | |
 FluxCalcPrep.cxx | |
 FluxCalcPrep.h | |
 fluxfilter_sbnd.fcl | |
 FluxGeoFilter_module.cc | |
 FluxInterface.h | |
 FluxReader.cxx | Source to read beam flux files |
 FluxReader.h | |
 fluxreader_evwgh.fcl | |
 FluxReader_source.cc | |
 fluxreader_source.fcl | |
 fluxreader_source_dk2nu.fcl | |
 FluxReaderAna_module.cc | An analyzer module to make flux histograms |
 fm_scores_icarus.fcl | |
 fm_scores_metrics_icarus.fcl | |
 fm_scores_metrics_sbnd.fcl | |
 fm_scores_sbnd.fcl | |
 FMWKInterface.cxx | |
 FMWKInterface.h | |
 ForEachAssociatedGroup.h | Helper functions to access associations in order |
 FragmentDumper.cxx | Utility to dump a artDAQ fragment on screen |
 FragmentDumper.h | Utility to dump a artDAQ fragment on screen |
 frame-shunt.fcl | |
 FrameSaver.cxx | |
 FrameSaver.h | |
 frequency.h | Dimensioned variables representing frequency quantities |
 frequency_test.cc | Unit test for lardataalg/Utilities/quantities/frequency.h header |
 fromFutureImport.h | Code that might appear as standard C++ in the future |
 FullOpHitFinder_module.cc | |
 FullWireDeconvolution_tool.cc | |
 g4_0.75ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_0.75ms_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_1.5ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_1.5ms_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_10ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_10ms_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_faketrigger_filter.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_faketrigger_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_windows.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_windows_lite.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_windows_no_opticalsim.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_windows_no_opticalsim_lite.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_windows_sce.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_windows_sce_lite.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_windows_sce_simphotontime_filter.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_windows_sce_simphotontime_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_windows_simphotontime_filter.fcl | |
 g4_3drift_windows_simphotontime_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_5ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_5ms_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_7ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_7ms_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_9.6ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_9.6ms_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 g4_calorimetry_workshop2020_sbnd.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_15ms.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_15ms_lite.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_1ms.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_1ms_lite.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_2ms.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_2ms_lite.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_4ms.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_4ms_lite.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_6ms.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_6ms_lite.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_8ms.fcl | |
 g4_cosmics_purity_8ms_lite.fcl | |
 g4_dirt_filter.fcl | |
 g4_dirt_filter_lite.fcl | |
 icaruscode/fcl/utilities/g4_drops.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/JobConfigurations/base/g4_drops.fcl | |
 g4_enable_doublespacecharge.fcl | |
 g4_enable_doublespacecharge_lite.fcl | |
 g4_enable_spacecharge.fcl | |
 g4_enable_spacecharge_1ms.fcl | |
 g4_enable_spacecharge_1ms_lite.fcl | |
 g4_enable_spacecharge_lite.fcl | |
 g4_enterstpc_filter.fcl | |
 g4_enterstpc_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_icarus_change_elect_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_icarus_change_elect_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_michelelectron_filter.fcl | |
 g4_michelelectron_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_crt_filter_base.fcl | |
 g4_mu_crt_filter_base_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_eastwestcrt_filter.fcl | |
 g4_mu_eastwestcrt_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_eastwestcrt_filter_sce.fcl | |
 g4_mu_eastwestcrt_filter_sce_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_10ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_10ms_electron_lifetime_enable_spacecharge.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_10ms_electron_lifetime_enable_spacecharge_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_10ms_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_1ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_1ms_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_5ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_5ms_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_enable_spacecharge.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_enable_spacecharge_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_infinite_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_infinite_electron_lifetime_enable_spacecharge.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_infinite_electron_lifetime_enable_spacecharge_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_infinite_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_sce.fcl | |
 g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_sce_lite.fcl | |
 g4_mu_plus_e_plus_filter.fcl | |
 g4_mu_plus_e_plus_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_no_diffusion.fcl | |
 g4_no_diffusion_lite.fcl | |
 g4_no_longitudinal_diffusion.fcl | |
 g4_no_longitudinal_diffusion_lite.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_9.6ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_9.6ms_electron_lifetime_doublespacecharge.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_9.6ms_electron_lifetime_doublespacecharge_lite.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_9.6ms_electron_lifetime_lite.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_doublespacecharge.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_doublespacecharge_lite.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_lite.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_michel_filter.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_michel_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_with_spacecharge.fcl | |
 g4_no_opticalsim_with_spacecharge_lite.fcl | |
 g4_no_shower_rollup.fcl | |
 g4_no_shower_rollup_lite.fcl | |
 g4_no_transverse_diffusion.fcl | |
 g4_no_transverse_diffusion_lite.fcl | |
 g4_noophybrid_sbnd.fcl | |
 g4_only_energydeposits.fcl | |
 g4_QLcorr_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 g4_QLcorr_calorimetry_workshop2020_sbnd.fcl | |
 g4_sce.fcl | |
 g4_sce_3drift_windows_simphotontime_filter.fcl | |
 g4_sce_3drift_windows_simphotontime_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_sce_dirt_filter.fcl | |
 g4_sce_dirt_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_sce_dirt_filter_no_shower_rollup.fcl | |
 g4_sce_dirt_filter_no_shower_rollup_lite.fcl | |
 g4_sce_lite.fcl | |
 g4_sce_no_shower_rollup.fcl | |
 g4_sce_no_shower_rollup_lite.fcl | |
 g4_sce_no_shower_rollup_no_mcreco.fcl | |
 g4_sce_no_shower_rollup_no_mcreco_lite.fcl | |
 g4_sce_SaveCosmicMCReco.fcl | |
 g4_sce_SaveCosmicMCReco_lite.fcl | |
 g4_sce_SaveCosmicMCReco_no_shower_rollup.fcl | |
 g4_sce_SaveCosmicMCReco_no_shower_rollup_lite.fcl | |
 g4_sce_simphotontime_filter.fcl | |
 g4_sce_simphotontime_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_sce_simphotontime_filter_no_shower_rollup.fcl | |
 g4_sce_simphotontime_filter_no_shower_rollup_lite.fcl | |
 g4_sce_simphotontime_filter_no_shower_rollup_no_mcreco.fcl | |
 g4_sce_simphotontime_filter_no_shower_rollup_no_mcreco_lite.fcl | |
 g4_simphotontime_filter.fcl | |
 g4_simphotontime_filter_lite.fcl | |
 g4_with_opticalLibrary.fcl | |
 g4_with_opticalLibrary_lite.fcl | |
 G4BadIdeaAction.cxx | Use Geant4's user "hooks" to maintain a list of particles generated by Geant4 |
 G4BadIdeaAction.h | This UserAction derived class is to implement catches to known bugs in Geant4 that require grabbing const G4 objects and altering them - a very bad idea in general. Please do not add to this class without discussing with the LArSoft Conveners |
 g4inforeducer.fcl | |
 G4InfoReducer_module.cc | |
 G4ThermalElectron.cxx | |
 G4ThermalElectron.hh | |
 GaisserParam.fcl | |
 GaisserParam_module.cc | Generator for cosmic-rays |
 gallery_services_icarus.fcl | |
 gallery_services_sbnd.fcl | |
 gallery_services_uboone.fcl | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/galleryAnalysis/C++/galleryAnalysis.cpp | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/galleryAnalysis/galleryAnalysis.cpp | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/galleryAnalysis/C++/galleryAnalysis.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/galleryAnalysis/galleryAnalysis.fcl | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/helpers/python/galleryUtils.py | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/python/galleryUtils.py | |
 GausFitCache.cxx | Provide caches for TF1 functions to be used with ROOT fitters |
 GausFitCache.h | Provide caches for TF1 functions to be used with ROOT fitters |
 GausFitCache_test.cc | Test for classes in GausFitCache,h |
 GausHitFinder_module.cc | |
 GausHitFinderAna_module.cc | |
 GaussianConstraint.cxx | |
 GaussianConstraint.h | |
 GaussianEliminationAlg.cxx | |
 GaussianEliminationAlg.h | |
 GeaneMCApplication.cxx | |
 GeaneMCApplication.h | |
 gen_cosmics_purity.fcl | |
 gen_crt_frags.py | |
 gen_fakeflash.fcl | |
 gen_fakephotons.fcl | |
 Gen_MUSUN_DUNE4850.fcl | |
 gen_numu_pizero_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 gen_protons.fcl | |
 gencosmics_test.fcl | |
 gencrtfilter.fcl | |
 GenCRTFilter_module.cc | |
 generate_gdml_simple.pl | |
 generate_gdml_test.pl | |
 generate_ICARUS.pl | |
 generate_icarus_geometry_splitwire.pl | |
 generate_simple_weighted_template.py | |
 generate_voltpc.pl | |
 generate_weightcalc.py | |
 GeneratedEventTimestamp_test1.fcl | |
 GeneratedEventTimestamp_test2.fcl | |
 GeneratedParticleInfo.h | Contains data associated to particles from detector simulation |
 generateOverburdenConfigurations.sh | |
 GenericCRT.cxx | |
 GenericCRT.h | |
 GenericCRT_module.cc | |
 genie.fcl | |
 genie_argoneut.fcl | |
 genie_eventweight.fcl | |
 genie_icarus.fcl | |
 genie_icarus_bnb.fcl | |
 genie_icarus_numioffaxis.fcl | |
 genie_reweight_generic.fcl | |
 genie_sbnd.fcl | |
 genie_standard_icarus_Oct2020_nue.fcl | |
 GENIEGen_module.cc | |
 larsim/larsim/EventWeight/Calculators/GenieWeightCalc.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/SBNEventWeight/Calculators/CrossSections/GenieWeightCalc.cxx | |
 GenieWeightList.cxx | |
 GenieWeightList.h | |
 gennufilter.fcl | |
 GenNuFilter_module.cc | |
 gensingle_test.fcl | |
 geo.h | Collect all the geometry header files together |
 geo_optical_vectors.h | Definitions of vector data types for optical detectors |
 geo_types.cxx | Definition of data types for geometry description (implementation) |
 geo_types.h | Definition of data types for geometry description |
 geo_types_fhicl.h | Utilities for using geometry IDs in FHiCL validated configuration |
 geo_types_fhicl_test.cc | Test of larcoreobj/SimpleTypesAndConstants/geo_types_fhicl.h |
 geo_types_test.cc | Test of geo_types.h types |
 geo_vectors.h | Definitions of geometry vector data types |
 geo_vectors_fhicl.h | Helpers for reading vectors from FHiCL files |
 geo_vectors_utils.h | Utilities to extend the interface of geometry vectors |
 geo_vectors_utils_test.cc | Test of geo_vectors_utils.h utilities |
 geo_vectors_utils_TVector.h | Specializations of geo_vectors_utils.h for ROOT old vector types |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoAABox.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoAABox.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoAABox.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoAABox.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoAlgo-TypeDef.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoAlgo-TypeDef.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoAlgo.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoAlgo.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoAlgo.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoAlgo.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoAlgoConstants.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoAlgoConstants.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoAlgoException.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoAlgoException.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoCone.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoCone.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoCone.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoCone.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoCylinder.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoCylinder.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoCylinder.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoCylinder.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoDirectedLine.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoDirectedLine.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoDirectedLine.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoDirectedLine.h | |
 geodump.fcl | |
 GeoDump_module.cc | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoHalfLine.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoHalfLine.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoHalfLine.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoHalfLine.h | |
 geoidmapper_test.cxx | Unit test for geo::GeoIDmapper |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoLine.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoLine.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoLine.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoLine.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoLineSegment.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoLineSegment.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoLineSegment.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoLineSegment.h | |
 Geometric3DVertexFitter.cxx | |
 Geometric3DVertexFitter.h | |
 Geometry.cc | |
 geometry.fcl | |
 Geometry.h | Art framework interface to geometry description |
 geometry_bo.fcl | |
 geometry_csu40L.fcl | |
 geometry_geoid_test.cxx | Unit test for geometry ID consistency on a standard detector |
 geometry_icarus.fcl | |
 geometry_icarus_old.fcl | |
 geometry_icarus_test.cxx | Unit test for geometry on ICARUS detector |
 geometry_iterator_icarus_test.cxx | Unit test for geometry iterators on ICARUS detector |
 geometry_iterator_loop_icarus_test.cxx | Test for geometry iterator loops on ICARUS detector |
 geometry_iterator_loop_sbnd_test.cxx | Test for geometry iterator loops on SBND detector |
 geometry_iterator_loop_test.cxx | Test for geometry iterator loops on a standard detector |
 geometry_iterator_sbnd_test.cxx | Unit test for geometry iterators on SBND detector |
 geometry_iterator_test.cxx | Unit test for geometry iterators on a standard detector |
 geometry_jp250L.fcl | |
 geometry_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 geometry_loader_test.cxx | Unit test for geometry functionalities on a standard detector |
 geometry_sbnd.fcl | |
 geometry_sbnd_test.cxx | Unit test for geometry on SBND detector |
 Geometry_service.cc | Art framework interface to geometry description - implementation file |
 geometry_standardchannelmapping_test.cxx | Unit test of channel mapping on a standard detector |
 geometry_test.cxx | Unit test for geometry functionalities on a standard detector |
 geometry_thirdplaneslope_test.cxx | Simple unit test on a standard detector |
 geometry_unit_test_base.h | Base class for objects initializing a geometry |
 geometry_unit_test_icarus.h | Class for objects initializing ICARUS geometry |
 geometry_unit_test_sbnd.h | Class for objects initializing SBND geometry |
 GeometryBuilder.h | Interface for geometry extractor classes |
 GeometryBuilderStandard.cxx | Standard implementation of geometry extractor (implementation file) |
 GeometryBuilderStandard.h | Standard implementation of geometry extractor |
 GeometryBuilderWireless.cxx | Wmplementation of wireless geometry extractor (implementation file) |
 GeometryBuilderWireless.h | Implementation of wireless geometry extractor |
 GeometryConfigurationInfo.cxx | Description of the current configuration of detector geometry |
 GeometryConfigurationInfo.h | Description of the current configuration of detector geometry |
 GeometryConfigurationWriter_service.cc | Service writing geometry configuration information into art runs |
 GeometryCore.cxx | Access the description of detector geometry - implementation file |
 GeometryCore.h | Access the description of detector geometry |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/GeometryCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/GeometryCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/GeometryCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/GeometryCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 GeometryData.h | Simple data structure holding the data of the geometry |
 GeometryDataContainers.h | Containers to hold one datum per TPC or plane |
 geometrydatacontainers_test.cxx | Unit test for GeometryDataContainers.h library |
 GeometryGeoIDTestAlg.cxx | Unit test for geometry iterators |
 GeometryGeoIDTestAlg.h | Tests the correct assignment of IDs to detector geometry objects |
 GeometryIDmapper.h | Mapping between geometry/readout ID and flat index |
 GeometryInfoCheck_module.cc | Verifies that the geometry check information is available in the run |
 GeometryIteratorLoopTest_module.cc | Tests the correct iteration of the geo::Geometry iterators |
 GeometryIteratorLoopTestAlg.cxx | Tests the correct iteration of the geo::Geometry iterators |
 GeometryIteratorLoopTestAlg.h | Tests the correct iteration of the geo::Geometry iterators |
 GeometryIteratorTestAlg.cxx | Unit test for geometry iterators |
 GeometryIteratorTestAlg.h | Tests the correct iteration of the geo::Geometry iterators |
 GeometryObjectCollections.h | A few simple data type definitions |
 GeometryTest_module.cc | Runs geometry unit tests from a test algorithm |
 GeometryTestAlg.cxx | Unit test for geometry functionalities: implementation file |
 GeometryTestAlg.h | Unit test for geometry functionalities |
 GeometryUtilities.cxx | |
 GeometryUtilities.h | |
 GeoNodePath.cxx | Class representing a path in ROOT geometry |
 GeoNodePath.h | Class representing a path in ROOT geometry |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoObjCollection.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoObjCollection.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoObjCollection.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoObjCollection.h | |
 GeoObjectSorter.cxx | Interface to algorithm class for sorting geo::XXXGeo objects |
 GeoObjectSorter.h | Interface to algorithm class for sorting geo::XXXGeo objects |
 GeoObjectSorterICARUS.cxx | Interface to algorithm class for sorting standard geo::XXXGeo objects |
 GeoObjectSorterICARUS.h | Interface to algorithm class for standard sorting of geo::XXXGeo objects |
 GeoObjectSorterPMTasTPC.cxx | Geometry object sorter with PMT following TPC wire order |
 GeoObjectSorterPMTasTPC.h | Geometry object sorter with PMT following TPC wire order |
 GeoObjectSorterSBND.cxx | Algorithm class for sorting standard geo::XXXGeo objects for SBND |
 GeoObjectSorterSBND.h | |
 GeoObjectSorterStandard.cxx | Interface to algorithm class for sorting standard geo::XXXGeo objects |
 GeoObjectSorterStandard.h | Interface to algorithm class for standard sorting of geo::XXXGeo objects |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoSphere.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoSphere.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoSphere.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoSphere.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoTrajectory.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoTrajectory.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoTrajectory.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoTrajectory.h | |
 GeoUtil.cc | |
 GeoUtil.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoVector.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoVector.cxx | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoVector.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/GeoVector.h | |
 GeoVectorLocalTransformation.cxx | Specialization of local-to-world transformations for ROOT GenVector |
 GeoVectorLocalTransformation.h | Specialization of local-to-world transformations for ROOT GenVector |
 get_elements.h | Definition of util::get_elements() and util::get_const_elements() |
 get_elements_test.cc | Test of util::get_elements() |
 getCollection.h | Creation of a collection proxy |
 GetDetectorType.cxx | |
 GetDetectorType.h | |
 GetFV.cc | |
 getStatistics.sh | |
 GettingT0Tags_module.cc | |
 gettingt0tags_sbnd.fcl | |
 GFAbsBField.h | |
 GFAbsEnergyLoss.cxx | |
 GFAbsEnergyLoss.h | |
 GFAbsFinitePlane.cxx | |
 GFAbsFinitePlane.h | |
 GFAbsGeoMatManager.cxx | |
 GFAbsGeoMatManager.h | |
 GFAbsRecoHit.cxx | |
 GFAbsRecoHit.h | |
 GFAbsTrackRep.cxx | |
 GFAbsTrackRep.h | |
 GFBookkeeping.cxx | |
 GFBookkeeping.h | |
 GFConstField.cxx | |
 GFConstField.h | |
 GFDaf.cxx | |
 GFDaf.h | |
 GFDetPlane.cxx | |
 GFDetPlane.h | |
 GFEnergyLossBetheBloch.cxx | |
 GFEnergyLossBetheBloch.h | |
 GFEnergyLossBrems.cxx | |
 GFEnergyLossBrems.h | |
 GFEnergyLossCoulomb.cxx | |
 GFEnergyLossCoulomb.h | |
 GFException.cxx | |
 GFException.h | |
 GFFieldManager.cxx | |
 GFFieldManager.h | |
 GFGeoMatManager.cxx | |
 GFGeoMatManager.h | |
 GFKalman.cxx | |
 GFKalman.h | |
 GFMaterialEffects.cxx | |
 GFMaterialEffects.h | |
 GFPlanarHitPolicy.cxx | |
 GFPlanarHitPolicy.h | |
 GFRecoHitFactory.cxx | |
 GFRecoHitFactory.h | |
 GFRecoHitIfc.h | |
 GFRecoHitProducer.cxx | |
 GFRecoHitProducer.h | |
 GFRectFinitePlane.cxx | |
 GFRectFinitePlane.h | |
 GFSpacepointHitPolicy.cxx | |
 GFSpacepointHitPolicy.h | |
 GFTrack.cxx | |
 GFTrack.h | |
 GFTrackCand.cxx | |
 GFTrackCand.h | |
 GFWireHitPolicy.cxx | |
 GFWireHitPolicy.h | |
 GFWirepointHitPolicy.cxx | |
 GFWirepointHitPolicy.h | |
 glob.py | |
 GlobalAsymmetryFeatureTool.cc | Implementation of the global asymmetry feature tool class |
 GlobalAsymmetryFeatureTool.h | Header file for the global asymmetry feature tool class |
 GnocchiCalorimetry_module.cc | |
 GradientDescent.cxx | |
 GradientDescent.h | |
 GraphCluster_module.cc | |
 GraphClusterAlg.cxx | |
 GraphClusterAlg.h | |
 grid_setup.sh | |
 GridContainerIndices.h | Classes to manage containers with indices in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions |
 GridContainers.h | Containers with indices in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions |
 GridContainers_test.cc | Test for GridContainers classes |
 GSimpleInterface.cxx | |
 GSimpleInterface.h | |
 HashTuple.h | |
 HeaderDrawer.cxx | Render the objects from the Simulation package |
 HeaderDrawer.h | Render the objects from the Simulation package |
 HeaderPad.cxx | Drawing pad for time or charge histograms |
 HeaderPad.h | Drawing pad for time or charge histograms |
 HeatMap.cxx | |
 HeatMap.h | |
 helper.h | |
 PAC2020/SBND/helper.h | |
 helper_eff_spill.h | |
 helper_gadget.cxx | |
 helper_gadget.h | |
 helper_math.cxx | |
 helper_math.h | |
 helper_nuesel_icarus.h | |
 helper_PandoraPFParticles.cxx | |
 helper_PandoraPFParticles.h | |
 helper_pur_slc_cumulative.h | |
 helpers.py | |
 hepmcfilegen.fcl | |
 HepMCFileGen_module.cc | Producer generating Monte Carlo truth record in LArSoft format from a text file in HepMC format |
 hexfloat.h | Helper to support output of real numbers in base 16 |
 HierarchyMonitoringAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the particle visualisation algorithm |
 HierarchyMonitoringAlgorithm.h | Header file for the particle visualisation algorithm |
 HierarchyValidationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the particle visualisation algorithm |
 HierarchyValidationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the hierarchy validation algorithm |
 HiggsMakeDecay_tool.cc | |
 HistAxis.cxx | |
 HistAxis.h | |
 HistCache.cxx | |
 HistCache.h | |
 Histograms.cc | |
 Histograms.h | |
 HistoList.cc | |
 HistoList.h | |
 Hit.cxx | Definition of signal hit object |
 Hit.h | Declaration of signal hit object |
 Hit_test.cc | Simple test on a recob::Hit object |
 hitalgorithms.fcl | |
 hitana.fcl | |
 HitAnaAlg.cxx | |
 HitAnaAlg.h | |
 HitAnaAlg_test.cc | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/galleryAnalysis/C++/HitAnalysisAlg.cpp | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/galleryAnalysis/HitAnalysisAlg.cpp | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/galleryAnalysis/C++/HitAnalysisAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/galleryAnalysis/HitAnalysisAlg.h | |
 HitAnaModule_module.cc | |
 HitAngleVertexSelectionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the hit angle vertex selection algorithm class |
 HitAngleVertexSelectionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the hit angle vertex selection algorithm class |
 HitCheater_module.cc | |
 hitcollectioncreator_test.fcl | |
 HitCollectionCreatorTest_module.cc | Tests classes derived from recob::HitAndAssociationsWriterBase |
 HitCreationBaseTool.cc | Implementation of the hit creation base tool |
 HitCreationBaseTool.h | Header file for the hit creation base tool |
 HitCreator.cxx | Helper functions to create a hit - implementation file |
 HitCreator.h | Helper functions to create a hit |
 HitDataProductChecker_module.cc | Module verifying the presence of data products |
 HitDumper_module.cc | |
 hitdumpermodule.fcl | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/Analysis/HitEfficiencyAna_module.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/Calibration/HitEfficiencyAna_module.cc | |
 HitEfficiencyAnalysis_tool.cc | |
 HitFilterAlg.cxx | |
 HitFilterAlg.h | |
 HitFinder_module.cc | Hit finder (originating for cluster crawler algorithm) |
 HitFinderAna_module.cc | |
 HitFinderAnalysis_tool.cc | |
 hitfindermodules.fcl | |
 hitfindermodules_bo.fcl | |
 hitfindermodules_icarus.fcl | |
 hitfindermodules_jp250L.fcl | |
 hitfindermodules_microboone.fcl | |
 hitfindermodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 HitFinderTools.fcl | |
 HitFinderTools_ICARUS.fcl | |
 HitMerger_module.cc | |
