Running DAQInterface

Running DAQInterface

See instruction/documentation/etc. in the DAQInterface Manual:

Note: these instructions are for the test stand at DAB, so not everything here applies to other locations.

The processes of the subcomponents are spawned on the private subnetworks of the servers. You need to be able to access without a password, currently we use ssh key exchange. Look at the relevant instructions at Setting up your account for ssh access to private network connections

It is now easier and faster to start up and terminate using scripts ./run and ./stop. The rest of the steps are kept down below for reference and troubleshooting.

To run with a static version of pre-built code, do:

  1. Login to a machine on the desired cluster DAQ cluster. For example, for the cluster at DAB:

  2. Make sure you have the sbndaq repository pulled down in your working area (for setting up a working area, see the Installation Instructions)

  3. Move to the appropriate DAQInterface directory for the cluster. For example, for the cluster at DAB:

    cd srcs/sbndaq/dab/DAQInterface/
  4. Do

    source ./

    to set things up properly.

  5. Then do 0

    to kill any running DAQInterface program. Note the partition number you are using (here is zero).

  6. Start DAQInterface:

    DAQInterface &
  7. Start up the whole chain of commands with the convenient command

  8. Stop data taking with the script


The current status of develop is fairly stable running ptb+pmt+tpc, so it no longer makes that much sense to keep the itjustworks branch up to date and will be removed soon.

For people that are only interested in a working version of the repository there's a branch on the main repository with configurations that work out of the box. For that do:\

cd path_to/srcs/sbndaq
git checkout -t origin/itjustworks

If instead you want to have more control of the intermediate steps don't use ./run and proceed with:

  1. Pick the BoardReader components you would like to include in a run: pmt01

    To see the list of available components, look at known_boardreaders_list in the DAQInterface directory.

  2. Send the command to boot the system, which takes a boot text file as an input: boot boot.txt

    There is an example in the directory there. Note the EventBuilders, DataLoggers, and Dispatchers are specified in this file, as well as a standard startup script to perform on all nodes to setup DAQ processes.

  3. Configure the system with config standard

    where 'standard' is the name of a configuration. Currently configuration files are kept in the configs/ directory.

  4. Check to see when configuration is complete (the system is 'ready') using the command.

  5. Start the data-taking run via start
  6. Stop the data-taking run via stop
  7. Stop all DAQ processes with a shutdown command: shutdown

  8. Completely kill the system with the terminate command: terminate

The location of output data is determined in the DataLogger configurations (and should typically be sent to a /scratch directory location). Logs are located in /logs/, and details on each run are located in /run_records/.

Note, you may setup and run your own version of the code! To do so, modify or make a different setup script that will use your local area, perhaps something like this:\

#!/usr/bin/env bash
source /software/products/setup
setup mrb
source <dir_to_work_area>/localProducts_sbndaq_v*_e15_prof/setup
setup sbndaq v0_01_01 -q e15:prof
unsetup -j artdaq_daqinterface
setup artdaq_daqinterface v3_03_01T111318

And use this file in the script and the boot.txt configuration file (or create your own versions of these too). There are other DAQInterface user options in user_sourcefile that can be modified (but, other than maybe the desired partition, typically do not need to be).