How to Push the Minargon Website

  1. Switch to my dev branch e.g. git checkout feature/mking_crt
  2. Verify that all changes work on local branch
  3. Commit changes to all files EXCEPT:
    2. settings.conf
  4. Pull down the deploy version and resolve conflicts
    1. git pull origin sbnd-deploy (here, the origin is
    2. Resolve any changes, make sure to copy back over the correct settings.conf appropriate to your local version:
      1. cp /home/nfs/munjung/dev_minargon/sbndaq-minargon/settings.conf ./
      2. export MINARGON_SETTINGS=pwd/settings.conf
  5. Push your feature branch
    1. git push origin feature/mking_crt
    2. or git push origin HEAD:feature/mking_crt
  6. Pull request merge your feature branch with sbnd-dev-deploy
  7. On the gpvm,
    1. cd /web/sites/s/
    2. git pull origin sbnd-dev-deploy
    3. cd ../
    4. touch minargon.wsgi
  8. Check for your changes
  9. Pull request sbnd-dev-deploy with sbnd-deploy
  10. On the gpvm,
    1. cd /web/sites/s/
    2. git pull sbn sbnd-deploy
    3. touch minargon.wsgi
  11. Check for your changes