 hitparticleassociations.fcl | |
 HitSelector.cxx | /// Class to perform operations needed to select hits and pass them to InfoTransfer |
 HitSelector.h | Class to perform operations needed to select hits and pass them to a cluster |
 HitSelector_module.cc | |
 HitsICARUS_tool.cc | Art Tool for comparing clusters and merging those that are consistent |
 HitsStandard_tool.cc | Art Tool for comparing clusters and merging those that are consistent |
 HitTagAssociatorAlg.cxx | |
 HitTagAssociatorAlg.h | |
 HitUtils.cxx | Functions and objects interfacing with recob::Hit |
 HitUtils.h | Functions and objects interfacing with recob::Hit |
 HitWidthClusterMergingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the hit width cluster merging algorithm class |
 HitWidthClusterMergingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the hit width cluster merging algorithm class |
 hnl.fcl | |
 hnl_icarus_gen.fcl | |
 hnl_M260.fcl | |
 hnl_M280.fcl | |
 hnl_M300.fcl | |
 hnl_M320.fcl | |
 hnl_M340.fcl | |
 hnl_M360.fcl | |
 hnl_M380.fcl | |
 hnl_testray_icarus.fcl | |
 hnl_tree_icarus.fcl | |
 HNLDecayDalitz.cpp | |
 HNLDecayDalitz.h | |
 HNLMakeDecay_tool.cc | |
 HoughBaseAlg.cxx | |
 HoughBaseAlg.h | |
 HoughLineFinder_module.cc | |
 HoughLineFinderAna_module.cc | |
 HoughSeedFinderAlg.cxx | Implementation of the Seed Finder Algorithm based on a Hough Transform |
 HoughSeedFinderAlg.h | This is an algorithm for finding recob::Seed objects in 3D clusters |
 HWChannelMapping.py | |
 I3DDrawer.h | |
 IArtEventVisitor.h | |
 IBaseline.h | This provides an interface for tools which are tasked with finding the baselines in input waveforms, primarily ROI's |
 ICandidateHitFinder.h | This provides an interface for tools which are tasked with finding candidate hits on input waveforms |
 icaopthitfinder.fcl | |
 ICARUS.h | Detector interface for ICARUS |
 icarus_ci_intimecosmic_detsim_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_intimecosmic_detsim_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_intimecosmic_g4_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_intimecosmic_g4_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_intimecosmic_gen_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_intimecosmic_gen_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_intimecosmic_reco0_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_intimecosmic_reco0_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_intimecosmic_reco1_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_intimecosmic_reco1_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_anatree_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_anatree_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_detsim_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_detsim_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_g4_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_g4_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_gen_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_gen_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_reco0_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_reco0_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_reco1_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_reco1_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_reco_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_nucosmics_reco_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_anatree_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_anatree_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_detsim_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_detsim_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_g4_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_g4_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_gen_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_gen_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_reco0_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_reco0_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_reco1_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_reco1_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_reco_quick_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_ci_single_reco_seq_test_icaruscode.fcl | |
 icarus_data_recombination.fcl | |
 icarus_FilterNumberTPCHits.fcl | |
 icarus_flashalgo.fcl | |
 icarus_flashcalib.fcl | |
 icarus_flashfinder.fcl | |
 icarus_opana_modules.fcl | |
 icarus_ophitfinder.fcl | |
 icarus_prodsingle_buildopticallibrary.fcl | |
 icarus_prodsingle_fastoptical.fcl | |
 icarus_spe.fcl | |
 icarus_trackcalo_skimmer.fcl | |
 ICARUSChannelMap_service.cc | Wrapper service for icarusDB::ICARUSChannelMapProvider |
 ICARUSChannelMapAlg.cxx | Channel mapping algorithms for ICARUS detector: implementation file |
 ICARUSChannelMapAlg.h | Channel mapping algorithms for ICARUS detector |
 ICARUSChannelMapProvider.cxx | |
 ICARUSChannelMapProvider.h | |
 ICARUSDrawer_tool.cc | |
 ICARUSFlashAssAna_module.cc | |
 ICARUSFlashFinder_module.cc | |
 ICARUSgeometryChecker.py | |
 IcarusGeometryHelper.h | Geometry helper service for ICARUS geometries |
 IcarusGeometryHelper_service.cc | Geometry helper service for ICARUS geometries: implementation file |
 ICARUSHitFinder_module.cc | |
 ICARUSMCOpFlash_module.cc | |
 ICARUSMCOpHit_module.cc | |
 ICARUSOpFlashAna_module.cc | |
 ICARUSOpHitAna_module.cc | |
 ICARUSOpHitFinder_module.cc | |
 ICARUSOpHitTuple_module.cc | |
 ICARUSParticleAna_module.cc | |
 ICARUSPhotonMappingTransformations.cxx | A photon mapping identity transformation: implementation |
 ICARUSPhotonMappingTransformations.h | Photon library mapping for ICARUS geometry |
 ICARUSPhotonMappingTransformations_tool.cc | A photon mapping identity transformation: toolification |
 ICARUSPurityDQM_module.cc | |
 ICARUSSelection.fcl | |
 ICARUSservices.py | |
 ICARUSsplitInductionChannelMapSetupTool_tool.cc | Tool to create ICARUS channel mapper with split induction wires |
 ICARUSstandaloneGeometrySetup.h | Functions to facilitate ICARUS geometry initialization outside art |
 ICARUSutils.py | |
 IChannelMapping.h | This provides an art tool interface definition for tools handle the channel mapping The idea is to be able to switch between postgres and sqlite implementations |
 IClusterAlg.h | This provides an art tool interface definition for 3D Cluster algorithms |
 IClusterModAlg.h | This provides an art tool interface definition for 3D Cluster algorithms |
 IClusterParamsBuilder.h | |
 ICoherentNoiseFactor.h | |
 IDecoder.h | This provides an art tool interface definition for tools which "decode" artdaq fragments into LArSoft data objects |
 IDecoderFilter.h | This provides an art tool interface definition for tools which "decode" artdaq fragments into LArSoft data objects |
 IDeconvolution.h | This provides an interface for tools which are tasked with running the deconvolution algorithm. This allows switching between, for example, algorithms that deconvolve only ROI's vs an entire wire |
 IElectronicsResponse.h | This is the interface class for a tool to handle the electronics response |
 IEvent.h | |
 IExperiment.cxx | |
 IExperiment.h | |
 IExperimentDrawer.h | This is the interface class for drawing 3D detector geometries |
 IExtrap.cxx | |
 IExtrap.h | |
 IFakeParticle.h | This provides an art tool interface definition for tools which can create "fake" particles to overlay onto input daq fragments during decoding |
 ifdherror.py | |
 IFieldResponse.h | This is the interface class for a tool to handle the field response It is assumed that the field response is described in a to be input histogram, the member |
 IFileSource.h | |
 IFilter.h | This is the interface class for a tool to handle a filter for the overall response |
 IFitVar.cxx | |
 IFitVar.h | |
 IGenNoise.h | This is the interface class for a tool to handle a GenNoise for the overall response |
 IHit3DBuilder.h | This provides an art tool interface definition for tools which construct 3D hits used in 3D clustering and outputs a new hit collection based on those 3D hits |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/Analysis/tools/IHitEfficiencyHistogramTool.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/Calibration/tools/IHitEfficiencyHistogramTool.h | |
 IHitHistogramTool.h | |
 IHitParticleAssociations.h | |
 IHitReader.h | This provides an art tool interface definition for reading hits into the SpacePointSolver universe |
 IICARUSChannelMap.h | |
 ILArPandora.h | Interface class for LArPandora producer modules, which reconstruct recob::PFParticles from recob::Hits |
 IMCTruthMatching.h | This provides an interface which defines truth matching functions made available to downstream analysis code |
 IMesonGen.h | This is an interface for an art Tool which sources MCFlux objects for downstream processing and tabulates POT information |
 IMeVPrtlDecay.h | This is an interface for an art Tool which decays "Prtl" inside a detector volume. It maps MeVPrtlFlux to MeVPrtlDecay |
 IMeVPrtlFlux.h | This is an interface for an art Tool which turns MCFlux objects (which is a meson decay to neutrinos) into a "Prtl" flux (a meson decay to a "Prtl" particle). It maps MCFlux to MeVPrtlFlux |
 IMeVPrtlStage.h | This provides an art tool interface definition for tools which can create fake particles to overlay onto input daq fragments during decoding |
 IncrementalCholeskyDecomp.cxx | |
 IncrementalCholeskyDecomp.h | |
 IndirectHitParticleAssns_tool.cc | |
 InfoTransfer.cc | |
 InfoTransfer.h | |
 InfoTransfer_service.cc | |
 init_branches.cxx | |
 init_branches.h | |
 INoiseFilter.h | This provides an art tool interface definition for tools which "decode" artdaq fragments into LArSoft data objects |
 INormalizeCharge.h | This is an interface for an art Tool which scales charge by some factor given information about its associated hit |
 InputSeeker.cc | |
 InputSeeker.fcl | |
 InputSeeker.h | |
 InputSeeker_service.cc | |
 install_sbncode-v07_11_00.sh | |
 install_sbncode-v08_30_00.sh | |
 install_sbncode-v08_40_00_01.sh | |
 install_sbncode-v08_43_00.sh | |
 install_sbncode-v08_45_00.sh | |
 install_sbncode-v08_47_00.sh | |
 Instantiations.cxx | |
 IntegerRanges.h | Class compacting a list of integers |
 IntegerRanges_test.cc | Unit test for IntegerRanges class |
 integrate_hist.py | |
 InteractGeneral.cxx | Interactor for general surfaces |
 InteractGeneral.h | Interactor for planar surfaces |
 Interaction.cxx | |
 Interaction.hh | |
 InteractionHisto.cc | |
 InteractionHisto.h | |
 Interactor.cxx | Base class for Kalman filter track interactor |
 Interactor.h | Base class for Kalman filter track interactor |
 InteractPlane.cxx | Interactor for planar surfaces |
 InteractPlane.h | Interactor for planar surfaces |
 intervals.h | Defines point and interval variables based on quantities |
 intervals_fhicl.h | Utilities to read interval and point quantity FHiCL configuration |
 intervals_fhicl_test.cc | Unit test for intervals_fhicl.h header |
 intervals_test.cc | Unit test for intervals.h header |
 intime_g4_icarus.fcl | |
 intime_g4_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 intime_g4_icarus_sce.fcl | |
 intime_g4_icarus_sce_lite.fcl | |
 IntVectorProducer_module.cc | |
 IonAndScint_module.cc | |
 ionandscint_sbnd.fcl | |
 IonizationAndScintillation.cxx | |
 IonizationAndScintillation.h | Singleton to access a unified treatment of ionization and scintillation in LAr |
 IonizationAndScintillationAction.cxx | Use Geant4's user "hooks" to determine the number of ionization electrons and scintillation photons for each step |
 IonizationAndScintillationAction.h | This UserAction derived class is to provide a hook during G4 stepping in which to call the code that calculates the number of ionization electrons and scintillation photons produced by each step |
 IOpHitFinder.h | This provides an interface for tools which are tasked with finding the baselines in input waveforms, primarily ROI's |
 IOVDataConstants.h | |
 IOVDataError.h | Collection of exception classes for IOVData |
 IOverlay.h | This is the interface class for a tool to handle a GenNoise for the overall response |
 IOVTimeStamp.cxx | Implementation for class IOVTimeStamp |
 IOVTimeStamp.h | Class def header for a class IOVTimeStamp |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/TPC/SignalProcessing/HitFinder/HitFinderTools/IPeakFitter.h | |
 larreco/larreco/HitFinder/HitFinderTools/IPeakFitter.h | |
 IPhotonCalibrator.h | |
 IPhotonCalibratorService.h | |
 IPhotonLibrary.h | |
 IPhotonMappingTransformations.h | Interface for transformation of photon visibility maps |
 IPrediction.cxx | |
 IPrediction.h | |
 IRawDigitFilter.h | This provides an interface for tools which are tasked with filtering input waveforms |
 IRawDigitHistogramTool.h | |
 IRayTrace.h | This provides an interface for an art tool which ray traces "Prtl" (massive) particles from their production position to impinge on a detector surface. It provides the intersection points of a MeVPrtlFlux object, along with a weight |
 IResponse.h | This is the interface class for a tool to handle the field response It is assumed that the field response is described in a to be input histogram, the member |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/TPC/SignalProcessing/RecoWire/DeconTools/IROIFinder.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/Calibration/IROIFinder.h | |
 IROILocator.h | This provides an interface for tools which are tasked with finding ROI's in input waveforms. This allows different approaches to be tried interchangeably |
 ISCalc.cxx | |
 ISCalc.h | |
 ISCalc_ana.fcl | |
 ISCalcAna_module.cc | |
 ISCalcCorrelated.cxx | |
 ISCalcCorrelated.h | |
 ISCalcNESTLAr.cxx | |
 ISCalcNESTLAr.h | |
 ISCalcSeparate.cxx | |
 ISCalcSeparate.h | |
 ISCalculation.cxx | Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping |
 ISCalculation.h | Interface to algorithm class for a specific detector channel mapping |
 ISCalculationCorrelated.cxx | |
 ISCalculationCorrelated.h | |
 ISCalculationNEST.cxx | Interface to algorithm class for calculating ionization electrons and scintillation photons using nest |
 ISCalculationNEST.h | Interface to algorithm class for a specific calculation of ionization electrons and scintillation photons using NEST |
 ISCalculationSeparate.cc | |
 ISCalculationSeparate.cxx | Interface to algorithm class for calculating ionization electrons and scintillation photons using separate algorithms for each |
 ElectronDrift/ISCalculationSeparate.h | |
 LegacyLArG4/ISCalculationSeparate.h | |
 IShowerTool.h | |
 ISim3DDrawer.h | |
 IsolatedClusterMopUpAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the isolated cluster mop up algorithm class |
 IsolatedClusterMopUpAlgorithm.h | Header file for the isolated cluster mop up algorithm class |
 ISpacePoints3D.h | |
 ISTPC.cxx | |
 ISTPC.h | |
 IStubMerge.h | |
 isValidLibraryData_test.cc | Unit test for phot::isValidLibraryData() |
 ISyst.cxx | |
 ISyst.h | |
 ITCSSelectionTool.h | |
 ITrackHistogramTool.h | |
 IWaveformDrawer.h | This provides an interface for tools which are tasked with drawing the "wire" data (deconvolved waveforms) |
 IWaveformTool.h | This is the interface class for tools/algorithms that perform various operations on waveforms. Examples include smoothing, differentiation, filtering, etc |
 IWFHitDrawer.h | |
 IWireHistogramTool.h | |
 jobsuberror.py | |
 json.hpp | |
 JSONFormatter.h | |
 june18_icarus_driver_reco_all.fcl | |
 june18_icarus_driver_reco_all_box.fcl | |
 june18_icarus_driver_reco_all_reduced.fcl | |
 june18_reco_icarus.fcl | |
 june18_reco_icarus_driver_common.fcl | |
 just_cmake.sh | |
 KalmanFilterAlg.cxx | Kalman Filter |
 KalmanFilterAlg.h | Kalman Filter |
 kalmanfilterfinaltrackfitter.fcl | |
 KalmanFilterFinalTrackFitter_module.cc | |
 KalmanFilterFitTrackMaker_tool.cc | |
 kalmanfilterfittrackmakertool.fcl | |
 kalmanfiltertrajectoryfitter.fcl | |
 KalmanFilterTrajectoryFitter_module.cc | |
 KalmanLinearAlgebra.h | Kalman filter linear algebra typedefs |
 Kaon2HiggsFlux_tool.cc | |
 Kaon2HNLFlux_tool.cc | |
 KaonParent.cxx | |
 KaonParent.h | |
 kdTree.cxx | Producer module to create 3D clusters from input hits |
 kdTree.h | Implements a kdTree for use in clustering |
 KDTreeLinkerAlgoT.h | Header file for the kd tree linker algo template class |
 KDTreeLinkerToolsT.cc | Implementation of the kd tree linker tools template class |
 KDTreeLinkerToolsT.h | Header file for the kd tree linker tools template class |
 KETrack.cxx | Basic Kalman filter track class, with error |
 KETrack.h | Basic Kalman filter track class, with error |
 KeyedCSVparser.cxx | Simple parser for comma-separated text (implementation) |
 KeyedCSVparser.h | Simple parser for comma-separated text |
 KeyedCSVparser_test.cc | Unit test for KeyedCSVparser.h header |
 KeyValueParser.cxx | Simple parser for "key: value" text |
 KeyValueParser.h | Simple parser for "key: value" text |
 KeyValueParser_test.cc | Unit test icarus::details::KeyValueParser |
 KeyValuesData.cxx | Simple parsed data format |
 KeyValuesData.h | Simple parsed data format |
 KFitTrack.cxx | Basic Kalman filter track class, with fit information |
 KFitTrack.h | Basic Kalman filter track class, with fit information |
 KFTrackState.cxx | |
 KFTrackState.h | |
 KGTrack.cxx | A collection of KHitTracks |
 KGTrack.h | A collection of KHitTracks |
 KHit.h | Kalman filter measurement class template |
 KHitBase.cxx | Base class for Kalman filter measurement |
 KHitBase.h | Base class for Kalman filter measurement |
 KHitContainer.cxx | A collection of KHitGroups |
 KHitContainer.h | A collection of KHitGroups |
 KHitContainerWireLine.cxx | A KHitContainer for KHitWireLine type measurements |
 KHitContainerWireLine.h | A KHitContainer for KHitWireLine type measurements |
 KHitContainerWireX.cxx | A KHitContainer for KHitWireX type measurements |
 KHitContainerWireX.h | A KHitContainer for KHitWireX type measurements |
 KHitGroup.cxx | A collection of measurements on the same surface |
 KHitGroup.h | A collection of measurements on the same surface |
 KHitMulti.cxx | Compound Kalman Filter measurement |
 KHitMulti.h | Compound Kalman Filter measurement |
 KHitsTrack.cxx | Basic Kalman filter track class, with measurements |
 KHitsTrack.h | Basic Kalman filter track class, with measurements |
 KHitTrack.cxx | Basic Kalman filter track class, with measurements |
 KHitTrack.h | Basic Kalman filter track class, plus one measurement on same surface |
 KHitWireLine.cxx | Kalman filter wire-time measurement on a SurfWireLine surface |
 KHitWireLine.h | Kalman filter wire-time measurement on a SurfWireLine surface |
 KHitWireX.cxx | Kalman filter wire-time measurement on a SurfWireX surface |
 KHitWireX.h | Kalman filter wire-time measurement on a SurfWireX surface |
 KinkSplittingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the kink splitting algorithm class |
 KinkSplittingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the kink splitting algorithm class |
 KTrack.cxx | Basic Kalman filter track class, without error |
 KTrack.h | Basic Kalman filter track class, without error |
 landed_sbnd.fcl | |
 lar20jdjmuons.fcl | |
 LArAdaBoostDecisionTree.cc | Implementation of the lar adaptive boost decision tree class |
 LArAdaBoostDecisionTree.h | Header file for the lar adaptive boosted decision tree class |
 larbatch_posix.py | |
 larbatch_utilities.py | |
 LArCaloHit.h | Header file for the lar calo hit class |
 LArClusterHelper.cc | Implementation of the cluster helper class |
 LArClusterHelper.h | Header file for the cluster helper class |
 LArContent.cc | Factory implementations for content intended for use with particle flow reconstruction at liquid argon time projection chambers |
 LArContent.h | Header file detailing content for use with particle flow reconstruction at liquid argon time projection chambers |
 lArDet.fcl | |
 LArDiscreteProbabilityHelper.cc | Implementation of the discrete probability helper helper class |
 LArDiscreteProbabilityHelper.h | Header file for the discrete probability helper class |
 LArDiscreteProbabilityVector.cc | Implementation of the lar discrete probability vector class |
 LArDiscreteProbabilityVector.h | Header file for the lar discrete probability vector class |
 LArDLContent.cc | Factory implementations for content intended for use with particle flow reconstruction at liquid argon time projection chambers |
 LArDLContent.h | Header file detailing content for use with particle flow reconstruction at liquid argon time projection chambers |
 LArDLHelper.cc | Implementation of the lar deep learning helper helper class |
 LArDLHelper.h | Header file for the lar deep learning helper helper class |
 LArFFT.cc | |
 larfft.fcl | |
 LArFFT.h | |
 larfft_bo.fcl | |
 larfft_sbnd.fcl | |
 LArFFT_service.cc | |
 LArFFTW.cxx | |
 LArFFTW.h | |
 LArFFTWPlan.cxx | |
 LArFFTWPlan.h | |
 LArFileHelper.cc | Implementation of the file helper class |
 LArFileHelper.h | Header file for the file helper class |
 LArFormattingHelper.cc | Implementation of the lar formatting helper class |
 LArFormattingHelper.h | |
 LArG4.fcl | |
 LArG4_module.cc | Use Geant4 to run the LArSoft detector simulation |
 larg4_sbnd.fcl | |
 larg4_services_sbnd.fcl | |
 LArG4Ana_module.cc | Use Geant4 to run the LArSoft detector simulation |
 larg4crtfilter.fcl | |
 LArG4CRTFilter_module.cc | |
 LArG4Detector.cc | |
 LArG4Detector_service.cc | |
 LArG4Detector_service.h | |
 larg4faketriggerfilter.fcl | |
 LArG4FakeTriggerFilter_module.cc | |
 larg4Main_module.cc | |
 LArG4Parameters.cc | |
 LArG4Parameters.h | Store parameters for running LArG4 |
 LArG4Parameters_service.cc | Store parameters for running LArG4 |
 larg4particlefilter.fcl | |
 LArG4ParticleFilter_module.cc | |
 larg4SingleGen_module.cc | |
 largeantmodules.fcl | |
 largeantmodules_argoneut.fcl | |
 largeantmodules_icarus.fcl | |
 LArGeometryHelper.cc | Implementation of the geometry helper class |
 LArGeometryHelper.h | Header file for the geometry helper class |
 LArHierarchyHelper.cc | Implementation of the lar hierarchy helper class |
 LArHierarchyHelper.h | Header file for the lar hierarchy helper class |
 LArHitWidthHelper.cc | Implementation of the lar hit width helper class |
 LArHitWidthHelper.h | Header file for the lar hit width helper class |
 LArInteractionTypeHelper.cc | Implementation of the interaction type helper class |
 LArInteractionTypeHelper.h | Header file for the interaction type helper class |
 LArMCParticle.h | Header file for the lar mc particle class |
 LArMCParticleHelper.cc | Implementation of the lar monte carlo particle helper class |
 LArMCParticleHelper.h | Header file for the lar monte carlo particle helper helper class |
 LArMonitoringHelper.cc | Implementation of the lar monitoring helper class |
 LArMonitoringHelper.h | Header file for the lar monitoring helper helper class |
 LArMuonLeadingHelper.cc | Implementation of the lar delta ray helper class |
 LArMuonLeadingHelper.h | Header file for the muon leading helper class |
 LArMvaHelper.cc | |
 LArMvaHelper.h | |
 LArMvaInterface.h | Header file for the lar multivariate analysis interface class |
 LArObjectHelper.cc | Implementation of the object helper class |
 LArObjectHelper.h | Header file for the object helper class |
 laronlyanaicarus21apr21.fcl | |
 LArOverlapMatrix.cc | Implementation of the lar overlap matrix class |
 LArOverlapMatrix.h | Header file for the lar overlap matrix class |
 LArOverlapTensor.cc | Implementation of the lar overlap tensor class |
 LArOverlapTensor.h | Header file for the lar overlap tensor class |
 LArPandora.cxx | Base producer module for reconstructing recob::PFParticles from recob::Hits |
 LArPandora.h | Base producer module for reconstructing recob::PFParticles from recob::Hits |
 LArPandoraDetectorType.cxx | Implementation of the interface for handling detector-specific details, as well as some helper functions |
 LArPandoraDetectorType.h | Helper functions for extracting detector geometry for use in reconsruction |
 LArPandoraEvent.cxx | A description of all outputs from an instance of pandora with functionality to filter outputs |
 LArPandoraEvent.h | A description of all outputs from an instance of pandora with functionality to filter and merge multiple output |
 LArPandoraEventDump_module.cc | |
 LArPandoraExternalEventBuilding_module.cc | |
 LArPandoraGeometry.cxx | Helper functions for extracting detector geometry for use in reconsruction |
 LArPandoraGeometry.h | Helper functions for extracting detector geometry for use in reconsruction |
 LArPandoraGeometryComponents.h | |
 LArPandoraHelper.cxx | Helper function for LArPandoraInterface producer module |
 LArPandoraHelper.h | Helper function for LArPandoraInterface producer module |
 LArPandoraInput.cxx | Helper functions for providing inputs to pandora |
 LArPandoraInput.h | Helper functions for providing inputs to pandora |
 LArPandoraModularShowerCreation_module.cc | |
 LArPandoraOutput.cxx | Helper functions for processing outputs from pandora |
 LArPandoraOutput.h | Helper functions for processing outputs from pandora |
 LArPandoraShowerAlg.cxx | |
 LArPandoraShowerAlg.h | |
 LArPandoraShowerCheatingAlg.cxx | |
 LArPandoraShowerCheatingAlg.h | |
 LArPandoraShowerCreation_module.cc | |
 LArPandoraSliceIdHelper.cxx | Implementation of the slice id helper class |
 LArPandoraSliceIdHelper.h | Helper class for slice id tools |
 LArPandoraTrackCreation_module.cc | Module for lar pandora track creation |
 LArParticleIdPlugins.cc | Implementation of the lar particle id plugins class |
 LArParticleIdPlugins.h | Header file for the lar particle id plugins class |
 LArPcaHelper.cc | Implementation of the principal curve analysis helper class |
 LArPcaHelper.h | Header file for the principal curve analysis helper class |
 LArPfoHelper.cc | Implementation of the pfo helper class |
 LArPfoHelper.h | Header file for the pfo helper class |
 LArPfoObjects.cc | Implementation of lar pfo objects |
 LArPfoObjects.h | Header file for lar pfo objects |
 LArPointingCluster.cc | Implementation of the lar pointing cluster class |
 LArPointingCluster.h | Header file for the lar pointing cluster class |
 LArPointingClusterHelper.cc | Implementation of the pointing cluster helper class |
 LArPointingClusterHelper.h | |
 larproperties.fcl | |
 LArProperties.h | |
 larproperties_bo.fcl | |
 larproperties_icarus.fcl | |
 larproperties_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 larproperties_sbnd.fcl | |
 LArPropertiesService.h | |
 LArPropertiesServiceStandard.cc | |
 LArPropertiesServiceStandard.h | |
 LArPropertiesServiceStandard_service.cc | |
 LArPropertiesStandard.cxx | |
 LArPropertiesStandard.h | Service provider with utility LAr functions |
 LArPropertiesStandard_test.cc | Simple instantiation-only test for LArPropertiesStandard |
