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1 #include "dataprovider.fcl"
6 {
7  MaxDT: 2.0
8  MaxS: 0.3
9  MinViews: 2
10  EnableU: true
11  EnableV: true
12  EnableW: false
13  Filter: true
14  Merge: false
15  PreferColl: false
16 }
18 standard_seedfinderalgorithm:
19 {
20  SpacePointAlg: @local::standard_spacepointalg
21  InitSeedLength: 2
22  MinPointsInSeed: 4
23  Refits: 5
24  HitResolution: 1
25  OccupancyCut: 0.8
26  MaxViewRMS: [2,2,2]
27  ExtendSeeds: true
28  LengthCut: 0
29 }
30 standard_seedfinderalgorithm.SpacePointAlg.Filter: false
32 standard_projectionmatchingalg:
33 {
34  OptimizationEps: 0.01 # relative change of the obj.fn which stops optimization after adding a node
35  FineTuningEps: 0.0001 # relative change of the obj.fn which stops fine-tuning of optimized track
36  TrkValidationDist2D: 1.0 # max. distance [cm] used in the track validation in the "third" plane
37  HitTestingDist2D: 0.5 # max. distance [cm] used in testing compatibility of hits with the track
38  MinTwoViewFraction: 0.4 # min. fraction of track length covered with hits from many 2D views intertwinted with each other
39  NodeMargin3D: 3.0 # margin in [cm] around TPC for allowed track node positions
40  HitWeightZ: 1.0 # weights used for hits in U, V, Z planes:
41  HitWeightV: 1.0 # - use lower values for planes where hit position is less reliable (e.g. due to S/N)
42  HitWeightU: 1.0 # - relative ratios matter, sum does not need to be 1.0
43 }
46 {
47  MinSeedSize1stPass: 20 # min. cluster size used to start building a track in the 1st pass
48  MinSeedSize2ndPass: 4 # ..and in the 2nd pass: differentiate to speed up finding long tracks
49  # w/o checking large number of possibilities, then use as small size
50  # as reasonnable for used clustering algorithm to complete the search
51  # in the second pass
52  TrackLikeThreshold: 0.0 # CNN output threshold for track-like recognition; ClusterModuleLabel
53  # needs to be associated to CNN outputs in case of threshold > 0; will
54  # exclude obvious EM from tracking and tag clean electron tracks as PDG=11
55  #
56  RunVertexing: false # find vertices, join with tracks, reoptimize track-vertex structure
57  #
58  FlipToBeam: false # set the track direction to increasing Z values
59  FlipDownward: false # set the track direction to decreasing Y values (like cosmic rays)
60  FlipToX: false # set the track direction to decreasing X values (like cosmic rays in dual phase)
61  AutoFlip_dQdx: false # set the track direction to increasing dQ/dx (overrides FlipToBeam,
62  # FlipDownward and FlipToX if significant rise of dQ/dx at the track end)
63  #
64  MergeWithinTPC: false # merge witnin single TPC; finds tracks best matching by angle, with limits:
65  MergeTransverseShift: 2.0 # - max. transverse displacement [cm] between tracks
66  MergeAngle: 2.0 # - max. angle [degree] between tracks (nearest segments)
67  #
68  StitchBetweenTPCs: true # stitch between TPCs; finds tracks best matching by angle, with limits:
69  StitchDistToWall: 3.0 # - max. track endpoint distance [cm] to TPC boundary
70  StitchTransverseShift: 3.0 # - max. transverse displacement [cm] between tracks
71  StitchAngle: 10.0 # - max. angle [degree] between tracks (nearest segments)
72  #
73  MatchT0inAPACrossing: false # match T0 of APA-crossing tracks using PMAlgStitcher
