15 # Configure Wire Cell / Larsoft integration layer
17 # The "apps" are the main executing components on the WCT side
19 # Plugins are libraries of WCT components
20 plugins: [
21 # The top-level WCT configuration sequence
22 configs: [
23 # Two-faced input components. Needs to also be mentioned in WCT config.
24 inputers: [
25 # Two-faced output components. Needs to also be mentioned in WCT config.
26 outputers: [
27 # external parameters injected into the WCT configuration
31 output:
process_name drop raw::OpDetWaveforms_DataApr2016RecoStage1_saturation_ * physics
process_name WireCellLarsoft configs
process_name opflashCryo1 flashfilter store opflashCryo1 source inputCommands
BEGIN_PROLOG triggeremu_data_config_icarus settings PMTADCthresholds sequence::icarus_stage0_multiTPC_TPC physics sequence::icarus_stage0_EastHits_TPC physics sequence::icarus_stage0_WestHits_TPC physics producers purityana0 module_type
BEGIN_PROLOG sequence::SlidingWindowTriggerPatternsOppositeWindows END_PROLOG simSlidingORM6O6 effSlidingORW output
process_name keep raw::RawDigits_ *_ *_ * saveMemoryObjectThreshold
physics associatedGroupsWithLeft p1
process_name sequence::icarus_reco_cluster3d physics trigger_paths