WebEVD for SBN
WebEVD is available as a ups product. You will need to set it up, along with a compatible version of sbndcode
(for service configurations).
source /cvmfs/sbnd.opensciencegrid.org/products/sbnd/setup_sbnd.sh
source /cvmfs/icarus.opensciencegrid.org/products/icarus/setup_icarus.sh
setup webevd v09_08_06 -qe20:prof
setup sbndcode v09_48_01 -qe20:prof # depending on
setup icaruscode v09_48_01 -qe20:prof # desired expt
These are latest versions as of April 2022. You may be able to use newer versions.
To run the event display, simply
lar -c webevdjob_sbnd.fcl my_file.root
lar -c webevdjob_icarus.fcl my_file.root
and follow on-screen instructions. The ssh command it prints is to be run on your local machine (where your browser window is).
You can control which event the display starts on with the standard --nskip
etc art command-line arguments. Once in the display, you can edit the run/subrun/event numbers in the bottom-left and press enter.
Rotate the view with the left mouse button, zoom with the mouse wheel, pan with the right mouse button. In 2D views, left mouse button pans.
Developing WebEVD
WebEVD is maintained in the larsoft github at https://github.com/LArSoft/webevd
You can set up a new development environment as follows:
mkdir mywebevd_dir
cd mywebevd_dir
source /cvmfs/sbnd.opensciencegrid.org/products/sbnd/setup_sbnd.sh
mrb newDev -q e20:prof
source localProducts*/setup
mrb g webevd
source localProducts*/setup
mrb i
NB if you edit the files in WebEVD/web/
while the display is running, it is only necessary to refresh the web page to pick the changes up.
You should make any changes on a new feature branch, push the branch to a fork of the repository, and then make a pull request using the github web interface.
Reporting bugs / suggesting features
The github issue tracker is at https://github.com/LArSoft/webevd/issues