74  MatchT0inCPACrossing: false # match T0 of CPA-crossing tracks using PMAlgStitcher
76  Validation: "hits" # "hits": uses hits to validate track
77  # "adc": uses adc image to validate tracks
78  # "calib": uses hits to validate tracks and produce histograms to find adc thresholds
79  # which should be used in "adc" mode
80  AdcValidationThr: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] # threshold for not-empty pixel in the ADC image used for the track validation, per plane
82 }
84 standard_pmalgfitter:
85 {
86  TrackingOnlyPdg: [0] # PDG list to select which PFParticles should be reconstructed;
87  # all PFP's are used if the list is empty or starts with 0
88  TrackingSkipPdg: [0] # PDG list to select which PFParticles should NOT be reconstructed,
89  # e.g. skip EM showers; no skipping if the list is empty or starts with 0
90  #
91  RunVertexing: false # find vertices, join with tracks, reoptimize track-vertex structure
92 }
95 {
96  OverlapCut: 0.2
97  DirectJoinDistance: 10.0
98  TrackJoinAngle: 0.5
99  VertexImpactThreshold: 2.0
100  VertexExtrapDistance: 5.0
101  OccupancyThresh: 0.8
102  TrackResolution: 2.0
103  SeedFinder: @local::standard_seedfinderalgorithm
105 }
106 standard_beziertrackeralgorithm.SeedFinder.LengthCut: 2
108 standard_trackstitcheralg:
109 {
110  CosAngTolerance: 0.98
111  SpptSepTolerance: 30.0 # cm
112  CommonComponentStitch: true
113 }
115 standard_kalmanfilteralg:
116 {
117  Trace: false
118  MaxPErr: 0.25 # Maximum pointing error for free propagation.
119  GoodPErr: 0.1 # Pointing error threshold for switching from linearized to free propataion.
120  MaxIncChisq: 10. # Incremental chisquare cut.
121  MaxSeedIncChisq: 1000. # Incremental chisquare cut in seed phase.
122  MaxSmoothIncChisq: 100. # Incremental chisquare cut in smooth phase.
123  MaxEndChisq: 10. # Maximum incremental chisquare for endpoint hit.
124  MinLHits: 20 # Minimum number of measurements for linearized propagation.
125  MaxLDist: 10. # Maximum distance to use linearized propagation using starting guess.
126  MaxPredDist: 5. # Maximum prediction distance to accept a hit.
127  MaxSeedPredDist: 50. # Maximum prediction distance to accept a hit in seed phase.
128  MaxPropDist: 50. # Maximum propagation distance to candidate surface.
129  MinSortDist: 0. # Low threshold to resort hits.
130  MaxSortDist: 2. # High threshold to resort hits.
131  MaxSamePlane: 3 # Maximum consecutive hits in same plane.
132  GapDist: 3. # Minimum gap distance.
133  MaxNoiseHits: 3 # Maximum number of hits in noise cluster.
134  MinSampleDist: 20. # Minimum sample distance (for momentum measurement).
135  FitMomRange: true # Fit momentum using range.
136  FitMomMS: false # Fit momentum using multiple scattering.
138  # Graphical trace options.
139  # For any kine of graphical tracing to work, you need to configure
140  # the event display service to initialize the graphics system.
142  GTrace: false # Graphical trace flag.
143  GTraceWW: 1200 # Window width (pixels).
144  GTraceWH: 800 # Window height (pixels).
145  GTraceXMin: -256. # Graphical trace minimum x (same for each view).
146  GTraceXMax: 512. # Graphical trace maximum x (same for each view).
147  GTraceZMin: [ 0., 0., 0.] # Graphical trace minimum z for each view.
148  GTraceZMax: [ 1040., 1040., 1040.] # Graphical trace maximum z for each view
149 }
151 standard_track3Dkalmanhitalg:
