Updating sbnd data
- sbnd_data is not version controlled by git so everything is much more difficult.
- There are two ways to treat sbnd_data to make life a little easier
Current version can be updated
If new files or directories need to be added the current version can be updated as it will still contain all previous files and be backwards compatible.
Log in to sbnd@sbndgpvm01.fnal.gov
You can write directly to /grid/fermiapp/products/sbnd/sbnd_data/< version >
This directory isn't version controlled so be careful!
Make note of any added file or directories in the relevant
files. -
Log out of sbnd@sbndgpvm01.fnal.gov and into cvmfssbnd@oasiscfs.fnal.gov
Start a transaction
rsync the directories\
rsync -r < user >@sbndgpvm01.fnal.gov:/grid/fermiapp/products/sbnd/sbnd_data/< version >* /cvmfs/sbnd.opensciencegrid.org/products/sbnd/sbnd_data/
Publish the transaction.
New version required
- If a file that already exists needs to be updated then the version of sbnd_data must be updated to ensure backwards compatability.
- This used to be a big issue because the photon library (O(500MB)) is in sbnd_data.
- We don't need this anymore so it can be dropped when sbnd_data v01.03 is needed.
- There are some instructions of how to do a manual deployment here but it has been a while since they were used and may not be valid any more.
- A worked example of what I did last time sbnd_data was uploaded to SciSoft follows.
- Once the tarball is on SciSoft it can be distributed on /grid/fermiapp like sbndcode and sbndutil and then rsync'd to cvmfs (I think).
New version worked example
ssh tbrooks@sbndgpvm01.fnal.gov
source /grid/fermiapp/products/sbnd/setup_sbnd.sh
mkdir data_v01_01_00
cd data_v01_01_00/
cp -av /grid/fermiapp/products/sbnd/setup /grid/fermiapp/products/sbnd/.up* .
mkdir -p sbnd_data
source "$(pwd)/setup"
declare LatestVersion="v01_00_00"
cp -av "/grid/fermiapp/products/sbnd/sbnd_data/${LatestVersion}" sbnd_data/
mkdir -p sbnd_data/v01_00_00/OpticalLibrary
cp /sbnd/data/users/gamez/OpLibraryFiles/NewOpLibrary/op_library_sbnd_v2.root sbnd_data/v01_00_00/OpticalLibrary/.
cp sbnd_data/v01_00_00/Response/CHANGES sbnd_data/v01_00_00/OpticalLibrary/.
vim sbnd_data/v01_00_00/OpticalLibrary/CHANGES
vim sbnd_data/v01_00_00/CHANGES
vim sbnd_data/v01_00_00/README
declare NewVersion="v01_01_00"
mv -v "sbnd_data/${LatestVersion}" "sbnd_data/${NewVersion}"
ups declare sbnd_data "$NewVersion" -f NULL -m sbnd_data.table -r "sbnd_data/${NewVersion}"
setup larutils v1_20_05
makeDataTar.sh "$(pwd)" sbnd_data "$NewVersion"
cp sbnd_data-01.01.00-noarch.tar.bz2 /sbnd/data/users/tbrooks/.
ssh sbnd@sbndgpvm01.fnal.gov
tar xvvf /sbnd/data/users/tbrooks/sbnd_data-01.01.00-noarch.tar.bz2 -C /grid/fermiapp/products/sbnd/
ssh cvmfssbnd@oasiscfs.fnal.gov
cvmfs_server transaction sbnd.opensciencegrid.org
rsync -r tbrooks@sbndgpvm01.fnal.gov:/grid/fermiapp/products/sbnd/sbnd_data/v01_01_00* /cvmfs/sbnd.opensciencegrid.org/products/sbnd/sbnd_data/
cvmfs_server publish -m "Published sbnd_data 01.01.00" -a 2.0 sbnd.opensciencegrid.org
~/scripts/copyToSciSoft.sh sbnd_data-01.01.00-noarch.tar.bz2