Software distribution content
This page tries to keep track of the content of the two main software
distribution UPS areas: FermiApp and CVMFS.
Of the two, CVMFS is the future, while FermiApp is slowly being chopped
The final goal is to have both areas deliver the same content.
The script
, present in both areas, should take care of
setting up the UPS area. It will prefer CVMFS if available.
[20170913: This table is not complete (at all).]{style=”color: red;”}
CVMFS FermiApp
[Software distribution content]
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LArSoft software stack
The "stack" is the complete suite of software distributed with a single LArSoft version. It includes art stack for that version, plus nutools and LArSoft specific products. LArSoft releases versions at a fast pace (roughly once per week).
The update is mostly automated by the standard pullProducts
provided by Fermilab SSI.
TODO: document/link how to pull it.