4 #The metadata creation scheme makes a json file as part of the job running. We can't pass the name of the json to the extractor so we will need to assume a json name
5 #The assumed json name is hist_STAGE.root.json
6 #The input file has been uniquely renamed by the time this script is called so we need to use some regex magic (thanks Marc!) to reconstruct the original json name
9 JSONFILE=`echo $INPUTFILE | sed -re
13 #We need to remove the braces at the end of the file as we are going to append more information
14 sed -i
15 #We also need to add a comma to the end of the last line now that we are going to add more line
16 sed -i
'$ s/$/\,/g' $JSONFILE
18 #Add the filename back in
19 sed -i
"\$a \"file_name\": \"$(basename $INPUTFILE)\"," $JSONFILE
22 sed -i
"\$a \"file_size\": \"$FILESIZE\"," $JSONFILE
27 sed -i
"\$a \"checksum\": $CHECKSUM," $JSONFILE
30 #Make sure that the last entry does not have a comma at the end of its line
31 sed -i
'$ s/,//g' $JSONFILE
33 ##re-add the closing brace
34 sed -i
'$a }' $JSONFILE
36 #Dump the json to std::out, needed for metadata_extractor
then echo fcl sbnd_project sbnd_project sbnd_project sbnd_project production production checksum
stream1 can override from command line with o or output services user sbnd