 LArPropertiesStandardTestHelpers.h | Helper functions for support of LArPropertiesService in LArSoft tests |
 LArPropTest_module.cc | |
 LArPseudoLayerPlugin.cc | |
 LArPseudoLayerPlugin.h | Header file for the lar pseudo layer plugin class |
 LArRawInputDriver.cxx | Source to convert raw binary files to root files |
 LArRawInputDriver.h | Source to convert raw binary files to root files |
 LArRawInputDriverJP250L.cxx | Source to convert JP250L files to LArSoft files |
 LArRawInputDriverJP250L.h | Source to convert JP250L files to LArSoft files |
 LArRawInputDriverLongBo.cxx | Source to convert raw binary files to root files |
 LArRawInputDriverLongBo.h | |
 LArRawInputDriverShortBo.cxx | Source to convert raw binary files to root files for Short Bo TPC |
 LArRawInputDriverShortBo.h | Source to convert raw binary files to root files for Short Bo TPC |
 LArRawInputSource_source.cc | |
 LArRawInputSourceLB_source.cc | |
 LArRawInputSourceSB_source.cc | |
 LArRecodnnNewDirs.sh | |
 LArRotationalTransformationPlugin.cc | Implementation of the rotational transformation plugin class |
 LArRotationalTransformationPlugin.h | Header file for the rotational transformation plugin class |
 larservicetest_bo.fcl | |
 larservicetest_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 larservicetest_standard.fcl | |
 LArShowerOverlapResult.cc | Implementation of the lar shower overlap result class |
 LArShowerOverlapResult.h | Header file for the lar shower overlap result class |
 LArShowerPfo.h | Header file for the lar pfo class |
 LArSimChannelAna_module.cc | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/helpers/python/LArSoftUtils.py | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/python/LArSoftUtils.py | |
 LArStackingAction.cxx | |
 LArStackingAction.h | |
 LArStitchingHelper.cc | Implementation of the helper class for multiple tpcs |
 LArStitchingHelper.h | Header file for the helper class for multiple drift volumes |
 LArSupportVectorMachine.cc | Implementation of the lar support vector machine class |
 LArSupportVectorMachine.h | Header file for the lar support vector machine class |
 lartest.fcl | |
 lartest.sh | |
 lartest_bo.fcl | |
 lartest_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 lartest_sbnd.fcl | |
 lartest_standard.fcl | |
 LArThreeDSlidingConeFitResult.cc | Implementation of the lar three dimensional sliding cone fit result class |
 LArThreeDSlidingConeFitResult.h | Header file for the lar three dimensional sliding cone fit result class |
 LArThreeDSlidingFitResult.cc | Implementation of the lar three dimensional sliding fit result class |
 LArThreeDSlidingFitResult.h | Header file for the lar three dimensional sliding fit result class |
 LArTrackOverlapResult.cc | Implementation of the lar track overlap result class |
 LArTrackOverlapResult.h | Header file for the lar track overlap result class |
 LArTrackPfo.cc | Implementation of the lar track pfo class |
 LArTrackPfo.h | Header file for the lar pfo class |
 LArTrackTwoViewOverlapResult.cc | Implementation of the lar track two view overlap result class |
 LArTrackTwoViewOverlapResult.h | Header file for the lar track two view overlap result class |
 LArTwoDSlidingFitObjects.h | Header file for the lar two dimensional sliding fit objects |
 LArTwoDSlidingFitResult.cc | Implementation of the lar two dimensional sliding fit result class |
 LArTwoDSlidingFitResult.h | Header file for the lar two dimensional sliding fit result class |
 LArTwoDSlidingShowerFitResult.cc | Implementation of the lar two dimensional sliding shower fit result class |
 LArTwoDSlidingShowerFitResult.h | Header file for the lar two dimensional sliding shower fit result class |
 LArTwoViewXOverlap.h | Header file for the lar x two view overlap class |
 LArVertexHelper.cc | Implementation of the vertex helper class |
 LArVertexHelper.h | Header file for the vertex helper class |
 LArVoxelCalculator.cc | |
 LArVoxelCalculator.h | Encapsulates calculation of LArVoxelID and LArVoxel parameters |
 LArVoxelCalculator_service.cc | Encapsulates calculation of LArVoxelID and LArVoxel parameters |
 LArVoxelData.cxx | Encapsulates the information we want store for a voxel |
 LArVoxelData.h | Encapsulates the information we want store for a voxel |
 LArVoxelID.cxx | |
 LArVoxelID.h | Unique identifier for a given LAr voxel |
 LArVoxelList.cxx | Container of LArVoxelID, energy information |
 LArVoxelList.h | Container of LAr voxel information |
 LArVoxelReadout.cxx | A Geant4 sensitive detector that accumulates voxel information |
 LArVoxelReadout.h | A Geant4 sensitive detector that accumulates voxel information |
 LArVoxelReadoutGeometry.cxx | Define the "parallel" geometry that's seen by the LAr Voxels |
 LArVoxelReadoutGeometry.h | Define the "parallel" geometry that's seen by the LAr Voxels |
 LArXOverlap.h | Header file for the lar x overlap class |
 LATest.cc | |
 LayerSplittingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the layer splitting algorithm class |
 LayerSplittingAlgorithm.h | |
 LazyClusterParamsAlg.cxx | Implementation of interface to class computing cluster parameters |
 LazyClusterParamsAlg.h | Algorithm class inheriting pre-computed results |
 LazyFrameSource.cxx | |
 LazyFrameSource.h | |
 LazyVector.h | Contiguous data container with lazy resizing on access |
 LazyVector_test.cc | Implementation tests for a util::LazyVector object |
 ldm_g4_icarus.fcl | |
 ldm_g4_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 LEDCalibrationAna_module.cc | |
 legacy_detsim_3drift_windows.fcl | |
 legacy_detsim_3drift_windows_sce.fcl | |
 legacy_detsim_noisefromhist.fcl | |
 legacy_detsim_nonoise.fcl | |
 legacy_detsim_sbnd.fcl | |
 legacy_detsim_sce.fcl | |
 legacy_detsim_thermalnoiseinfreq.fcl | |
 legacy_detsim_thermalnoiseintime.fcl | |
 legacy_detsim_uboonedatadrivennoise.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_0.75ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_1.5ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_10ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_3drift_faketrigger_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_3drift_windows.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_3drift_windows_no_opticalsim.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_3drift_windows_sce.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_3drift_windows_sce_simphotontime_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_3drift_windows_simphotontime_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_5ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_7ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_9.6ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_enable_doublespacecharge.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_enable_spacecharge.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_enterstpc_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_michelelectron_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_crt_filter_base.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_eastwestcrt_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_10ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_10ms_electron_lifetime_enable_spacecharge.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_1ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_5ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_enable_spacecharge.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_infinite_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_frontbackcrt_filter_infinite_electron_lifetime_enable_spacecharge.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_mu_plus_e_plus_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_no_diffusion.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_no_longitudinal_diffusion.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_no_opticalsim.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_no_opticalsim_9.6ms_electron_lifetime.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_no_opticalsim_9.6ms_electron_lifetime_doublespacecharge.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_no_opticalsim_doublespacecharge.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_no_opticalsim_michel_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_no_opticalsim_with_spacecharge.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_no_shower_rollup.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_no_transverse_diffusion.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_QLcorrelated.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_QLseparate.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_sbnd.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_sce.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_sce_3drift_windows_simphotontime_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_sce_simphotontime_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_simphotontime_filter.fcl | |
 legacy_g4_with_opticalLibrary.fcl | |
 legacy_largeantmodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 legacy_simulationservices_sbnd.fcl | |
 LegacyGeometryInfoWriter_module.cc | Writes a sumdata::RunData record into the run(s) |
 LightPath.cxx | |
 LightPath.h | Class def header for a class LightPath |
 lightsource.fcl | |
 LightSource_module.cc | |
 lightsource_sbnd.fcl | |
 LineClosestPoint.h | Utility for intersection of two 3D lines |
 LineClosestPoint_test.cc | Test of LineClosestPoint.h utilities |
 LineCluster_module.cc | Cluster finder using cluster crawler algorithm |
 LineMerger_module.cc | |
 LinFitAlg.cxx | |
 LinFitAlg.h | |
 link_next_input.sh | |
 ana/SBNOsc/linkdef.h | |
 ana/SBNOscReco/Data/linkdef.h | |
 ana/TrackReducer/linkdef.h | |
 core/linkdef.h | |
 larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/LinkDef.h | |
 lareventdisplay/lareventdisplay/EventDisplay/LinkDef.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/CAFMaker/LinkDef.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/Algorithms/LinkDef.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/Base/FMWKTools/LinkDef.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/Base/LinkDef.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/LinkDef.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/PyUtil/LinkDef.h | |
 list_duplicate_events.fcl | |
 ListChangingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the list changing algorithm class |
 ListChangingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the list changing algorithm class |
 ListDeletionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the list deletion algorithm class |
 ListDeletionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the list deletion algorithm class |
 ListFCL.sh | |
 listhists.py | |
 ListMergingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the list merging algorithm class |
 ListMergingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the list merging algorithm class |
 ListPruningAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the list pruning algorithm class |
 ListPruningAlgorithm.h | Header file for the list pruning algorithm class |
 load_fixit_file.cxx | |
 load_pyutil.cxx | |
 load_pyutil.h | Class def header for a class load_pyutil |
 Loader.cxx | |
 Loader.hh | |
 Loaders.cxx | |
 Loaders.h | |
 LoadFromFile.cxx | |
 LoadFromFile.h | |
 LoadStandardICARUSgeometry.h | Single-line utility to create geo::GeometryCore in non-art contexts |
 LocalAsymmetryFeatureTool.cc | Implementation of the local asymmetry feature tool class |
 LocalAsymmetryFeatureTool.h | Header file for the local asymmetry feature tool class |
 LocalTransformation.cxx | Class containing local-to-world transformations (implementation file) |
 LocalTransformation.h | Class containing local-to-world transformations |
 LocalTransformationGeo.h | Local-to-world transformations with LArSoft geometry vectors |
 LoggerFeature.h | Class definition file of LoggerFeature |
 LongitudinalAssociationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the longitudinal association algorithm class |
 LongitudinalAssociationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the longitudinal association algorithm class |
 LongitudinalExtensionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the longitudinal extension algorithm class |
 LongitudinalExtensionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the longitudinal extension algorithm class |
 LongitudinalTrackHitsBaseTool.cc | Implementation of the longitudinal track hits base tool |
 LongitudinalTrackHitsBaseTool.h | Header file for the longitudinal track hits base tool |
 LongTracksTool.cc | Implementation of the long tracks tool class |
 LongTracksTool.h | Header file for the long tracks tool class |
 LVDSgates_module.cc | Combines discriminated PMT outputs into V1730 LVDS gates |
 LVDSpatterns.py | |
 MagDriftAna_module.cc | |
 magfield_larsoft.fcl | |
 magic_raw_to_triggeremu_icarus_Run1_data.fcl | |
 main.cc | |
 MainCollectionProxy.h | Utilities for the main collection of a collection proxy |
 MainTool.h | |
 MajorityTriggerEfficiencyPlots_module.cc | Plots of efficiency for triggers based on PMT channel global count |
 MajorityTriggerSimulation_module.cc | Plots of efficiency for triggers based on PMT channel global count |
 make_calib_df.py | |
 make_driftV_df.py | |
 make_equalibriate_df.py | |
 make_etau_df.py | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/Geometry/gdml/make_gdml.pl | |
 larcore/larcore/Geometry/gdml/make_gdml.pl | |
 make_patch.sh | |
 make_sam_wrapper.sh | |
 make_tar_sbnd.sh | |
 make_tarball.sh | |
 make_xml_mcc0.75.sh | |
 make_xml_mcc1.0.sh | |
 make_xml_mcp.sh | |
 make_xml_premcc1.0.sh | |
 makeAssociatedDataFrom.h | Helper functions to create an AssociatedData object |
 makeDataTar.sh | |
 makedict.sh | |
 makefifohists.fcl | |
 MakeIndex.h | Procedures to create maps of object locations |
 makelvdsgates_icarus.fcl | |
 makelvdstrees_icarus.fcl | |
 makeNoOverburdenVersionOf.sh | |
 makeOneTo01dataFrom.h | Helper functions to create data structures associated to a proxy |
 makeOverburdenVersionOf.sh | |
 makeParallelDataFrom.h | Helper functions to create proxy::ParallelData objects |
 MakePlots.py | |
 makeslidingwindowtriggerplots_icarus.fcl | |
 maketriggerplots_icarus.fcl | |
 MakeTriggerSimulationTree_module.cc | Creates a ROOT tree with trigger information |
 maketriggerslidingwindow_icarus.fcl | |
 makeValueIndex.h | Provides util::makeValueIndex() helper function |
 manageDataRunDefinitions.py | |
 ManagedTriggerGateBuilder.h | Algorithm to produce trigger gates out of optical readout waveforms |
 MappedContainer.h | Provides MappedContainer class |
 MappedContainer_test.cc | Tests the classes in MappedContainer.h |
 marley.fcl | |
 MARLEYGen_module.cc | LArSoft interface to the MARLEY (Model of Argon Reaction Low Energy Yields) supernova neutrino event generator |
 MARLEYHelper.cxx | LArSoft interface to the MARLEY (Model of Argon Reaction Low Energy Yields) supernova neutrino event generator |
 MARLEYHelper.h | LArSoft interface to the MARLEY (Model of Argon Reaction Low Energy Yields) supernova neutrino event generator |
 MarleyParameterSetWalker.h | Concrete fhicl::ParameterSetWalker that converts a fhicl::ParameterSet into a marley::JSON object |
 MARLEYTimeGen_module.cc | Module that allows for sampling neutrino energies and times from time-dependent supernova spectra. This module uses MARLEY to help generate events |
 MasterAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the master algorithm class |
 MasterAlgorithm.h | Header file for the master algorithm class |
 MatchedEndPointsTool.cc | Implementation of the matched end point tool class |
 MatchedEndPointsTool.h | Header file for the matched end points tool class |
 MatchingBaseAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the three dimension algorithm base class |
 MatchingBaseAlgorithm.h | Header file for the three dimension algorithm base class |
 MaterialPropertyLoader.cxx | |
 MaterialPropertyLoader.h | |
 MathUtil.h | |
 MaxNPEWindow.cxx | |
 MaxNPEWindow.h | Class def header for a class MaxNPEWindow |
 mc_info_extraction.fcl | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/galleryAnalysis/C++/MCAssociations.cpp | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/galleryAnalysis/MCAssociations.cpp | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/galleryAnalysis/C++/MCAssociations.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/galleryAnalysis/MCAssociations.h | |
 MCBaseException.cxx | |
 MCBaseException.h | Class def header for exception classes for MC data products |
 MCBriefPad.cxx | Drawing pad for time or charge histograms |
 MCBriefPad.h | Drawing pad for short summary of an MC event |
 MCBTAlg.cxx | |
 MCBTAlg.h | Class def header for a class MCBTAlg |
 MCBTAlgConstants.h | |
 MCBTDemo_module.cc | |
 MCBTException.cxx | |
 MCBTException.h | Class def header for exception classes in MCComp package |
 mccheatermodules.fcl | |
 MCDataHolder.h | |
 MCDecoderICARUSTPCwROI_module.cc | |
 MCDumpers.h | Utility functions to print MC truth information |
 MCDumperUtils.cxx | Utility functions to print MC truth information (implementation) |
 MCDumperUtils.h | Utility functions to print MC truth information |
 MCEventWeight.h | |
 MCHit.cxx | |
 MCHit.h | |
 MCHitAnaExample_module.cc | |
 MCHitCollection.cxx | |
 MCHitCollection.h | |
 MCHitFinder_module.cc | |
 mchitmodules.fcl | |
 MCLimits.h | |
 MCMatchAlg.cxx | |
 MCMatchAlg.h | Class def header for a class MCMatchAlg |
 MCParticleHitMatching_module.cc | |
 MCParticleLite.h | Class def header for MCParticleLite data container |
 MCParticleMonitoringAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the mc particle monitoring algorithm |
 MCParticleMonitoringAlgorithm.h | Header file for the mc particle monitoring algorithm |
 MCParticleShowerMatching_module.cc | |
 MCParticleTrackMatching_module.cc | |
 MCParticleTreePrinter.cc | |
 mcreco.fcl | |
 MCReco_module.cc | |
 mcreco_sbnd.fcl | |
 MCRecoEdep.cxx | |
 MCRecoEdep.h | |
 mcrecomodule.fcl | |
 MCRecoPart.cxx | |
 MCRecoPart.h | |
 MCSFitAllPID_module.cc | |
 mcsfitproducer.fcl | |
 mcsfitproducer_icarus.fcl | |
 MCSFitProducer_module.cc | |
 mcsfitproducer_standard.fcl | |
 MCSFitProducerICARUS_module.cc | |
 MCSFitResult.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/mcsfitter_sbnd.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/mcsfitter_sbnd.fcl | |
 MCShower.cxx | |
 MCShower.h | Class def header for MCShower data container |
 MCShowerRecoAlg.cxx | |
 MCShowerRecoAlg.h | |
 MCShowerRecoPart.cxx | |
 MCShowerRecoPart.h | |
 mcsproducer.fcl | |
 MCStep.h | Class def header for mcstep data container |
 MCTrack.cxx | |
 MCTrack.h | Class def header for mctrack data container |
 MCTrackCollectionAnaAlg.cxx | |
 MCTrackCollectionAnaAlg.h | |
 MCTrackRecoAlg.cxx | |
 MCTrackRecoAlg.h | |
 MCTruthAssociations.cpp | Does something with the tracks (implementation file) |
 MCTruthAssociations.h | This algorithm attempts to decode Track and Hit <–> MCParticle assocations |
 mctruthassociations_icarus.fcl | |
 MCTruthEmEveIdCalculator.cxx | Example routine for calculating the "ultimate e-m mother" of a particle in a simulated event |
 MCTruthEmEveIdCalculator.h | Example routine for calculating the "ultimate e-m mother" of a particle in a simulated event |
 MCTruthEveIdCalculator.cxx | Interface for calculating the "ultimate mother" of a particle in a simulated event |
 MCTruthEveIdCalculator.h | Interface for calculating the "ultimate mother" of a particle in a simulated event |
 MCTruthEventAction.cc | |
 MCTruthEventAction_service.cc | |
 MCTruthEventAction_service.h | |
 MCTruthExtractor.fcl | |
 mctruthmatching_uboone.fcl | |
 MCTruthParticleHistory.cxx | A "chain" of particles associated with production of a Particle in a ParticleList |
 MCTruthParticleHistory.h | A "chain" of particles associated with production of a Particle in a ParticleList |
 MCTruthParticleList.cxx | Particle list in DetSim contains Monte Carlo particle information |
 MCTruthParticleList.h | Particle list in DetSim contains Monte Carlo particle information |
 mctrutht0matching.fcl | |
 MCTruthT0Matching_module.cc | |
 MCTruthTestAna_module.cc | |
 MCType.h | |
 MCWire.cxx | |
 MCWire.h | |
 MCWireCollection.cxx | |
 MCWireCollection.h | |
 MedianSurface.cxx | |
 MedianSurface.h | |
 merge_json.py | |
 MergeClusterAlg.cxx | |
 MergeClusterAlg.h | |
 MergedTrackIdentifier_module.cc | |
 MergedTrackInfo.cc | |
 MergedTrackInfo.hh | |
 MergeSimSources.cxx | |
 MergeSimSources.h | |
 MergeSimSources_module.cc | |
 mergesimsources_sbnd.fcl | |
 mergewirecell_dune35t.fcl | |
 mergewirecell_uboone.fcl | |
 mergewirecellmodule.fcl | |
 messages_icarus.fcl | |
 messages_sbnd.fcl | |
 messageservice.fcl | |
 MetadataSBN.h | |
 MetadataSBN_service.cc | |
 MetaUtils.h | Basic C++ metaprogramming utilities |
 MetaUtils_test.cc | Unit test for some of the utilities in MetaUtils.h |
 metricproducer.fcl | |
 MetricProducer_module.cc | |
 MeVPrtlDecay.h | |
 MeVPrtlFlux.h | |
 MeVPrtlGen_module.cc | |
 MeVPrtlTestRayTrace_module.cc | |
 MeVPrtlTruth.cxx | |
 MeVPrtlTruth.h | |
 mfLoggingClass.h | Base class facilitating logging to message facility |
 microboone_optical_sim.fcl | |
 MicroBooNEDrawer_tool.cc | |
 MicrobooneOpDetResponse_service.cc | |
 MigrateImagePatternAlgs.sh | |
 MinSpanTreeAlg_tool.cc | |
 MissingTrackSegmentTool.cc | Implementation of the missing track segment tool class |
 MissingTrackSegmentTool.h | Header file for the missing track segment tool class |
 MissingTrackTool.cc | Implementation of the missing track tool class |
 MissingTrackTool.h | Header file for the missing track tool class |
 MixedWeightRayTraceBox_tool.cc | |
 mkdir.py | |
 Mode.h | |
 MonoEnergyHiggsFlux_tool.cc | |
 MopUpBaseAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the mop up algorithm base class |
 MopUpBaseAlgorithm.h | Header file for the mop up algorithm base class |
 MopUpRemnantsTool.cc | |
 MopUpRemnantsTool.h | Header file for the mop-up remnants tool class |
 MorphologicalFilter_tool.cc | |
 MSTPathFinder_tool.cc | Art Tool for comparing clusters and merging those that are consistent |
 mtRawDigitFilterICARUS_module.cc | |
 mu_proton_bnblike_anode_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 mu_proton_bnblike_cathode_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 mu_proton_bnblike_center_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 MultiChannelNoiseDB.cxx | |
 MultiChannelNoiseDB.h | |
 MultiChannelOpticalTriggerGate.cxx | Logical multi-level gate associated to one or more channels |
 MultiChannelOpticalTriggerGate.h | Logical multi-level gate associated to one or more channels |
 MultiEMShowers_module.cc | |
 MultiExperiment.cxx | |
 MultiExperiment.h | |
 MultiExperimentSBN.cxx | |
 MultiExperimentSBN.h | |
 multigen.fcl | |
 MultiPandoraApi.cc | Implementation of the MultiPandoraApi class |
 MultiPandoraApi.h | Header file for the MultiPandoraApi class |
 MultiPandoraApiImpl.cc | Implementation of the MultiPandoraApiImpl class |
 MultiPandoraApiImpl.h | Header file for the MultiPandoraApiImpl class |
 MultiPartRain_module.cc | |
 multipartvertex_icarus.fcl | |
 MultiPartVertex_module.cc | |
 multipartvertex_sbnd.fcl | |
 MultipleChoiceSelection.h | Helper to select an string option among a set of allowed choices |
 MultipleChoiceSelection_test.cc | Unit test for intervals_fhicl.h header |
 Deprecated/multipletpc_detsim_icarus_purity.fcl | |
 multipletpc_detsim_icarus_purity.fcl | |
 multipletpc_detsim_icarus_purity_lite.fcl | |
 Deprecated/multitpc_detsim_icarus.fcl | |
 multitpc_detsim_icarus.fcl | |
 multitpc_detsim_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 multitpc_detsim_icarus_sbnnoise.fcl | |
 multitpc_detsim_icarus_sbnnoise_lite.fcl | |
 MultiValuedLongitudinalTrackHitsTool.cc | Implementation of the multivalued longitudinal track hit creation tool |
 MultiValuedLongitudinalTrackHitsTool.h | Header file for the multivalued longitudinal track hit creation tool |
 MultiValuedTransverseTrackHitsTool.cc | Implementation of the multivalued transverse track hit creation tool |
 MultiValuedTransverseTrackHitsTool.h | Header file for the multivalued transverse track hit creation tool |
 MultiVar.cxx | |
 MultiVar.h | |
 multivertex_icarus.fcl | |
 MuNuclearSplittingProcess.cxx | |
 MuNuclearSplittingProcess.h | Check of Geant4 to run the LArSoft detector simulation |
 MuNuclearSplittingProcessXSecBias.cxx | |
 MuNuclearSplittingProcessXSecBias.h | Check of Geant4 to run the LArSoft detector simulation |
 muonbnblike_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 MuonFilter_module.cc | |
 MuonLeadingEventValidationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the muon leading event validation algorithm |
 MuonLeadingEventValidationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the muon leading event validation algorithm |
 MuonS2NStudy_module.cc | |
 MuonTrack.cc | |
 MuonTrack.hh | |
 MuonTrackFilter_module.cc | |
 MuonTrackingEff.fcl | |
 MuonTrackingEff_module.cc | |
 muontrackmodule.fcl | |
 MuonTrackProducer_module.cc | |
 MuPVertexStudy_module.cc | |
 MUSUN.fcl | |
 MUSUN_module.cc | Generator for underground muon propagation |
 MVAAlg.cxx | |
 MVAAlg.h | |
 MVAOutput.cxx | |
 MVAOutput.h | |
 MvaPfoCharacterisationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the mva pfo characterisation algorithm class |
 MvaPfoCharacterisationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the mva pfo characterisation algorithm class |
 MVAPID.cc | |
 MVAPID.h | |
 MVAPID_module.cc | |
 MVAPIDResult.h | |
 MVAReader.cxx | |
 MVAReader.h | |
 MvaVertexSelectionAlgorithm.cc | |
 MvaVertexSelectionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the mva vertex selection algorithm class |
 MVAWrapperBase.cxx | |
 MVAWrapperBase.h | |
 MVAWriter.cxx | |
 MVAWriter.h | |
 MWRData.cpp | |
 MWRData.h | |
 names.py | |
 NameSelector.cxx | A class providing a selection list: implementation file |
 NameSelector.h | A class providing a selection list |
 NameSelector_test.cxx | Test of NameSelector class |
 namespaces.h | Documentation for namespaces |
 NCDeltaRadiative_module.cc | |
 NCRadiativeResonant_module.cc | |
 NDKGen_module.cc | |
 NearbyClusterMopUpAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the nearby cluster mop up algorithm class |
 NearbyClusterMopUpAlgorithm.h | Header file for the nearby cluster mop up algorithm class |
 neoSmazza.sh | |
 NestAlg.cxx | |
 NestAlg.h | |
 NestedIterator.h | Iterators recursing though nested collections |
 NestedIterator_test.cc | Tests nested iterators |
 NeutrinoCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the neutrino creation algorithm class |
 NeutrinoCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the neutrino creation algorithm class |
 NeutrinoDaughterVerticesAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the neutrino daughter vertices algorithm class |
