Helpful tips for Larsoft building

Helpful tips for LArsoft

This is a combine list of things you might find useful when using LArsoft. The examples are taken from other Redmine LArsoft sites:

  1. LArsoft: Quick-start Guide to using and developing LArsoft code

for more please see them. Please add to the list as well!

Updating LArsoft version whilst keeping the old compilation

This is useful for when you want concurrent prof/debug builds using the same source code or you want to update your LArsoft version. You can keep you old build with the version of LArsoft you were running and test if updating causes some error to appear. From a new shell setup the LArsoft version you want e.g. if you wanted v06_59_00:

setup larsoft v06_59_00 -q e14:prof
mrb newDev -T -f

-T tells mrb what directory to put the localproducts and build directory in.
-f tells mrb to use the src directory that already exists.

Performing a Clean Build

The is stolen from site 1. Setup your code.\

mrb z
mrb i -j4  

The z is short for zapBuild and it removes all the local files out of the local repository.

Removing a package from a work area .

This is stolen from site 1. Setup your code.

rm -rf <repo-name>
mrb uc 

Looking at the builds available

Do the following command to see what qualifiers and versions of sbndcode are available.

ups list -aK+ sbndcode 

Add a new package to your LArsoft version.

Setup your code. Find the version of the package you are downloading your require via the LArsoft release website: For example if you wanted the package that corresponded to v06_59_00 then:

mrb g -t v06_59_00 package
mrb z 
mrb i -j4 

Useful Info dumpers

I can never find the correct one to run so I put them here as well.

More info can be found here


eventdump.fcl - Dumps all the data products made in the file onto the screen (e.g. car -c eventdump.fcl myartfile.root)
fhicl-dump - Dumps all the fcl parameters used by the fcl on the screen (e.g. fhicl-dump myfcl.fcl)
config_dumper - Dumps all the fcl parameters used to create the root file (e.g. config_dumper myartroot.root)
count_events - For when you need to know how many you have filtered quickly


count_events `while read p; do echo "$p"; done < myfiles.list`