SBND Commissioning - Get Started Guide

Getting started with SBND commissioning code

SBND Commissioning - Get Started Guide

Log in to an SBND virtual machine, for example:

    ssh $

You will land in an area called nashome, from there you have two main other areas available:

  • /exp/sbnd/app/users/$USER/: Here you should store your software (if this directory doesn’t exist, you can create it with mkdir /exp/sbnd/app/users/$USER).
  • /exp/sbnd/data/users/$USER/: Here you should store your files (if this directory doesn’t exist, you can create it with mkdir /exp/sbnd/data/users/$USER). Remember that the app area has limited disk space, so please do not store any data file there, but only the code you need.

1 - Setup the SBND environment

Go to the app area, where we can install and develop software:

    cd /exp/sbnd/app/users/$USER/

Setup the SBND environment first:

    source /cvmfs/

It is good practice to move to a custom working directory (you can give it a name of your choice):

    mkdir $MY_WORKDIR
    cd $MY_WORKDIR

2 - Run existing larsoft software

    setup sbndcode v09_24_00 -q e20:prof

This setup allows you to have the full sbnd software available, without the need to build it yourself. This is useful if you need to run existing software. If instead you need to modify existing code (or create new one), you will have to download sbndcode in your area, develop, and build your version of sbndcode. Instructions to do this are in the section below.

You can also list existing sbndcode versions by running

    ups list -aK+ sbndcode 

In general, you should select the latest version.

3 - Install and develop larsoft software

You can skip this section if you don’t need to develop sbndcode.

After steps 1 and 2, you can start setting up your development area:

    mkdir my_larsoft
    cd my_larsoft
    mrb newDev
    source localProducts*/setup
    cd srcs/
    mrb g -t v09_24_00 sbndcode
    mrb i -j4
    cd ../

Done! You have just built your own version of sbndcode. Now, you can develop software in the srcs/sbndcode directory, and the install software will be places in the localProducts* directory. Do not do development in the localProducts* or build* directories, as every change will be lost with a fresh build. Only develop in the srcs directory.

If you log out and log in again, these are the steps you need to follow to get your environment set up (after doing the usual steps 1 and 2):

cd my_larsoft
source localProducts*/setup

The first time you build your code, you need to invoke mrb i -j4 (as done above), but every subsequent time you can just do make install -j4, which is slightly faster.

Build your own LArSoft plug-in

You can skip this section if you don’t need to develop sbndcode.

Now let’s assume you need to have your own LArSoft plugin (or module). Go into srcs/sbndcode/sbndcode and start by creating your own directory:

    cd my_larsoft
    cd srcs/sbndcode/sbndcode/
    mkdir MyProject

We want CMake to know about your folder, so it will be build. You can do this by adding


at the end of my_larsoft/srcs/sbndcode/sbndcode/CMakeLists.txt. Good, now CMake will build that, but we need to add something inside it! Let’s generate our first module:

    cd MyProject/
    cetskelgen analyzer MyAnalyzer

cetskelgen will create a template for your plug in (in this case an analyzer one, but can also be a producer or a filter) with name MyAnalyzer. You can develop your own LArSoft code inside the For now, we will just build the module as it is (empty).

Now let’s make our own, simplest, CMakeLists.txt. Open a file called CMakeLists.txt inside the ` MyProject` directory, and add these lines:

              MODULE_LIBRARIES larcorealg_Geometry
                               larsim_Simulation lardataobj_Simulation
                               ${ART_ROOT_IO_TFILE_SUPPORT} ${ROOT_CORE}
                               art_Persistency_Common canvas
                               art_Persistency_Provenance canvas
                               art_Utilities canvas



Now we need to compile again, go to build directory (which you can also reach via cd $MRB_BUILDDIR) and run

    make install -j4

If you log out and log in again, you don’t need to run all the steps above, but to get your area setup you should run step 1 and 2 above, then:

    cd my_larsoft
    source localProducts*/setup

And you are good to go.

4 - Generate Single Particle Events

This section will show you how to generate particles in the SBND detector to simulate a sample of single-particle generated events. “Single-particle” means that every event will contain an initial generated particle, with the kinematics of your choice. The event will not contain a simulated neutrino event. Note that the initial particle is then propagated though GEANT4, which might then create additional other particles in the event (delta-rays, electromagnetic showers, etc.).

