ICARUS detector geometry description

Geometry description versions

Breaking changes in geometry: v09_53_02, v09_25_00, v09_18_00, v08_57_00.

Detector geometry description is currently stored in GDML format as a text file in icarusalg/Geometry/gdml directory. The “version” string also comprises a compatibility check: Geometry service will refuse to process an input file generated with a version different from the one configured in the current job (override with services.Geometry.SkipConfigurationCheck: true).

version introduced default file path based on description
icarus_v4 v09_53_02, v09_37_02_09 v09_53_02 icarusalg/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_20220518_overburden.gdml icarus_v3 updated CRT module positions
icarus_v3 v09_25_00   icarusalg/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_20210527_overburden.gdml icarus_v2 closer cryostats, added building details; with concrete overburden
icarus_v3 v09_25_00 v09_25_00 icarusalg/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_20210527_no_overburden.gdml icarus_v2 closer cryostats, added building details; with no concrete overburden
icarus_v2* v09_18_00   icarusalg/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_20210311_rotUV.gdml 20201107 fixed orientation of wires, with concrete overburden
icarus_v2* v09_18_00 v09_18_00 icarusalg/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_20210311_no_overburden_rotUV.gdml 20201107 fixed orientation of wires, with no concrete overburden
20201107** v09_09_01   icarusalg/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_20201107.gdml 20200709 more realistic description of walls, updates to PMT materials, with concrete overburden
20201107** v09_09_01 v09_10_01 icarusalg/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_20201107_no_overburden.gdml 20200709 more realistic description of walls, updates to PMT materials, with no concrete overburden
20200709** v08_57_00   icarusalg/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_20200709.gdml 20200307 fixed overlaps, with concrete overburden
20200709** v08_57_00 v08_57_00 icarusalg/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_20200709_no_overburden.gdml 20200307 fixed overlaps, with no concrete overburden

* Versions v09_18_00 to v09_19_00_01 erroneously still report this geometry as icarus_splitwires. To process files generated with those versions, services.Geometry.Name: icarus_splitwires must be specified in the job configuration

* * The detector name configured for these geometry descriptions is icarus_splitwires.

Note: since icarus_v4 geometry, no-overburden geometry is not provided any more.

Unsupported versions

The following older geometry versions have been dropped from our codebase, and the only way to use them is to retrieve a version of icaruscode where they were still supported (either as main or as legacy options).

name version introduced default removed file path description
20200307 20200307 v08_45_00 v08_50_02 v08_57_00 icaruscode/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_no_overburden.gdml complete geometry, first induction plane wires 9 m, with no concrete overburden
20200307 20200307 v08_44_00   v08_57_00 icaruscode/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete.gdml complete geometry, first induction plane wires 9 m, with concrete overburden
    v08_44_00 v08_44_00   icaruscode/Geometry/gdml/icarus_single_complete_no_overburden.gdml complete geometry, first induction plane wires 18 m, with no concrete overburden
    v08_44_00     icaruscode/Geometry/gdml/icarus_single_complete.gdml complete geometry, first induction plane wires 18 m, with concrete overburden
    v08_44_00   v08_45_00 icaruscode/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_no_overburden.gdml complete geometry, first induction plane wires 9 m, with half concrete overburden (bug)
    v08_41_00   v08_44_00 icaruscode/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_no_overburden.gdml complete geometry, first induction plane wires 18 m, with no concrete overburden
    v08_30_00 v08_30_00 v08_44_00 icaruscode/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete_light.gdml icarus_complete.gdml, “temporary” version with niobium and molybdenum components of steel removed
    v08_41_00 icaruscode/Geometry/gdml/icarus_complete.gdml complete geometry: TPC (first induction plane wires 18 m), PMT, CRT, concrete overburden

In this table, “name” refers to the specific geometry, while “version” is the “detector name” that was assigned to it in LArSoft. All geometry files with the same version are expected to be compatible at LArSoft GeometryCore level, but they may differ either in format or in details besides the cryostat/TPC/plane/wire/PMT/CRT active components.

Note: detector geometry description files have been moved from icaruscode into icarusalg starting with ICARUS software release v09_06_00 (October 2020).

Running standard tets on a a new version of the geometry description

LArSoft provides a geometry test module with a decent coverage for geometry and channel mapping functions. A new version of GDML geometry description or channel mapping software must be tested with it. To run the test in the current geometry, one would run:

lar -c test_geometry_icarus.fcl

after setting up the desired version of icaruscode (e.g. setup icaruscode v09_15_00 -q e19:prof; any qualifier will do). This test is supposed to succeed, or otherwise that geometry/channel mapping would not be the default one! That configuration can be used as a template to test other geometries, or to selectively run tests, or even to enable the thorough ROOT geometry overlap test (which takes many, many minutes to complete).

Selecting a geometry

Configurations using the current default geometry will have to configure the relevant services: the recommended way is:

#include "icarus_geometry.fcl" 

# ...

services: {


  # ...

The configuration file icarusalg/Geometry/geometry_icarus.fcl defines and describes other options (look at the documentation at top of the file).

