ICARUS TPC Vertical Slice Test

ICARUS TPC Vertical Slice Test

Current instructions

1. Log in the gateway machine as the icarus user

ssh -Y icarus@icarus-gateway01.fnal.gov

2. You may have to kinit it here, and then log into the vst01 machine,

ssh -Y icarus-vst01

3. Set up the environment and the DAQ packages,

source /software/products/setup
setup sbndaq v0_01_05_sbnfd_vst -q e15:prof

4. Run the VST DAQ by doing:

 RUN_ICARUS_TPC_VST.sh <run_number> <events_to_run> <file_descriptor> 

The script takes three arguments:

  1. the run number, which will get included in the file name and in the data
  2. the number of events to run for the DAQ stops automatically
  3. a "file_descriptor" string which gets added to the name of the file. It should be something about what crate is being read out and simple test conditions

Data is written to /home/nfs/icarus/VST_Data: you can look there to see what the last run number used was, or check the ECL.

5. DAQ should stop when the desired number of events are acquired. Check if there is a remaining art process by


If there is one, do

kill -9 <PID>

6. To analyze the data, go to


There are two analysis modules that can be run: one to make the waveform histograms (most useful with the "pulsed" data), and one to do a waveform analysis.

art -c MakeWaveforms.fcl -s <input file> 

art -c AnalyzeWaveforms.fcl -s <input file> 

Note that the output file names and number of events to process have defaults set, but they can be overridden from the command line with the -n and -T options respectively.

There are two sets of macros setup to look at the data.

The first involves just simple ROOT macros that can be run in the usual way:

Start ROOT and do:

.L plot_Waveforms.C; plot_Waveforms("wvfm_view_file_name.root")

to make a 2D event display from the first event for all 9 boards (with the output form the MakeWaveforms.fcl analysis).

Or, do\

.L Events_display.C; Events_display("wvfm_view_file_name.root")

for the same thing with the added feature of double-clicking on the canvas for moving to the following events. This is available for the time being for the first 31 events of the output form the MakeWaveforms.fcl analysis.

Or, do\

.L plot_single_Waveforms.C; plot_single_Waveforms("wvfm_view_file_name.root")

to make a plot of the waveform of wire 21 of the first event for all 9 boards (with the output form the MakeWaveforms.fcl analysis).

Or, do\

.L plot_WaveformAna.C; plot_WaveformAna("wvfm_ana_file_name.root")

to make plots of the pedestal, rms, and max pulse height (above pedestal) (with the output from the AnalyzeWaveforms.fcl analysis).

The second set involves running from a jupyter notebook in an interactive session. To do this, it's recommended to login with port forwarding setup and from a fresh terminal do some setup:\

ssh -L 8890:localhost:8890 icarus@icarus-gateway01.fnal.gov
cd VST_Analysis
source /software/products/setup
setup sbndaq v0_01_05_sbnfd_vst -q e15:prof
source setup_user_python.sh

(you may pick a different port: it's recommended to use the same both locally and on the gateway machine.)

When that is finished, start the jupyter notebook session:

jupyter notebook --port 8890 --no-browser

Note/copy the link on localhost that the notebook is running at, and open it in your own browser (it should work if the port forwarding is configured appropriately).

Then, you can open/modify/run the following macros:

  • Plot_PedestalAndRMS.ipynb
  • Plot_MaxMinAmplitude.ipynb
  • Plot_Waveforms.ipynb

Note the input filename should be set/changed near the top of the notebook. To clear/restart/run the notebook, click on the "Kernel" option in the menu at the top, and then select "Restart and Run All".

Older instructions (before April 5 2019)

1. Log in the gateway machine

ssh -Y <your account>@icarus-gateway01.fnal.gov

2. You may have to kinit it here, and then log into the vst01 machine,

ssh -Y icarus-vst01

3. Set up the environment and the DAQ packages,

source /software/products/setup
setup sbndaq v0_01_05 -q e15:prof

4. You need the master fcl file to drive DAQ. Copy the fcl file at


and change

run_number: 1


outputs.rootout.fileName: "run002_%#.root"

according to your run number.

5. Now start data taking,

artdaqDriver -c PhysCrate_Data_driver.fcl

6. DAQ should stop when the desired number of events are acquired. Check if there is a remaining art process by


If there is one, do

kill -9 <PID>

7. Decode the raw data: The fcl file can be found here


After you have the fcl, run

art -c viewWaveform.fcl -s <input file> -T <output file>

Now you should see a bunch of 2D histograms in the output ROOT file. Those are the waveforms!