152 {
153  MaxTcut: 10. # Maximum delta ray energy in MeV for restricted dE/dx
154  DoDedx: false # dE/dx enable flag.
155  SelfSeed: false # Generate seeds internally.
156  LineSurface: false # Store hits on line surfaces.
157  MinSeedHits: 12 # Minimum number of hits per track seed.
158  MinSeedChopHits: 50 # Potentially chop seeds that exceed this length.
159  MaxChopHits: 20 # Maximum number of hits to chop from each end of seed.
160  MaxSeedChiDF: 20. # Maximum seed track chisquare/dof.
161  MinSeedSlope: 0.0 # Minimum seed slope (dx/dz).
162  InitialMomentum: 0.5 # Initial momentum (GeV/c).
163  KalmanFilterAlg: @local::standard_kalmanfilteralg
164  SeedFinderAlg: @local::standard_seedfinderalgorithm
165 }
167 standard_cosmictrackeralg:
168 {
169  SPTAlg: 0
170  TrajOnly: false
171  TMatch: 2.5
172  SMatch: 1
173 }
175 argoneut_spacepointalg: @local::standard_spacepointalg
176 argoneut_kalmanfilteralg: @local::standard_kalmanfilteralg
177 argoneut_cosmictrackeralg: @local::standard_cosmictrackeralg
178 argoneut_cosmictrackeralg.SPTAlg: 1
179 argoneut_cosmictrackeralg.TrajOnly: true
181 bo_spacepointalg: @local::standard_spacepointalg
182 bo_spacepointalg.MinViews: 2
183 bo_spacepointalg.EnableW: true
184 bo_kalmanfilteralg: @local::standard_kalmanfilteralg
185 bo_seedfinderalgorithm: @local::standard_seedfinderalgorithm
186 bo_seedfinderalgorithm.SpacePointAlg : @local::bo_spacepointalg
187 bo_seedfinderalgorithm.SpacePointAlg.PreferColl: true
188 bo_seedfinderalgorithm.SpacePointAlg.Filter: false
189 bo_beziertrackeralgorithm: @local::standard_beziertrackeralgorithm
190 bo_beziertrackeralgorithm.SeedFinder: @local::bo_seedfinderalgorithm
192 microboone_spacepointalg: @local::standard_spacepointalg
193 microboone_spacepointalg.MinViews: 3
194 microboone_spacepointalg.EnableW: true
195 microboone_kalmanfilteralg: @local::standard_kalmanfilteralg
196 microboone_seedfinderalgorithm: @local::standard_seedfinderalgorithm
197 microboone_seedfinderalgorithm.SpacePointAlg : {
198  @table::microboone_spacepointalg
199  PreferColl: true
200  Filter: false
201 }
202 microboone_track3Dkalmanhitalg: {
203  @table::standard_track3Dkalmanhitalg
204  KalmanFilterAlg: @local::microboone_kalmanfilteralg
205  SeedFinderAlg: @local::microboone_seedfinderalgorithm
206 }
207 microboone_beziertrackeralgorithm: @local::standard_beziertrackeralgorithm
208 microboone_beziertrackeralgorithm.SeedFinder: @local::microboone_seedfinderalgorithm
209 microboone_trackstitcheralg: @local::standard_trackstitcheralg
211 dune10kt_spacepointalg: @local::standard_spacepointalg
212 dune10kt_spacepointalg.MinViews: 3
213 dune10kt_spacepointalg.EnableW: true
214 dune10kt_kalmanfilteralg: @local::standard_kalmanfilteralg
215 dune34kt_spacepointalg: @local::dune10kt_spacepointalg
216 dune34kt_kalmanfilteralg: @local::dune10kt_kalmanfilteralg
217 dune35t_spacepointalg: @local::standard_spacepointalg
218 dune35t_spacepointalg.MinViews: 3
219 dune35t_spacepointalg.EnableW: true
220 dune35t_kalmanfilteralg: @local::standard_kalmanfilteralg
221 dune35t_seedfinderalgorithm: @local::standard_seedfinderalgorithm
222 dune35t_seedfinderalgorithm.SpacePointAlg : @local::dune35t_spacepointalg
223 dune35t_seedfinderalgorithm.SpacePointAlg.PreferColl: true
224 dune35t_seedfinderalgorithm.SpacePointAlg.Filter: false
process_name vertex
Definition: cheaterreco.fcl:51
process_name opflash particleana ie ie ie z
process_name stream1 can override from command line with o or output services DetectorPropertiesService services DetectorPropertiesService services DetectorPropertiesService services DetectorPropertiesService physics analyzers pmtresponse NeutronTrackingCut services LArG4Parameters gaussian physics producers generator PDG
see a below echo S(symbol in a section other than those above)
finds tracks best matching by with limits
ClusterModuleLabel join with tracks
process_name opflash particleana ie x
process_name cluster
Definition: cheaterreco.fcl:51
then echo unknown compiler flag
BEGIN_PROLOG opflashtpc1 TPCs
#define the
finds tracks best matching by with AdcImageAlg
