Cryogenics checklist (adapted from C. Montanari Shifter's Manual V2 by D. Torretta).

Cryogenics checklist (adapted from C. Montanari Shifter's Manual V2 by D. Torretta).

The cryogenics status is monitored through an iFix graphical display (see Appendix for more details on this).

The ICARUS Cryo System Overview is shown in Fig. 1

Fig. 1 ICARUS Cryo

A) During cooldown:

I. Cooling is a low process, so do not expect any rapid variation of the temperature. If this event occurs, please notify the Technical Coordinator or his deputy

II. Check the internal temperature of the East and West modules at least once per hour (all temperatures are displayed in K)( see green boxes in Fig 2 and Fig 3)

III. If the temperature difference between any two probes inside the same module reaches 47K, the shifter has to call the cryogenic expert on call and ask to stop the cooling

a) The call and the request to stop the cooling procedure MUST be recorded in the e-log

b) When the temperature difference of ALL the probes inside both modules goes below 35K (this will take several hours), the shifter will call the Cryogenic expert on call to tell him the cooling process can be restarted.

B) During filling:

I. The levels of the liquid argon in both modules are displayed on the cryogenic status page as the parameters circled in orange in Fig. 2 (Tank 1W)

Fig. 2 Tank

& Fig. 3 (Tank 2E)

Fig. 3 Tank

II. The levels displayed in the internal probes display screen will turn on only at the very end of the filling process.

III. During the filling, before the lowest of the internal probes turns on in any of the modules, the shifter is ONLY required to check the internal level probes and the internal temperature probes every hour. Anomalies in the readings need to be reported timely to the Technical Coordinator or his Deputy and registered in the e-log.

IV. As soon as the first internal level probe (at -6cm position ) alarm starts, the shifter MUST notify both Technical Coordinator and the Cryogenic expert on call and record the event in the e-log.

V. From the time point IV occurs, the shifter must register in the e-log the status of the lever meters every hour by taking a snapshot of the monitor and posting it to the e-log. There are 4 sets of 5 internal level probes in each module. Each set is positioned in correspondence of one of the top corners of a module. The filling is complete when the alarms from all +0cm level probes are set.

VI. The shifter calls the Cryogenic expert on call as soon as the first +0cm level probe alarm starts to notify that the filling in that module needs to be stopped in a short time. The shifter calls the Cryogenics expert on call when the alarm from all +0cm level probes is set, to notify that the level in a module has been reached and to stop the filling in that module.

VII. The time of the alarm of all internal level probes MUST be recorded in the e-log

Appendix: How to connect/start iFIX [excerpt from "ROC Master Document" manual (]
The cryogenics status is monitored through iFix graphical display. The computer is located in ROC West behind the NOvA station. iFIX should always be up and running. If not, please see instructions below on how to restart it . This requires a Fermi Domain account and password. Please contact Diana Mendez and Bruce Howard to be granted access to the PPD-iFix2 server from a remote location.

iFix uses a Remote Microsoft Desktop.
On Ubuntu, the default is Remmina. For Mac OSX, the Microsoft Remote Desktop application can be used. Follow the instructions in this link.
Once the remote access has been granted and you have a Remote Microsoft Desktop application:\

  1. Open the Remote Microsoft Desktop and click on Add PC.\
  2. In PC name, type\
  3. use your Fermi Domain account and password for the next steps. 4. Click on the iFix icon in located in the Microsoft Desktop.\
  4. Select SBN from the list of experiments\
  5. Select ICARUS

If the iFIX node is off or has issues, please see the experts checklist. There should be a hard copy in your control room, or check here: :::

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Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 2.52.32 PM.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(974 KB)]{.size} Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 2.52.32 PM.png{.icon-only .icon-download} Fig. 1 ICARUS Cryo Overview [Donatella Torretta, 01/24/2020 02:59 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 2.52.40 PM.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(1020 KB)]{.size} Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 2.52.40 PM.png{.icon-only .icon-download} Fig. 2 Tank 1W [Donatella Torretta, 01/24/2020 03:00 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 2.52.49 PM.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(967 KB)]{.size} Screen Shot 2020-01-24 at 2.52.49 PM.png{.icon-only .icon-download} Fig. 3 Tank 2E [Donatella Torretta, 01/24/2020 03:02 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} Fig1.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(974 KB)]{.size} Fig1.png{.icon-only .icon-download} Fig. 1 ICARUS Cryo Overview [Bruce Howard, 01/24/2020 04:37 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} Fig3.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(967 KB)]{.size} Fig3.png{.icon-only .icon-download} Fig. 3 Tank 2E [Bruce Howard, 01/24/2020 04:37 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} Fig2.png{.icon .icon-attachment} [(1020 KB)]{.size} Fig2.png{.icon-only .icon-download} Fig. 2 Tank 1W [Bruce Howard, 01/24/2020 04:37 PM]{.author} Delete{.delete .icon-only .icon-del} ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– —————————– —————————————————- —————————————————————————– :::

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