LArSoft Filters

LArSoft Filters Used in SBND Simulation

This page contains a description of most of the larsoft filters in use in SBND.

Filters in sbndcode

Filters are located in sbndcode/sbndcode/Filters/

Name Filters On Description
GenCRTFilter simb::MCTruth Keeps events with particles of specified type and that, based on initial truth information, will intersect the specified CRTs
GenNuFilter simb::MCTruth Keeps events with neutrinos that match the requested conditions: CC or NC, PDG of lepton, vertex in the TPC
LArG4CRTFilter simb::MCParticle Keeps events with geant propagated particles that cross specified CRT panels, in a certain range of momentum (additional options available).
LArG4FakeTriggerFilter simb::MCParticle Keeps events if there is at least one geant particle depositing a configurable energy in the TPC and with a time in a configurable window.
CRTTrigFilter sbnd::crt::CRTData Description

Filters in larsim

Only some of the most used filters are listed here. More filters may be available. Filters are located in larsim/larsim/SimFilters/

Name Filters On Description
FilterCryostatNus simb::MCTruth Keeps events with neutrinos in the cryostat volume
FilterGenInTime simb::MCTruth Keeps events where at least one particles is in a specified time window (more options available). An option allows running it without the actual filtering, and producing two output collections, one with the intime particles, and the other for all the outtime ones.
FilterNoMCParticles simb::MCParticle Filter events with no MCParticles