If a specific geometry is needed in a job configuration that has already configured a different one, the following patterns can be used to select the desired geometry.

Legacy configurations

For some breaking changes, legacy configurations are provided for a while, which help bridging the gap of the breaking change.

The following table describes the bundles available to process samples with a geometry of a specified version. If you are in the situation where you have an input file processed with a different geometry version you will want to add to your configuration a legacy geometry configuration from the table below making sure that icaruscode you are currently using is listed in the availability column. For example, if your simulation_genie_icarus_bnb_v09_09_02.root was generated with icaruscode v09_09_02 (and, according to the paragraph above, with a geometry version icarus_splitwires), you may use icaruscode v09_19_00 and the geometry configuration preset icarus_geometry_services_legacy_icarus_splitwires found in there:

services: {
  @table::services                                           # all existing services are replicated
  @table::icarus_geometry_services_legacy_icarus_splitwires  # overwrite the complete geometry configuration

Versions are listed and explained in the paragraph above.

applies to samples with availability configuration bundle name notes
icarus_v3 v09_53_02 icarus_geometry_services_legacy_icarus_v3 standard configuration (no overburden)
icarus_v2 v09_25_00 icarus_geometry_services_legacy_icarus_v2 standard configuration (no overburden)
    icarus_geometry_services_no_overburden_legacy_icarus_v2 no overburden (same as standard)
    icarus_geometry_services_overburden_legacy_icarus_v2 with 3-m concrete overburden
icarus_splitwires v09_19_02 icarus_geometry_services_legacy_icarus_splitwires standard configuration (no overburden)
    icarus_geometry_services_no_overburden_legacy_icarus_splitwires no overburden (same as standard)
    icarus_geometry_services_overburden_legacy_icarus_splitwires with 3-m concrete overburden

The configuration bundes can be used with the @table:: syntax as described above. Remember that legacy configurations may be retired after a while. In such cases, reverting to a previous icaruscode version is the only way to properly process the legacy samples.

There may also be drop-in configuration files setting up a legacy geometry (and possibly other settings proper for their legacy context). Instructions to use them are provided in the following section. The available drop-in configurations for legacy geometries are:

name introduced removed description
services_compat_icarus_v3.fcl v09_53_02   icarus_v3 default geometry (i.e. no overburden)

Drop-in configurations

Geometry can be selected by including one of the predefined configurations defined in icarusalg/Geometry/geometry_icarus.fcl, which also has documentation on how to do that. For some selected geometry configurations, drop-in FHiCL files are also available which change the geometry of a job configuration into a different one. For example, say you need to run a cosmic ray generation job as defined by prodcorsika_standard_icarus.fcl (fcl/gen/corsika/prodcorsika_standard_icarus.fcl), but with a geometry including the overburden. Your job configuration file can be:

#include "prodcorsika_standard_icarus.fcl" 
#include "use_overburden_geometry_icarus.fcl"

where we have used the drop-in configuration use_overburden_geometry_icarus.fcl (icarusalg/Geometry/use_overburden_geometry_icarus.fcl). [note that there is a prodcorsika_overburden_icarus.fcl for this specific example…]

The available drop-in configurations for geometry options are:

name introduced removed description defaults: v08_52_00
use_overburden_geometry_icarus.fcl v08_52_00 v09_53_02 default geometry with the addition of concrete overburden 9-m first induction plane wires
use_nooverburden_geometry_icarus.fcl v08_52_00 v09_53_02 default geometry but without the concrete overburden 9-m first induction plane wires
use_singlewire_geometry_icarus.fcl v08_52_00 v09_32_01 18-m first induction plane wires geometry with default overburden no overburden
use_singlewire_nooverburden_geometry_icarus.fcl     18-m first induction plane wires without the concrete overburden  
use_singlewire_overburden_geometry_icarus.fcl     18-m first induction plane wires geometry with the concrete overburden  
use_splitwire_geometry_icarus.fcl v08_52_00 v09_53_02 9-m first induction plane wires geometry with default overburden no overburden
use_splitwire_nooverburden_geometry_icarus.fcl     9-m first induction plane wires without the concrete overburden  
use_splitwire_overburden_geometry_icarus.fcl     9-m first induction plane wires geometry with the concrete overburden  

Note: detector geometry description files have been moved from icaruscode into icarusalg starting with ICARUS software release v09_06_00 (October 2020).

Geometry compatibility checks

With LArSoft v09_12_00, Geometry service will perform a consistency check between the input file and the job configuration: the idea is that the geometry configured in the current job must be “compatible” with the one that was used to create the input file. If the check fails, an exception will be thrown like:

