Upgrade to LArSoft 6

Upgrade to LArSoft 6

  • Table of contents
  • [Upgrade to LArSoft 6]
    • [LArSoft resources on updating code]
    • [From LArSoft 5.12.1 to LArSoft 6.32.0]

LArSoft resources on updating code

The code in our branches (including in fact develop) needs to be compatible with LArSoft.
Every time LArSoft breaks backward compatibility with the past, it announces a breaking change. Sometimes, tools are provided to help or automatically perform the upgrade.
If your branch is written against LArSoft version vXX (e.g., v05_12_01) and the current version is vZZ (e.g., v06_20_00), you'll have to examine all the breaking changes that happened after vXX one by one, and take the proper action on each of them, until the target version (in the example, relevant breaking changes are documented for v05_13_00, v06_00_01, v06_02_00, v06_11_00, v06_14_00, v06_16_00 and v06_22_00... quite a number of them!).

From LArSoft 5.12.1 to LArSoft 6.32.0

The old feature branches created before April 17, 2017 are based on a develop branch which was using LArSoft 5.12.1.
In order to use those branches with the newer sbndcode develop branch, some update work needs to be done to raise them to a current version.

This section guides you to such update. [The update does require attention and active actions.]{style=”color: orange;”} Usually not hard, usually not pleasant.

Let's assume you have your working area set up with the old LArSoft 5.12.1, and you want to update o the latest version (which is 6.32.00 in the following example). We are using a profiling version here, which used to have a e9:prof qualifier, but nowadays is e14:prof.
The content of your working area might look vaguely like this:

|- sbndcode

Note If you have larsoft repository checked out in your area (in $MRB_SOURCE), you might need to manually adda directory to the python paths: export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${MRB_SOURCE}/larsoft/bin/python", or some fix scripts might not find some custom library they rely on.

  1. start from a new shell

  2. `cd` to that working area and update the area itself:\

    cd /my/working/area
    source '/cvmfs/sbnd.opensciencegrid.org/products/sbnd/setup_sbnd.sh'
    setup larsoft v06_32_00 -q e14:prof
    mrb newDev -f -p -v v06_32_00 -q e14:prof
  3. rebase your branch (because you have your code in your own branch, right?):

    cd ${MRB_SOURCE}/sbndcode" 
    git fetch
    git rebase feature/gp_forLArSoftDevelop

    Merging and rebasing branches{.wiki-page .new} may be a tedious process.

  4. run all the update scripts; the correct list is something you'll have to figure out from the breaking change page... not fun. This is just an example:\

    cd "$MRB_SOURCE" 
    UpdateTestInfrastructure.py -Uv               # check the output!
    UpdateTestInfrastructure.py -Uv --doit
    "${LARSOFT_DIR}/bin/v06_00_00-root6/UpdateUnitTestsBoost1.61.py" -Uv        # check the output!
    "${LARSOFT_DIR}/bin/v06_00_00-root6/UpdateUnitTestsBoost1.61.py" -Uv --doit
    "${LARSOFT_DIR}/bin/v06_00_00-root6/check_dictionaries.sh" # if the script complains, some action is required
    UpdateToNuRandomService.py -Uv                # check the output!
    UpdateToNuRandomService.py -Uv --doit

    The python scripts typically do not take action unless explicitly told to do so. It is recommended that you run them in "dry run" mode first, check that there are no obvious mistakes (obvious to you, at least) and then rerun with the --doit option. Be especially careful with changes affecting FHiCL files: the compiler won't catch mistakes there.
    Also note that there are changes that you will need to do manually...
    Then the branch is ready to be compiled!

    • in this case, the compiler has also been updated, which may call for additional effort in improving the code (get used to the idea that the compiler is right, and the newer compiler is righter... so if t asks for something new, it's typically for the best)
  5. run the usual set of commands to compile:

    mrb install -j4
    mrb test -j4

    It's not unlikely that you'll have to fix the code in some places.

  6. the good news is that you won't have to do this ever again.

  7. Probably.