Logfiles in ICARUS
Run records
holds FHiCL configuration for each run. The files are processed with fhicl_dump
, so all included files are merged, comments are limited to one line preceding the parameter, and the line of the parameter.
is the main partition for the daq logfiles. There are many types of logs, as explained below.
Event Builders, Board Readers, Dispatcher
EventBuilder logs are stored in /daq/log
subdirectories with name as:
where the name refers to the EventBuilder number, machine, and the process number. The files in these subdirectories include a timestamp, but not a run number, as they are created before the run number is assigned.
When the run number is assigned, artdaq creates symlinks in a directory /daq/log/eventbuilder
which include run number in their names.
Logfiles for Board Readers are written in subdirectories including the specific boardreader name, e.g.
and all symlinks are created in /daq/log/boardreader
Dispatcher logs are saved in a similar way.
Process Management Tool
Additional artdaq logfiles from each machine are stored in a directory with a bit confusing name /daq/log/pmt
including both files marked with timestamps, and symlinks which include the run numbers.
PMT logs include FragmentWatcher messages.
A single file with logs from DAQInterface is in: /daq/log/DAQInterface_partition1.log
. This is a file to check if a run crashes before starts. It also includes timestamps of run start and stop.
The file is backed up daily. In order to access the backup, one should file a ticket. In case of emergency one could request SLAM be paged.
File Transfer Service
Logs for Xporter, FTS and File Cleanup are stored in /daq/log/fts_logs
Metrics stored in /daq/log/metrics
, and grafana logs in /daq/log/grafana/
Logs management
Disk space analysis
One can find disk space usage by various components with the following command:
for x in $(ls /daq/log | sed 's/[0-9].*//' | sed 's/icaruspmt.*/icaruspmt/' | sed 's/icarustpc.*/icarustpc/' | uniq); do echo $(du -csh /daq/log/${x}* |grep total) ${x}; done |sort -h
And details of the /daq/log/pmt
for x in $(ls /daq/log/pmt | sed 's/[0-9].*//' | uniq); do echo $(du -csh /daq/log/pmt/${x}* |grep total) ${x}; done |sort -h
Removing old logfiles
Old files are removed automatically with a script:
run with a crontab set up on icarus-evb06
. In case of emergency, old log files can be removed manually. Example commands are listed below.
The following example command removes all TPC boardreader logs older than 30 days:
find /daq/log/icarustpc* -ctime +30 -type f -exec rm {} \;
Similarly, TPC logs in pmt directory older than 30 days can be removed with:
find /daq/log/pmt/launch_attempt_icarus-tpc* -ctime +30 -type f -exec rm {} \;
After deleting the files, no longer active symlinks can removed:
find /daq/log/. -xtype l -delete
And finally, empty directories:
find /daq/log/. -type d -exec rmdir {} \;