How to Visualize the Geometry

In order to visualize the geometry, you will need the file Geometry/gdml/geoVis_sbnd.C. It is not necessary LArSoft to run this file, you only need ROOT. Since visualizing the geometry requires ROOT to open a canvas, it is much faster to do it on your local machine.

Two options:

  1. Visualize the entire geometry:

     root -l 'geoVis_sbnd.C("sbnd_v02_00_nowires.gdml")'

    The command above will open a canvas and display the entire geometry. We highly reccomend that you visualize the _nowires.gdml file, since loading all the wires makes it very slow.

  2. Visualize a specific volume:

     root -l 'geoVis_sbnd.C("sbnd_v02_00_nowires.gdml","volCryostat")'

    Similarly to the previous option, the command above will open a canvas and display the volume that you chose.