 NeutrinoDaughterVerticesAlgorithm.h | Header file for the neutrino daughter vertices algorithm class |
 NeutrinoEventValidationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the neutrino event validation algorithm |
 NeutrinoEventValidationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the neutrino event validation algorithm |
 NeutrinoHierarchyAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the neutrino hierarchy algorithm class |
 NeutrinoHierarchyAlgorithm.h | Header file for the neutrino hierarchy algorithm class |
 NeutrinoIdTool.cc | Implementation of the neutrino id tool class |
 NeutrinoIdTool.h | Header file for the neutrino id tool class |
 NeutrinoPropertiesAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the neutrino properties algorithm class |
 NeutrinoPropertiesAlgorithm.h | Header file for the neutrino properties algorithm class |
 NeutrinoShowerEff.fcl | |
 NeutrinoShowerEff_module.cc | |
 NeutrinoShowerEff_uboone.fcl | |
 NeutrinoTrackingEff.fcl | |
 NeutrinoTrackingEff_module.cc | |
 NeutronHPphysics.cc | High precision neutron physics constructor for Geant4 |
 NeutronHPphysics.hh | High precision neutron physics constructor for Geant4 |
 NeutronOsc_module.cc | |
 new_g4_purity_15ms_nosce.fcl | |
 new_g4_purity_15ms_sce.fcl | |
 new_g4_purity_4500mus_nosce.fcl | |
 new_g4_purity_4500mus_sce.fcl | |
 new_g4_purity_7ms_nosce.fcl | |
 new_g4_purity_7ms_sce.fcl | |
 new_g4_purity_9600mus_nosce.fcl | |
 new_g4_purity_9600mus_sce.fcl | |
 new_g4_purity_infinite_nosce.fcl | |
 new_g4_purity_infinite_sce.fcl | |
 NewLine.h | Simple class managing a repetitive output task |
 nfsp-butcher.fcl | |
 no_reconfigure_override.sh | |
 NoBaseline_tool.cc | |
 noise_ana.cxx | |
 NoiseFromHist_tool.cc | |
 noiseservices_sbnd.fcl | |
 NoNoise_tool.cc | |
 NonRandomCounter.cxx | Non-random number engine for profiling purposes (implementation) |
 NonRandomCounter.h | Non-random number engine for profiling purposes |
 NonRandomCounter_test.cc | Unit test for NonRandomCounter random engine |
 noobanaicarus21apr21.fcl | |
 Normalize.cc | |
 Normalize.h | |
 NormalizeDrift_tool.cc | |
 NormalizeTPC_tool.cc | |
 NormalizeWire_tool.cc | |
 NormalizeYZ_tool.cc | |
 normtools_icarus.fcl | |
 arxiv/NPtFilter.cxx | |
 NPtFilter.cxx | |
 arxiv/NPtFilter.h | |
 NPtFilter.h | |
 ntupler_saveWF_icarus.fcl | |
 ntupler_saveWF_icarus_MC.fcl | |
 NuAna_module.cc | |
 NuAnaAlg.cxx | |
 NuAnaAlg.h | |
 nuance.fcl | |
 nuance_argoneut.fcl | |
 NucleonDecay_module.cc | |
 NueAr40CCGenerator.cxx | |
 NueAr40CCGenerator.h | |
 NueConfig.fcl | |
 NueCuts.cxx | |
 NueCuts.h | |
 NueSelection.cxx | |
 NueSelection.h | |
 NueVars.cxx | |
 NueVars.h | |
 NumericUtils.h | Functions to help with numbers |
 NumericUtils_test.cc | Unit test for NumericUtils functions |
 numi_kaon_common.fcl | |
 NuMIFluxSysts.cxx | |
 NuMIFluxSysts.h | |
 NuMiKaonGen_tool.cc | |
 NuMIRetriever_module.cc | |
 NuMISpillInfo.cc | |
 numispillinfo.fcl | |
 NuMISpillInfo.h | |
 NumuConfig.fcl | |
 NumuConfigGetEffIcarus.fcl | |
 NumuConfigGetEffSBND.fcl | |
 NumuConfigGetEffUboone.fcl | |
 NumuConfigModernIcarus.fcl | |
 NumuConfigModernSBND.fcl | |
 NumuConfigModernUboone.fcl | |
 NumuConfignoBKGIcarus.fcl | |
 NumuConfignoBKGSBND.fcl | |
 NumuConfignoBKGUboone.fcl | |
 NumuConfigPassThruIcarus.fcl | |
 NumuConfigPassThruModernSBND.fcl | |
 NumuConfigPassThruSBND.fcl | |
 NumuConfigPassThruUboone.fcl | |
 NumuConfigProposal_BeamCenteredSBND.fcl | |
 NumuConfigProposalIcarus.fcl | |
 NumuConfigProposalSBND.fcl | |
 NumuConfigProposalUboone.fcl | |
 NumuConfigQEIcarus.fcl | |
 NumuConfigQESBND.fcl | |
 NumuConfigQEUboone.fcl | |
 NumuConfigRESIcarus.fcl | |
 NumuConfigRESSBND.fcl | |
 NumuConfigRESUboone.fcl | |
 NumuCuts.cxx | |
 NumuCuts.h | |
 NumuCutsIcarus202106.cxx | |
 NumuCutsIcarus202106.h | |
 NumuCutsIcarus202208.cxx | |
 NumuCutsIcarus202208.h | |
 NumuCutsSBND202106.cxx | |
 NumuCutsSBND202106.h | |
 NuMuEfficiencyStudy_module.cc | |
 NumuReco.cxx | |
 NumuReco.h | |
 NumuRecoICARUS.fcl | |
 NumuRecoSBND.fcl | |
 NumuRecoSBND_noContain.fcl | |
 NumuRecoSBNDTrueTrack.fcl | |
 NumuRecoSBNDTrueTrack_no_completion.fcl | |
 NumuSelection.cxx | |
 NumuSelection.h | |
 NumuVars.cxx | |
 NumuVars.h | |
 NumuVarsIcarus202106.cxx | |
 NumuVarsIcarus202106.h | |
 NumuVarsIcarus202208.cxx | |
 NumuVarsIcarus202208.h | |
 NumuVarsSBND202106.cxx | |
 NumuVarsSBND202106.h | |
 nuShowerEff.fcl | |
 NuShowerEff_module.cc | |
 NuVertexChargeTree_module.cc | |
 nuwro.fcl | |
 NuWroGen_module.cc | |
 NViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the three view delta ray matching class |
 NViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm.h | |
 NViewMatchingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the n view matching algorithm class |
 NViewMatchingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the n view matching algorithm class |
 NViewMatchingControl.h | Header file for the matching control class |
 NViewTrackMatchingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the n view track matching algorithm class |
 NViewTrackMatchingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the n view track matching algorithm class |
 obanaicarus21apr21.fcl | |
 OBAnaICARUS_module.cc | |
 old.PhotonBackTracker.h | |
 old.PhotonBackTracker_service.cc | |
 old.PhotonBackTrackerService.h | |
 OneTo01Data.h | Auxiliary data from one-to-(zero-or-one) sequential association |
 OneTo01DataProxyMaker.h | Infrastructure for merging optional associated data to a proxy |
 OneViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the one view delta ray matching algorithm class |
 OneViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the one viw delta ray matching algorithm |
 OnlineDecoder.fcl | |
 OpBoundaryProcessSimple.cxx | |
 OpBoundaryProcessSimple.hh | |
 opdeconvolution_alg.fcl | |
 opdeconvolution_sbnd.fcl | |
 OpDeconvolutionAlg.hh | |
 OpDeconvolutionAlgWiener_tool.cc | |
 OpDetAnalyzer.fcl | |
 OpDetAnalyzer_module.cc | |
 OpDetBacktrackerPrinter.cc | |
 OpDetBacktrackerRecord.cxx | |
 OpDetBacktrackerRecord.h | |
 opdetdigitizer_sbnd.fcl | |
 opDetDigitizerSBND_module.cc | |
 opDetDigitizerWorker.cc | |
 opDetDigitizerWorker.hh | |
 OpDetGeo.cxx | Encapsulate the geometry of an OpDet |
 OpDetGeo.h | Encapsulate the geometry of an optical detector |
 OpDetLookup.cxx | |
 OpDetLookup.h | |
 OpDetPhotonTable.cxx | |
 OpDetPhotonTable.h | |
 OpDetPulse.cxx | |
 OpDetPulse.h | |
 OpDetReadoutGeometry.cxx | |
 OpDetReadoutGeometry.h | |
 OpDetResponseInterface.h | |
 opDetSBNDTriggerAlg.cc | |
 opDetSBNDTriggerAlg.hh | |
 OpDetSensitiveDetector.cxx | |
 OpDetSensitiveDetector.h | |
 opdetsim_pmt_icarus.fcl | |
 OpDetVisibilityData.h | Data container for use with photon visibility libraries |
 lardataalg/lardataalg/Dumpers/RawData/OpDetWaveform.h | Utilities to dump raw::OpDetWaveform objects on screen |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/RawData/OpDetWaveform.h | |
 OpDetWaveformMaker.cc | |
 OpDetWaveformMeta.h | Derivative information from raw::OpDetWaveform data |
 OpDetWaveformMetaMaker_module.cc | Writes a collection of sbn::OpDetWaveformMeta from PMT waveforms |
 OpDetWaveformMetaMatcher.h | Utilities for matching raw::OpDetWaveform and their sbn::OpDetWaveformMeta |
 OpDetWaveformMetaUtils.cxx | Writes a collection of sbn::OpDetWaveformMeta from PMT waveforms |
 OpDetWaveformMetaUtils.h | Writes a collection of sbn::OpDetWaveformMeta from PMT waveforms |
 OpDetWFDump_module.cc | |
 OpDigiAna_module.cc | |
 OpDigiProperties.cc | |
 OpDigiProperties.h | |
 OpDigiProperties_service.cc | |
 operations.h | Provides a few simple operations for use in generic programming |
 operations_test.cc | Unit test for larcorealg/CoreUtils/operations.h |
 OpFastScintillation.cxx | |
 OpFastScintillation.hh | |
 OpFlash.cxx | |
 OpFlash.h | |
 OpFlash3DDrawer_tool.cc | |
 OpFlashAlg.cxx | |
 OpFlashAlg.h | |
 OpFlashAlg_test.cc | |
 OpFlashAna_module.cc | |
 OpFlashAnaAlg.cxx | |
 OpFlashAnaAlg.h | |
 OpFlashFinder_module.cc | |
 OpFlashMCTruthAna_module.cc | |
 OpFlashSimpleAna_module.cc | |
 OpHit.cxx | |
 OpHit.h | |
 OpHit3DDrawer_tool.cc | |
 ophit_finder_sbnd.fcl | |
 ophit_wvfana_sbnd.fcl | |
 OpHitAlg.cxx | |
 OpHitAlg.h | |
 OpHitAna_module.cc | |
 ophitconfig_sbnd.fcl | |
 OpHitFinder_module.cc | |
 ophitfinder_sbnd.fcl | |
 OpHitFinder_tool.cc | |
 OpHitFinderICARUS_module.cc | |
 opHitFinderSBND.cc | |
 opHitFinderSBND.hh | |
 opHitFinderSBND_module.cc | |
 OpHitFinderStandard_tool.cc | |
 OpMCDigi_module.cc | |
 OpParamAction.cxx | |
 OpParamAction.h | |
 OpParamSD.cxx | |
 OpParamSD.h | |
 OpRecoFactoryStuff.h | Utility and boilerplate for optical algorithms |
 OpSimHitPrinter.cc | |
 opt0finder_sbnd.fcl | |
 opt0finderana_sbnd.fcl | |
 OpT0FinderConstants.h | |
 OpT0FinderException.cxx | |
 OpT0FinderException.h | Class def header for exception classes in OpT0Finder package |
 OpT0FinderLogger.cxx | |
 OpT0FinderLogger.h | Logger utility class definition header file |
 OpT0FinderTypes.cxx | |
 OpT0FinderTypes.h | |
 OptDetDigitizer_module.cc | |
 optical_electronic.fcl | |
 opticaldetectormodules.fcl | |
 opticaldetectormodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 opticaldetectorservices.fcl | |
 opticaldetectorservices_microboone.fcl | |
 opticaldetectorservices_sbnd.fcl | |
 OpticalLibraryBuild_Grid.sh | |
 OpticalLibraryBuildInfov4.sh | |
 OpticalPhysics.cxx | |
 OpticalPhysics.hh | |
 opticalproperties_icarus.fcl | |
 opticalproperties_sbnd.fcl | |
 OpticalRawDigit.h | |
 OpticalRawDigitReformatter_module.cc | |
 OpticalRecoAna.fcl | |
 OpticalRecoAna_module.cc | |
 OpticalRecoException.cxx | |
 OpticalRecoException.h | Class def header for exception classes in OpticalDetector package |
 OpHitFinder/OpticalRecoTypes.h | |
 OpticalRecoTypes.h | |
 opticalsimparameterisations.fcl | |
 opticalsimparameterisations_sbnd.fcl | |
 opticalTools_icarus.fcl | |
 OpticalTriggerGate.cxx | A trigger gate data object for optical detector electronics |
 OpticalTriggerGate.h | A trigger gate data object for optical detector electronics |
 OpticalTypes.h | |
 optriggeralg_sbnd.fcl | |
 OpWaveform.cxx | Definition of calibrated photon detector waveform |
 OpWaveform.h | Definition of calibrated photon detector waveform |
 Ortho3DPad.cxx | Drawing pad showing an orthographic rendering of 3D objects in the detector |
 Ortho3DPad.h | Drawing pad showing an orthographic projection of 3D objects in the detector |
 Ortho3DView.cxx | Orthographic view display window |
 Ortho3DView.h | A view showing an orthographic projection of 3D objects |
 OrthoProj.h | Define OrthoProj_t enum for selecting orthographic view |
 OscCalcSterileApprox.cxx | |
 OscCalcSterileApprox.h | |
 OscCurve.cxx | |
 OscCurve.h | |
 OscillatableSpectrum.cxx | |
 OscillatableSpectrum.h | |
 OverburdenAnaICARUS.fcl | |
 Overlay1D_tool.cc | |
 OverlayICARUS_module.cc | |
 overlaymodules_ICARUS.fcl | |
 OverriddenClusterParamsAlg.h | Overrides another ClusterParamsAlgBase class with selected constants |
 OvershootSplittingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the overshoot splitting algorithm class |
 OvershootSplittingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the overshoot splitting algorithm class |
 OvershootTracksTool.cc | Implementation of the overshoot tracks tool class |
 OvershootTracksTool.h | Header file for the overshoot tracks tool class |
 PandoraIDPrinter.cc | |
 PandoraMetadataPrinter.cc | |
 pandoramodules_icarus.fcl | |
 pandoramodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 PandoraNuScoreCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 PandoraNuScoreCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 pandorashoweralgs.fcl | |
 pandorashowermodules.fcl | |
 pandorashowertools.fcl | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/PandoraT0CosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/PandoraT0CosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/PandoraT0CosmicIdAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/PandoraT0CosmicIdAlg.h | |
 ParallelData.h | Auxiliary data from parallel data products |
 ParallelDataProxyMaker.h | Infrastructure for the addition of parallel data to a proxy |
 ParallelHitsSeedFinderAlg.cxx | Implementation of the Seed Finder Algorithm The intent of this algorithm is to take an input list of 3D space points and from those to find candidate track start points and directions |
 ParallelHitsSeedFinderAlg.h | This is an algorithm for finding recob::Seed objects in 3D clusters |
 ParamHolder.cxx | |
 ParamHolder.h | |
 Parser.cxx | |
 Parser.h | List of functions to type-cast std::string to an appropriate value type |
 ParsingToolkit.cxx | Simple text parsing utilities |
 ParsingToolkit.h | Simple text parsing utilities |
 ParsingToolkit_test.cc | Unit test for utilities in ParsingToolkit.h |
 ParticleFilters.h | Defines classes to filter particles based on their trajectory |
 ParticleID.cxx | |
 particleid.fcl | |
 ParticleID.h | |
 particleid_argoneut.fcl | |
 particleid_icarus.fcl | |
 particleid_microboone.fcl | |
 particleid_sbnd.fcl | |
 ParticleID_VariableTypeEnums.h | |
 ParticleInventory.cc | |
 ParticleInventory.h | Header for the ParticleInvenotry Service Provider |
 ParticleInventoryService.cc | |
 particleinventoryservice.fcl | |
 ParticleInventoryService.h | |
 ParticleInventoryService_service.cc | |
 ParticleListAction.cc | |
 ParticleListAction.cxx | Use Geant4's user "hooks" to maintain a list of particles generated by Geant4 |
 ParticleListAction.h | Use Geant4's user "hooks" to maintain a list of particles generated by Geant4 |
 ParticleListAction_service.cc | |
 ParticleListAction_service.h | Use Geant4's user "hooks" to maintain a list of particles generated by Geant4 |
 ParticleMaker_module.cc | Module creating simulated particles for a test |
 ParticleMatch.cxx | |
 ParticleMatch.h | |
 ParticleRecoveryAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the particle recovery algorithm class |
 ParticleRecoveryAlgorithm.h | Header file for the track recovery algorithm class |
 Partitions.h | Classes describing partition of an area with associated data |
 PassCounter.h | Class to keep count of a pass/fail result |
 PCA.cc | |
 PCA.h | |
 PCA3DDrawer_tool.cc | |
 pcangle_producer.fcl | |
 PCAngleKinkFinder_module.cc | |
 PCAngleKinkTree_module.cc | |
 PCAnglePlaneMaker_module.cc | |
 PCASeedFinderAlg.cxx | Implementation of the Seed Finder Algorithm |
 PCASeedFinderAlg.h | This is an algorithm for finding recob::Seed objects in 3D clusters |
 PcaShowerParticleBuildingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the 3D shower building algorithm class |
 PcaShowerParticleBuildingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the neutrino event creation algorithm class |
 PCAxis.cxx | |
 PCAxis.h | |
 PCAxisDumpers.cc | Functions dumping principal component axis objects - implementation file |
 PCAxisDumpers.h | Functions dumping principal component axis objects |
 PD_Sim_Chain_Ref.fcl | |
 PD_Sim_Chain_Tra.fcl | |
 PDFastSim_sbnd.fcl | |
 PDFastSimPAR.fcl | |
 PDFastSimPAR_module.cc | |
 PDFastSimPVS.fcl | |
 PDFastSimPVS_module.cc | |
 PDMapAlg.h | This is the interface class for a tool to handle PD mapping in SBN detectors, used for flash matching |
 PDMapAlgSimple_tool.cc | |
 PeakFitterGaussElimination_tool.cc | |
 PeakFitterGaussian_tool.cc | |
 PeakFitterICARUS_tool.cc | |
 PeakFitterMrqdt_tool.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/PECalib.cxx | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/PECalib.cxx | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/PECalib.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/PECalib.h | |
 PedAlgoEdges.cxx | |
 PedAlgoEdges.h | Class definition file of PedAlgoEdges |
 PedAlgoFixed.cxx | Pedestal "algorithm" reading the pedestals from somewhere else |
 PedAlgoFixed.h | Pedestal "algorithm" reading the pedestals from somewhere else |
 PedAlgoRmsSlider.cxx | |
 PedAlgoRmsSlider.h | Class definition file of PedAlgoRmsSlider |
 PedAlgoRollingMean.cxx | |
 PedAlgoRollingMean.h | Class definition file of PedAlgoRollingMean |
 PedAlgoUB.cxx | |
 PedAlgoUB.h | Class definition file of PedAlgoUB |
 PfoCharacterisationBaseAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the pfo characterisation base algorithm class |
 PfoCharacterisationBaseAlgorithm.h | Header file for the pfo characterisation base algorithm class |
 PfoHitCleaningAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the pfo hit cleaning algorithm class |
 PfoHitCleaningAlgorithm.h | Header file for the pfo hit cleaning algorithm class |
 PfoMopUpBaseAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the pfo mop up algorithm base class |
 PfoMopUpBaseAlgorithm.h | Header file for the pfo mop up algorithm base class |
 PfoValidationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the pfo validation algorithm |
 PfoValidationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the pfo validation algorithm |
 PFPAna_module.cc | |
 PFParticle.cxx | |
 PFParticle.h | |
 PFParticle3DDrawer_tool.cc | |
 PFParticleAnalysis_module.cc | Analysis module for created particles |
 PFParticleCosmicAna_module.cc | Analysis module for created particles |
 PFParticleHitDumper_module.cc | Analysis module for created particles |
 PFParticleMetadata.cxx | |
 PFParticleMetadata.h | |
 PFParticleMonitoring_module.cc | Analysis module for created particles |
 PFParticleTrackAna_module.cc | Analysis module for created particles |
 PFParticleValidation_module.cc | Analysis module for created particles |
 pfpslicevalidation.fcl | |
 PFPSliceValidation_module.cc | |
 PFPUtils.cxx | |
 PFPUtils.h | |
 PhotBackground.fcl | |
 PhotBackground_module.cc | |
 PhotoelectronPulseFunction.h | Abstract interface of shape of a pulse from one photoelectron |
 photon_propogation_icarus.fcl | |
 photon_propogation_timing_icarus.fcl | |
 PhotonBackTracker.cc | |
 PhotonBackTracker.h | Back track the reconstruction to the simulation |
 PhotonBackTrackerLoader_module.cc | |
 PhotonBackTrackerService.cc | |
 photonbacktrackerservice.fcl | |
 PhotonBackTrackerService.h | |
 PhotonBackTrackerService_service.cc | |
 PhotonCalibrator.fcl | |
 PhotonCalibratorServiceStandard.h | |
 PhotonCalibratorServiceStandard_service.cc | |
 PhotonCalibratorStandard.h | |
 photoncountert0matching.fcl | |
 PhotonCounterT0Matching_module.cc | |
 PhotonLibHypothesis.cxx | |
 PhotonLibHypothesis.h | Class def header for a class PhotonLibHypothesis |
 larsim/larsim/PhotonPropagation/PhotonLibrary.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/Base/FMWKTools/PhotonLibrary.cxx | |
 larsim/larsim/PhotonPropagation/PhotonLibrary.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/Base/FMWKTools/PhotonLibrary.h | |
 photonlibrary_builder_icarus.fcl | |
 photonlibrary_volumetest_icarus.fcl | |
 PhotonLibraryAnalyzer_module.cc | |
 photonlibraryanalyzerjob.fcl | |
 PhotonLibraryHybrid.cxx | |
 PhotonLibraryHybrid.h | |
 PhotonLibraryPropagation_module.cc | Provides phot:PhotonLibraryPropagation module |
 PhotonMappingIdentityTransformations.cxx | A photon mapping identity transformation: implementation |
 PhotonMappingIdentityTransformations.h | A photon mapping identity transformation |
 PhotonMappingIdentityTransformations_tool.cc | A photon mapping identity transformation: toolification |
 PhotonMappingXMirrorTransformations.cxx | A photon mapping transformation with mirror on x: implementation |
 PhotonMappingXMirrorTransformations.h | A photon mapping transformation with reflection at x = 0 |
 PhotonMappingXMirrorTransformations_tool.cc | A photon mapping transformation with mirror on x: toolification |
 PhotonPropogationICARUS_module.cc | |
 PhotonVisibilityService.cc | |
 PhotonVisibilityService.cxx | |
 larsim/larsim/PhotonPropagation/PhotonVisibilityService.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/Base/FMWKTools/PhotonVisibilityService.h | |
 PhotonVisibilityService_service.cc | |
 PhotonVisibilityTypes.h | Declaration of types related to photon visibility |
 larsim/larsim/Simulation/PhotonVoxels.cxx | Definitions of voxel data structures: implementation |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/Base/FMWKTools/PhotonVoxels.cxx | |
 larsim/larsim/Simulation/PhotonVoxels.h | Definitions of voxel data structures |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/Base/FMWKTools/PhotonVoxels.h | |
 photpropmodules.fcl | |
 photpropmodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 photpropservices.fcl | |
 photpropservices_icarus.fcl | |
 photpropservices_sbnd.fcl | |
 PhysicalConstants.h | Collection of Physical constants used in LArSoft |
 PhysicsList.cxx | |
 PhysicsList.h | Create the physics lists to be used by Geant4 |
 PhysListLoader_module.cc | A dummy module that forces library loading to register a physics list |
 pid.fcl | |
 PIDAAlg.cxx | |
 PIDAAlg.h | |
 PIDAAnalyzer_module.cc | |
 pidalgorithms.fcl | |
 pionbnblike_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 PlaneGeo.cxx | |
 PlaneGeo.h | Encapsulate the construction of a single detector plane |
 PlaneStubMerge_tool.cc | |
 plot.py | |
 Plots.cxx | |
 Plots.h | |
 PlotSandbox.cxx | |
 PlotSandbox.h | A helper to manage ROOT objects in a art::TFileDirectory |
 PlotSpacePoints.fcl | |
 PlotSpacePoints_module.cc | |
 pmacosmictagalg.fcl | |
 PmaElement3D.cxx | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PmaElement3D.h | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PmaHit3D.cxx | |
 PmaHit3D.h | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PMAlgCosmicTagger.cxx | |
 PMAlgCosmicTagger.h | |
 PMAlgStitching.cxx | |
 PMAlgStitching.h | |
 PMAlgTracking.cxx | |
 PMAlgTracking.h | |
 PMAlgTrackMaker_module.cc | |
 PMAlgTrajFitter_module.cc | |
 PMAlgVertexing.cxx | |
 PMAlgVertexing.h | |
 PmaNode3D.cxx | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PmaNode3D.h | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PmaSegment3D.cxx | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PmaSegment3D.h | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 pmastitchalg.fcl | |
 PmaTrack3D.cxx | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PmaTrack3D.h | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PmaTrkCandidate.cxx | Track finding helper for the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PmaTrkCandidate.h | Track finding helper for the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 pmavertexalg.fcl | |
 PmaVtxCandidate.cxx | Vertex finding helper for the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PmaVtxCandidate.h | Vertex finding helper for the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 PMTAna_module.cc | Class definition file of PMTAna |
 pmtArtdaqFragmentProducer.fcl | |
 pmtArtdaqFragmentProducer_module.cc | |
 PMTChannelMapDumper.cxx | Utility dumping the content of PMT channel mapping on screen |
 PMTconfiguration.cxx | Information from the configuration of a V1730 PMT readout board |
 PMTconfiguration.h | Information from the configuration of PMT readout |
 PMTconfigurationExtraction_module.cc | Writes PMT configuration from FHiCL into data product |
 PMTconfigurationExtractor.cxx | Utility to extract PMT readout configuration from data |
 PMTconfigurationExtractor.h | Utility to extract PMT readout configuration from data |
 PMTcoordinates_module.cc | |
 PMTDecoder_tool.cc | This tool provides "standard" 3D hits built (by this tool) from 2D hits |
 PMTDecoderUtils.cxx | |
 PMTDecoderUtils.h | Some helpers for PMT decoder tool |
 pmtflashtrigger_producer.fcl | |
 PMTFlashTriggerFilter_module.cc | |
 PMTFlashTriggerMaker_module.cc | |
 PmtGain.h | Class def header for a class PmtGain |
 PMTGainFluctuations.hh | |
 PMTGainFluctuations1Dynode_tool.cc | |
 pmtgainfluctuations_config.fcl | |
 PmtGainProvider.h | |
 PmtGainService.h | Interface for experiment-specific service for pmt gain info |
 PMTInfo_t.h | Helper class to store discriminated PMT information |
 PMTPedestalBase.cxx | |
 PMTPedestalBase.h | Class definition file of PMTPedestalBase |
 PMTPulseRecoBase.cxx | |
 PMTPulseRecoBase.h | Class definition file of PMTPulseRecoBase |
 pmtsimulation_icarus.fcl | |
 PMTsimulationAlg.cxx | Algorithms for the simulation of ICARUS PMT channels |
 PMTsimulationAlg.h | Algorithms for the simulation of ICARUS PMT channels |
 pmtSoftwareTrigger.cc | |
 pmtSoftwareTrigger.hh | |
 pmtsoftwaretriggerproducer.fcl | |
 pmtSoftwareTriggerProducer_module.cc | |
 PMTsorting.cxx | PMT sorting functions for ICARUS |
 PMTsorting.h | Geometry obect sorter with PMT following TPC wire order |
 PMTStartCalibTime_module.cc | |
 pmtTrigger.cc | |
 PMTTrigger.cc | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/OpticalDetectorData/PMTTrigger.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/TriggerEmulator/PMTTrigger.h | |
 pmtTrigger.hh | |
 pmttriggerproducer.fcl | |
 pmtTriggerProducer_module.cc | |
 PMTverticalSlicingAlg.cxx | Algorihtm to group PMTs into piling towers (implementation file) |
 PMTverticalSlicingAlg.h | Algorihtm to group PMTs into piling towers |
 PMTWaveformBaselines_module.cc | Extracts and writes PMT waveform baselines |
 PMTWaveformBaselinesFromChannelData_module.cc | Extracts and writes PMT waveform baselines |
 PMTWaveformBaselinesFromReadoutConfiguration_module.cc | Extracts PMT channel baselines from PMT readout configuration |
 PNGArena.cxx | |
 PNGArena.h | |
 point_isolation_test.fcl | |
 PointCharge.h | Information about charge reconstructed in the active volume |
 PointCharge_test.cc | Simple test on a recob::PointCharge object |
 PointHit.cxx | |
 PointHit.h | |
 PointIsolationAlg.h | Algorithm(s) dealing with point isolation in space |
 PointIsolationAlg_test.cc | Unit tests for PointIsolationAlg |
 PointIsolationAlgRandom_test.cc | Unit test with random data for PointIsolationAlg |
 PointIsolationAlgStress_test.cc | Stress test for PointIsolationAlg |
 Polygon2D.cxx | |
 Polygon2D.h | 2D polygon object |
 PostProcessingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the list moving algorithm class |
 PostProcessingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the post processing algorithm class |
 PostProcessorBase.cxx | |
 PostProcessorBase.hh | |
 POTaccumulator_module.cc | Module summing all POT from the input files |
 POTSummary.cxx | |
 POTsummary.fcl | |
 POTSummary.h | |
 PredictionExtrap.cxx | |
 PredictionExtrap.h | |
 PredictionGenerator.h | |
 PredictionIncDirt.cxx | |
 PredictionIncDirt.h | |
 PredictionInterp.cxx | |
 PredictionInterp.h | |
 PredictionLinFit.cxx | |
 PredictionLinFit.h | |
 PredictionNoExtrap.cxx | |
 PredictionNoExtrap.h | |
 PredictionNoOsc.cxx | |
 PredictionNoOsc.h | |
 PredictionSBNExtrap.cxx | |
 PredictionSBNExtrap.h | |
 PredictionScaleComp.cxx | |
 PredictionScaleComp.h | |
 preparseGDML.cpp | |
 PreProcessingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the list preparation algorithm class |
 PreProcessingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the pre processing algorithm class |
 PrimaryHadronFeynmanScalingWeightCalc.cxx | |
 PrimaryHadronNormalizationWeightCalc.cxx | |
 PrimaryHadronSanfordWangWeightCalc.cxx | |
 PrimaryHadronSWCentralSplineVariationWeightCalc.cxx | |
 PrimaryTrack.cc | |
 PrimaryTrack.h | |
 PrimaryVertexFinder_module.cc | |
 PrincipalComponentsAlg.cxx | |
 PrincipalComponentsAlg.h | This header file defines the interface to a principal components analysis designed to be used within the 3D clustering |
 printBacktrace_test.cc | |
 PrintCalorimetry_module.cc | |
 ProcessorBase.cxx | |
 ProcessorBase.hh | |
 ProcessorBlock.cxx | |
 ProcessorBlock.hh | |
 Processors.cxx | |
 Processors.h | |
 prod_crt_event.fcl | |
 prod_electrons_intrinsic_workshop2018.fcl | |
 prod_electrons_oscilllated_workshop2018.fcl | |
 prod_eminus_0-1GeV_isotropic_icarus.fcl | |
 prod_eminus_0.1_0.9_sbnd.fcl | |
 prod_empty.fcl | |
 prod_empty_icarus.fcl | |
 prod_mu_workshop2018.fcl | |
 prod_muon_0-1GeV_isotropic_icarus.fcl | |
 prod_muon_20deg.fcl | |
 prod_muon_2GeV_d45_Collection.fcl | |
 prod_muon_2GeV_d45_Induction1.fcl | |
 prod_muon_2GeV_d45_Induction2.fcl | |
 prod_muon_2GeV_perp_Collection.fcl | |
 prod_muon_2GeV_perp_Induction1.fcl | |
 prod_muon_2GeV_perp_Induction2.fcl | |
 prod_muon_40deg.fcl | |
 prod_muon_4GeV_down_top_crt.fcl | |
 prod_muon_4GeV_perp_Collection.fcl | |
 prod_muon_4GeV_up_top_crt.fcl | |
 prod_muon_60deg.fcl | |
 prod_muon_70deg.fcl | |
 prod_muon_80deg.fcl | |
 prod_muon_bnblike_active.fcl | |
 prod_muon_workshop.fcl | |
 prod_muplus_0.2-1GeV_isotropic_icarus.fcl | |
 prod_pion_bnblike_active.fcl | |
 prod_pizero_workshop2018.fcl | |
 prod_proton_0-1GeV_isotropic_icarus.fcl | |
 prod_proton_bnblike_active.fcl | |
 prod_proton_workshop.fcl | |
 prod_proton_workshop2018.fcl | |
 prodbackground_Ar39_icarus.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_300us_icarus.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_bnb_fullosc_genie_protononly_icarus.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_bnb_genie_protononly_icarus.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_bnb_nue_genie_protononly_icarus.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_cosmics_cmc.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_cosmics_cmc_eastwestcrt_mu_filter.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_cosmics_cmc_filter.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_cosmics_cmc_frontbackcrt_mu_filter.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_cosmics_proton.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_cosmics_proton_eastwestcrt_mu_filter.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_cosmics_proton_filter.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_cosmics_proton_frontbackcrt_mu_filter.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_icarus_Jun2021.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_protononly_icarus_numi.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_protononly_icarus_numi_fullosc_volDetEnclosure_tpc.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_protononly_icarus_numi_nue.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_protononly_icarus_numi_nue_volDetEnclosure_tpc.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_protononly_icarus_numi_volDetEnclosure_tpc.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_standard_icarus.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_standard_icarus_Aug2018_nue.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_standard_icarus_Aug2018_numu.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_standard_icarus_numi.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_standard_icarus_numi_nue.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_standard_icarus_Oct2020_nue.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_standard_icarus_Oct2020_numu.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_genie_standard_icarus_workshop.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_proton_intime_filter.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_proton_intime_filter_sce.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_proton_intime_filter_sce_no_shower_rollup.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_proton_intime_icarus_bnb.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_proton_intime_icarus_bnb_sce_on.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_proton_intime_icarus_numi.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_proton_intime_icarus_numi_sce_on.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_protononly_icarus.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_protononly_icarus_ROOTinput.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_standard_icarus.fcl | |
 prodcorsika_standard_icarus_ROOTinput.fcl | |
 prodcosmics.fcl | |
 prodcosmics_CORSIKA_CMC.fcl | |
 prodcosmics_CORSIKA_p.fcl | |
 prodcosmics_corsika_proton_21apr21_laronly.fcl | |
 prodcosmics_corsika_proton_21apr21_noob.fcl | |
 prodcosmics_corsika_proton_21apr21_ob.fcl | |
 prodcosmics_corsika_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodcosmics_cry_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodGaisser.fcl | |
 prodGaisser_HighEnergy.fcl | |
 prodGaisser_LowEnergy.fcl | |
 prodGaisser_MidEnergy.fcl | |
 prodgenie.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_intrinsic_nue_cosmic_sbn_icarus.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_intrinsic_nue_cosmic_sbn_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_intrinsic_nue_cosmic_sbn_uboone.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_intrinsic_nue_sbn_icarus.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_intrinsic_nue_sbn_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_intrinsic_nue_sbn_uboone.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_nu_cosmic_sbn_icarus.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_nu_cosmic_sbn_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_nu_cosmic_sbn_uboone.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_nu_cosmic_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_nu_sbn_icarus.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_nu_sbn_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_bnb_nu_sbn_uboone.fcl | |
 prodgenie_common_cosmic_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_enuelastic_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configd-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_intrnue_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configd-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_intrnue_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configf-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_intrnue_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configh-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_intrnue_singleinteraction_tpc_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_intrnue_spill_tpc_gsimple-configf-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_intrnue_spill_tpc_gsimple-configh-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_intrnue_spill_tpc_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_cryostat_gsimple-configb-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_cryostat_gsimple-configd-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_cryostat_gsimple-configf-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_cryostat_gsimple-configh-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_cryostat_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_ccpi0filtered_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configd-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configf-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configf-v1_ccpi0filtered.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configf-v1_rotatedbuckets.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configh-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configh-v1_ccpi0filtered.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configh-v1_rotatedbuckets.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_NCDeltaRadiative_filtered_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_NCRadiativeResonant_filtered_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_rotatedbuckets_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_singleinteraction_tpc_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_cryostat_gsimple-configb-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_cryostat_gsimple-configd-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_cryostat_gsimple-configf-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_cryostat_gsimple-configh-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_cryostat_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_indirt.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_inoverburden.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_intpc.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_tpc_gsimple-configf-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_tpc_gsimple-configh-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_tpc_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_world_gsimple-configc-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_world_gsimple-confige-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_world_gsimple-configg-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_nu_spill_world_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_oscnue_spill_cryostat_gsimple-configb-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_oscnueswap_singleinteraction_tpc_gsimple-configd-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_oscnueswap_spill_cryostat_gsimple-configd-v1.fcl | |
 prodgenie_rockbox_intrnue_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_rockbox_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodgenie_sbnd_proj.fcl | |
 prodhepmc_icarus.fcl | |
 prodmarley.fcl | |
 prodmarley_lariat.fcl | |
 prodmarley_microboone.fcl | |
 prodmarley_nue_fermidirac.fcl | |
 prodmarley_sbnd_1event.fcl | |
 prodmarleytime.fcl | |
 prodMUSUN.fcl | |
 prodndk.fcl | |
 prodndkGolden.fcl | |
 prodnosc.fcl | |
 prodnuance.fcl | |
 prodnuwro.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_intrnue_spill_gsimple-configd-v1_tpc.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_cryostat_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configb-v1_cryostat.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configd-v1_cryostat.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configd-v1_tpc.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-confige-v1_nu_filter.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-confige-v1_world.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configf-v1_cryostat.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configf-v1_tpc.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configh-v1_cryostat.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configh-v1_tpc.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_cmc_genie_nu_spill_tpc_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_fullosc_spill_gsimple-configh-v1_tpc.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_intrnue_spill_gsimple-configf-v1_tpc.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_intrnue_spill_gsimple-configh-v1_tpc.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_intrnue_spill_tpc_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_intrnue_spill_tpc_sbnd_3drift_windows.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_nu_spill_cryostat_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configf-v1_cryostat.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configf-v1_tpc.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configh-v1_cryostat.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-configh-v1_tpc.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_nu_spill_gsimple-newflux-v1_cryostat.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_nu_spill_tpc_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_nu_spill_tpc_sbnd_3drift_windows.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_rockbox_intrnue_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_rockbox_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_rockbox_sce.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_corsika_cosmics_proton_genie_rockbox_sce_no_shower_rollup.fcl | |
 prodoverlay_proton_sbnflux_icarus.fcl | |
 prodrandsingle.fcl | |
 prodsingle.fcl | |
 EventGenerator/prodsingle_buildopticallibrary.fcl | |
 PhotonPropagation/LibraryBuildTools/prodsingle_buildopticallibrary.fcl | |
 prodsingle_chpi_bnblike.fcl | |
 prodsingle_common_icarus.fcl | |
 prodsingle_common_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_dualmu_5GeV_fixposcontained_openingangle1.0degree.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_1-50MeV.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_100-2250MeV_fixposcontained_fixangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_200-1500MeV_fixposcentertpc1_isotropicangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_50-300MeV_fixposcentertpc1_isotropicangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_bnblike_newflux.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_pi+_bnblike.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_pi+_bnblike_anode_forwards_inwards.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_pi+_bnblike_cathode_forwards_inwards.fcl | |
 icaruscode/fcl/gen/single/prodsingle_electron_pi+_bnblike_forward.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/JobConfigurations/standard/gen/single/prodsingle_electron_pi+_bnblike_forward.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_proton_bnblike_anode_forward.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_proton_bnblike_anode_forward_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_proton_bnblike_cathode_forward.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_proton_bnblike_cathode_forward_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_proton_bnblike_center_forward.fcl | |
 prodsingle_electron_proton_bnblike_center_forward_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_fastoptical.fcl | |
 prodsingle_fastoptical2.fcl | |
 prodsingle_fastoptical_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_full_optical_electronic.fcl | |
 prodsingle_fulloptical.fcl | |
 prodsingle_gamma_100-2250MeV_fixposcontained_fixangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_gamma_200-1500MeV_fixposcentertpc1_isotropicangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_gamma_50-300MeV_fixposcentertpc1_isotropicangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_gamma_pi+_bnblike.fcl | |
 icaruscode/fcl/gen/single/prodsingle_gamma_pi+_bnblike_forward.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/JobConfigurations/standard/gen/single/prodsingle_gamma_pi+_bnblike_forward.fcl | |
 prodsingle_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 prodsingle_libraryana.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_100-1257MeV_fixposcontained_fixangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_10GeV_cathodecrossing.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_10GeV_frontcorners_cornertocorner.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_2GeV_anode_isotropic_inwards.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_2GeV_fixposcentertpc1_isotropicangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_3GeV_fixposapacross_gaus20degree.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_3GeV_fixposupstream_gaus20degree.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_3GeV_uniformupstream_fixangleforwardgoing.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_bnblike.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_bnblike_newflux.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_plus_100-1257MeV_fixposcontained_fixangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_proton_bnblike_anode_forward_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_proton_bnblike_anode_forwards.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_proton_bnblike_anode_forwards_inwards.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_proton_bnblike_cathode_forward_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_proton_bnblike_cathode_forwards.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_proton_bnblike_cathode_forwards_inwards.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_proton_bnblike_center_forward_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_mu_proton_bnblike_center_forwards.fcl | |
 prodsingle_muon_bnblike_active_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_muplus_stopping_fromtop.fcl | |
 prodsingle_optical_electronic.fcl | |
 prodsingle_pi+_100-2250MeV_fixposcontained_fixangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_pi+_bnblike_active_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_pi+_bnblike_newflux.fcl | |
 prodsingle_pi0_100-2250MeV_fixposcontained_fixangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_pi0_bnblike_newflux.fcl | |
 prodsingle_proton_200-2250MeV_fixposcontained_fixangle.fcl | |
 prodsingle_proton_bnblike.fcl | |
 prodsingle_proton_bnblike_active_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_proton_bnblike_newflux.fcl | |
 prodsingle_reconstruction_test.sh | |
 prodsingle_sbnd.fcl | |
 prodsingle_sbnd_crt.fcl | |
 prodsingle_sbnd_proj.fcl | |
 prodsingle_sbnd_test.fcl | |
 prodsingle_sbnd_withcaldata.fcl | |
 prodtext.fcl | |
 prodtext_standard_icarus.fcl | |
 produce_crumbs_training_trees_cosmic_only.fcl | |
 produce_crumbs_training_trees_nu_cosmics.fcl | |
 produce_crumbs_training_trees_nu_only.fcl | |
 produce_fcl_template.sh | |
 Profile.cc | |
 Profile.h | |
 ProfilerSupport.cxx | |
 Progress.cxx | |
 Progress.h | |
 project.py | |
 project_utilities.py | |
 projectapp.py | |
 projectdef.py | |
 projectgui.py | |
 ProjectionMatchingAlg.cxx | |
 ProjectionMatchingAlg.h | |
 projections.py | |
 projectstatus.py | |
 projectview.py | |
 Flat/Prolog.h | |
 Proxy/Prolog.h | |
 prong_reco_uboone.fcl | |
 PropagationTimeModel.cxx | |
 PropagationTimeModel.h | |
 Propagator.cxx | Base class for Kalman filter propagator |
 Propagator.h | Base class for Kalman filter track propagator |
 PropAny.cxx | Propagate between any two surfaces |
 PropAny.h | Propagate between any two surfaces |
 PropXYZPlane.cxx | Propagate to SurfXYZPlane surface |
 PropXYZPlane.h | Propagate to SurfXYZPlane surface |
 PropYZLine.cxx | Propagate to SurfYZLine surface |
 PropYZLine.h | Propagate to SurfYZLine surface |
 PropYZPlane.cxx | Propagate to SurfYZPlane surface |
 PropYZPlane.h | Propagate to PropYZPlane surface |
 ProtoDUNEDrawer_tool.cc | |
 ProtoDUNEDualPhase.cxx | Implementation of the ProtoDUNE dual phase interface |
 ProtoDUNEDualPhase.h | Detector interface for ProtoDUNE dual phase |
 protonbnblike_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 prova_source.fcl | |
 ProviderList.h | Container for service providers used in a test |
 ProviderList_test.cc | Unit test for ProviderList.h |
 ProviderManager.cxx | |
 ProviderManager.hh | |
 ProviderPack.h | Data structure containing constant pointers to classes |
 larcorealg/test/CoreUtils/ProviderPack_test.cc | |
 lardataalg/test/DetectorInfo/ProviderPack_test.cc | |
 ProviderTestHelpers.h | Helper classes to be used together with LArSoft's unit test |
 ProviderUtil.h | Simple utilities for service providers |
 ProxyAsAuxProxyMaker.h | Infrastructure for a collection proxy as auxiliary data for a proxy |
 ProxyAsParallelData.h | Data encapsulating a collection proxy as auxiliary data |
 ProxyBase.h | Base utilities for the implementation of data product facades |
 ProxyBaseTest_module.cc | Tests feattures of ProxyBase.h |
 PSet.cxx | |
 PSet.h | Class def header for a class flashmatch::PSet |
 PSetUtils.cxx | |
 PSetUtils.h | Utility functions in Base/PSet |
 PtrMakerAnalyzer_module.cc | |
 PtrMakerProducer2_module.cc | |
 PtrMakerProducer_module.cc | |
 publish.sh | |
 pubsdeadenderror.py | |
 pubsinputerror.py | |
 PulseRecoManager.cxx | |
 PulseRecoManager.h | Class definition file of PulseRecoManager |
 PxHitConverter.cxx | |
 PxHitConverter.h | |
 PxUtils.h | |
 PyUtils.cxx | |
 PyUtils.h | |
 QLLMatch.cxx | |
 QLLMatch.h | Class def header for a class QLLMatch |
 QuadExpr.cxx | |
 QuadExpr.h | |
 QuadVtx.fcl | |
 QuadVtx_module.cc | |
 quadvtxjob.fcl | |
 quantities.h | Numeric variable proxies with embedded unit of measurement |
 quantities_fhicl.h | Utilities to read and write quantities in FHiCL configuration |
 quantities_fhicl_test.cc | Unit test for quantities_fhicl.h header |
 quantities_test.cc | Unit test for quantities.h header |
 quiet_Math_Functor.h | |
 quiet_Math_Functor_test.sh | |
 QWeightPoint.cxx | |
 QWeightPoint.h | Class def header for a class QWeightPoint |
 RadioGen_module.cc | Generator for radiological decays |
 radiological_gen.fcl | |
 radiological_model_icarus.fcl | |
 RandFastGauss.h | Fast approximate Gaussian random translator |
 RandomNoise_tool.cc | |
 Range.cxx | |
 Range.h | Class def header for a class Range |
 RangeForWrapper.h | Utility function to enable range-for on different type iterators |
 RangeForWrapper_test.cc | Test for RangeForWrapper utilities |
 RangeP.cc | |
 RangeP.h | |
 RangePAllPID_module.cc | |
 rangeproducer.fcl | |
 Ratio.cxx | |
 Ratio.h | |
 RatioExperiment.cxx | |
 RatioExperiment.h | |
 raw.cxx | Raw data utilities |
 raw.h | Collect all the RawData header files together |
 raw_test.cc | Tests the raw data compression routines |
 RawDataDrawer.cxx | Class to aid in the rendering of RawData objects |
 RawDataDrawer.h | Class to aid in the rendering of RawData objects |
 RawDigit.cxx | Definition of basic raw digits |
 RawDigit.h | Definition of basic raw digits |
 RawDigit_test.cc | Simple test on a raw::RawDigit object |
 RawDigitAna_module.cc | |
 RawDigitBinAverageAlg.cxx | |
 RawDigitBinAverageAlg.h | |
 RawDigitCharacterizationAlg.cxx | |
 RawDigitCharacterizationAlg.h | |
 RawDigitCorrelatedCorrectionAlg.cc | |
 RawDigitCorrelatedCorrectionAlg.h | |
 RawDigitFFTAlg.cxx | |
 RawDigitFFTAlg.h | |
 rawdigitfilter_icarus.fcl | |
 RawDigitFilterAlg_tool.cc | |
 RawDigitFilterICARUS_module.cc | |
 RawDigitNoiseFilterDefs.h | |
 RawDigitSmoother_module.cc | |
 RawDrawingOptions.cc | |
 RawDrawingOptions.h | |
 RawDrawingOptions_service.cc | |
 RawFrameSource.cxx | |
 RawFrameSource.h | |
 RawHitFinder_module.cc | |
 rawtorootconvert.fcl | |
 RawTypes.h | |
 RayTraceBox_tool.cc | |
 Razzle_module.cc | |
 RDTimeStamp.h | |
 ReactorExperiment.cxx | |
 ReactorExperiment.h | |
 ReadArtConfiguration.cxx | Utilities to extract art FHiCL configuration from different sources |
 ReadArtConfiguration.h | Utilities to extract art FHiCL configuration from different sources |
 readout_types.h | Classes identifying readout-related concepts |
 readout_types_fhicl.h | Utilities for using readout IDs in FHiCL validated configuration |
 readout_types_fhicl_test.cc | Test of larcoreobj/SimpleTypesAndConstants/readout_types_fhicl.h |
 readout_types_test.cc | Test of readout_types.h types |
 ReadoutDataContainers.h | Containers to hold one datum per TPC set or readout plane |
 readoutdatacontainers_test.cxx | Unit test for ReadoutDataContainers.h library |
 ReadoutIDmapper.h | Mapping between geometry/readout ID and flat index |
 ReadoutTriggerGate.h | A trigger gate data object associated to one or more channels |
 RealComparisons.h | Class for approximate comparisons |
 RealComparisons_test.cc | Unit test for RealComparisons class |
 reco1_3drift_windows.fcl | |
 reco1_3drift_windows_lite.fcl | |
 reco1_3drift_windows_sce.fcl | |
 reco1_3drift_windows_sce_lite.fcl | |
 reco1_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 reco1_sce.fcl | |
 reco1_sce_comm.fcl | |
 reco1_sce_lite.fcl | |
 reco2_3drift_windows.fcl | |
 reco2_3drift_windows_sce.fcl | |
 reco2_calorimetry_workshop2020.fcl | |
 reco2_sce.fcl | |
 reco2_sce_comm.fcl | |
 reco2_sce_no_opt0finder.fcl | |
 Reco3DDrawers.fcl | |
 reco3djob_uboone.fcl | |
 reco_3drift_windows.fcl | |
 reco_calorimetry_workshop2020_sbnd.fcl | |
 icaruscode/fcl/utilities/reco_drops.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/JobConfigurations/base/reco_drops.fcl | |
 reco_icarus.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_common.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_3d.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_all.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_crtophit.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_gauss.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_multitpc_gauss.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_multitpc_gauss_calonoSCE.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_multitpc_gauss_cosmic.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_multitpc_gauss_sce.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_multitpc_gauss_sce_July2021.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_multitpc_gauss_sce_newcorrection.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_multitpc_mixed.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_multitpc_raw.fcl | |
 reco_icarus_driver_reco_raw.fcl | |
 reco_pandora_cheat.fcl | |
 reco_pandora_cut_based.fcl | |
 reco_pandora_microboone_mva.fcl | |
 reco_sbnd.fcl | |
 reco_truth_matching.cxx | |
 reco_truth_matching.h | |
 reco_uboonedatadrivennoise.fcl | |
 reco_uddnoise_gausfilter.fcl | |
 RecoBaseDrawer.cxx | Class to aid in the rendering of RecoBase objects |
 RecoBaseDrawer.h | Class to aid in the rendering of RecoBase objects |
 RecoCheckAna_module.cc | |
 RecoDrawingOptions.cc | |
 RecoDrawingOptions.h | |
 RecoDrawingOptions_service.cc | |
 RecoEvent.h | |
 RecoParticle.h | |
 RecoProxyUsageExample.fcl | |
 RecoProxyUsageExample_module.cc | |
 RecoTrack.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/RecoUtils.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/RecoUtils/RecoUtils.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/RecoUtils/RecoUtils.cc | |
 sbncode/sbncode/CAFMaker/RecoUtils/RecoUtils.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/RecoUtils/RecoUtils.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/RecoUtils.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/RecoUtils/RecoUtils.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/RecoUtils/RecoUtils.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/CAFMaker/RecoUtils/RecoUtils.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/RecoUtils/RecoUtils.h | |
 recowire_icarus.fcl | |
 RecoWireICARUS_module.cc | |
 RecoWireICARUSRaw_module.cc | |
 RecoWireROI_module.cc | |
