TITUS Event Display

Specific Wiki for the TITUS event display for ICARUS

TITUS Event Display

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How to Run TITUS on a gpvm machine

  • Note that it is best to use a VNC connection to run TITUS remotely, see the instructions to set that up here
  • Log into a gpvm machine (note: if using VNC make sure the machine you have enabled as above)
  • Navigate to /icarus/app/TITUS
  • source the setup file (setup_TITUS.sh)
  • Launch the event display with the command evd.py -i /path/to/your/decoded/file


  • Find data files at this link
    • Note that this is a protected link, you will need to request access to view the list of runs
  • You can use samweb to locate decode files available on PNFS disks:
    • samweb list-files "run_number=nnnn" where nnnn is the run number being searched for
    • samweb locate-file filename where filename is a decoded file
  • When the display initially opens no drawing objects will have been selected, in the display select “Raw Digit” in the right column to display waveforms.