Installation instructions


Note that we have a new wiki, and updated instructions, at

  • Table of contents
  • [(Old) Installation instructions]
    • [Summary Install Script]
    • [How to update your development area when a new release is available]
  • [Installation on a remote server]

(Old) Installation instructions

This will be filled out in more detail with time, but for the moment this should get one started:

1. Login to the desired machine using your own account.\

ssh, or

2. Setup the common artdaq products area. For the DAB teststand, this is currently:\

source /daq/software/products/setup
source /daq/software/products_dev/setup

3. Setup the version of sbndaq we are based. To see a list of the different available versions, use\

ups list -aK+ sbndaq 

It's recommended you use the latest available version with e19:prof:py2:s94 as the option. Then, to set up, use:\

setup sbndaq v#_##_## -qe19:prof:py2:s94

Note, if you must, you can use the 'icarus' or 'sbnd' qualifiers.

If you just want to run, that's it!

But, if you need to build/install, then continue with setting up an MRB area:

4. Setup necessary environment variable and create the mrb area in a new directory of your choosing:\

setup mrb
mkdir <your_working_area>
cd <your_working_area>
export MRB_PROJECT=sbndaq
export my_sbndaq_version=$(echo  $SETUP_SBNDAQ |cut -d " " -f 2)
export my_sbndaq_quals=$(echo  $SETUP_SBNDAQ |cut -d " " -f 8)
echo sbndaq version: $my_sbndaq_version
echo sbndaq qualifiers: $my_sbndaq_quals
mrb newDev  -q $my_sbndaq_quals -v $my_sbndaq_version
source localProducts_*/setup

5. Pull down and build the necessary repositories using mrb like so:\

mrb g -d <repo_name_with_underscore> ssh://<repo-name-with-dashes>

Note: This will pull from the HEAD of the develop branch and any changes that may have been pushed since the last tag (v#_##_##) was created. Alternatively, if you want to build the tagged, working version that was set up in the previous steps, directly:\

mrb g -t <desired tag version *e.g.* v0_05_01> -d <repo_name_with_underscore> ssh://<repo-name-with-dashes>.git

If you're not sure what tags are needed for the various repos you can do a quick check:\

ups active | grep <repo_name_with_underscore>

Repository names right now are:\


To build, do\

mrb i -j8

6. To rebuild, you will often only need to do:\

make -j8 install

But, if you add another repository to your srcs area, it's usually best to rebuild everything:\

mrb z
mrb i -j32

7. There's often a bug to put put things into the write-access repository. In the appropriate srcs areas, you can do these:\

git remote set-url origin ssh:// 
git remote set-url origin ssh:// 
git remote set-url origin ssh:// 

Summary Install Script

Put the commands that never change into your bash login script

source /daq/software/products/setup
setup mrb
export MRB_PROJECT=sbndaq

To checkout and build sbndaq and sbndaq-artdaq (most common situation) source the script below from your work directory

setup sbndaq v0_06_00 -q e19:prof:py2:s94
export my_sbndaq_version=$(echo  $SETUP_SBNDAQ |cut -d " " -f 2)
export my_sbndaq_quals=$(echo  $SETUP_SBNDAQ |cut -d " " -f 8)
echo sbndaq version: $my_sbndaq_version
echo sbndaq qualifiers: $my_sbndaq_quals
mrb newDev  -q $my_sbndaq_quals -v $my_sbndaq_version
source localProducts_*/setup

mrb g -d sbndaq ssh://
mrb g -d sbndaq_artdaq ssh://

cd build*
mrb i -j8 |& tee make.log

How to update your development area when a new release is available

Set up the common products:\

source /daq/software/products/setup
source /daq/software/products_dev/setup

Set up the sbndaq version corresponding to the new release:\

setup sbndaq {version} -q {qualifiers}

Create a new localProducts directory:\

setup mrb
export MRB_PROJECT=sbndaq
mrb newDev -p

It is usually good to delete the outdated localProducts directory.

Update your git repositories with the latest release(s).

Then, make a clean build:\

mrb z
mrb i -j8

Installation on a remote server

In order to install sbndaq on a server which doesn't have software directory (e.g. outside FNAL), one first needs to copy the software with following commands:\

rsync -arvtzl --del -e 'ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh -A -W %h:%p"' /software/products/.  --delete-excluded --exclude 'Xilinx*' --exclude 'Quartus'  --exclude="*.tar.bz2" --exclude "products/" 
rsync -arvtzl --del -e 'ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh -A -W %h:%p"' /software/products_dev/.  

Replace USERNAME with your FNAL login. SBND users may need to replace icarusgpvm01 with another VM.
As of Jul 2020 /software occupies 202 GB. The --exclude options help to omit tens of GB of data which doesn't need to be synchronised (in most cases).