 RecoWireROIICARUS_module.cc | |
 recreatetree_timed_tracks_icarus_magic.fcl | |
 RecursivePfoMopUpAlgorithm.cc | |
 RecursivePfoMopUpAlgorithm.h | |
 reduce_all_icarus.sh | |
 RegionAboveThresholdFinder.cxx | |
 RegionAboveThresholdFinder.h | |
 RemovalBaseTool.cc | Implementation of the removal base class |
 RemovalBaseTool.h | Header file for the removal base tool class |
 RemoveIgnoreTotal.sh | |
 RemoveIsolatedSpacePoints_module.cc | Module running lar::example::SpacePointIsolationAlg algorithm |
 removeisolatedspacepoints_standard.fcl | |
 RemoveMathFromGDML.py | |
 RemoveUserFromServiceConfig.py | |
 removeWhiteSpace.sh | |
 rename.sh | |
 detsim/legacy/others/rename_to_legacy.sh | |
 g4/legacy/others/rename_to_legacy.sh | |
 reprocess_icarus.fcl | |
 reprocess_sbnd.fcl | |
 reprocess_sbnd_intime.fcl | |
 resourcemonitorservices_sbnd.fcl | |
 resourcetracking_services.fcl | |
 Response_tool.cc | |
 restructuring.py | |
 ReThrowRayTraceBox_tool.cc | |
 ReweightableSpectrum.cxx | |
 ReweightableSpectrum.h | |
 RFFHitFinder_module.cc | |
 RFFHitFinderAlg.cxx | |
 RFFHitFinderAlg.h | |
 RFFHitFitter.cxx | |
 RFFHitFitter.h | |
 risetimecalculator_tool.fcl | |
 RiseTimeCalculatorBase.h | Interfacce class for a tool to calculate the pulse rise time |
 RiseTimeThreshold_tool.cc | Rise time is defined as the time slot in which the pulse goes above a certain fraction of the maximum ADC peak value given by the "PeakRatio" fhicl parameter |
 RKTrackRep.cxx | |
 RKTrackRep.h | |
 ROC.cc | |
 ROC.h | |
 ROICannyEdgeDetection_tool.cc | |
 ROIConverter_module.cc | |
 ROIDeconvolution_tool.cc | |
 ROIFinder_module.cc | |
 ROIFinderDifferential_tool.cc | |
 ROIFinderMorphological_tool.cc | |
 ROIFinderNOP_tool.cc | |
 ROIFinderStandard_tool.cc | |
 ROIFinderStandardSBND_tool.cc | |
 ROIFromDecoder_tool.cc | |
 ROIMorphological2D_tool.cc | |
 roiTools_icarus.fcl | |
 roitools_sbnd.fcl | |
 root_metadata.py | |
 ROOTGeometryNavigator.h | Class representing a path in ROOT geometry |
 RootMathFunctor.h | |
 rootoutput_icarus.fcl | |
 rootoutput_sbnd.fcl | |
 rootstat.py | |
 ROOTutils.h | A bunch of diverse utilities and futilities related to ROOT |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/helpers/python/ROOTutils.py | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/python/ROOTutils.py | |
 ROPandTPCsetBuildingAlg.cxx | Algorithm discovering TPC sets and readout planes for ICARUS |
 ROPandTPCsetBuildingAlg.h | Algorithm discovering TPC sets and readout planes for ICARUS |
 rounding.h | Utilities for numerical rounding |
 rounding_test.cc | Unit test for utilities from rounding.h |
 RPhiFeatureTool.cc | Implementation of the r/phi feature tool class |
 RPhiFeatureTool.h | Header file for the r/phi feature tool class |
 run4642like_detsim_icarus.fcl | |
 run4759like_detsim_icarus.fcl | |
 run_bnbinfo_sbn.fcl | |
 run_calorimetry_analysis_icarus.fcl | |
 run_calorimetry_analysis_sbnd.fcl | |
 run_calorimetry_skim_icarus_data.fcl | |
 run_calorimetry_skim_icarus_data_goldentrack.fcl | |
 run_calorimetry_skim_icarus_data_wdigit.fcl | |
 run_calorimetry_skim_sbnd.fcl | |
 run_calorimetry_skim_sbnd_goldentrack.fcl | |
 run_calorimetry_skim_sbnd_wdigit.fcl | |
 run_ConsolidatedPFParticleAnalysisTemplate.fcl | |
 run_CRTArtdaqFragmentProducer.fcl | |
 run_decohitfinder.fcl | |
 run_eventweight_sbn.fcl | |
 run_eventweight_sbnd.fcl | |
 run_extinfo_sbn.fcl | |
 run_flashfilter_data.fcl | |
 run_flashfinder.fcl | |
 run_flashfinder_3drift.fcl | |
 run_fluxreader_boone_sbnd.fcl | |
 run_fluxreader_sbnd.fcl | |
 run_fluxreader_sbnd_SBNEventWeight.fcl | |
 run_fragmentproducers.fcl | |
 run_genericCRT.fcl | |
 sbncode/sbncode/TPCReco/TrackHit/run_hitdumper.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/Commissioning/fcls/run_hitdumper.fcl | |
 run_icarus_flashfinder.fcl | |
 run_job.sh | |
 run_lar.sh | |
 run_larg4particlefilter.fcl | |
 run_metricproducer.fcl | |
 run_muons2n.fcl | |
 run_muontrack.fcl | |
 run_mupvertex.fcl | |
 run_numiinfo_sbn.fcl | |
 run_numiinfo_sbn_dropfrag.fcl | |
 run_numueff.fcl | |
 run_opflash_debugger.fcl | |
 run_opflash_electron.fcl | |
 run_opflash_protons.fcl | |
 run_ophit_debugger.fcl | |
 run_opreco.fcl | |
 run_opreco_data.fcl | |
 run_opt0finder_sbnd.fcl | |
 run_pandora_event_dump.fcl | |
 run_pcanglekink_sbnd.fcl | |
 run_pmtArtdaqFragmentProducer.fcl | |
 run_pmtsoftwaretriggerproducer.fcl | |
 run_pmttriggerproducer.fcl | |
 run_simTestPulse.py | |
 run_singlephoton_sbnd.fcl | |
 run_submit_sbnd_overlay.sh | |
 run_ToFAnalyzer.fcl | |
 run_ToFFilter.fcl | |
 run_ToFProducer.fcl | |
 run_tracksplit_icarus.fcl | |
 run_trigger_gate_simulation_icarus.fcl | |
 run_vertexcharge_icarus.fcl | |
 run_vertexcharge_sbnd.fcl | |
 RunData.cxx | |
 RunData.h | |
 runFilesFromSAM.sh | |
 RunHistory.h | |
 RunHistoryStandard.cxx | |
 RunHistoryStandard.h | |
 RunningT0Tagging_module.cc | |
 runningt0tagging_sbnd.fcl | |
 runPID.fcl | |
 runPID_noMVA.fcl | |
 sam_icarus.fcl | |
 sam_sbnd.fcl | |
 sample_gen.fcl | |
 SampledFunction.h | Class for a function with precomputed values |
 SampledFunction_test.cc | Unit test for util::SampledFunction |
 SampledWaveformFunction.h | Pulse from one photoelectron as a train of samples |
 SampledWaveformFunctionTool_tool.cc | Toolization of icarus::opdet::SampledWaveformFunction<nanosecond> |
 SAMProjectSource.cxx | |
 SAMProjectSource.h | |
 SAMQuerySource.cxx | |
 SAMQuerySource.h | |
 save_binary_file_photon_library_icarus.fcl | |
 SaveConfigurationIntoTFile_module.cc | Writes the configuration of this job into TFileService file |
 savegraph.py | |
 savehist.py | |
 sbn-postprocess.cxx | |
 sbn.cxx | |
 sbn_crumbs_producer.fcl | |
 sbn_pid.fcl | |
 sbn_static.cxx | |
 sbn_stub.fcl | |
 sbn_stub_merge_tools.fcl | |
 sbnd_buildopticallibrary.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_empty_file_maker_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_anatree_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_anatree_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_caf_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_caf_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_detsim_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_detsim_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_g4_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_g4_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_gen_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_gen_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_reco1_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_reco1_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_reco2_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_nucosmics_reco2_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_anatree_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_anatree_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_caf_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_caf_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_detsim_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_detsim_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_g4_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_g4_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_gen_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_gen_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_reco1_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_reco1_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_reco2_quick_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_ci_single_reco2_seq_test_sbndcode.fcl | |
 sbnd_driftestimatoralgo.fcl | |
 sbnd_flashalgo.fcl | |
 sbnd_flashana.fcl | |
 sbnd_flashcalib.fcl | |
 sbnd_flashfinder.fcl | |
 sbnd_flashgeoalgo.fcl | |
 sbnd_flasht0algo.fcl | |
 sbnd_fts_metadataextractor_wrapper.py | |
 sbnd_mcflash.fcl | |
 sbnd_trackcalo_skimmer.fcl | |
 SBNDataNoise_tool.cc | |
 SBNDataNoiseBoard_tool.cc | |
 SBNDCRTGeometryTest.fcl | |
 SBNDCRTGeometryTest_module.cc | |
 SBNDFlashAna_module.cc | |
 SBNDFlashFinder_module.cc | |
 SBNDGeometryHelper.h | Geometry helper service for SBND geometries |
 SBNDGeometryHelper_service.cc | Geometry helper service for SBND geometries (implementation) |
 SBNDMCFlash_module.cc | |
 SBNDNoiseServiceFromHist.h | |
 SBNDNoiseServiceFromHist_service.cc | |
 SBNDNoNoiseService.h | |
 SBNDNoNoiseService_service.cc | |
 SBNDOpDeconvolution_module.cc | |
 SBNDOpHitFinder_module.cc | |
 SBNDOpT0Finder_module.cc | |
 SBNDOpT0FinderAna_module.cc | |
 sbndPDMapAlg.hh | |
 sbndPDMapAlg_tool.cc | |
 sbndpoms_artroot_metadata_extractor.sh | |
 sbndpoms_caf_concatenation.sh | |
 sbndpoms_duplicate_file_remover.sh | |
 sbndpoms_genfclwithrunnumber_maker.sh | |
 sbndpoms_ifdh_mkdir-p.sh | |
 sbndpoms_metadata_extractor.sh | |
 sbndpoms_metadata_injector.sh | |
 sbndpoms_runnumber_injector.sh | |
 sbndpoms_wrapperfcl_maker.sh | |
 SBNDSelection.fcl | |
 SBNDservices.py | |
 SBNDThermalNoiseServiceInFreq.h | |
 SBNDThermalNoiseServiceInFreq_service.cc | |
 SBNDThermalNoiseServiceInTime.h | |
 SBNDThermalNoiseServiceInTime_service.cc | |
 SBNDuBooNEDataDrivenNoiseService.h | |
 SBNDuBooNEDataDrivenNoiseService_service.cc | |
 SBNDutils.py | |
 SBNEventWeight_module.cc | |
 sbnmar18_detsim_icarus.fcl | |
 sbnmar18_detsim_icarus_box.fcl | |
 sbnmar18_icarus_driver_reco_all.fcl | |
 sbnmar18_icarus_driver_reco_all_box.fcl | |
 sbnmar18_icarus_driver_reco_all_reduced.fcl | |
 sbnmar18_reco_icarus.fcl | |
 sbnmar18_reco_icarus_driver_common.fcl | |
 SBNNoise_tool.cc | |
 SBNWeightSysts.cxx | |
 SBNWeightSysts.h | |
 sbnworkshop_detsim_icarus.fcl | |
 sbnworkshop_icarus_driver_reco_all.fcl | |
 sbnworkshop_reco_icarus.fcl | |
 sbnworkshop_reco_icarus_driver_common.fcl | |
 scanner.cc | |
 scanner.h | |
 ScatterClosestApproach.cc | |
 ScatterClosestApproach.h | |
 SCECorrection_module.cc | |
 scecorrections.fcl | |
 SCEOffsetBounds.cxx | Implementation of SCE Offset Bounds Checking method(s) |
 SCEOffsetBounds.h | Utility function for testing if Space Charge offsets are out of bounds |
 scintillationtime_tool.fcl | |
 ScintTime.h | |
 ScintTimeLAr.cc | |
 ScintTimeLAr.h | |
 ScintTimeLAr_tool.cc | |
 seaDBSCAN.cxx | |
 seaDBSCAN.h | Class def header for a class seaDBSCAN |
 SEAviewer.cxx | |
 SEAviewer.h | |
 second_shower_search.cxx | |
 second_shower_search.h | |
 Seed.cxx | |
 Seed.h | |
 SeedAna_module.cc | |
 SeedCreator.h | Tools and modules for checking out the basics of the Monte Carlo |
 SeedFinderAlgBase.h | This is intended to define an interface to all Seed finder algorithms employed by the 3D clustering |
 SeedFinderAlgorithm.cxx | |
 SeedFinderAlgorithm.h | |
 SeedFinderModule_module.cc | |
 seedservice_argoneut.fcl | |
 seedservice_icarus.fcl | |
 seedservice_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 seedservice_sbnd.fcl | |
 Segmentation2D.cxx | Split into linear clusters |
 Segmentation2D.h | Split into linear clusters |
 select_timed_tracks_icarus.fcl | |
 Selection.cc | |
 Selection.h | |
 selection.py | |
 SelectionBase.cxx | |
 SelectionBase.hh | |
 selectors.fcl | |
 SemiAnalyticalModel.cxx | |
 SemiAnalyticalModel.h | |
 SensitivityConfig.fcl | |
 SensitivityConfigBase.fcl | |
 SerialSubstitution.py | |
 ServicePack.h | Utilities to manage ProviderPack objects with art |
 servicepacktest.fcl | |
 ServicePackTest_module.cc | Tests utilities in ServicePack.h |
 ServiceProviderWrappers.h | Skeleton for a art service interface to service providers |
 services_basic_icarus.fcl | |
 services_common_icarus.fcl | |
 services_compat_icarus-v09_18_00-v09_24_02_02.fcl | |
 services_compat_icarus_v3.fcl | |
 services_compat_no_overburden_icarus_v3.fcl | |
 services_compat_overburden_icarus_v3.fcl | |
 services_icarus_3drift.fcl | |
 services_icarus_simulation.fcl | |
 services_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 services_sbnd.fcl | |
 ana/SBNOscReco/fcl/services_sbnd_3drift.fcl | |
 core/fcl/services_sbnd_3drift.fcl | |
 ServiceUtil.h | Utilities related to art service access |
 ServiceUtil_test.cc | Tests the utilities in ServiceUtil.h |
 set_flux_config_b.fcl | |
 set_flux_config_c.fcl | |
 set_flux_config_d.fcl | |
 set_flux_config_e.fcl | |
 set_flux_config_f.fcl | |
 set_flux_config_g.fcl | |
 set_flux_config_h.fcl | |
 set_genie_cryostat.fcl | |
 set_genie_filter_ccpi0.fcl | |
 set_genie_nue.fcl | |
 set_genie_rotatedbuckets.fcl | |
 set_genie_singleinteraction.fcl | |
 set_genie_tpc.fcl | |
 set_geometry_shielding_on.fcl | |
 set_higgsM.fcl | |
 set_hnlM.fcl | |
 SetEvent.cc | |
 SetEvent.h | |
 settings.sh | |
 setup_sbnd.sh | |
 SharedWaveformBaseline.cxx | Extracts and writes PMT waveform baselines (implementation file) |
 SharedWaveformBaseline.h | Extracts and writes PMT waveform baselines |
 ShiftEdepSCE_module.cc | |
 Shower.cxx | |
 shower.fcl | |
 Shower.h | |
 Shower2DLinearRegressionTrackHitFinder_tool.cc | |
 Shower3DCylinderTrackHitFinder_tool.cc | |
 shower_calorimetry_job.fcl | |
 showeralgorithms.fcl | |
 showerana.fcl | |
 ShowerAsymmetryFeatureTool.cc | Implementation of the shower asymmetry feature tool class |
 ShowerAsymmetryFeatureTool.h | Header file for the shower asymmetry feature tool class |
 ShowerBayesianTrucatingdEdx_tool.cc | |
 ShowerCalibrationGalore.h | Interface for a shower calibration service provider |
 showercalibrationgalore_standard.fcl | |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID.cxx | Shower energy calibration according to particle type |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID.h | Shower energy calibration according to particle type |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID_test.cc | Tests ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPID service provider |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDService_service.cc | Shower energy calibration according to particle type |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreFromPIDTestHelpers.h | Specialization of helper classes for LArSoft tests |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale.cxx | Shower calibration service provider applying a uniform energy scale |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale.h | Shower calibration service provider applying a uniform energy scale |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale_test.cc | Tests ShowerCalibrationGaloreScale service provider |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleService_service.cc | A shower calibration service providing a single calibration factor |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreScaleTestHelpers.h | Specialization of helper classes for LArSoft tests |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreService.h | Interface for a shower calibration art service |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreTest_module.cc | A simple test for ShowerCalibrationGaloreService example services |
 ShowerCalibrationGaloreTests.h | Test functions for ShowerCalibrationGalore service providers |
 ShowerCalo.cxx | |
 ShowerCalo.h | Class def header for a class ShowerCalo |
 ShowerCalorimetry.fcl | |
 ShowerCalorimetry_module.cc | |
 ShowerCheater_module.cc | |
 ShowerCosmicDistance_module.cc | |
 showercosmicdistanceproducer.fcl | |
 ShowerDirectionCheater_tool.cc | |
 ShowerDirectionTopologyDecision_tool.cc | |
 ShowerElementHolder.hh | |
 ShowerEnergyAlg.cxx | |
 ShowerEnergyAlg.h | |
 ShowerExampleTool_tool.cc | |
 ShowerFinder_module.cc | |
 showerfindermodules.fcl | |
 showerfindermodules_dune.fcl | |
 showerfindermodules_icarus.fcl | |
 showerfindermodules_microboone.fcl | |
 showerfindermodules_noinclude_microboone.fcl | |
 showerfindermodules_noinclude_sbnd.fcl | |
 showerfindermodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 ShowerGrowingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the shower growing algorithm class |
 ShowerGrowingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the shower growing algorithm class |
 ShowerHierarchyMopUpAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the shower hierarchy mop up algorithm class |
 ShowerHierarchyMopUpAlgorithm.h | Header file for the shower hierarchy mop up algorithm class |
 ShowerHitsBaseTool.cc | Implementation of the shower hit creation tool |
 ShowerHitsBaseTool.h | Header file for the shower hits base tool |
 ShowerIncrementalTrackHitFinder_tool.cc | |
 ShowerLengthPercentile_tool.cc | |
 ShowerLinearEnergy_tool.cc | |
 ShowerNumElectronsEnergy_tool.cc | |
 ShowerPandoraSlidingFitTrackFinder_tool.cc | |
 ShowerPCADirection_tool.cc | |
 ShowerPCAEigenvalueLength_tool.cc | |
 ShowerPCAPropergationStartPosition_tool.cc | |
 ShowerPfoMopUpAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the shower pfo mop up algorithm class |
 ShowerPfoMopUpAlgorithm.h | Header file for the shower pfo mop up algorithm class |
 ShowerPFPVertexStartPosition_tool.cc | |
 ShowerProducedPtrsHolder.hh | |
 showerquality.fcl | |
 showerquality_microboone.fcl | |
 ShowerQuality_module.cc | |
 showerreco3d.fcl | |
 showerreco3d_microboone.fcl | |
 ShowerReco3D_module.cc | |
 ShowerReco_module.cc | |
 ShowerRecoAlg.cxx | |
 ShowerRecoAlg.h | |
 ShowerRecoAlgBase.cxx | |
 ShowerRecoAlgBase.h | Class def header for a class ShowerRecoAlgBase |
 ShowerRecoException.cxx | |
 ShowerRecoException.h | Class def header for exception classes in ShowerReco3D package |
 ShowerRecoManager.cxx | |
 ShowerRecoManager.h | Class def header for a class ShowerRecoManager |
 ShowerSelectionVars.cc | |
 ShowerSelectionVars.h | |
 ShowerSelectionVars_module.cc | |
 showerselectionvarsproducer.fcl | |
 ShowerSkeletonTool_tool.cc | |
 ShowerStartPositionCheater_tool.cc | |
 ShowerTensorVisualizationTool.cc | Implementation of the shower tensor visualization tool class |
 ShowerTensorVisualizationTool.h | Header file for the shower tensor visualization tool class |
 ShowerTrackColinearTrajPointDirection_tool.cc | |
 ShowerTrackDirection_tool.cc | |
 ShowerTrackFinderCheater_tool.cc | |
 ShowerTrackHitDirection_tool.cc | |
 ShowerTrackPCADirection_tool.cc | |
 ShowerTrackSpacePointDirection_tool.cc | |
 ShowerTrackStartPosition_tool.cc | |
 ShowerTrackTrajPointDirection_tool.cc | |
 ShowerTrackTrajToSpacePoint_tool.cc | |
 ShowerTrajPointdEdx_tool.cc | |
 showertree.h | |
 ShowerUnidirectiondEdx_tool.cc | |
 signal_to_background.py | |
 SignalProcessingDefs.h | Useful definitions |
 signalservices_icarus.fcl | |
 signalservices_sbnd.fcl | |
 SignalShaper.cxx | |
 SignalShaper.h | |
 SignalShaping.cxx | Generic signal shaping class |
 SignalShaping.h | Generic class for shaping signals on wires |
 SignalShapingICARUSService_service.cc | |
 SignalShapingICARUSService_service.h | |
 SignalShapingServiceSBND.h | Service to provide microboone-specific signal shaping for simulation (convolution) and reconstruction (deconvolution) |
 SignalShapingServiceSBND_service.cc | |
 sim.h | Tools and modules for checking out the basics of the Monte Carlo |
 SimChannel.cxx | |
 SimChannel.h | Object containing MC truth information necessary for making RawDigits and doing back tracking |
 SimChannelSink.cxx | |
 SimChannelSink.h | |
 SimDepoSetSource.cxx | |
 SimDepoSetSource.h | |
 SimDepoSource.cxx | |
 SimDepoSource.h | |
 SimDrawers.fcl | |
 simdrift_sbnd.fcl | |
 SimDriftedElectronCluster.h | Objects relating to SimDriftedElectronCluster |
 SimDriftedElectronClusterAna_module.cc | |
 SimDriftElectrons_module.cc | |
 simenergydepfaketriggerfilter.fcl | |
 SimEnergyDepFakeTriggerFilter_module.cc | |
 SimEnergyDeposit.h | Information for a single step in the detector simulation |
 SimEnergyDepositLite.h | Information for a single step in the detector simulation (pared down in size to the essential information) |
 SimEnergyDepositSD.cc | |
 SimEnergyDepositSD.h | |
 SimEnergyDepositSummary.h | Object storing a summary of energy depositions in the detector |
 SimListUtils.cxx | |
 SimListUtils.h | |
 SimPhotonCounter.cxx | |
 SimPhotonCounter.h | |
 SimPhotonCounter_module.cc | |
 SimPhotonCounterAlg.cxx | |
 SimPhotonCounterAlg.h | |
 SimPhotonPrinter.cc | |
 SimPhotons.cxx | Simulation objects for optical detectors (implementation file) |
 SimPhotons.h | Simulation objects for optical detectors |
 simple_beam_particle_id.fcl | |
 simple_neutrino_id.fcl | |
 SimpleBeamParticleId_tool.cc | |
 SimpleChannelStatus.cpp | Channel quality provider with information from configuration file |
 SimpleChannelStatus.h | Channel quality provider with information from configuration file |
 SimpleChannelStatus_test.cxx | Test of SimpleChannelStatus |
 SimpleChannelStatusService.cc | Service implementation for channel quality info |
 SimpleChannelStatusService.h | Service for channel quality info |
 SimpleChannelStatusService_service.cc | Service Registration for channel quality info |
 SimpleChannelStatusTest_module.cc | Integration test for SimpleChannelStatusService |
 SimpleClusterCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cluster creation algorithm class |
 SimpleClusterCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cluster creation algorithm class |
 SimpleClusterGrowingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the simple cluster growing algorithm class |
 SimpleClusterGrowingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the simple cluster growing algorithm class |
 SimpleClustering.cxx | Collect hits "touching" each other (next wire or consecutive ticks) |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/Utilities/SimpleClustering.h | Algorithms to cluster objects according to specified criteria |
 larreco/larreco/ClusterFinder/TrackShowerSplitter/Segmentation2D/SimpleClustering.h | |
 SimpleClusterMergingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the simple cluster merging algorithm class |
 SimpleClusterMergingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the simple cluster merging algorithm class |
 SimpleFits.h | Classes performing simple fits |
 SimpleFits_test.cc | Tests the classes in SimpleFits.h |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/SimpleFlashAlgo.cxx | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/SimpleFlashAlgo.cxx | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/OpReco/FlashFinder/SimpleFlashAlgo.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetReco/OpFlash/FlashFinder/SimpleFlashAlgo.h | |
 SimpleFlashMatchVars.cc | |
 SimpleFlashMatchVars.h | |
 SimpleGeo.h | Some simple functions to represent geometry entities |
 SimpleGeo_test.cxx | Unit test for SimpleGeo library |
 SimpleNeutrinoId_tool.cc | |
 SimpleNeutrinoIdTool.cc | Implementation of the neutrino id tool class |
 SimpleNeutrinoIdTool.h | Header file for the neutrino id tool class |
 SimpleShowersTool.cc | Implementation of the clear showers tool class |
 SimpleShowersTool.h | Header file for the simple showers tool class |
 simplifyGDML.cc | Reprocesses a GDML file via GEANT4 |
 SimPMTIcarus_module.cc | |
 SimReadoutBoardICARUS_module.cc | |
 simtestpulse_driver.fcl | |
 simtestpulse_ICARUS.fcl | |
 SimTestPulse_module.cc | |
 SimTestPulseAna_module.cc | |
 SimTestPulseWire_module.cc | |
 simulate_majority_trigger_icarus.fcl | |
 simulate_sliding_window_trigger_icarus.fcl | |
 simulation_cosmics_icarus.fcl | |
 simulation_cosmics_icarus_common.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_background_icarus_bnbJan2020_300us.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_background_icarus_bnbJan2020_300us_background.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_background_icarus_bnbJan2020_300us_signal.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_Aug2018_nue.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_Aug2018_numu.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_bnb.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_bnb_volCryostat.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_bnb_volDetEnclosure.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_Mar2019.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_Mar2019_nue.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_Mar2019_nue_oscillated.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_numi.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_numi_NuEElastic.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_numi_volCryostat.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_numi_volDetEnclosure.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_numi_volDetEnclosure_NuEElastic.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_numi_volDetEnclosure_tpc.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_simple.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_simple_workshop.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_workshopMar2018.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_workshopMar2018_nuecc.fcl | |
 simulation_genie_icarus_workshopMar2018_numucc.fcl | |
 simulation_numi.fcl | |
 simulation_numi_nue.fcl | |
 simulation_numi_numu.fcl | |
 SimulationDrawer.cxx | Render the objects from the Simulation package |
 SimulationDrawer.h | Render the objects from the Simulation package |
 SimulationDrawingOptions.cc | |
 SimulationDrawingOptions.h | |
 SimulationDrawingOptions_service.cc | |
 simulationservices.fcl | |
 simulationservices_argoneut.fcl | |
 simulationservices_bo.fcl | |
 simulationservices_icarus.fcl | |
 simulationservices_jp250L.fcl | |
 simulationservices_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 simulationservices_sbnd.fcl | |
 SimWire_module.cc | |
 SimWireAna_module.cc | |
 SimWireICARUS_module.cc | |
 SimWireSBND_module.cc | |
 SingleChannelOpticalTriggerGate.cxx | Logical multi-level gate associated to a optical detector channel |
 SingleChannelOpticalTriggerGate.h | Logical multi-level gate associated to a optical detector channel |
 SingleGen_module.cc | Generator for cosmic-rays |
 SinglePhoton_module.cc | |
 singlephoton_sbnd.fcl | |
 SinglePhotonPulseFunctionTool.h | Tool to create a pulse function for PMT single photon response |
 singles.fcl | |
 singles_argoneut.fcl | |
 singles_icarus.fcl | |
 singles_sbnd.fcl | |
 SingleSampleExperiment.cxx | |
 SingleSampleExperiment.h | |
 SIOVChannelStatusProvider.cxx | Channel quality provider with information from configuration file |
 SIOVChannelStatusProvider.h | Channel quality provider with information from configuration file |
 SIOVChannelStatusService_service.cc | |
 SIOVDetPedestalService_service.cc | |
 SIOVElectronicsCalibProvider.cxx | |
 SIOVElectronicsCalibProvider.h | Class def header for a class SIOVElectronicsCalibProvider |
 SIOVElectronicsCalibService_service.cc | |
 SIOVPmtGainProvider.cxx | |
 SIOVPmtGainProvider.h | Class def header for a class SIOVPmtGainProvider |
 SIOVPmtGainService_service.cc | |
 SkeletonAlg.cxx | This algorithm accepts a list of 3D space points and attempts to find the "medial skeleton" describing the "best" path through them. Here, "medial" is defined by the best time match between associated 2D hits along the "best" directions |
