Running at CERN

Running at CERN

Code has been installed on both the 'upstairs' (pcatlasst01/pc04-warp) and 'downstairs' ( machines. Note the upstairs one is an Ubuntu machine (for which we hack SLF6 installs to work), while the downstairs one is CentOS7 (for which SLF7 works fine).

'Upstairs' server

Logging in

Login to the CERN network ( with your CERN username and password

Loggin: ssh
Password: same as username

Remember to unplug the trigger from the SPEXI board (5th output from the top).

Setting up the software:


source artdaq_dev/

Then we will run out of a development area:


cd artdaq_dev/sbndaq_Jan2019/
source localProducts_sbndaq_v0_01_03_e15_prof/setup 

Running the DAQ:

If everything has been setup you can run the DAQ in "test-stand" mode with artdaqDriver:

artdaqDriver -c srcs/sbndaq/cern50l/artdaqDriver/IcarusTPC_driver.fcl

Note: 'IcarusTPC_driver.fcl' file is meant to run TPC board

Wait till you see the list of available boards with a status.
Once the list appears, press 'TRIGGER' button on the bottom pulse generator.
Then insert the trigger cable back to SPEXI (the same one you disconnected before).

If you need to stop an ongoing run, you can do Ctrl-C, but also remember to kill any orphaned art threads:

killall -9 art 

Analyzing data:

TPC data are written here:

art -c IcarusTPC_Anal.fcl -n -1 -S <file_list> -T <output_file>

Note: if you skip the ' -T <output_file>' command the output_file will have the same name as the 'fcl' file, but with the 'root' extension.

Setting up

'Downstairs' server

Logging in

Login to the CERN network ( with your CERN username and password

Loggin: ssh -p 7022 icarus@
Password: Traccione

Setting up the software


source /software/products/setup
setup mrb

Then we will run out of a development area:\

cd sbndaq_dev
source localProducts_sbndaq_*/setup

Building the software

If you make a change to the code, you will need to rebuild and install it. To do that:\

mrb i -j8

Check for any compilation errors. If everything is ok, you should see a lot of lines saying "Installing <xxx>".

Running the DAQ

If everything has been setup you can just run the DAQ in "test-stand" mode with artdaqDriver:

artdaqDriver -c CAENV1730_driver.fcl

(where CAENV1730_driver.fcl is the name of the driver configuration file).

Check the driver configuration file for:

  • number of events to run
  • run number to assign
  • trigger options
  • sleeping time between software triggers ("GetNextSleep", in us)
  • output file name/location!

If you need to stop an ongoing run, you can do Ctrl-C, but also remember to kill any orphaned art threads:\

killall -9 art

If you're running overnight, you can send the output to a log file, and tell the program to continue even if you log out:

nohup artdaqDriver -c CAENV1730_driver.fcl >& daq.log &

Analyzing data

There is a simple waveform analysis code located here:


Feel free to make changes there! (Just remember to rebuild.)

To run that module:

art -c CAENV1730_WaveformAna.fcl -n -1 -S <file_list> -T <output_file>

where <file_list> is a text file containing the list of artdaq output ROOT files to process, and <output_file> is the output file for the TTrees.

(If you browse around in the ROOT file, you'll find the trees/leaves.)