How to launch grid jobs

How to launch grid jobs

SBND now has its VO which is a part of the Fermilab VOMS and allows us to run on the FermiGrid and Open Science Grid.

Launching jobs is done using the jobsub_client package:

but a quick way to launch your job is the following:

  1. make sure you create your user directory on the dCache disk space mounted at:\

    mkdir -p "/pnfs/sbnd/scratch/users/${USER}" 
    chmod g+w -R "/pnfs/sbnd/scratch/users/${USER}"

    This will be the directory with which your jobs will be able to communicate, as it is visible from the OSG. Hence, all your input files and executables (unless they are UPS products already available in CVMFS) should be there and copied over to the worker nodes.

  2. To run a job, then you need to set jobsub_client up (no version is required since there is a "current" one):\

    source /grid/fermiapp/products/common/etc/setup # already included in
    setup jobsub_client
  3. then, you need a wrapper script. For now you can use the one attached here: copy it over to your working directory (e.g. the /sbnd/app/users/${USER} above) and edit the following lines (starting from l. 55):\

    ###### setup your needed products here, e.g. geant4 etc...
    # source /grid/fermiapp/products/larsoft/setup
    # setup geant4 v4_9_6_p03e -q debug:e6 
    # setup geant4 v4_9_6_p03e -q e6:prof    #no debug information, faster. 
    #### This is where you copy all of your executable/necessary files to the worker node 
    #### ( If applicable )
    ###### this is where you copy your executable - I have a simple hello.out code here.
     ifdh cp /pnfs/sbnd/scratch/users/andrzejs/hello.out .
    ####### ifdh cp does not preserve permissions, so need to add executable. #########
     chmod u+x hello.out
    ####### launch executable
    ####### Copy results back 
    ifdh mkdir ${SCRATCH_DIR}/${GRID_USER}/output_${CLUSTER}.${PROCESS}
    ifdh cp test_hello.txt ${SCRATCH_DIR}/${GRID_USER}/output_${CLUSTER}.${PROCESS}/
  4. this is how you would launch the job from your working directory (e.g. BlueArc space like /sbnd/app/users/):\

    jobsub_submit -G sbnd --role=Analysis -N 3 -M --resource-provides="usage_model=DEDICATED,OPPORTUNISTIC" --OS="SL6" "file://$(pwd)/"


    • -N specifying the number of jobs you want
    • -M, which will send you an email every time a subprocess finishes
    • usage_model=OPPORTUNISTIC tells the script to use any available slots, while DEDICATED,OPPORTUNISTIC sets the first priority to our dedicated slots
    • --OS specifies the Scientific Linux version, if you need to care about that

The results of your job will end up in\


Some other useful commands:

For more details go to the jobsub (client) documentation.

See how your jobs are doing

jobsub_q -G sbnd --user="$USER"

Remove a job

jobsub_rm -G sbnd --jobid=<number of job, can get e.g. from previous question>

Fetch the log files

jobsub_fetchlog -G sbnd --jobid <job id specified at runtime, e.g.>

Launching LArSoft jobs (also in large numbers)

To be written. Sorry.

Using to launch LArSoft jobs (especially in large numbers) is a wrapper script that takes a lot of the tedious setup of grid etc out of the hand of the user, instead using an XML configuration file.
The general instructions for are in larbatch's user guide.

To use this package with SBND we need to set up sbndcode and sbndutil UPS products. An example shell session could look like this:\

source /grid/fermiapp/products/sbnd/
setup sbndcode v05_12_01 -q e9:prof
setup sbndutil v05_12_01 -q e9:prof

now you should be able to run to actually run grid jobs you need two things:

  1. an xml file that will configure your job, present locally, and
  2. a FHiCL configuration file that will be used by the LArSoft instance, which needs to be present in your FHICL_FILE_PATH path.

xml file preparation

Example xml files can be found in the lar1ndutil repository, which you can download by doing:

mrb g lar1ndutil

in your srcs directory. the xml files, are e.g. in lar1ndutil/xml/test/ .
These are currently untested. The instructions on xml file format can be found in:

but the relevant part for lar1ndcode is:\

<!ENTITY release "v00_05_00">

i.e. the release number should be the number of the lar1ndcode version you are using. So it has to be present in
/grid/fermiapp/products/lar1nd or in your localProducts directory (in that case you need to use the tarball option in the file. You can make the tarball using the: /lar1ndutil/scripts/ ).

.fcl file preparation

The .fcl files need to be in your FHICL_FILE_PATH, so again, they need to be either present in a tagged release or in your localProducts directory.
This also means that after each modification of the .fcl file you need to make install for to pick it up.

An example .fcl file is in:


Once you have these elements you can run:\ --xml <path to your xml file> --stage <your defined stage > --submit

and look for results.