 SkeletonAlg.h | Header file to define the interface to the SkeletonAlg |
 Slice.cxx | |
 lardataobj/lardataobj/RecoBase/Slice.h | |
 larpandora/larpandora/LArPandoraEventBuilding/Slice.h | Header for the lar pandora slice class |
 SliceIdBaseTool.h | Header for the lar pandora slice ID base tool |
 SlicingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the slicing algorithm class |
 SlicingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the master algorithm class |
 SlidingConeClusterMopUpAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the sliding cone cluster mop up algorithm class |
 SlidingConeClusterMopUpAlgorithm.h | Header file for the sliding cone cluster mop up algorithm class |
 SlidingConePfoMopUpAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the sliding cone pfo mop up algorithm class |
 SlidingConePfoMopUpAlgorithm.h | Header file for the sliding cone pfo mop up algorithm class |
 SlidingWindowCombinerAlg.cxx | Algorihtm to combine trigger channels into sliding windows |
 SlidingWindowCombinerAlg.h | Algorithm to combine trigger channels into sliding windows |
 SlidingWindowDefinitionAlg.cxx | Algorithm composing PMT sliding windows from geometry information |
 SlidingWindowDefinitionAlg.h | Algorithm composing PMT sliding windows from geometry information |
 SlidingWindowDefs.cxx | Definition for PMT sliding windows |
 SlidingWindowDefs.h | Definition for PMT sliding windows |
 SlidingWindowPatternAlg.cxx | Applies sliding window trigger patterns |
 SlidingWindowPatternAlg.h | Applies sliding window trigger patterns |
 SlidingWindowTrigger_module.cc | Combines trigger channels into sliding windows |
 SlidingWindowTriggerEfficiencyPlots_module.cc | Plots of efficiency for triggers based on PMT channel sliding window |
 SlidingWindowTriggerSimulation_module.cc | Production of triggers data products based on PMT sliding windows |
 SlTrackRep.cxx | |
 SlTrackRep.h | |
 SmallClusterFilter_module.cc | |
 SmallClusterFinder_module.cc | |
 SmallClusterFinderAlg.cxx | |
 SmallClusterFinderAlg.h | |
 SmearingUtils.cxx | |
 SmearingUtils.h | |
 Snapshot.h | Class def header for a class Snapshot |
 SnippetHit3DBuilder_tool.cc | This tool provides "standard" 3D hits built (by this tool) from 2D hits |
 SnippetHit3DBuilderICARUS_tool.cc | This tool provides "standard" 3D hits built (by this tool) from 2D hits |
 SNNueAr40CCGen_module.cc | Supernova Nue-Ar CC interaction generator |
 SolarConstraints.cxx | |
 SolarConstraints.h | |
 Solver.cxx | |
 Solver.h | |
 solvespacepointsjob.fcl | |
 sortBy.h | Provides sortBy() class of utilities |
 SortByPointers.h | Silly utility to sort vectors indirectly |
 SortByPointers_test.cc | Unit test for SortByPointers.h utilities |
 sortDataLoggerFiles.py | |
 SortedObjects.cxx | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 SortedObjects.h | Implementation of the Projection Matching Algorithm |
 SortModuleTimes.py | |
 space_test.cc | Unit test for lardataalg/Utilities/quantities/spacetime.h header |
 spacecharge.fcl | |
 SpaceCharge.h | |
 spacecharge_sbnd.fcl | |
 SpaceChargeICARUS.cxx | |
 SpaceChargeICARUS.h | |
 SpaceChargeSBND.cxx | |
 SpaceChargeSBND.h | |
 SpaceChargeService.h | |
 SpaceChargeServiceICARUS.h | |
 SpaceChargeServiceICARUS_service.cc | |
 SpaceChargeServiceSBND.h | |
 SpaceChargeServiceSBND_service.cc | |
 SpaceChargeServiceStandard.cc | |
 SpaceChargeServiceStandard.h | |
 SpaceChargeServiceStandard_service.cc | |
 SpaceChargeStandard.cxx | |
 SpaceChargeStandard.h | |
 SpaceChargeTest.fcl | |
 SpaceChargeTest_module.cc | |
 SpacePartition.h | Class to organise data into a 3D grid |
 SpacePoint.cxx | |
 SpacePoint.h | |
 SpacePoint3DDrawerAsymmetry_tool.cc | |
 SpacePoint3DDrawerChiSquare_tool.cc | |
 SpacePoint3DDrawerHitCharge_tool.cc | |
 SpacePoint3DDrawerStandard_tool.cc | |
 spacepoint_argoneut_nomc.fcl | |
 spacepoint_sbnd.fcl | |
 spacepoint_uboone.fcl | |
 spacepoint_uboone_nomc.fcl | |
 SpacePointAlg.cxx | Algorithm for generating space points from hits |
 SpacePointAlg.h | Algorithm for generating space points from hits |
 SpacePointAlg_TimeSort.cxx | |
 SpacePointAlg_TimeSort.h | |
 spacepointalgorithms.fcl | |
 SpacePointAna_module.cc | |
 SpacePointAnalysis_tool.cc | |
 SpacePointAnalysisMC_tool.cc | |
 SpacePointCheater_module.cc | |
 SpacePointDumpers.cc | Functions dumping space points - implementation file |
 SpacePointDumpers.h | Functions dumping space points |
 SpacePointFinder_module.cc | |
 SpacePointHit3DBuilder_tool.cc | This tool provides "standard" 3D hits built (by this tool) from 2D hits |
 SpacePointIsolationAlg.cxx | Algorithm(s) dealing with space point isolation in space |
 SpacePointIsolationAlg.h | Algorithm(s) dealing with space point isolation in space |
 SpacePointMaker_module.cc | Module creating space points for a test |
 SpacePointSolver.fcl | |
 SpacePointSolver_module.cc | |
 spacepointsolverhitreadingtools.fcl | |
 SpacePointTestUtils.cxx | Utilities for tests based on space points (implementation file) |
 SpacePointTestUtils.h | Utilities for tests based on space points |
 SpacePts_module.cc | |
 spacetime.h | Dimensioned variables representing space or time quantities |
 span.h | An object with a begin and end iterator |
 span_test.cc | Unit test for util::span class |
 sparse_vector.h | Class defining a sparse vector (holes are zeroes) |
 sparse_vector_test.cc | Implementation tests for a sparse_vector object |
 Spectrum.cxx | |
 Spectrum.h | |
 SpectrumLoader.cxx | |
 SpectrumLoader.h | |
 SpectrumLoaderBase.cxx | |
 SpectrumLoaderBase.h | |
 split_tpc_nu.fcl | |
 SplitShowersTool.cc | Implementation of the split showers tool class |
 SplitShowersTool.h | Header file for the split showers tool class |
 spptfindermodules.fcl | |
 SRBNBInfo.cxx | |
 SRBNBInfo.h | |
 SRConstants.h | |
 SRCRTHit.cxx | |
 SRCRTHit.h | |
 SRCRTHitMatch.cxx | |
 SRCRTHitMatch.h | |
 SRCRTTrack.cxx | |
 SRCRTTrack.h | |
 SRCRTTrackMatch.cxx | |
 SRCRTTrackMatch.h | |
 SRCRUMBSResult.cxx | |
 SRCRUMBSResult.h | |
 SREnums.h | |
 SRFakeReco.cxx | |
 SRFakeReco.h | |
 SRFakeRecoParticle.cxx | |
 SRFakeRecoParticle.h | |
 SRFlashMatch.cxx | |
 SRFlashMatch.h | |
 SRGlobal.h | |
 SRHeader.cxx | |
 SRHeader.h | |
 SRHit.cxx | |
 SRHit.h | |
 SRLorentzVector.cxx | |
 SRLorentzVector.h | |
 SRMeVPrtl.cxx | |
 SRMeVPrtl.h | |
 SRNuID.cxx | |
 SRNuID.h | |
 SRNuMIInfo.cxx | |
 SRNuMIInfo.h | |
 SROpFlash.cxx | |
 SROpFlash.h | |
 SRParticleMatch.cxx | |
 SRParticleMatch.h | |
 SRPFOChar.cxx | |
 SRPFOChar.h | |
 SRPFP.cxx | |
 SRPFP.h | |
 SRShower.cxx | |
 SRShower.h | |
 SRShowerRazzle.cxx | |
 SRShowerRazzle.h | |
 SRShowerSelection.cxx | |
 SRShowerSelection.h | |
 SRSlice.cxx | |
 SRSlice.h | |
 SRSliceRecoBranch.cxx | |
 SRSliceRecoBranch.h | |
 SRStub.cxx | |
 SRStub.h | |
 SRTrack.cxx | |
 SRTrack.h | |
 SRTrackCalo.cxx | |
 SRTrackCalo.h | |
 SRTrackDazzle.cxx | |
 SRTrackDazzle.h | |
 SRTrackScatterClosestApproach.cxx | |
 SRTrackScatterClosestApproach.h | |
 SRTrackStoppingChi2Fit.cxx | |
 SRTrackStoppingChi2Fit.h | |
 SRTrackTruth.cxx | |
 SRTrackTruth.h | |
 SRTrigger.cxx | |
 SRTrigger.h | |
 SRTrkChi2PID.cxx | |
 SRTrkChi2PID.h | |
 SRTrkMCS.cxx | |
 SRTrkMCS.h | |
 SRTrkRange.cxx | |
 SRTrkRange.h | |
 SRTrueInteraction.cxx | |
 SRTrueInteraction.h | |
 SRTrueParticle.cxx | |
 SRTrueParticle.h | |
 SRTruthBranch.cxx | |
 SRTruthBranch.h | |
 SRTruthMatch.cxx | |
 SRTruthMatch.h | |
 SRVector3D.cxx | |
 SRVector3D.h | |
 SRWeightMapEntry.h | |
 SRWeightParam.h | |
 SRWeightPSet.h | |
 sss.fcl | |
 sss.sh | |
 stack_spectra.py | |
 stage0_EastCryo_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_icarus_defs.fcl | |
 stage0_icarus_defs_olddata.fcl | |
 stage0_icarus_driver_common.fcl | |
 stage0_icarus_driver_common_lite.fcl | |
 stage0_icarus_driver_common_olddata.fcl | |
 stage0_icarus_light_only.fcl | |
 stage0_icarus_mc_defs.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_icarus_MC.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_icarus_MC_lite.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_icarus_MC_wf.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_icarus_nofilter.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_east_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_nofilter_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_nofilter_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_nofilter_raw_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_nofilter_raw_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_nofilter_rawpmt_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_nofilter_rawpmt_icarus_olddata.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_nofilter_wc_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_nofilter_wc_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 stage0_multiTPC_splitstream_west_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_raw_single_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_run1_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_run1_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 stage0_run1_icarus_mc.fcl | |
 stage0_run1_raw_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_run1_raw_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 stage0_run1_rawpmt_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_run1_wc_icarus.fcl | |
 stage0_run1_wc_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 stage0_singleTPC_onestream_nofilter_icarus.fcl | |
 stage1_icarus_defs.fcl | |
 stage1_icarus_driver_common.fcl | |
 stage1_multiTPC_icarus_gauss.fcl | |
 stage1_multiTPC_icarus_gauss_MC.fcl | |
 stage1_multiTPC_icarus_gauss_nofilter.fcl | |
 stage1_multiTPC_icarus_gauss_numi.fcl | |
 stage1_multiTPC_icarus_gauss_numi_MC.fcl | |
 stage1_multiTPC_nofilter_icarus_gauss.fcl | |
 stage1_multiTPC_nofilter_icarus_gauss_numi.fcl | |
 stage1_singleTPC_nofilter_icarus_gauss.fcl | |
 stagedef.py | |
 stagestatus.py | |
 standalone_test.cc | |
 StandaloneBasicSetup.h | Collection of functions for quick setup of basic facilities |
 StandaloneGeometrySetup.cxx | Utilities for one-line geometry initialization |
 StandaloneGeometrySetup.h | Utilities for one-line geometry initialization |
 standard_anatree_sbnd.fcl | |
 Deprecated/standard_detsim_icarus.fcl | |
 standard_detsim_icarus.fcl | |
 standard_detsim_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 standard_detsim_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_detsim_sbnd_testbench.fcl | |
 standard_detsim_sbnd_testbench_sce.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus_21apr21_laronly.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus_21apr21_noob.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus_21apr21_ob.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus_doublesce.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus_doublesce_lite.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus_edep.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus_edep_lite.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus_sce.fcl | |
 standard_g4_icarus_sce_lite.fcl | |
 standard_g4_sbn_icarus.fcl | |
 standard_g4_sbn_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_g4_sbn_uboone.fcl | |
 standard_g4_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_opdetsim_icarus.fcl | |
 standard_opdetsim_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 standard_primary_reco_lartpcdetector.fcl | |
 standard_reco.fcl | |
 standard_reco1_deco_savewf_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_reco1_deco_savewf_sbnd_sce.fcl | |
 standard_reco1_deco_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_reco1_deco_sbnd_sce.fcl | |
 standard_reco1_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_reco1reco2_deco_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_reco1reco2_no_opt0finder_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_reco1reco2_no_opt0finder_sbnd_lite.fcl | |
 standard_reco1reco2_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_reco2_no_opt0finder_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_reco2_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_reco_megadumper_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_reco_sbnd.fcl | |
 standard_reco_sbnd_basic.fcl | |
 StandardClusterParamsAlg.cxx | Implementation of interface to class computing cluster parameters |
 StandardClusterParamsAlg.h | Interface to class computing cluster parameters |
 StandardDrawer_tool.cc | |
 StandardGeometryHelper.cc | |
 StandardGeometryHelper.h | Geometry helper service for detectors with strictly standard mapping |
 StandardGeometryHelper_service.cc | |
 StandardHit3DBuilder_tool.cc | This tool provides "standard" 3D hits built (by this tool) from 2D hits |
 StandardPandora_module.cc | A generic LArPandora ART Producer module intended to work on ALL LAr-TPC wire-readout experiments |
 StandardRecord.cxx | |
 StandardRecord.h | |
 startingpmtcalibtime.fcl | |
 StatCollector.h | Classes gathering simple statistics |
 StatCollector_test.cc | Tests the classes in StatCollector.h |
 statusview.py | |
 StdUtils.h | Functions pulling in STL customization if available |
 StepUtils.cxx | |
 StepUtils.h | |
 StitchAlg.cxx | |
 StitchAlg.h | |
 StitchingCosmicRayMergingTool.cc | |
 StitchingCosmicRayMergingTool.h | |
 StoppingChi2Fit.cc | |
 StoppingChi2Fit.h | |
 StoppingCosmicIdAna_module.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/StoppingParticleCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/StoppingParticleCosmicIdAlg.cc | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/CosmicIDAlgs/StoppingParticleCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CosmicId/Algs/StoppingParticleCosmicIdAlg.h | |
 StopWatch.h | Class to take current wall clock time differences |
 StopWatch_test.cc | Test for the StopWatch class |
 store_timed_tracks_icarus.fcl | |
 stream.py | |
 StreamIndenter.h | Utility to have simple indentation in a stream |
 StreamingAlgorithm.cc | |
 StreamingAlgorithm.h | |
 StreamSelectionAlgorithm.cc | |
 StreamSelectionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the deep learning track shower cluster streaming algorithm |
 Stub.cxx | |
 Stub.h | |
 StubBuilder.cxx | |
 StubBuilder.h | |
 StubMergeAlgorithms.cxx | |
 StubMergeAlgorithms.h | |
 study_ophit_singlep.fcl | |
 study_ophit_singlep_230.fcl | |
 study_ophit_singlep_250.fcl | |
 study_ophit_singlep_270.fcl | |
 study_ophit_singlep_290.fcl | |
 study_ophit_singlep_310.fcl | |
 study_ophit_singlep_330.fcl | |
 study_ophit_singlep_350.fcl | |
 Style.cxx | |
 lareventdisplay/lareventdisplay/EventDisplay/Style.h | |
 sbnana/sbnana/CAFAna/Analysis/Style.h | |
 submit_combined.sh | |
 submit_lar.sh | |
 SubmitCommand.pl | |
 SubmitCommand.sh | |
 SubRun.hh | |
 subruns.py | |
 SumSecondFunction.h | |
 supernova.fcl | |
 SupernovaTruth.cxx | Stores extra MC truth information that is recorded when generating events using a time-dependent supernova neutrino spectrum |
 SupernovaTruth.h | Stores extra MC truth information that is recorded when generating events using a time-dependent supernova neutrino spectrum |
 lardata/lardata/RecoObjects/Surface.cxx | |
 sbnana/sbnana/CAFAna/Analysis/Surface.cxx | |
 lardata/lardata/RecoObjects/Surface.h | |
 sbnana/sbnana/CAFAna/Analysis/Surface.h | |
 SurfLine.cxx | Base class for Kalman filter planar surfaces |
 SurfLine.h | Base class for Kalman filter line surfaces |
 SurfPlane.cxx | Base class for Kalman filter planar surfaces |
 SurfPlane.h | Base class for Kalman filter planar surfaces |
 SurfWireLine.cxx | Linear surface defined by wire id and x coordinate |
 SurfWireLine.h | Linear surface defined by wire id and x coordinate |
 SurfWireX.cxx | Planar surface defined by wire id and x-axis |
 SurfWireX.h | Planar surface defined by wire id and x-axis |
 SurfXYZPlane.cxx | General planar surface |
 SurfXYZPlane.h | General planar surface |
 SurfXYZTest.cc | |
 SurfYZLine.cxx | Line surface perpendicular to x-axis |
 SurfYZLine.h | Line surface perpendicular to x-axis |
 SurfYZLineTest.cc | |
 SurfYZPlane.cxx | Planar surface parallel to x-axis |
 SurfYZPlane.h | Planar surface parallel to x-axis |
 SurfYZTest.cc | |
 SweepEvent.h | |
 SystComponentScale.cxx | |
 SystComponentScale.h | |
 SystRegistry.cxx | |
 SystRegistry.h | |
 SystShifts.cxx | |
 SystShifts.h | |
 T0.cxx | |
 T0.h | |
 TCCR.cxx | |
 TCCR.h | |
 TCHist.cxx | |
 TCHist.h | |
 tclass.cc | |
 tclass.h | |
 TCShower.cxx | |
 TCShower.h | |
 TCShower_module.cc | |
 TCShowerAlg.cxx | |
 TCShowerAlg.h | |
 TCShowerAnalysis_module.cc | |
 TCShowerElectronLikelihood_module.cc | |
 TCShowerTemplateMaker_module.cc | |
 TCShTree.cxx | |
 TCShTree.h | |
 TCTrack_module.cc | Create seeds, spacepoints and tracks from 3D matched clusters produced by TrajCluster_module |
 TCVertex.cxx | |
 TCVertex.h | |
 TempHit.h | |
 TensorIndices.h | TensorIndices class to flatten multi-dimension indices into linear |
 TensorIndices_test.cc | Test for TensorIndices class |
 TensorIndicesStress_test.cc | Stress test for TensorIndices class |
 test_associatedgroups.fcl | |
 test_associatedgroups_full.fcl | |
 test_associatedgroupswithleft.fcl | |
 test_associatedgroupswithleft_full.fcl | |
 test_channel_status.fcl | |
 test_chargedspacepointproxy.fcl | |
 test_crt_detsimalg.fcl | |
 larcorealg/test/GeoAlgo/test_distance.py | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/unit_test/test_distance.py | |
 test_donothing.fcl | |
 test_fcl_larpandora.sh | |
 test_feag.fcl | |
 test_feag2.fcl | |
 test_geometries.fcl | |
 test_geometry.fcl | |
 test_geometry_check_empty.fcl | |
 test_geometry_check_geometryA_skipCheck.fcl | |
 test_geometry_check_geometryB_skipCheck.fcl | |
 test_geometry_check_make_legacy_input.fcl | |
 test_geometry_check_nogeoconfwriter.fcl | |
 test_geometry_check_nogeoconfwriter_skipcheck.fcl | |
 test_geometry_check_require_geometryA.fcl | |
 test_geometry_check_require_geometryB.fcl | |
 test_geometry_checks.fcl | |
 test_geometry_icarus.fcl | |
 test_geometry_iterator_loop.fcl | |
 icarusalg/fcl/utilities/test_geometry_iterators_icarus.fcl | |
 icaruscode/test/Geometry/test_geometry_iterators_icarus.fcl | |
 test_geometry_iterators_sbnd.fcl | |
 test_geometry_sbnd.fcl | |
 larcorealg/test/GeoAlgo/test_import.py | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/unit_test/test_import.py | |
 larcorealg/test/GeoAlgo/test_intersection.py | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/unit_test/test_intersection.py | |
 Providers/test_krypton_atomic_number.fcl | |
 Services/test_krypton_atomic_number.fcl | |
 test_mchdb.fcl | |
 test_MinimalLArTPC.fcl | |
 larcorealg/test/GeoAlgo/test_msg.py | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/unit_test/test_msg.py | |
 test_proxybase.fcl | |
 test_ptrmaker.fcl | |
 test_ptrmaker2.fcl | |
 test_ptrmaker3.fcl | |
 test_ptrmaker4.fcl | |
 test_shower_calibration_from_pid.fcl | |
 test_shower_calibration_scale.fcl | |
 test_showerreco_uboone.fcl | |
 test_singleparticlelarg4.fcl | |
 test_totallycheattracker.fcl | |
 test_trackproxy.fcl | |
 test_trigger_decode.fcl | |
 larcorealg/test/GeoAlgo/test_vector.py | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/unit_test/test_vector.py | |
 TestBeamEventValidationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the test beam event validation algorithm |
 TestBeamEventValidationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the test beam event validation algorithm |
 TestBeamHierarchyEventValidationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the test beam hierarchy event validation algorithm |
 TestBeamHierarchyEventValidationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the test beam hierarchy event validation algorithm |
 TestBeamParticleCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the test beam particle creation algorithm class |
 TestBeamParticleCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the test beam particle creation algorithm class |
 testDecoderFilter.fcl | |
 testEnvironment.sh | |
 icaruscode/test/fcl/testFHiCLfiles.sh | |
 sbndcode/test/fcl/testFHiCLfiles.sh | |
 testFHiCLfiles_icarus.sh | |
 testFHiCLfiles_sbnd.sh | |
 TestGeneratedEventTimestamp_module.cc | Test for GeneratedEventTimestamp |
 testlarg4.fcl | |
 testmctruth.fcl | |
 testPhysicalConstants.cc | |
 textfilegen.fcl | |
 TextFileGen_module.cc | Producer generating Monte Carlo truth record in LArSoft format from a text file |
 textwindow.py | |
 TFileMetadataICARUS.h | |
 TFileMetadataICARUS_service.cc | |
 ThreadPool.cxx | |
 ThreadPool.h | |
 ThreadsafeGalleryEvent.h | |
 ThreeDHitCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the three dimensional hit creation algorithm class |
 ThreeDHitCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the three dimensional hit creation algorithm class |
 ThreeDKinkBaseTool.cc | Implementation of the three d kink base tool class |
 ThreeDKinkBaseTool.h | Header file for the three d kink base tool |
 ThreeViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the three view delta ray matching class |
 ThreeViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm.h | |
 ThreeViewLongitudinalTracksAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the three view longitudinal tracks algorithm class |
 ThreeViewLongitudinalTracksAlgorithm.h | Header file for the three view longitudinal tracks algorithm class |
 ThreeViewMatchingControl.cc | Implementation of the three view matching control class |
 ThreeViewMatchingControl.h | Header file for the three view matching control class |
 ThreeViewRemnantsAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the three view remnants algorithm class |
 ThreeViewRemnantsAlgorithm.h | Header file for the three view remnants algorithm class |
 ThreeViewShowerHitsTool.cc | Implementation of the three view shower hits tool |
 ThreeViewShowerHitsTool.h | Header file for the three view shower hits tool |
 ThreeViewShowersAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the three view showers algorithm class |
 ThreeViewShowersAlgorithm.h | Header file for the three view showers algorithm class |
 ThreeViewTrackFragmentsAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the three view fragments algorithm class |
 ThreeViewTrackFragmentsAlgorithm.h | Header file for the three view fragments algorithm base class |
 ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the three view transverse tracks algorithm class |
 ThreeViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm.h | Header file for the three view transverse tracks algorithm class |
 throughgoingmuon_icarus.fcl | |
 throughgoingmuon_param.fcl | |
 ThroughgoingmuonAnalyzer_module.cc | |
 TimeCompatMatch.cxx | |
 TimeCompatMatch.h | Class def header for a class TimeCompatMatch |
 TimedTrackSelector_module.cc | |
 TimeRange.cxx | |
 TimeRange.h | Class def header for a class TimeRange |
 timeservice.fcl | |
 timeservice_sbnd.fcl | |
 TimeStampDecoder.cxx | |
 TimeStampDecoder.h | |
 TimeTrackTreeStorage_module.cc | |
 TimingCuts.cxx | |
 TimingCuts.h | |
 timingreference_test.fcl | |
 ToElement.h | |
 ToF.cc | |
 ToF.hh | |
 ToFAnalyzer_module.cc | |
 ToFFilter_module.cc | |
 ToFProducer_module.cc | |
 tools_nuesel_icarus.h | |
 topology_test.cxx | Test for neighbourhood discovery in simple geometries |
 TotallyCheatTracker_module.cc | Module running lar::example::TotallyCheatTrackingAlg algorithm |
 totallycheattracking.fcl | |
 TotallyCheatTrackingAlg.cxx | Algorithm to "reconstruct" trajectories from simulated particles |
 TotallyCheatTrackingAlg.h | Algorithm to "reconstruct" trajectories from simulated particles |
 toysysts.h | |
 TPCChannelmapping.h | |
 TPCDecoder_tool.cc | This tool provides "standard" 3D hits built (by this tool) from 2D hits |
 TPCDecoderFilter1D_tool.cc | This tool converts from daq to LArSoft format with noise filtering |
 TPCDecoderFilter2D_tool.cc | This tool converts from daq to LArSoft format with noise filtering |
 TPCFilterFactory.cxx | |
 TPCFilterFactory.h | Class def header for a class TPCFilterFactory |
 TPCGeo.cxx | |
 TPCGeo.h | Encapsulate the construction of a single detector plane |
 sbncode/sbncode/GeometryTools/TPCGeoAlg.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/Geometry/GeometryWrappers/TPCGeoAlg.cc | |
 sbncode/sbncode/GeometryTools/TPCGeoAlg.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/Geometry/GeometryWrappers/TPCGeoAlg.h | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/TPCGeoUtil.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/TPCGeoUtil.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/CRT/CRTUtils/TPCGeoUtil.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/CRT/CRTUtils/TPCGeoUtil.h | |
 tpcnoise.fcl | |
 TPCNoise_module.cc | |
 TPCNoiseFilter1D_tool.cc | |
 TPCNoiseFilterCanny_tool.cc | |
 tpcnoiseMC.fcl | |
 TPCNoiseMC_module.cc | |
 TPCPurityInfo.cc | |
 TPCPurityInfo.hh | |
 TPCPurityInfoAna_module.cc | |
 TPCPurityMonitor_module.cc | |
 TQPad.cxx | Drawing pad for time or charge histograms |
 TQPad.h | Drawing pad for time or charge histograms |
 lardata/RecoBaseProxy/Track.cxx | Implementation file for proxy::Track |
 bj/lardataobj/RecoBase/Track.cxx | |
 track.fcl | |
 lardata/RecoBaseProxy/Track.h | Offers proxy::Tracks and proxy::Track class for recob::Track access |
 bj/lardataobj/RecoBase/Track.h | Provides recob::Track data product |
 Track3DKalman_module.cc | |
 Track3DKalmanHit.h | |
 Track3DKalmanHit_module.cc | |
 Track3DKalmanHitAlg.cxx | Track3DKalmanHitAlg |
 Track3DKalmanHitAlg.h | Track3DKalmanHit Algorithm |
 Track3DKalmanSPS_module.cc | |
 Track3Dreco_module.cc | |
 TrackAlgo.cc | |
 TrackAlgo.h | |
 TrackAna_module.cc | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/galleryAnalysis/C++/TrackAnalysis.cpp | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/galleryAnalysis/TrackAnalysis.cpp | |
 icarusalg/icarusalg/gallery/galleryAnalysis/C++/TrackAnalysis.h | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/gallery/galleryAnalysis/TrackAnalysis.h | |
 TrackAreaHit_module.cc | |
 trackareahit_producer.fcl | |
 TrackCalorimetry_module.cc | |
 TrackCalorimetryAlg.cxx | |
 TrackCalorimetryAlg.h | |
 TrackCaloSkimmer.h | |
 TrackCaloSkimmer_module.cc | |
 TrackCaloSkimmerObj.h | |
 TrackCaloSkimmerSelectAllTrack_tool.cc | |
 TrackCaloSkimmerSelectAnode2CathodeTrack_tool.cc | |
 TrackCaloSkimmerSelectStoppingTrack_tool.cc | |
 TrackCheater_module.cc | |
 TrackClusterCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the cluster creation algorithm class |
 TrackClusterCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the cluster creation algorithm class |
 TrackConsolidationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the track consolidation algorithm class |
 TrackConsolidationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the track consolidation algorithm class |
