6 tool_type:
9 NumSigma: [ 0, 0, 0 ] # ICARUS
default was [3,3,3].
11 ## ROI threshold settings based on tuning by J. Zennamo (SBN-doc-20825).
12 ## Previous defaults were [14,17,10] set in June 2020 to match updated hit thresholds.
13 ## NOTE: These are *not* thresholds on the absolute signal height, but on a running sum
14 ## within a local window of +/- 'NumBinsHalf' bins. The actual value used as the threshold
15 ## is then calculated based on these values and the raw RMS or electronics noise:
17 ## thresh = sqrt( NumBinsHalf*2 + 1 ) * ( NumSigma*noise + Threshold )
21 ## Number of bins to pad both ends of the ROI, based on tuning by J. Zennamo (SBN-doc-20825).
22 ## Previous defaults were [50,50] for all planes.
BEGIN_PROLOG true icarus_rawdigitfilter FilterTools FilterPlane1 Plane
BEGIN_PROLOG icarushit pmAlgKalmanTrackGaus pmAlgKalmanTrackICARUS pandoraKalmanTrackGaus pandoraKalmanTrackICARUS sequence::icarus_reco_mcrecoICARUS icarus_reco_producers rawdigitfilter icarus_reco_producers recowire icarus_reco_producers recowire NumSigma