%MSG-s ArtException:  PostEndJob 01-Jun-2021 20:59:45 CDT ModuleEndJob
---- EventProcessorFailure BEGIN
  EventProcessor: an exception occurred during current event processing
  ---- Geometry BEGIN
    Geometry used for run run: 5729 is incompatible with the one configured in the job!
    === job configuration ==================================================
    Geometry information version: 2
    Detector name:               'icarus_splitwires'
    Full configuration:
    ChannelMapping: {
      WirelessChannels: {
          CollectionEvenPostChannels: 96
          CollectionEvenPreChannels: 64
          CollectionOddPostChannels: 64
          CollectionOddPreChannels: 96
          FirstInductionPostChannels: 96
          FirstInductionPreChannels: 0
          SecondInductionEvenPostChannels: 64
          SecondInductionEvenPreChannels: 96
          SecondInductionOddPostChannels: 96
          SecondInductionOddPreChannels: 64
      tool_type: "ICARUSsplitInductionChannelMapSetupTool"
    DisableWiresInG4: true
    GDML: "icarus_complete_20201107_no_overburden.gdml"
    Name: "icarus_splitwires"
    ROOT: "icarus_complete_20201107_no_overburden.gdml"
    SurfaceY: 690
    service_type: "Geometry"
    === run configuration ==================================================
    Geometry information version: 2
    Detector name:               'icarus_v2'
    Full configuration:
    ChannelMapping: {
      WirelessChannels: {
          CollectionEvenPostChannels: 96
          CollectionEvenPreChannels: 64
          CollectionOddPostChannels: 64
          CollectionOddPreChannels: 96
          FirstInductionPostChannels: 96
          FirstInductionPreChannels: 0
          SecondInductionEvenPostChannels: 64
          SecondInductionEvenPreChannels: 96
          SecondInductionOddPostChannels: 96
          SecondInductionOddPreChannels: 64
      tool_type: "ICARUSsplitInductionChannelMapSetupTool"
    DisableWiresInG4: true
    GDML: "icarus_complete_20210311_no_overburden_rotUV.gdml"
    Name: "icarus_v2"
    ROOT: "icarus_complete_20210311_no_overburden_rotUV.gdml"
    SurfaceY: 690
    service_type: "Geometry"
  ---- Geometry END
---- EventProcessorFailure END
---- FatalRootError BEGIN
  Fatal Root Error: TTree::SetEntries
  Tree branches have different numbers of entries, eg art::TriggerResults_TriggerResults__Trigger. has 0 entries while EventAuxiliary has 50 entries.
  ROOT severity: 2000
---- FatalRootError END

In this case, a ICARUS data file (from run 5729) had been decoded with a newer version of icaruscode (v09_22_00) which used a geometry with “detector name” icarus_v2. The job producing the message, though, was from icaruscode v09_17_00 and, as such, configured with the geometry named icarus_splitwires. The error message has two exceptions. The first is from Geometry service, informing about the failure of the check, of the Geometry service configuration of the job being run (job configuration) and the one found in the input file (run configuration, referring to the fact that the input file keeps the geometry check information in each art::Run). The second exception is a consequence of the first one and does not contain any relevant information. The strongly recommended solution is to solve the inconsistency. In this case, it may be a request to ICARUS production for reprocessing the data of the run with a more modern icaruscode release or, conversely, to configure the current job to use a legacy geometry or, if at all possible, use an older release of icaruscode (which is, sadly, the safest bet). In case of simulated samples, plain reprocessing is not possible because the very first stage (generation) is already bound to a specific geometry; in that case, new samples should be generated or requested. Only when knowing exactly the implications and consequences, the check should be just bypasssed: in that way, physics results are almost always going to be incorrect.

Where is located everything?

A LArSoft module (analyzer) is available which produces an outline of the location and characteristics of the main elements of the detector: after setting up the desired version of icaruscode (e.g. setup icaruscode v09_15_00 -q e19:prof),

lar -c dump_icarus_geometry.fcl

will create a text file (in icaruscode v09_15_00 it is called ICARUS-geometry.txt) with information about wires, TPC’s, optical detectors, auxiliary detectors (i.e. CRT) etc. in a human-readable form. By changing the configuration (in particular, services.Geometry.ROOT and services.Geometry.GDML parameters), alternative geometries can be dumped.

Another LArSoft module connects all wires and all optical detectors with a channel number:

lar -c dump_icarus_channelmap.fcl

(which in icaruscode v09_15_00 it is called icarus_channelmap.txt).

ICARUS geometry update was described in SBN DocDB 21693 (April 2021).

Access to the Geometry service via Python

It is possible to interact with LArSoft and ICARUS service providers via Python. With a fully set up icaruscode in the working area, the geometry provider (geo::GeometryCore) can be initialized with the standard ICARUS configuration via:

from ICARUSservices import ServiceManager
geom = ServiceManager.get('Geometry')

For example, to get the standard geometry dump the statement print(geom.Info()) can be used. The bridge between the C++ code and Python is provided by cppyy library, which defines also what can be expected to work and what shouldn’t.

Examples are available in a specific wiki page.

Booster Neutrino Beam target and decay pipe

Roughly, the BNB target is about 600 m upstream of the detector, i.e. at ( 0, 0, -60000 ) cm.

TODO people with more exact knowledge feel free to add it here (also mentioning icaruscode version when referring to world coordinates)

Neutrinos from Main Injector target and decay pipe (NuMI)

ICARUS position w.r.t. NuMI coordinates is described in SBN DocDB 22998 (August 2021). Detector position for MC was updated in the icaruscode pull request #230/

Information phased out of this wiki

The following information has been removed from this page; look for it in GIT history if needed.