This is the complete list of members for sbnd::TPCGeoAlg, including all inherited members.
CpaWidth() const | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
CrossesApa(const simb::MCParticle &particle) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
CrossesVolume(const simb::MCParticle &particle) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
CrossingPoints(const simb::MCParticle &particle) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
DetectedInTPC(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> hits) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
DriftDirectionFromHits(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> hits) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
EntersVolume(const simb::MCParticle &particle) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
fCpaWidth | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | private |
fGeometryService | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | private |
fMaxX | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | private |
fMaxY | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | private |
fMaxZ | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | private |
fMinX | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | private |
fMinY | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | private |
fMinZ | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | private |
InFiducial(geo::Point_t point, double fiducial) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
InFiducial(geo::Point_t point, double fiducial, double fiducialTop) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
InFiducial(geo::Point_t point, double minXCut, double minYCut, double minZCut, double maxXCut, double maxYCut, double maxZCut) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
InsideTPC(geo::Point_t point, const geo::TPCGeo &tpc, double buffer=0.) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
InVolume(const simb::MCParticle &particle) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
IsContained(const simb::MCParticle &particle) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
MaxX() const | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
MaxY() const | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
MaxZ() const | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
MinDistToWall(geo::Point_t point) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
MinX() const | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
MinY() const | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
MinZ() const | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
TPCGeoAlg() | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
TpcLength(const simb::MCParticle &particle) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
XLimitsFromHits(std::vector< art::Ptr< recob::Hit >> hits) | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg | |
~TPCGeoAlg() | sbnd::TPCGeoAlg |