 TrackContainmentAlg.cxx | |
 TrackContainmentAlg.hh | |
 TrackContainmentAnalyzer_module.cc | |
 TrackContainmentTagger_module.cc | |
 TrackCreationBookKeeper.h | |
 TrackedOpticalTriggerGate.h | A simple alias for a most commonly used TrackedTriggerGate type |
 TrackedTriggerGate.h | A wrapper to trigger gate objects tracking the contributions |
 TrackedTriggerGate_test.cc | Unit test for some utilities in TrackedTriggerGate.h |
 trackfinderalgorithms.fcl | |
 trackfinderalgorithms_sbnd.fcl | |
 trackfindermodules.fcl | |
 trackfindermodules_bo.fcl | |
 trackfindermodules_icarus.fcl | |
 trackfindermodules_microboone.fcl | |
 trackfindermodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 trackfinderservices.fcl | |
 TrackFitHitInfo.h | |
 TrackHisto.cc | |
 TrackHisto.h | |
 TrackHitAna_module.cc | |
 TrackHitDumper_module.cc | |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/Analysis/tools/TrackHitEfficiencyAnalysis_tool.cc | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/Calibration/tools/TrackHitEfficiencyAnalysis_tool.cc | |
 TrackHitFilter_module.cc | |
 trackhitfilter_module.fcl | |
 TrackHitMeta.h | Class to keep data related to recob::Hit associated with recob::Track |
 TrackHitsBaseTool.cc | Implementation of the track hits base tool |
 TrackHitsBaseTool.h | Header file for the track hits base tool |
 trackingeff_uboone.fcl | |
 TrackingPlane.cxx | |
 TrackingPlane.h | |
 TrackingPlaneHelper.h | |
 TrackingTypes.h | |
 TrackKalmanCheater_module.cc | |
 TrackKalmanFitter.cxx | |
 TrackKalmanFitter.h | |
 TrackLineFitAlg.cxx | |
 TrackLineFitAlg.h | |
 TrackMaker.h | |
 TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the track refinement class |
 TrackMergeRefinementAlgorithm.h | Header file for the track merge refinement class |
 larreco/larreco/RecoAlg/TrackMomentumCalculator.cxx | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/LArReco/TrackMomentumCalculator.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/LArRecoProducer/LArReco/TrackMomentumCalculator.cxx | |
 larreco/larreco/RecoAlg/TrackMomentumCalculator.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/LArReco/TrackMomentumCalculator.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/LArRecoProducer/LArReco/TrackMomentumCalculator.h | |
 TrackParticleBuildingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the 3D track building algorithm class |
 TrackParticleBuildingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the 3D track building algorithm class |
 TrackPFParticleMatch_module.cc | |
 trackproducerfrompfparticle.fcl | |
 TrackProducerFromPFParticle_module.cc | |
 trackproducerfromtrack.fcl | |
 TrackProducerFromTrack_module.cc | |
 trackproducerfromtracktrajectory.fcl | |
 TrackProducerFromTrackTrajectory_module.cc | |
 TrackProxyHitMaker_module.cc | Test producer creating a few dummy hits |
 TrackProxyTest_module.cc | Tests proxy::Track class |
 TrackProxyTrackMaker_module.cc | Test producer creating a few dummy hits |
 TrackReducer.cxx | |
 TrackReducer.h | |
 TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the track refinement base class |
 TrackRefinementBaseAlgorithm.h | Header file for the track refinement base class |
 trackscatterclosestapproach.fcl | |
 TrackScatterClosestApproach_module.cc | |
 TracksCrossingGapsTool.cc | Implementation of the long tracks tool class |
 TracksCrossingGapsTool.h | Header file for the long tracks tool class |
 trackshowerhits.fcl | |
 TrackShowerHits_module.cc | |
 TrackShowerIdFeatureTool.cc | Implementation of the track shower id feature fool class |
 TrackShowerIdFeatureTool.h | Header file for the track shower id feature tools |
 TrackShowerSeparationAlg.cxx | |
 TrackShowerSeparationAlg.h | |
 tracksplit_sbn.fcl | |
 TrackSplitter_module.cc | |
 TrackSplittingTool.cc | Implementation of the long tracks tool class |
 TrackSplittingTool.h | Header file for the track splitting tool class |
 TrackState.h | |
 TrackStatePropagator.cxx | |
 TrackStatePropagator.h | |
 TrackStitcher_module.cc | |
 TrackStoppingChi2Alg.cc | |
 TrackStoppingChi2Alg.h | |
 trackstoppingchi2fitter.fcl | |
 TrackStoppingChi2Fitter_module.cc | |
 TrackTest.cc | |
 TrackTrajectory.cxx | Data product for reconstructed trajectory in space |
 TrackTrajectory.h | Data product for reconstructed trajectory in space |
 TrackTrajectory_test.cc | Simple test on a recob::TrackTrajectory object |
 TrackTrajectoryAlg.cxx | |
 TrackTrajectoryAlg.h | |
 TrackTrajectoryCreationBookKeeper.h | |
 TrackTreeStoreObj.h | |
 TrackUtils.cxx | Utility functions to extract information from recob::Track - implementation |
 TrackUtils.h | Utility functions to extract information from recob::Track |
 TrainedVertexSelectionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the trained vertex selection algorithm class |
 TrainedVertexSelectionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the trained vertex selection algorithm class |
 TrainMVA.sh | |
 TrajCluster_module.cc | Cluster finder using trajectories |
 TrajClusterAlg.cxx | |
 TrajClusterAlg.h | |
 Trajectory.cxx | Data product for reconstructed trajectory in space |
 Trajectory.h | Data product for reconstructed trajectory in space |
 Trajectory_test.cc | Simple test on a recob::Trajectory object |
 larreco/larreco/RecoAlg/TrajectoryMCSFitter.cxx | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/LArReco/TrajectoryMCSFitter.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/LArRecoProducer/LArReco/TrajectoryMCSFitter.cxx | |
 larreco/larreco/RecoAlg/TrajectoryMCSFitter.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOscReco/LArReco/TrajectoryMCSFitter.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/LArRecoProducer/LArReco/TrajectoryMCSFitter.h | |
 TrajectoryMCSFitterICARUS.cxx | |
 TrajectoryMCSFitterICARUS.h | |
 TrajectoryPointFlags.cxx | Set of flags pertaining a point of the track (implementation file) |
 TrajectoryPointFlags.h | Set of flags pertaining a point of the track |
 TrajectoryPointFlags_test.cc | Simple test on a recob::TrajectoryPointFlags object |
 TrajectoryUtils.h | Algorithms dealing with a trajectory as a sequence of 3D points |
 transfer_crtt0_producer.fcl | |
 transfer_flashmatch_producer.fcl | |
 transfer_flasht0_producer.fcl | |
 TransferPFParticleFlashMatch_module.cc | |
 TransferPFParticleT0_module.cc | |
 TransferTrackT0_module.cc | |
 TransformationMatrix.h | Selection of the type of transformation matrix used in geometry |
 TransverseAssociationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the transverse association algorithm class |
 TransverseAssociationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the transverse association algorithm class |
 TransverseExtensionAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the transverse extension algorithm class |
 TransverseExtensionAlgorithm.h | Header file for the transverse extension algorithm class |
 TransverseMatrixVisualizationTool.cc | Implementation of the transverse matrix visualization tool class |
 TransverseMatrixVisualizationTool.h | Header file for the transverse matrix visualization tool class |
 TransverseTensorVisualizationTool.cc | Implementation of the transverse tensor visualization tool class |
 TransverseTensorVisualizationTool.h | Header file for the transverse tensor visualization tool class |
 TransverseTrackHitsBaseTool.cc | Implementation of the transverse track hits base tool |
 TransverseTrackHitsBaseTool.h | Header file for the transverse track hits base tool |
 TreeHolder.h | Class holding a ROOT tree, to be shared by other classes |
 trig_filter.fcl | |
 trigger_emulation_icarus.fcl | |
 trigger_icarus.fcl | |
 trigger_info.fcl | |
 triggeralgo_service.fcl | |
 TriggerAlgoBase.cc | |
 TriggerAlgoBase.h | |
 TriggerConfiguration.cxx | Information from the configuration of a Trigger readout board |
 TriggerConfiguration.h | Information from the configuration of the ICARUS trigger readout |
 TriggerConfigurationExtraction_module.cc | Writes ICARUS configuration from FHiCL into data product |
 TriggerConfigurationExtractor.cxx | |
 TriggerConfigurationExtractor.h | Utility to extract Trigger readout configuration from data |
 TriggerData.cxx | |
 TriggerData.h | |
 TriggerDataUtils.h | Utilities for the conversion of trigger gate data formats |
 TriggerDecoder_tool.cc | |
 TriggerDecoderV2_tool.cc | |
 triggeredEventList.py | |
 TriggerEfficiencyPlots_module.cc | Plots of trigger efficiency |
 TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.cxx | Base class for _art_modules plotting trigger efficiencies |
 TriggerEfficiencyPlotsBase.h | Base class for _art_modules plotting trigger efficiencies |
 triggeremu_data_config_icarus.fcl | |
 triggeremu_only_data_icarus.fcl | |
 triggeremu_only_onspill_data_icarus.fcl | |
 triggeremu_prep_data_icarus.fcl | |
 triggeremu_proper_data_icarus.fcl | |
 triggeremu_settings_icarus.fcl | |
 TriggerEmulationTree_module.cc | |
 TriggerGateBuilder.cxx | Algorithm to produce trigger gates out of optical readout waveforms |
 TriggerGateBuilder.h | Algorithm to produce trigger gates out of optical readout waveforms |
 TriggerGateData.h | A logical multilevel gate for triggering |
 TriggerGateData_test.cc | Unit test for TriggerGateData.h header |
 TriggerGateDataFormatting.h | Utilities for TriggerGateData printout |
 TriggerGateOperations.h | Utilities for the conversion of trigger gate data formats |
 TriggerInfo_t.h | Helper class to store transient trigger result |
 TriggerInfo_t_test.cc | Unit test for utilities in TriggerInfo_t.h |
 triggerPacketParser.cxx | Simple parser for trigger raw data packets |
 Analysis/trigger/details/TriggerResponseManager.cxx | Helper managing the trigger response part of a TTree (implementation) |
 PMT/Trigger/Utilities/TriggerResponseManager.cxx | Helper managing the trigger response part of a TTree (implementation) |
 Analysis/trigger/details/TriggerResponseManager.h | Helper managing the trigger response part of a TTree |
 PMT/Trigger/Utilities/TriggerResponseManager.h | Helper managing the trigger response part of a TTree |
 triggersim_eastmodule_icarus.fcl | |
 triggersim_eastmodule_icarus_data.fcl | |
 triggersim_eastmodule_icarus_run5292.fcl | |
 triggersim_icarus.fcl | |
 triggersim_icarus_data.fcl | |
 triggersim_icarus_run5837_pre09_22_03_01.fcl | |
 triggersim_singlewindow_icarus.fcl | |
 triggersim_singlewindow_icarus_data.fcl | |
 triggersim_singlewindow_icarus_data_multiconfig.fcl | |
 triggersim_westmodule_icarus.fcl | |
 triggersim_westmodule_icarus_data.fcl | |
 triggersim_westmodule_icarus_run5292.fcl | |
 TriggerSimulationOnGates_module.cc | Plots of efficiency for triggers based on PMT sliding windows |
 TriggerTypeFilter_module.cc | |
 TriggerTypes.h | Simple type definitions for trigger algorithms |
 TriggerTypes.hh | |
 triggerwindowdefs_icarus.fcl | |
 TrigInfo_module.cc | |
 TripletFinder.cxx | |
 TripletFinder.h | |
 TrivialExtrap.cxx | |
 TrivialExtrap.h | |
 trkkal3dsps_uboone.fcl | |
 trkkal_uboone.fcl | |
 trkkalSPS_uboone.fcl | |
 TrueParticle.h | |
 TrueParticleHelpers.cxx | |
 TrueParticleHelpers.h | |
 larana/larana/TruncatedMean/Algorithm/TruncMean.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/SinglePhotonAnalysis/Libraries/TruncMean.cxx | |
 larana/larana/TruncatedMean/Algorithm/TruncMean.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/SinglePhotonAnalysis/Libraries/TruncMean.h | |
 CAFAna/Cuts/TruthCuts.cxx | |
 SBNAna/Cuts/TruthCuts.cxx | |
 CAFAna/Cuts/TruthCuts.h | |
 SBNAna/Cuts/TruthCuts.h | |
 TruthMatch.cc | |
 Data/TruthMatch.h | |
 NumuReco/TruthMatch.h | |
 TruthMatchUtils.cc | Implementation of the TruthMatchUtils functions |
 TruthMatchUtils.h | Utilities for matching a recob::Hit or vector of recob::Hit to the ID of the most significantly contributing G4 particle. Various functions using different definitions of 'most significantly contributing' are provided |
 TruthText.cxx | |
 TruthText.h | |
 TruthVars.cxx | |
 TruthVars.h | |
 TssHit2D.cxx | Hit pos in cm and original recob hit ptr |
 TssHit2D.h | Hit pos in cm and original recob hit ptr |
 TTHitFinder_module.cc | |
 TTSpacePointFinder_module.cc | |
 TupleLookupByTag.h | Utilities to address elements of a tuple-like class by tag |
 TupleLookupByTag_test.cc | Unit tests on TupleLookupByTag.h utilities |
 TWireProjPad.cxx | Drawing pad for X-Z or Y-Z projections of events |
 TWireProjPad.h | Drawing pad showing a single X-Z or Y-Z projection of an event |
 TwoDParticleCreationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the two dimensional particle creation algorithm class |
 TwoDParticleCreationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the two dimensional particle creation algorithm class |
 TwoDSlidingFitConsolidationAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the 2D sliding fit consolidation algorithm class |
 TwoDSlidingFitConsolidationAlgorithm.h | Header file for the 2D sliding fit consolidation algorithm class |
 TwoDSlidingFitMultiSplitAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the 2D sliding fit multi-splitting algorithm class |
 TwoDSlidingFitMultiSplitAlgorithm.h | Header file for the 2D sliding fit multi-split algorithm class |
 TwoDSlidingFitSplittingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the two dimensional sliding fit splitting algorithm class |
 TwoDSlidingFitSplittingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the two dimensional sliding fit splitting algorithm class |
 TwoDSlidingFitSplittingAndSplicingAlgorithm.cc | |
 TwoDSlidingFitSplittingAndSplicingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the two dimensional sliding fit splitting and splicing algorithm class |
 TwoDSlidingFitSplittingAndSwitchingAlgorithm.cc | |
 TwoDSlidingFitSplittingAndSwitchingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the two dimensional sliding fit splitting and switching algorithm class |
 TwoPlaneStubMerge_tool.cc | |
 TwoViewAmbiguousDeltaRayTool.cc | Implementation of the two view amgiuous delta ray tool class |
 TwoViewAmbiguousDeltaRayTool.h | Header file for the two view delta ray merge tool class |
 TwoViewClearTracksTool.cc | Implementation of the two view clear tracks tool class |
 TwoViewClearTracksTool.h | Header file for the two view clear tracks tool class |
 TwoViewCosmicRayRemovalTool.cc | |
 TwoViewCosmicRayRemovalTool.h | Header file for the cosmic ray removal tool class |
 TwoViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the two view delta ray matching class |
 TwoViewDeltaRayMatchingAlgorithm.h | |
 TwoViewLongTracksTool.cc | Implementation of the long tracks tool class |
 TwoViewLongTracksTool.h | Header file for the long tracks tool class |
 TwoViewMatchingControl.cc | Implementation of the two view matching control class |
 TwoViewMatchingControl.h | Header file for the two view matching control class |
 TwoViewShowerHitsTool.cc | Implementation of the two view shower hits tool |
 TwoViewShowerHitsTool.h | Header file for the two view shower hits tool |
 TwoViewSimpleTracksTool.cc | Implementation of the clear showers tool class |
 TwoViewSimpleTracksTool.h | |
 TwoViewThreeDKinkTool.cc | Implementation of the two view three d kink tool class |
 TwoViewThreeDKinkTool.h | Header file for the two view three d kink tool class |
 TwoViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the two view transverse tracks algorithm class |
 TwoViewTransverseTracksAlgorithm.h | Header file for the two view transverse tracks algorithm class |
 TWQMultiTPCProjection.cxx | The "main" event display view that most people will want to use |
 TWQMultiTPCProjection.h | |
 TWQProjectionView.cxx | The "main" event display view that most people will want to use |
 TWQProjectionView.h | A view showing the time vs wire, charge and charge vs time information for an event |
 uboone-filtered-sigproc.fcl | |
 uboone-nf-sp-mag.fcl | |
 uboone-nf-sp.fcl | |
 UnambiguousDeltaRayTool.cc | Implementation of the unambiguous delta ray tool class |
 UnambiguousDeltaRayTool.h | Header file for the unambiguous delta ray tool class |
 UnattachedDeltaRaysAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the unattached delta rays algorithm class |
 UnattachedDeltaRaysAlgorithm.h | Header file for the unattached delta rays algorithm class |
 UncopiableAndUnmovableClass.h | Defines classes that can't be copied nor moved |
 UncopiableAndUnmovableClass_test.cc | Tests the content of UncopiableAndUnmovableClass.h |
 UndershootTracksTool.cc | Implementation of the undershoot tracks tool class |
 UndershootTracksTool.h | Header file for the undershoot tracks tool class |
 UnfoldIterative.cxx | |
 UnfoldIterative.h | |
 UnfoldSVD.cxx | |
 UnfoldSVD.h | |
 UnfoldTikhonov.cxx | |
 UnfoldTikhonov.h | |
 UniqueRangeSet.cxx | |
 UniqueRangeSet.h | Class def header for a class UniqueRangeSet |
 UnisimWeightCalc.cxx | |
 larcorealg/test/GeoAlgo/unit_test.py | |
 sbncode/sbncode/OpT0Finder/flashmatch/GeoAlgo/unit_test/unit_test.py | |
 unit_test_base.h | Base class for unit tests using FHiCL configuration |
 UniverseOracle.cxx | |
 UniverseOracle.h | |
 Update-v09_06_00-serviceConfigurations.py | |
 update_cetb8.sh | |
 update_cmake_cetb8.pl | |
 update_sources.sh | |
 Update_v07_10_00.sh | |
 UpdateArt206.sh | |
 UpdateArt209.sh | |
 UpdateArt211.sh | |
 UpdateArtDataHelper.sh | |
 UpdateCluster3D.sh | |
 UpdateCoreServices.py | |
 UpdateForGenVector.py | |
 updateLAr_v09_43_00.sh | |
 updateLAr_v3_39.sh | |
 UpdateLArDataAlg.sh | |
 updateLocalDocumentation.sh | |
 UpdateReorg611.sh | |
 UpdateTestInfrastructure.py | |
 UpdateToLArSeedService.py | |
 UpdateToLArSoftObj.sh | |
 UpdateToLegacyLarG4.sh | |
 UpdateToNuRandomService.py | |
 UpdateUnitTestsBoost1.61.py | |
 updateVersionList.sh | |
 UseGenie3.sh | |
 Util.cc | |
 Util.h | |
 util.py | |
 UtilException.cxx | |
 UtilException.h | Class def header for exception classes used in GeometryUtilities |
 UtilFunc.cxx | |
 UtilFunc.h | |
 larreco/larreco/RecoAlg/PMAlg/Utilities.cxx | |
 sbnana/sbnana/CAFAna/Core/Utilities.cxx | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOsc/Utilities.cxx | |
 larreco/larreco/RecoAlg/PMAlg/Utilities.h | |
 sbnana/sbnana/CAFAna/Core/Utilities.h | |
 sbnana/sbnanalysis/ana/SBNOsc/Utilities.h | |
 utilities.sh | |
 Utils.cxx | |
 larreco/larreco/RecoAlg/TCAlg/Utils.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/CAFMaker/Utils.h | |
 v06_30_00-GeoToGeometry.py | |
 v06_43_00-UpdateGeometryToLArCoreAlg.py | |
 v06_49_00-PtrMakerInArt.sh | |
 v08_04_00-LarDataUtils.py | |
 V1730channelConfiguration.cxx | Information from the configuration of a V1730 PMT readout board |
 V1730channelConfiguration.h | Information from the configuration of a V1730 PMT readout board |
 V1730Configuration.cxx | Information from the configuration of a V1730 PMT readout board |
 V1730Configuration.h | Information from the configuration of a V1730 PMT readout board |
 validate_in_job.py | |
 ValidateAtomicNumberConfiguration_test.cc | Validates the AtomicNumber service provider configuration |
 value.cc | |
 value.h | |
 values.h | Definition of util::values() and util::const_values() |
 values_test.cc | Test of util::values() |
 Var.cxx | |
 Var.h | |
 var_10pe_5hits_1us_020ns.fcl | |
 var_20pe_5hits_1us_020ns.fcl | |
 var_30pe_5hits_1us_020ns.fcl | |
 var_40pe_5hits_1us_020ns.fcl | |
 var_50pe_2hits_1us_020ns.fcl | |
 var_50pe_3hits_1us_020ns.fcl | |
 var_50pe_4hits_1us_020ns.fcl | |
 var_50pe_5hits_1us_010ns.fcl | |
 var_50pe_5hits_1us_020ns.fcl | |
 var_50pe_5hits_1us_030ns.fcl | |
 var_50pe_5hits_1us_040ns.fcl | |
 var_50pe_5hits_3us_020ns.fcl | |
 var_50pe_5hits_5us_020ns.fcl | |
 var_50pe_5hits_7us_020ns.fcl | |
 variables.h | |
 Vars.cxx | |
 Vars.h | |
 VectorMap.h | |
 Vertex.cxx | |
 vertex.fcl | |
 Vertex.h | |
 VertexAssnMeta.h | |
 VertexAssociatedPfosTool.cc | Implementation of the vertex associated pfos tool class |
 VertexAssociatedPfosTool.h | Header file for the vertex associated pfos tool class |
 VertexBasedPfoMopUpAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the vertex based pfo mop up algorithm class |
 VertexBasedPfoMopUpAlgorithm.h | Header file for the vertex based pfo mop up algorithm class |
 VertexBasedPfoRecoveryAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the vertex-based particle recovery algorithm |
 VertexBasedPfoRecoveryAlgorithm.h | Header file for the vertex-based particle recovery algorithm |
 VertexChargeVacuum_module.cc | |
 VertexCheater_module.cc | |
 VertexFinder2D_module.cc | |
 vertexfindermodules.fcl | |
 vertexfindermodules_argoneut.fcl | |
 vertexfindermodules_sbnd.fcl | |
 VertexFitAlg.cxx | |
 VertexFitAlg.h | |
 VertexFitMinuitStruct.h | |
 vertexfitter.fcl | |
 VertexFitter_module.cc | |
 VertexHit.cc | |
 VertexHit.h | |
 VertexMonitoringAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the particle visualisation algorithm |
 VertexMonitoringAlgorithm.h | Header file for the particle visualisation algorithm |
 VertexRefinementAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the vertex refinement algorithm class |
 VertexRefinementAlgorithm.h | Header file for the vertex refinement algorithm class |
 VertexSelectionBaseAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the vertex selection base algorithm class |
 VertexSelectionBaseAlgorithm.h | Header file for the vertex selection base algorithm class |
 VertexSplittingAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the vertex splitting algorithm class |
 VertexSplittingAlgorithm.h | Header file for the vertex splitting algorithm class |
 VertexStubTracker_module.cc | |
 VertexWrapper.h | |
 VintageLArTPCThreeView.h | Detector interface for an older-style 3view, horizontal drift, single-phase LArTPC (e.g. MicroBooNE, DUNEFD-HD, PDSP etc) |
 VisualizationAction.cxx | |
 VisualizationAction.h | |
 VisualMonitoringAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the visual monitoring algorithm class |
 VisualMonitoringAlgorithm.h | Header file for the visual monitoring algorithm class |
 VisualParticleMonitoringAlgorithm.cc | Implementation of the particle visualisation algorithm |
 VisualParticleMonitoringAlgorithm.h | Header file for the particle visualisation algorithm |
 vm.cc | |
 vm.h | |
 VolumeDefinitions.cxx | |
 VolumeDefinitions.h | |
 Voronoi.cxx | |
 Voronoi.h | |
 VoronoiDiagram_test.cc | |
 VoronoiPathFinder_tool.cc | Art Tool for comparing clusters and merging those that are consistent |
 WaveformBaseline.cxx | |
 WaveformBaseline.h | |
 WaveformBaseline_test.cc | Unit test for WaveformBaseline.h header |
 WaveformIntegrity_module.cc | |
 WaveformOperations.h | Operations on waveform samples |
 WaveformOperations_test.cc | Unit test for waveform operations |
 WaveformRMS.cxx | A baseline RMS for a waveform |
 WaveformRMS.h | A baseline RMS for a waveform |
 waveformtools_icarus.fcl | |
 WaveformTools_tool.cc | |
 wcls-decode-to-sig-base.fcl | |
 wcls-decode-to-sig.fcl | |
 wcls-multitpc-sim-drift-simchannel-omit-noise.fcl | |
 wcls-multitpc-sim-drift-simchannel.fcl | |
 wcls-sim-drift-simchannel.fcl | |
 wcls-sim.fcl | |
 WCLS_tool.cc | |
 WeakCurrentType.cxx | A C++ type to describe the type of weak current (implementation) |
 WeakCurrentType.h | A C++ type to describe the type of weak current |
 WebDBIConstants.h | |
 WebError.h | Collection of exception classes for WebDBI |
 webevd.cxx | |
 WebEVD.fcl | |
 WebEVD_module.cc | |
 webevdjob_fd.fcl | |
 webevdjob_icarus.fcl | |
 webevdjob_protodune.fcl | |
 webevdjob_sbnd.fcl | |
 webevdjob_vd.fcl | |
 WebEVDServer.cxx | |
 WebEVDServer.h | |
 webreader.fcl | |
 webreader_test.fcl | |
 WebReaderService.h | |
 WebReaderService_service.cc | |
 WebReaderTest_module.cc | |
 Weight_t.h | |
 WeightCalc.cxx | |
 larsim/larsim/EventWeight/Base/WeightCalc.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/SBNEventWeight/Base/WeightCalc.h | |
 larsim/larsim/EventWeight/Base/WeightCalcCreator.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/SBNEventWeight/Base/WeightCalcCreator.cxx | |
 larsim/larsim/EventWeight/Base/WeightCalcCreator.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/SBNEventWeight/Base/WeightCalcCreator.h | |
 larsim/larsim/EventWeight/Base/WeightCalcFactory.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/SBNEventWeight/Base/WeightCalcFactory.cxx | |
 larsim/larsim/EventWeight/Base/WeightCalcFactory.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/SBNEventWeight/Base/WeightCalcFactory.h | |
 WeightedRayTraceBox_tool.cc | |
 larsim/larsim/EventWeight/Base/WeightManager.cxx | |
 sbncode/sbncode/SBNEventWeight/Base/WeightManager.cxx | |
 larsim/larsim/EventWeight/Base/WeightManager.h | |
 sbncode/sbncode/SBNEventWeight/Base/WeightManager.h | |
 wfHitDrawers.fcl | |
 WienerFilterAna_module.cc | |
 WildcardSource.cxx | |
 WildcardSource.h | |
 WindowChannelMap.cxx | Applies sliding window trigger patterns |
 WindowChannelMap.h | Data structure enclosing information for trigger sliding windows |
 WindowPattern.cxx | Defines a (sliding) window trigger pattern (implementation file) |
 WindowPattern.h | Defines a (sliding) window trigger pattern |
 WindowPatternConfig.h | FHiCL configuration structure for icarus::trigger::WindowPattern |
 WindowTopologyAlg.cxx | Assembles the topology of trigger windows (implementation file) |
 WindowTopologyAlg.h | Assembles the topology of trigger windows |
 Wire.cxx | Definition of basic channel signal object |
 Wire.h | Declaration of basic channel signal object |
 Wire_test.cc | Simple test on a recob::Wire object |
 WireAna_module.cc | |
 Deprecated/wirecell_multitpc_detsim_icarus.fcl | |
 wirecell_multitpc_detsim_icarus.fcl | |
 wirecell_multitpc_detsim_icarus_lite.fcl | |
 wirecellmodules.fcl | |
 wirecellmodules_microboone.fcl | |
 WireCellNoiseFilter_module.cc | |
 WireCellToolkit_module.cc | |
 WireCreator.cxx | Helper functions to create a wire - implementation file |
 WireCreator.h | Helper functions to create a wire |
 WireGeo.cxx | Encapsulate the geometry of a wire |
 WireGeo.h | Encapsulate the geometry of a wire |
 withAssociated.h | Functions to add associated data to a collection proxy |
 WithAssociatedStructBase.h | Template class to declare addition of associated data to a proxy |
 withCollectionProxy.h | Creation of a collection proxy as auxiliary data for another proxy |
 withParallelData.h | Interface to add auxiliary data from parallel collections to a proxy |
 WithProxyAsAuxStructBase.h | Infrastructure for a collection proxy as auxiliary data for a proxy |
 withZeroOrOne.h | Interface to add optional associated data to a collection proxy |
 WriteBeamGateInfo_module.cc | Writes a fixed collection of sim::BeamGateInfo |
 icaruscode/icaruscode/PMT/wvfana.fcl | |
 sbndcode/sbndcode/OpDetSim/wvfana.fcl | |
 wvfAna_module.cc | |
 wvfAnaicarus_module.cc | |
 xmlerror.py | |
 zenevd.fcl | |
 zengen.fcl | |
 zip.h | Definition of util::zip() |
 zip_test.cc | Test of util::zip() |