Once you have done steps 1 and 2, open a new file (call it, for example, prodsingle_muon_sbnd.fcl) and add the following lines in it:

#include "prodsingle_sbnd_proj.fcl" 

physics.producers.generator.PDG: [13]             # Generate muons (1 muon per event)
physics.producers.generator.P0: [3]               # With an initial momentum of 3 GeV
physics.producers.generator.X0: [155]             # At a starting X position = 155 cm
physics.producers.generator.Y0: [0]               # At a starting Y position = 0
physics.producers.generator.Z0:[-25]              # At a starting Z position = -25 cm
physics.producers.generator.Theta0XZ: [-11.]      # With an initial angle of -11 degrees in the X-Z plane, from the Z axis
physics.producers.generator.Theta0YZ: [0]         # With an initial angle of 0 degrees in the Y-Z plane, from the Z axis
physics.producers.generator.SigmaThetaXZ: [20]    # With an angular spread of 20 degrees in the Y-Z plan
physics.producers.generator.SigmaThetaYZ: [20]    # With an angular spread of 20 degrees in the Y-Z plan
physics.producers.generator.AngleDist: 1          # With angles Gaussian distributed

(More information on all the settable parameters can be found here)

prodsingle_muon_sbnd.fcl is your driver to run larsoft jobs. You can run via:

    lar -c prodsingle_muon_sbnd.fcl -n 10

where the option -n 10 means that we are generating 10 events.

If you now look in the directory (can do it via ls -ltrh), you can see that several files have been produced. One of them is called prodsingle_sbnd_SinglesGen-XXX.root. This is the file that contains the generated events, with our muons in them. The events in this file have not been propagated in the detector using GEANT4 just yet, and the detector simulation has also not happened. We need to run this ourself.

Here is how to run GEANT4:

    lar -c standard_g4_sbnd.fcl -s prodsingle_sbnd_SinglesGen-*.root -n 10

This job will produce an output file called prodsingle_sbnd_SinglesGen-XXX_G4-XXX.root, which now contains the all the particles propagated by GEANT4. Finally, we can run the detector simulation:

    lar -c standard_detsim_sbnd.fcl -s prodsingle_sbnd_SinglesGen-*_G4-*.root -n 10

The output file prodsingle_sbnd_SinglesGen-XXX_G4-XXX_DetSim-XXX.root contains your generated events run through detector simulation.

5 - Look at the Generated Events in the Event Display

More information on how to use the event display are here.

Open a fresh terminal, log in to an sbndgpvm machine, and run

    source /sbnd/app/users/mdeltutt/static_evd/ -s $MY_WORKDIR/prodsingle_sbnd_SinglesGen-XXX_G4-XXX_DetSim-XXX.root

Click on “Raw Digit” in the top right, and you will see the waveforms from your generated events.

6 - Generate an Analysis TTree

Now that you have generated your own events, you can run one last job, which will extract all the relevant information for you and place then in an output ROOT TTree. You can run:

    cd $MY_WORKDIR
    lar -c run_hitdumper.fcl -s prodsingle_sbnd_SinglesGen-XXX_G4-XXX_DetSim-XXX.root

This will create a file called hitdumper_tree.root. You can explore what is in the file:

    root -l hitdumper_tree.root 
    root[0] hitdumper->cd()
    root[1] hitdumpertree->Print()

Let’s look at the hit time vs. hit wire for TPC 1 and only for the collection plane:

    root -l hitdumper_tree.root 
    root[0] hitdumper->cd()
    root[1] hitdumpertree->Draw("hit_peakT:hit_wire", "hit_tpc == 1 && hit_plane == 2")

HitDumper Demo 1

Or you can look at the optical hits. For example, let’s look at the Y and Z position of the stored optical hits in TPC 0. These correspond to the PMTs positions:

    root -l hitdumper_tree.root 
    root[0] hitdumper->cd()
    root[1] hitdumpertree->Draw("ophit_opdet_y:ophit_opdet_z", "ophit_opdet_x<0 && ophit_opdet_x != -9999", "colz")

HitDumper Demo 2

What are all the information stored in the TTree?

All the variables stored are described here.

7 - Available Samples

There are commissioning samples available that have already been processed and contain the HitDumper tree, check the commissioning samples page.

8 - Questions?

Feel free to ask Marco and Michelle.