SBN DAQ Software Wiki


Instructions can be found here.


This largely follows the workflow layed out in the offline release management instructions.

Prepare the release

  1. First build/test locally by setting up a local dev area. If you’re doing this from an offline machine with access to cvmfs, you can use the sbnbuild/SBN/ script (provide target version and quals as first and second argument).
  2. Pull down sbndqm: mrb g sbndqm. If you need to make changes to sbndaq_online, then also do mrb g sbndaq_online.
  3. In each repo, perform a gitflow init. Use main as the ‘production’ branch, but use defaults for all the rest of the prompts.
  4. In each repo, do git flow release start vXX_YY_ZZ where vXX_YY_ZZ is the new version number for this package. This will create a release/vXX_YY_ZZ in this repo based on develop.
  5. Merge any needed additional PRs, and edit ups/product_deps appropriately to have the new version number and updated dependencies as needed. Build locally and make sure everything builds ok.
  6. Commit all changes and push the release branch(es) to the origin git push origin release/vXX_YY_ZZ for all the needed repos.

Run build on Jenkins.

  1. Login to (need to be on VNC and need to have certificate added), and go to the “sbn” tab.
  2. Click on “sbndqm-release-build” (or just go here:
  3. Click on “Build with Parameters” on the left, and modify the parameters as needed:
    • “SBNDQM_VERSION” should be the version number of sbndqm you are building.
    • “SBNDQM”,”SBNDAQ_ONLINE” are the tags/branches/commits within those repositories that you want to build. If using the above this would be the appropriate release/vXX_YY_ZZ branch for that repository.
  4. Click the “Build” button, and make sure all build configs are successful. If one or more is unsuccessful, investigate by looking at the console output via jenkins webpage. Make updates in the code as necessary (in your local area), and commit/push them back up to the repo.

Finalize the tag.

  1. In your testing area, in each repo do git flow release finish. Make sure to include a message for the tag.
  2. Do git push origin main develop --tags to push up the changes to main, develop, and the new tag.

Distribute software.


Fetch results of Jenkins from both e20 and c7 builds by calling source SBN/ from the parent sbnbuild area.


  1. Login to CVMFS: ssh
  2. Start a server transaction: cvmfs_server transaction
  3. Install the new software into cvmfs: ~/sbnbuild/CVMFS/ sbndqm-XX.YY.ZZ where XX.YY.ZZ is the sbndqm version number (note dots instead of underscores!)
  4. Publish the changes with a message and a tag: cvmfs_server publish -m "Published sbndqm XX.YY.ZZ" -a sbndqm.XX.YY.ZZ

sbndaq_artdaq_core for offline

Contributing to this wiki

The content of this wiki is tracked in a GitHub repository SBNSoftware/ under the sbndaq_wiki subdirectory. Some details using this particular theme can be found here.