std::size_t size(FixedBins< T, C > const &) noexcept
Definition: FixedBins.h:561
process_name use argoneut_mc_hitfinder track
process_name hit
Definition: cheaterreco.fcl:51
then echo echo For and will not be changed by echo further linking echo echo B echo The symbol is in the uninitialized data multiple common symbols may appear with the echo same name If the symbol is defined the common echo symbols are treated as undefined references For more echo details on common see the discussion of warn common echo in *Note Linker see the discussion of warn common echo in *Note Linker such as a global int variable echo as opposed to a large global array echo echo I echo The symbol is an indirect reference to another symbol This echo is a GNU extension to the a out object file format which is echo rarely used echo echo N echo The symbol is a debugging symbol echo echo R echo The symbol is in a read only data section echo echo S echo The symbol is in an uninitialized data section for small echo objects echo echo T echo The symbol is in the the normal defined echo symbol is used with no error When a weak undefined symbol echo is linked and the symbol is not the value of the echo weak symbol becomes zero with no error echo echo W echo The symbol is a weak symbol that has not been specifically echo tagged as a weak object symbol When a weak defined symbol echo is linked with a normal defined the normal defined echo symbol is used with no error When a weak undefined symbol echo is linked and the symbol is not the value of the echo weak symbol becomes zero with no error echo echo echo The symbol is a stabs symbol in an a out object file In echo this the next values printed are the stabs other echo the stabs desc and the stab type Stabs symbols are echo used to hold debugging information For more echo see *Note or object file format specific echo echo For Mac OS X
process_name gaushit a
S join(S const &sep, Coll const &s)
Returns a concatenation of strings in s separated by sep.
M::value_type trace(const M &m)
double distance(geo::Point_t const &point, CathodeDesc_t const &cathode)
Returns the distance of a point from the cathode.
BEGIN_PROLOG standard_dataprovideralg
TrackingSkipPdg join with reoptimize track vertex structure GTraceZMax
A value measured in the specified unit.
Definition: quantities.h:566
auto end(FixedBins< T, C > const &) noexcept
Definition: FixedBins.h:585
BEGIN_PROLOG standard_spacepointalg
unsigned int seed
return match has_match and(match.match_pdg==11 or match.match_pdg==-11)
BEGIN_PROLOG Z sum does not need to be standard_pmalgtracker
ClusterModuleLabel join with reoptimize track vertex structure MergeWithinTPC
required by fuzzyCluster stitch
std::vector< TrajPoint > seeds
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:14
TrackingSkipPdg join with reoptimize track vertex structure standard_beziertrackeralgorithm
if &&[-z"$BASH_VERSION"] then echo Attempting to switch to bash bash shellSwitch exit fi &&["$1"= 'shellSwitch'] shift declare a IncludeDirectives for Dir in
BEGIN_PROLOG sequence::SlidingWindowTriggerPatternsOppositeWindows END_PROLOG simSlidingORM6O6 effSlidingORW output
process_name largeant stream1 can override from command line with o or output physics producers generator N
then echo echo For and will not be changed by echo further linking echo echo B echo The symbol is in the uninitialized data multiple common symbols may appear with the echo same name If the symbol is defined the common echo symbols are treated as undefined references For more echo details on common see the discussion of warn common echo in *Note Linker options
do i e
finds tracks best matching by angle
bool empty(FixedBins< T, C > const &) noexcept
Definition: FixedBins.h:555
ClusterModuleLabel RunVertexing
ClusterModuleLabel join with reoptimize track vertex structure FlipToBeam
process_name opdaq physics producers generator physics producers generator physics producers generator physics producers generator physics producers generator physics producers generator physics producers generator physics producers generator T0
Definition: gen_protons.fcl:45