Logfiles in ICARUS

Logfiles in ICARUS

Run records

/daq/run_records holds FHiCL configuration for each run. The files are processed with fhicl_dump, so all included files are merged, comments are limited to one line preceding the parameter, and the line of the parameter.


/daq/log is the main partition for the daq logfiles. There are many types of logs, as explained below.

Event Builders, Board Readers, Dispatcher

EventBuilder logs are stored in /daq/log subdirectories with name as:


where the name refers to the EventBuilder number, machine, and the process number. The files in these subdirectories include a timestamp, but not a run number, as they are created before the run number is assigned.

When the run number is assigned, artdaq creates symlinks in a directory /daq/log/eventbuilder which include run number in their names.

Logfiles for Board Readers are written in subdirectories including the specific boardreader name, e.g.


and all symlinks are created in /daq/log/boardreader.

Dispatcher logs are saved in a similar way.

Process Management Tool

Additional artdaq logfiles from each machine are stored in a directory with a bit confusing name /daq/log/pmt including both files marked with timestamps, and symlinks which include the run numbers.

PMT logs include FragmentWatcher messages.


A single file with logs from DAQInterface is in: /daq/log/DAQInterface_partition1.log. This is a file to check if a run crashes before starts. It also includes timestamps of run start and stop.

The file is backed up daily. In order to access the backup, one should file a ticket. In case of emergency one could request SLAM be paged.

File Transfer Service

Logs for Xporter, FTS and File Cleanup are stored in /daq/log/fts_logs.


Metrics stored in /daq/log/metrics, and grafana logs in /daq/log/grafana/.

Logs management

Disk space analysis

One can find disk space usage by various components with the following command:

for x in $(ls /daq/log | sed 's/[0-9].*//' | sed 's/icaruspmt.*/icaruspmt/' | sed 's/icarustpc.*/icarustpc/' | uniq); do echo $(du -csh /daq/log/${x}* |grep total) ${x}; done |sort -h

And details of the /daq/log/pmt:

for x in $(ls /daq/log/pmt | sed 's/[0-9].*//' | uniq); do echo $(du -csh /daq/log/pmt/${x}* |grep total) ${x}; done |sort -h

Removing old logfiles

Old files are removed automatically with a script: ~icarus/FileTransfer/sbndaq-xporter/Xporter/removeOldLogFiles.sh run with a crontab set up on icarus-evb06. In case of emergency, old log files can be removed manually. Example commands are listed below.

The following example command removes all TPC boardreader logs older than 30 days:

find /daq/log/icarustpc* -ctime +30 -type f -exec rm {} \;

Similarly, TPC logs in pmt directory older than 30 days can be removed with:

find /daq/log/pmt/launch_attempt_icarus-tpc* -ctime +30 -type f -exec rm {} \;

After deleting the files, no longer active symlinks can removed:

find /daq/log/. -xtype l -delete

And finally, empty directories:

find /daq/log/. -type d -exec rmdir {} \;