Issues with TPC

SBND TPC readout troubleshooting

Status of TPC readout electronics

Every 12 seconds, an status report ("XMIT Counter Info Report ") is printed.

    crate ID          : # Ignore
    frame number      : # If the Nevis NIM clock is working and the crate is powered, it will increase
    trigger received  : # If 0, triggers are not received (e.g. triggers are not being sent to the Nevis Trigger Board)
    packed event (nu) : # If 0, the NU stream (trigger stream) is not processing events, usually due to an issue with the PCIe card
    packed event (sn) : # If 0, the SN stream (continuous stream) is not processing frames, usually due to an issue with the PCIe card

DAQ crashing because WinDriver is not loaded

Sometimes the WinDriver doesn't load automatically. That causes the run to crash upon the first call to a Nevis PCIe card. To test if it's loaded:


On sbn-daq01 do:

ls /dev/windrvr1260

Unfortunately it won't catch all problems. If you can't find it source it with:


Alternative diagnostic: Run the Nevis DAQ code

Set up windriver first:\

source /software/products/setup
setup windriver v12_06_00 -q prof



If WinDriver is not loaded you will get:\

NEVISPCI diagnostic utility.
Application accesses hardware using WinDriver.
pcie_diag: Failed to initialize the NEVISPCI library: Failed to initialize the WDC library. Error 0x20000001 - Invalid handle

If WinDriver is loaded, you will get:\

NEVISPCI diagnostic utility.
Application accesses hardware using WinDriver.

Found 2 matching devices [ Vendor ID 0x1172, Device ID 0x4 ]:

 1. Vendor ID: 0x1172, Device ID: 0x4
    Location: Bus [0x5], Slot [0x0], Function [0x0]
    Memory range [BAR 0]: base 0xFE900000, size 0x40000
    Memory range [BAR 1]: base 0xFE940000, size 0x40000
    Memory range [BAR 2]: base 0xFE980000, size 0x80000
    Memory range [BAR 3]: base 0xFE8C0000, size 0x40000
    Memory range [BAR 4]: base 0xFE880000, size 0x40000
    Memory range [BAR 5]: base 0xFE840000, size 0x40000
    Interrupt: IRQ 11
    Interrupt Options (supported interrupts):
        Message-Signaled Interrupt (MSI)
        Level-Sensitive Interrupt
    PCI Express Generation: Gen1

 2. Vendor ID: 0x1172, Device ID: 0x4
    Location: Bus [0x9], Slot [0x0], Function [0x0]
    Memory range [BAR 0]: base 0xCFF80000, size 0x40000
    Memory range [BAR 1]: base 0xCFFC0000, size 0x40000
    Memory range [BAR 2]: base 0xD0000000, size 0x10000000
    Memory range [BAR 3]: base 0xCFF40000, size 0x40000
    Memory range [BAR 4]: base 0xCFF00000, size 0x40000
    Memory range [BAR 5]: base 0xCFEC0000, size 0x40000
    Interrupt: IRQ 7
    Interrupt Options (supported interrupts):
        Message-Signaled Interrupt (MSI)
        Level-Sensitive Interrupt
    PCI Express Generation: Gen1

Select a device (1 - 2):  (to cancel press 'x'):

Do not continue running the program, instead exit with CTRL + C

WIB-FEM Issues

Best it to ask for help to experts. The only solutions available now are disconnecting the fibers to isolate the FEMs and confirming data is taken, or connecting a probe to the optical link to diagnose. Both should be using only in special cases since it alters the setup. Similar issues were found in previous BNL-Nevis integration tests and were fixed by changing the WIB firmware.