1 # File: standard_reco2_sbnd.fcl
2 # Purpose: The standard reconstruction workflow for 'reco2', starts at 2D clustering and includes all high level reconstruction
6 # 20200923 (d.brailsford@lancster.ac.uk) [v1.0]
process_name drop raw::OpDetWaveforms_DataApr2016RecoStage1_saturation_ * physics
required by fuzzyCluster table::sbnd_g4_services gaushitTruthMatch caloskimCalorimetry drop raw::OpDetWaveforms_ *_ *_ drop *raw::RawDigits *_ *_ *_ drop sim::OpDetBacktrackerRecords_ *_ *_ drop *_linecluster_ *_ drop *_fasthit_ *_ *physics reco2
standard_singlep gaussian distribution ie ie ie gaussian gaussian gaussian larg4Main stream1
BEGIN_PROLOG sequence::SlidingWindowTriggerPatternsOppositeWindows END_PROLOG process_name