How to Edit Minargon Website

Minargon Website Minargon Github

Setup Every Time

Log into gpvm then gateway then evb with local forwarding:

ssh -KYXL localhost:5002:localhost:5002
ssh -KXYL localhost:5002:localhost:5002
ssh -KXYL localhost:5002:localhost:5002

If you do not yet have a local development area, see Create a local development area If you do have a local development area, then:

Create a local development area

Instructions in the readme of the minargon github On gateway or evb machine:

mkdir dev_minargon_tutorial from home area git clone clone github repository for the website python3 -m venv env: Create python virtual environment in sbndaq-minargon folder . env/bin/activate: Activate the virtual environment pip install --upgrade pip upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt install necessary python packages git pull origin sbnd-deploy pull down the current SBND deploy version as a starting point cp /home/nfs/munjung/dev_minargon/sbndaq-minargon/settings.conf ./: Copy over Moon’s settings configuration file

If not all dependencies are present: pip install elasticsearch dependency in the current deploy version which is not listed in requirements.txt pip install Pillow for the timeseries view.

8/5/24: pip install Requirements + matplotlib + elasticsearch

Viewing the Website

In your development area, . env/bin/activate: Activate the python virtual environment. Make sure that the port in is the same as the local forwarding port (Make sure you have the right settings.conf file in sbndaq-minargon ) From sbndaq-minargon folder, run

export MINARGON_SETTINGS=`pwd`/settings.conf

In a browser, go to URL given by running ./

Editing the Website

First, pull down the changes in the deploy version: git pull origin sbnd-deploy


Contains python scripts. In particular, is the relevant python script that creates what we see in the website.

In lines @app.route(<url>), these define the parameters to create different webpages


Contains HTML scripts layout.html contains the headings, dropdown items, etc for the header on each page. introduction.html is the introductory page of the website.