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geoalgo Namespace Reference


class  AABox
 Representation of a 3D rectangular box which sides are aligned w/ coordinate axis. A representation of an Axis-Aligned-Boundary-Box, a simple & popular representation of
3D boundary box for collision detection. The concept was taken from the reference,
Real-Time-Collision-Detection (RTCD), and in particular Ch. 4.2 (page 77):
. More...
class  GeoAlgo
 Algorithm to compute various geometrical relation among geometrical objects. In particular functions to inspect following relations are implemented:
0) Distance between geometrical objects
1) Closest point of approach
2) Intersection points
3) Containment/Overlap of objects
4) Common Origin functions
5) Bounding Sphere functions
. More...
class  GeoAlgoException
class  Cone
 Representation of a 3D semi-infinite line. Defines a 3D cone with the following properties:
Start point (or vertex), Direction, Length (or Length), Radius, opening angle
When 2 of Length, Radius, opening angle are defined the third is automatically set. More...
class  Cylinder
 Representation of a 3D Cylinder volume. A Cylinder object inherits from a geoalgo::Line. More...
class  DirectedLine
 Representation of a 3D infinite line. Defines an infinite 3D line with a point and a direction. Line points are constructed like this: (pt, dir) -> (pt, pt+dir) It hides the point attributes from users for protecting the dimensionality. More...
class  HalfLine
 Representation of a 3D semi-infinite line. Defines a semi-infinite 3D line by having a start point (Point_t) and direction (Vector_t)
along which the line extends. It hides the start and direction attributes from users for
protecting the dimensionality. More...
class  Line
 Representation of a 3D infinite line. Defines an infinite 3D line by having 2 points which completely determine the line along which the line extends. It hides the point attributes from users for
protecting the dimensionality. More...
class  LineSegment
 Representation of a simple 3D line segment Defines a finite 3D straight line by having the start and end position (Point_t).
. More...
class  GeoObjCollection
class  Sphere
class  Trajectory
class  Vector


typedef AABox AABox_t
typedef Cone Cone_t
typedef Cylinder Cylinder_t
typedef DirectedLine DirectedLine_t
typedef HalfLine HalfLine_t
typedef Line Line_t
typedef LineSegment LineSegment_t
typedef Sphere Sphere_t
typedef Trajectory Trajectory_t
typedef Vector Vector_t
 Point has same feature as Vector. More...
typedef Vector Point_t


static const double kPI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884
static const double kINVALID_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
static const double kMAX_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
static const double kMIN_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::min()
static const double kPI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884
static const double kINVALID_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
static const double kMAX_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
static const double kMIN_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::min()

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 77 of file larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoAABox.h.

Definition at line 76 of file larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoCone.h.

Definition at line 66 of file larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoCylinder.h.

Definition at line 92 of file larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoHalfLine.h.

Definition at line 91 of file larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoLine.h.

Definition at line 196 of file larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoVector.h.

Definition at line 121 of file larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoSphere.h.

Point has same feature as Vector.

Definition at line 195 of file larcorealg/larcorealg/GeoAlgo/GeoVector.h.

Variable Documentation

const double geoalgo::kINVALID_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
const double geoalgo::kINVALID_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
const double geoalgo::kMAX_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
const double geoalgo::kMAX_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
const double geoalgo::kMIN_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::min()
const double geoalgo::kMIN_DOUBLE = std::numeric_limits<double>::min()
const double geoalgo::kPI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884
const double geoalgo::kPI = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884