Small data files for SBND processing sbnd data

Small data files for SBND processing: sbnd_data

  • Table of contents
  • [Small data files for SBND processing: sbnd_data]
    • [Availability and set up]
    • [Content of the package]
    • [Update procedures and policies]
      • [Starting with the latest version]
      • [Updating the content]
      • [Choose the next version number]
      • [Guidelines for updating `CHANGE` files]
      • [Declare and pack the UPS product]
      • [Deploy the new version]
    • [Version number policy]

The UPS product sbnd_data contains small data files necessary to some of the processing via sbndcode and others.

Being made of binary data, the content is not suitable for version control systems.
Therefore, it is updated by copying an existing version and changing it, and no track of the changes is automatically kept.

The procedure is actually extremely simple, but we have a long wiki page to impress people.

Availability and set up

The product sbnd_data is distributed in:

  • CVMFS: /cvmfs/sbnd/
  • /grid/fermiapp/products/sbnd (not yet)

and it can be set up simply with its version number:

setup sbnd_data v01_00_00

Also, if when sbndcode is set up the right version of sbnd_data is available, it will be automatically set up. This might become non-optional in the future.

Note that only the base directory is added to FW_SEARCH_PATH directory list. You will have to specify the complete relative path in your configuration; for example, "Response/sbnd_filters_v0.1.root" instead of just "sbnd_filters_v0.1.root".

Content of the package

  • ups/: contains the magics for this to be a legit UPS product; usually no need to change it
  • Response/: signal shape on the wires ("electric field response")
  • README: a short description of the content of the package (like this one)
  • CHANGES: a list of the changes to the content: please update this whenever you change the content! This is the only way we have to track it.

Update procedures and policies

An update of the package happens in the following steps:

  1. [the latest version is taken as starting point]
  2. [content is updated]
  3. a [new version number] is decided
  4. CHANGES [files in the changed directories are updated]
  5. the [new UPS product is finished]
  6. the new UPS product is [Small data files for SBND processing sbnd_data] to the [deployment sites]
  7. likely, a dependence update should be scheduled for the next release of sbndcode

These instructions are a detailed version of the ones from LArSoft.

Starting with the latest version

Have a UPS area specific for this work.
To create one:

  1. set up an existing UPS are (more convenient if it has also sbnd_data)

  2. copy from there the key files:

    cp -av /cvmfs/sbnd/ /cvmfs/sbnd/* .
  3. ... and make the sbnd_data directory, which will turn out to be useful:

    mkdir -p sbnd_data

To start an update:

  1. set up an UPS product area with both UPS and larutils

  2. go into your private UPS area and set it up: source "$(pwd)/setup" (you need at least ups already set up)

  3. copy the most recent version of sbnd_data:

    declare LatestVersion="v01_00_00"   # for later occurrences in this tutorial
    cp -av "/cvmfs/sbnd/${LatestVersion}" sbnd_data/

    (don't copy the sbnd_data/v01_00_00.version directory, which is not useful here)

You are ready to change the content.

Updating the content

You just do your editing, copying and removing in the copy of the most recent sbnd_data/<latest_version> [you just created].
Each new subdirectory of sbnd_data should have its own CHANGES file.

Choose the next version number

The version format is vMM-mm_pp, with MM the major version, mm the minor version, and pp the "patch" version, all with 2 digits, 0-padded.
Try to follow [these guidelines] if possible.
For the rest of the tutorial, the following is assumed to exist with the new version:

declare NewVersion="v01_01_00"

Guidelines for updating `CHANGE` files

These guidelines try to cover all the information that in future we might want to find out from a old (or current) release.
For each change in a subdirectory dir, two or three files should be updated:

  • [`sbnd_data/<latest_version>/dir/CHANGES` mentioning the changes, the author(s), the date, the new version, the description of the change and pointers to documentation (e.g. DocDB documents) if available]{style=”color: red;”}
  • `sbnd_data/<latest_version>/CHANGES` if a change on the [minor version bump level] is being performed (e.g. if it is in a new directory or if it adds something for the first time)
  • `sbnd_data/<latest_version>/README` also if it is in a new directory or if it adds something for the first time

One more time: this is the only way we have to keep record of the content of the package.

Declare and pack the UPS product

We are going to produce a tar file with the new content. Note that you need larutils set up, and you need to know a version of it (ups list -aK+ larutils; pick the most recent one):

  1. work from the UPS main directory, which now contains the new sbnd_data

  2. rename the directory under sbnd_data/${LatestVersion} (the latest existing one) into the new version that you have just picked:

    mv -v "sbnd_data/${LatestVersion}" "sbnd_data/${NewVersion}"
  3. declare the new version (note that the $NewVersion value appears twice):

    ups declare sbnd_data "$NewVersion" -f NULL -m sbnd_data.table -r "sbnd_data/${NewVersion}"
  4. create a tar file:

    setup larutils v1_11_00   # newer is fine too "$(pwd)" sbnd_data "$NewVersion"

You have now a shiny new sbnd_data_${NewVersion#v}-noarch.tar.bz2 (note for your scripts: there is no v in the file name before the version number).

Deploy the new version

The package needs to be propagated individually to the [deployment sites].

For CVMFS, the generic SBND CVMFS update instructions work well. An update of sbnd_data (that typically comes with a sbndcode update) deserves a new major version number for tag (CVMFS tags grow faster than the code in this scheme). For the deployment on CVMFS, contact the SBND release manager.

The deployment on /grid is still TODO.

Version number policy

These are generic guidelines to help in choosing how to bump the version number:

  • major version increases for general reorganisation or particular milestones
  • minor version increases for addition of material and significant update of the existing files
  • patch version increases for bug fixes and changes not affecting physics

In doubt, ask the software coordinators.

[Last update: December 22, 2016, by Gianluca Petrillo .]{style=”color: gray;”}