If you need to import run history records from /daq/run_records/ into ArtdaqDB, you may follow the procedure, as described below.

Note: importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh imports run history records that exist in /daq/run_records/ but have not yet been imported into ArtdaqDB. The current (last) run is excluded from import. It is safe to run importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh repeatedly.

  • Check out the latest sbndaq project code into your MRB area, run a build, followed by the mrb -i; mrbslp command that installs database tools into the $SBNDAQ_DIR/configDB_tools directory.

  • Review $HOME/.artdaq_database_tools.env or create a new one if required. Ask Wes or Gennadiy to send you a working copy of .artdaq_database_tools.env.

  • Setup the sbndaq product from the $MRB_TOP/localProducts_* directory and confirm that the importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh script will execute from $MRB_TOP/localProducts_* by running the which importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh command.

ups list -aK+ sbndaq -z $MRB_TOP/localProducts_*
#$ "sbndaq" "v1_00_01" "Linux64bit+3.10-2.17" "e20:prof:s112" ""
setup "sbndaq" "v1_00_01" -q "e20:prof:s112"
which importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh
#$ ~/DAQ_DevAreas/DAQ_23Nov2021GAL/localProducts_sbndaq_v1_00_01_e20_prof_s112/sbndaq/v1_00_01/configDB_tools/importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh
  • Run importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh.
$ importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh
  • Check the output for errors.
$ importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh

Wed Dec  1 14:26:36 CST 2021: DAQInterface in partition 999 launched and now in "stopped" state, listening on port 6659
Run 826
Attempting to save config info to the database...b'BULKLOADER is running on sbnd-gateway02 and ARTDAQ_DATABASE_URI=mongodb://sbnd-db01.example.com:28058,sbnd-db02.example.com:28058,mongodb-p02.example.com:27018/sbnd_db_archive?replicaSet=sbnddaqprd\nLoaded 10 files with 8 threads in 162 msecs.\nAvarage file load time is 129 msecs.'
Archived ('SystemLayout', 'schema', './schema.fcl')
Archived ('RunHistory', 'tpc01', './826/tpc01.fcl')
Archived ('RunHistory', 'ptb01', './826/ptb01.fcl')
Archived ('RunHistory', 'EventBuilder1', './826/EventBuilder1.fcl')
Archived ('RunHistory', 'Dispatcher1', './826/Dispatcher1.fcl')
Archived ('RunHistory', 'metadata', './826/metadata.fcl')
Archived ('RunHistory', 'boot', './826/boot.fcl')
Archived ('RunHistory', 'known_boardreaders_list', './826/known_boardreaders_list.fcl')
Archived ('RunHistory', 'DataflowConfiguration', './826/DataflowConfiguration.fcl')
Archived ('RunHistory', 'RunHistory', './826/RunHistory.fcl')
done (0.4 seconds).
Attempting to save config info to the database...done (0.2 seconds).
$ importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh

Wed Dec  1 14:29:48 CST 2021: DAQInterface in partition 999 launched and now in "stopped" state, listening on port 6659

Note: Run 826 was imported into ArtdaqDB with the first execution of importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh, and the second execution did nothing since the database was up to date. It is safe to run importRunHistory2ArtdaqDB.sh repeatedly.