Using for grid jobs

Using for Grid Jobs

Explanation courtesy of Dom Brailsford. Firstly to use the grid use

A useful explanation of can be found in the LAr Batch Tools Redmine site. This gives more detail on the specific elements.

Before Starting Grid Life

Here is a useful process to follow when you submit jobs to the gird.

  1. Copy a file locally to do some initial testing. These might be files you have made or production files. To access production files have a look at How to create and use a SAM definition. Make sure your larsoft command runs on the GPVM first.
  2. Write a script (see below).
  3. Run a test sample: rather than running over all events reduce your event number and job number to 1-10\% of the sample. In can request specific memory, lifetimes and space needed. To be a good citizen you should change these e.g. in the stage you need (see below):
    <jobsub>--expected-lifetime=3h [...]</jobsub>

    for 20GB of space required on the node, 1.5 GB of memory and expecting the job to finish within 3 hours. If you go above these then you job will be held. Roughly calculate what you need from output of the larsoft command and the size of the files. For the test job relax the parameters so they will all pass. You you are unsure what these should be set to ask.

  4. Once you test job has come back successful then you alter your requirements so that you set appropriate constraints on your requirements. Don’t be too harsh otherwise your jobs will be held.

  5. If your test job fails. You can look to see why either by graphana/kibana: Checking your Grid Status, looking at the log files in the output directory/work directory or by getting the log file jobsub_fetchlog --jobid=myid. If you are not used to jobs have a read here.

How the write a XML file handles job submissions to the grid so that you don’t have to worry about managing all the jobs you send to the grid yourself. runs from an XML file which defines some parameters i.e. how many jobs you want to run. So lets look at an example XML file which generates particles.

So firstly is the header section.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE project [
<!ENTITY release "v09_24_02">
<!ENTITY releasetag "e20:prof">
<!ENTITY name "test_grid_submission">
<!ENTITY file_type "data">
<!ENTITY run_type "physics">
<!ENTITY my_version "v5">
  • The first line is the version of XML you wish to use.
  • The other 5-10 are for book keeping. Changing these might change your output folder structure.
  • You can add custom variables here to use in the xml code below (ex. my_version).

Next is the project element.

<project name="&name;">

  <!-- Group -->

  <!-- Operating System -->
  <!-- Project size -->

  <!-- Batch resources -->

  <!-- Larsoft information -->
  • name declares the name of the project.
  • numevents is the total number of events you want to produce in the sample and NOT the number of events per job.
  • resource specify the job resources and how the jobs are queued. Default is “DEDICATED,OPPORTUNISTIC”.
  • os specifies the operating system to be picked (in container form) for the job; at time of writing, LArSoft (v09_90_00) supports only SL7.
  • Line 25 defines how the jobs are queued.

The Larsoft sub element:

  • The larsoft tag defines the LArsoft version you would like to run. If you are running off a tagged release available as UPS product, you need to just keep the tag and qual tags. But if you want to run your own version you need to make your own tar file (create a tar file using /pnfs/sbnd/resilient/users/${USER}/mytar.tar) and place it the local tag as shown in the example above. Make sure the tar file is in dCache resilient area.

Next are the stage sub-elements. This defines the generator-level job that you want to run.

  <!-- Project stages -->
  <stage name="gen_g4_detsim">
    <fcl>prodsingle_mu_bnblike.fcl </fcl>
    <!-- <maxfilesperjob>1</maxfilesperjob> -->
    <jobsub> --expected-lifetime=2h --generate-email-summary -l +SingularityImage=\"/cvmfs/\" --append_condor_requirements='(TARGET.HAS_SINGULARITY=?=true)' </jobsub>

The above block defines a stage called gen_g4_detsim. You can define multiple blocks like this with different name.

  • fcl is where the fcl file is defined. You need to pecify just the filename, not the full path.
  • outdir defines where the output file should go. Make sure it’s a SBND dCache storage (pnfs) location.
  • workdir defines the work directory where some initial processing occurs. Make sure its a dCache area.
  • numjobs defines how many jobs you wish to split the stage into.
  • datatier and defname are definitions you need when you declare your output to SAM.
  • memory defines the amount of memeory that will be allocated for each of the jobs.
  • In the jobsub tag you can specify what is the lifetime of the jobs (here 2h) and to use a Singularity container on the grid nodes (this is needed).
  • disk defines the amount of disk space that will be allocated for each of the jobs.

End with:

 <!-- file type -->

  <!-- run type -->


Job Submission

Once you have written your XML script it you just need to pass a few command line arguments which define the XML and the stage name you want to use.

Assuming we called the file above config.xml,i f you want to submit the gen_g4_detsim stage we defined above, you would, for example, do the following command: --xml config.xml --stage gen --submit

It’s useful to check (use checkana for anatree files) the output once a stage is finished. Do this by: --xml config.xml --stage gen --check

This tell you what jobs have failed and succeeded.

If you need to delete the output to submit again, run: --xml config.xml --stage gen --clean

If you want to check you status with cool graphs go to Grafana User’s Batch Details page and select your username from the dropdown menu at the top (need Fermilab Services’s login).