SBN White Rabbit Timing Systems h1. White Rabbit System
1) WR installation at Fermilab for the SBN program
This figure illustrates the final deployment of WR Network at Fermilab for the SBN program
2) WR installation at beam locations: BNB (MI-12) and NuMI (MI-60)
A WR node ( Linux server ) has been deployed at each of the two beam locations. Each server mounts a SPEC/DIO card with the function of broadcasting the beam signals onto the WR Network.
The server name at MI-12 is : The server name at MI-60 is :
These servers are behind the AD Network firewall. They are reachable ONLY by logging onto the AD gateway node To be able to login on those nodes a user needs an account on At the moment ONLY SLAM group members (who manage those WR servers) AND afava, badgett and torretta have an account on outland.
Fig 2a shows the SPEC/DIO card installed in the server at MI-12. The LEMO input cables carry the following beam signals: the LEMO cable in DIO input 5 ( software Channel 4) is the “gatedBES” signal which provides the BNB early warning ; the cable in DIO input 2 ( software channel 1) is the $1D ; the cable in DIO input channel 4 (software channel 3) is the BNB RWM.
Fig 2b shows the SPEC/DIO card installed in the server at MI-60. The beam signals cables entering the DIO are: MIBS $74 in DIO input 5 (software channel 4) which is the MI to NuMI extraction signal ; $AE in DIO input 2 (software channel 1) which is the equivalent of the BNB $1D.
See point 5) below to see the current beam signals implementation at MI12 and MI60.
3) WR installation at ICARUS
AT ICARUS we have two WR nodes: a) a Linux server, icarus-daq02, with a SPEC/DIO card. The server is installed in the Timing rack on the West Mezzanine Alcove #1.
b) a SPEXI /DIO card pair mounted inside the national Instrument (NI) crate installed in the Trigger rack on the East Mezzanine.
4) For {color:Green}CURRENT STATUS of WR hardware installation at various LAB locations and spares see here: [[Hardware installation/availability]]
h2. How to synchronize a SPEC/DIO in the WR network
Read here [[Setup SPEC/DIO in WR network]] for how to synchronize a SPEC/DIO.
When the DIO is synchronized, then you can use it to broadcast signals on the WR network (see next section)
4) How to send/receive beam signals on the WR network
At both sending and receiving nodes we use software developed by the CERN WR group and provided by the vendor , in our case SevenSolutions, Granada, Spain ( web: ). See this page [[ How to send and receive beam signals on the WR network]] for instructions.
5) Current Beam signals settings at MI-12 and MI-60 (as Feb 22,2021) See this page [[ Current beam signals settings ]] for details
6) How to setup a WR switch and nodes See here [[ How to setup a WR switch and nodes ]] for info.
7) Troubleshooting See this page [[ Troubleshooting ]] for info
APPENDIX: find here various technical information on WR hardware and installation and tests performed at DAB test stands (2017)
- [[White Rabbit]] ** [[White Rabbit]] device driver and software installation ** [[SPEC Cards]] Configuration ** [[SPEC DIO]] How to set up *** [[ DIO test (2017)]] timeline of DIO tests sbnd-daq25 ** [[SPEC TDC]] How to setup the TDC and run ~tools programs ** [[SPEC Fine-Delay]] How to setup the FineDelay and run ~tools programs