
Cosmic-ray generation (under-development, but good enough for preliminary studies)

How to generate cosmic events

100 events in the examples:

  • CRY:

    lar -c prodcosmics_cry_sbnd.fcl -n 100

    will produce a prodcosmics_cry_sbnd_CosmicsGen-YearMoDaThhmmss.root art ROOT output file (and a similarly-named histogram files with suffix _hists.root)


    lar -c prodcosmics_corsika_sbnd.fcl -n 100

    will produce a prodcosmics_corsika_sbnd_CosmicsGen-YearMoDaThhmmss.root art ROOT output file (and a similarly-named histogram files with suffix _hists.root). It will need access to dCache (and, likely, a certificate proxy).

  • Job Configuration FHiCL files (in sbndcode/JobConfigurations as usual):

Cry Generation file prodcosmics_cry_sbnd.fcl CORSIKA Generation file prodcosmics_corsika_sbnd.fcl ————————- ——————————–

Cry parameters

Full module configuration is in cry_sbnd.fcl (from sbndcode/LArSoftConfigurations), and it can be included in your job by adding to the producers list:\

generator: @local::sbnd_cry

Configuration is customised by:\

physics.producers.generator.BufferBox: [ -250.0, +250.0, -250.0, +250.0, -250.0, +250.0 ]

Buffer box around the boundaries of the cryostat. These are the dimensions [-x. +x, -y, +y, -z + z] added to the cryostat boundaries that can intercept (hence keep for the simulation) the trajectory of the primary cosmic rays. The larger the buffer box, the longer the simulation will take. This has to be optimised with the level on precision on the rate you need. However, due to the fact that CRY is already know to produce significantly lower rates, this should be negligible (to confirm with studies?).

CORSIKA parameters

Full module configuration is in corsika_sbnd.fcl (from sbndcode/LArSoftConfigurations), and it can be included in your job by adding to the producers list:\

generator: @local::sbnd_corsika_cmc

This tells CORSIKA which generation model to use for the simulation (CMC or p).
CMC will use the composite model of several primary nuclei (p, He, ...) to produce the cosmic rays.
p will generate only primary protons.

physics.producers.generator.BufferBox: [ -250.0, +250.0, -250.0, +250.0, -250.0, +250.0 ]

(same as with CRY)

For questions, contact Roxanne Guenette .