Developing Validation Tests

Developing Validation Tests

If you want to add to the existing validation tests described here, then this article describes the packages where the validations are defined and some basics about how to create new ones. Like all coding, there is a large element of trial and error to this, but feel free to contact the CI & Valdiation group for help / queries.

Relevant Software Packages

The sbnci Package

  • Can be found here.
  • UPS package that currently depends (optionally) on sbndcode or icaruscode but not both at once in order to avoid dependency clashes.
  • IMPORTANT: you must pass one of two build options to mrb b in order to pick up the experiment specific code. Both options are set to OFF by default. In this case, only the experiment agnostic parts of sbnci are built.
    mrb i -j<number of cores> -DSBND=ON  # build sbnci with sbndcode support
    # or
    mrb i -j<number of cores> -DICARUS=ON # build sbnci with icaruscode support
  • Contains art analyzer modules, ROOT macros, and scripts.
  • There are instances of all of the above for each physics working group: TPC reco, TPC sim/cal, PDS sim/reco, CRT sim/reco
  • Validation analyzer modules process the output of some FHiCL subset of some simulation or reconstruction chain, producing TTree(s)
  • TTrees are processed by ROOT plotting macros to produce a set of reference histograms (TH1) corresponding to the set of metrics defined by each physics working group
  • The histograms are compared to some reference version of the code being tested and the compatibility is quantified with a chi-squared.
  • sbnci/bin contains several convenient scripts for running validation or reference sample production jobs
  • sbnci/sbnci contains three directories: one common area, one SBND specific, and one ICARUS specific
  • There are 3 directories found in sbnci/sbnci/Common: Modules, PlottingScripts, and scripts.
  • The experiment specific directories contain Modules, JobConfigurations, PlottingScripts, thresholds.

The Modules directory contains LArSoft analysis modules for making ROOT TTrees from the simulations, e.g. it currently contains the Shower Validation Module. Whenever possible, these modules should be made experiment agnostic (living in sbnci/Common) through use of FHiCL parameters. These modules should probably move to sbndcode, icaruscode or sbncode at some point down the road.


The PlottingScripts directory contains the Contains ROOT macro (.C) files reading in the .root files from the module outputs and making a .root file containing histograms and separate .png files for each plot to be displayed online. This directory also contains the comparison script CompareDataDistributions.C which has been ported over having been written by Vito Di Benedetto for the DUNE CI validation.


The scripts directory contains the .sh scripts used to run the plotting macros in PlottingScripts, setup the appropriate reference files and run the comparison script. These can usually be made experiement agnostic so live in sbnci/Common.


The thresholds directory contains the .txt files with chi-squared thresholds for the plot comparisons in each validation. Each plot is given two thresholds, this defines “good”, “okay” and “bad” agreement. These scales are also used to colour code the chi-squared tables and the plots on the CI dashboard.

The lar_ci Package

  • The lar_ci package is written by Vito Di Benedetto for running all of the LAr experiment CI’s at Fermilab, it can be found here.
  • The main part of lar_ci that we need to be aware of for the CI validation is lar_ci/cfg, this directory holds all of the config files that tell the CI which files to run and which settings to use.

Updating the CI validation.

Updating the CI validation to include a new set of validation plots requires updating both sbnci and lar_ci.

Updates to sbnci
  • The first update will be to include the LArSoft analysis modules inside sbnci/sbnci/Modules. As sbnci depends on sbndcode (and icaruscode in the future) regular LArSoft analysis modules can be used and run here.
  • You will need to provide a prolog-type fcl in the same folder as your new module to define a relevant table of fcl parameters. You should also provide a job fcl in the JobConfigurations folder which can be used to run your module.
  • Next a new ROOT macro will be needed in sbnci/sbnci/PlottingScripts. The file sbnciplot_showervalidation.C can be used as an example, the structure of the file should match with the ROOT plots saved inside gDirectories. The output file should always have the name ci_validation_histos.root for the comparison script to work. The validation output files from different CI modules are all kept in separate directories so they won’t get confused.
  • Lastly a new bash script should be created inside the sbnci/sbnci/scripts to drive the validation steps. The script can be used as an example for this. It should provide with the desired Root macro from sbnci/sbnci/PlottingScripts and the input file which is passed into as the first argument, this is set in the lar_ci config file.
Updates to lar_ci
  • The change required in the lar_ci package is to create a new config file for the new validation workflow, this should be located inside lar_ci/cfg. A good example to use here is grid_workflow_sbnd_mc_reco_all.cfg, note this workflow also details how to use multiple analysis modules in the same workflow.
  • There are a lot of parameters to set in the config file
    • validation_process and validation_tag provide a name for your validation workflow
    • validation_function provides the name of the validation script (from sbnci/scripts) followed (just a comma inbetween, no gaps) by the name of the input file (this needs to match the output of your [mergeana] stage later on, i.e. the tree file
    • You can have multiple validation_functionX parameters (X=1,2,3…), you will need a name for each in front of the script name deliminated by a # symbol
    • The ci_extra_vars_X parameters allow you to define the enviroment variables needed later. This includes the reference version, the location of reference histogram file(s) and the location of the threshold file.
    • The desired simulation chain can be set in the [sim] and [reco] sections. The [reco] section should also include the fcl to be used to run the analysis module (e.g. allrecovalidation_job_sbnd.fcl). The files do not have to be simulated from scratch, a SAM definition can be used with the input_defname tag.
    • Make sure (particularly with multiple validations) that you get the formatting of output_to_transfer in the final stage correct to get all of the histogram files correctly transferred.
    • Note if you want to test your new workflow with the trigger command you will need to specify the feature branch that you’re working on using the --version tag e.g. --version feature/hlay_automated_samples

For more info check out the lar_ci wiki. For help with importing a new module/workflow feel free to contact me and I’ll do my best to answer any questions!

Available Input Samples

Currently the CI Validation group maintains the following samples for use as input to validation workflows:

Sample Contains Available from
BNB + IntrNuE Mix 5k BNB nu events + 5k BNB intrnue events g4, detsim
BNB w/ Cosmics 1k BNB nu events with cosmic overlay g4, detsim

If your validation would require a new sample speak to the CI & Validation group and we’d be happy to help!