Online Data Management
The File Transfer System (FTS) is managed by the Online Data Managment processes. The Online Data Management:
- manages the files created by the DAQ
- creates metadata for files that will later be processed by the offline
- transfers those files off of the DAQ cluster. The Online Data Management script are in the following repository:
Flow of fully-built events in DAQ
About Event Builders:
- Output modules is a specialized RootOutput module that clears disk cache –> improve write performance
- CompressionLevel: 501 → LZ4, compression level 1
- Reduces file size factor of ~3-4; final size ~150 MB per event
- 50 events per file → 7.6 GB files
- In the 1-10 GB range preferred for tape storage
- Number and location of EventBuilders specified in
configuration file - EventBuilders get events ‘round-robin → if n EventBuilders, event j goes to (j%n )th EventBuilder
- Each icarus-evb server has 23 TB of RAID-backed disk
- Across 6 servers, that’s enough for over 900K events, or ~250 hours of data at 1 Hz trigger rate
File names
For example: data_dl24_fstrmOffBeamBNBMINBIAS_run9093_160_20221110T113956.root, where:
- dl –> Data Logger
- fstrmOffBeamBNBMINBIAS –> file stream name
- run9093 –> run number
- 160 –> nth file from this EVB for this run
- 20221110T113956 –> file open timestamp
What happens to files
- EventBuilder writes file to /data/daq area
- When closed, file is renamed according to the naming convention described above
- process kicks in (icarus user):
- Looks for completed files (by name) in /data/daq
- Moves file from /data/daq to /data/fts_dropbox
- Generates JSON metadata file in /data/fts_dropbox
- FTS process process kicks in (icarusraw user):
- Looks for files (by name) and matching JSON file
- Declares file to SAM (Serial Access to Metadata)
- Copies file to tape-backed dCache area
- Files are removed from Online cluster when verified tape location
- There is a cron job xporter_crontab.ctab that runs the xporter process That cron job starts a new one job every minute.
- The job should check to see if there is a lock file to see if another one is running. If so, it should say so in the log file, and exit. There are actually two checks for this: one in the script directly run by cron, and another in the python code itself. Which means … you can get ‘in progress/do not run’ messages in the log file while there still is an xporter process running. That’s by design.
- Perhaps it’s not wise to have two processes writing to the same log file?
- The ongoing xporter process will drift in and out of D state as it runs. I think this is normal. I think that one should not assume if you see the process in D state that it is dead.
- Xporter needs to communicate with both UconDB DB (postgres) and MongoDB to run
- What Xporter does:
- First moves the files
- Then tries to make metadata and write to JSON file:
- queries RunHistory DB to grab configuration name/information
- looks into root file for number of events, parses the file name for run number, what data stream (used for file families) and calculates a checksum used for transfers
- Example of metadata file: { “file_size”: 5850482, “file_name”: “data_dl7_fstrmOffBeamBNBMAJORITY_run9093_1_20221109T204532.root”, “file_type”: “data”, “file_format”: “artroot”, “data_tier”: “raw”, “sbn_dm.detector”: “sbn_fd”, “data_stream”: “offbeambnbmajority”, “runs”: [[9093, “physics”]], “sbn_dm.file_year”: 2022, “sbn_dm.file_month”: 11, “sbn_dm.file_day”: 10, “checksum”: [“enstore:3856015800”], “icarus_project.version”: “v1_04_00”, “”: “icarus_daq_v1_04_00”, “”: “Calibration_MINBIAS_BNB_Thr400_Majority10_FixedWindow_4Hz_00002”, “icarus_project.stage”: “daq”, “sbn_dm.beam_type”: “BNB”, “sbn_dm.event_count”:0 }
File Transfer System
- Link:
- FTS is setup to look for files + metadata file in a “dropbox”, and then transfer them according to rules in configuration files. Configs for ICARUS
- It runs as a daemon → don’t need to put in crontab
- FTS_config has setup/start/stop/restart scripts
- Run as icarusraw user
- Linked to offline production certificates
- Logs for all online DM are located in /daq/logs/fts_logs
- File deletion:
- Files are safe once they are transferred to dCache (Marked as ‘precious’ so they will not be rejected from Pool if Pool is full)
- However, for extra safety we wait until we have a confirmed location on tape
- FTS will do this check, but sometimes lookup to SAM DB can be particularly slow
- An additional script runs in icarus crontab twice a day to try to do this faster. This script can also be called with an option ONLINE
, which will make it delete files which are copied to dCache, without requirement of them to be copied to the tape. This is to be used only when the local disks are overfilling during high data rate tests.
- Monitoring page:
- Files declared → declared to SAM (not yet transferred)
- Data transferred → data FTS knows it moved
- In progress will show new, pending (for transfer), waiting for tape (what it sounds like)
- “Failures” usually due to waiting for tape for more than 4 days
Evb machines disks overfilling
- Usually we notice problems if /data starts getting full
- Check if Xporter or FTS logs have errors. For example:
- Xporter → usually can’t make metadata, e.g. can’t connect to RunHistory DB or weird file name
- FTS → usually has problem with metadata or CRL certificates need refresh: metadata keys and some values, like data_tier and data_stream, must be registered in SAM → talk to offline production! For certificates: systemctl status fetch-crl-cron … if dead,needs restart (as root). Can also run by hand: fetch-crl
- if you need to restart the FTS service, run the following script: ~icarus/FileTransfer/sbndaq-xporter/FTS_config/ on one of the eventbuilder machines. This should restart the FTS system.
- Talk to offline!
- Maybe some massive problem with tape … if files don’t get locations on tape, then they won’t be removed from online cluster
- Check if Xporter or FTS logs have errors. For example:
Failed transfers
Occasionally (several times per year), the file transfer fails. This is normally detected by the storage team, who verifies the control sums.
If the corruption is detected soon enough, the file might be still in dropbox on the Evb machine. In such case, it needs to be copied again, manually.
If the original file cannot be found, which is likely to happen during the long calibration periods (e.g. during the beam off season), when the rules to delete local copies are relaxed, the corrupted file can be deleted. When removing with rm
one must use the following path
with ifdh rm
either of the following paths should work:
Then, the file needs to be retired from samweb too:
samweb -e icarus remove-file-location <filename> /pnfs/icarus/archive/<...path...>
samweb -e icarus retire-file <filename>
The following page provides overview of FTS from all Event Builder Machines:
FTS status
Tunnel required:
ssh -KL 8787:localhost:8787 -J
Provides more details for a single EVB, in particular status of individual files. It also allows to attempt to clear errors with “retry” buttons.
Pool Manager
Requires VPN, or web browser certificate
Provides information on status of the usage of the IcarusReadWritePools space.
SBN docdb 27829 (ICARUS data handling observations, Sep 12, 2022)